lib/combine_pdf.rb in combine_pdf-0.1.4 vs lib/combine_pdf.rb in combine_pdf-0.1.5

- old
+ new

@@ -3,39 +3,23 @@ require 'zlib' require 'securerandom' require 'strscan' +#require the RC4 Gem +require 'rc4' + + load "combine_pdf/combine_pdf_operations.rb" load "combine_pdf/combine_pdf_basic_writer.rb" load "combine_pdf/combine_pdf_decrypt.rb" load "combine_pdf/combine_pdf_fonts.rb" load "combine_pdf/combine_pdf_filter.rb" load "combine_pdf/combine_pdf_parser.rb" load "combine_pdf/combine_pdf_pdf.rb" -# # will be removed one font support and font library is completed. -# require "combine_pdf/font_metrics/courier-bold_metrics.rb" -# require "combine_pdf/font_metrics/courier-boldoblique_metrics.rb" -# require "combine_pdf/font_metrics/courier-oblique_metrics.rb" -# require "combine_pdf/font_metrics/courier_metrics.rb" -# require "combine_pdf/font_metrics/helvetica-bold_metrics.rb" -# require "combine_pdf/font_metrics/helvetica-boldoblique_metrics.rb" -# require "combine_pdf/font_metrics/helvetica-oblique_metrics.rb" -# require "combine_pdf/font_metrics/helvetica_metrics.rb" -# require "combine_pdf/font_metrics/symbol_metrics.rb" -# require "combine_pdf/font_metrics/times-bold_metrics.rb" -# require "combine_pdf/font_metrics/times-bolditalic_metrics.rb" -# require "combine_pdf/font_metrics/times-italic_metrics.rb" -# require "combine_pdf/font_metrics/times-roman_metrics.rb" -# require "combine_pdf/font_metrics/zapfdingbats_metrics.rb" -# require "combine_pdf/font_metrics/metrics_dictionary.rb" - - - - # This is a pure ruby library to combine/merge, stmap/overlay and number PDF files - as well as to create tables (ment for indexing combined files). # # You can also use this library for writing basic text content into new or existing PDF files (For authoring new PDF files look at the Prawn ruby library). # # here is the most basic application for the library, a one-liner that combines the PDF files and saves them: @@ -312,17 +296,42 @@ # strings are String # names are Symbols (String.to_sym) # numbers are Fixnum or Float # boolean are TrueClass or FalseClass -## You can test performance with: -## puts Benchmark.measure { pdf =; "test.pdf" } # PDFEditor.new_pdf -## demo: file_name = "/Users/2Be/Ruby/pdfs/encrypted.pdf"; pdf=0; puts Benchmark.measure { pdf =; "test.pdf" } +## test performance with: +## puts Benchmark.measure { pdf =; "test.pdf" } # PDFEditor.new_pdf +## demo: file_name = "~/Ruby/pdfs/encrypted.pdf"; pdf=0; puts Benchmark.measure { pdf =; "test.pdf" } ## at the moment... my code it terribly slow for larger files... :( ## The file saving is solved (I hope)... but file loading is an issue. ## pdf.each_object {|obj| puts "Stream length: #{obj[:raw_stream_content].length} was registered as #{obj[:Length].is_a?(Hash)? obj[:Length][:referenced_object][:indirect_without_dictionary] : obj[:Length]}" if obj[:raw_stream_content] } ## pdf.objects.each {|obj| puts "#{}: #{obj[:indirect_reference_id]}, #{obj[:indirect_generation_number]} is: #{obj[:Type] || obj[:indirect_without_dictionary]}" } ## puts Benchmark.measure { 1000.times { (CombinePDF::PDFOperations.get_refernced_object pdf.objects, {indirect_reference_id: 100, indirect_generation_number:0}).object_id } } ## puts Benchmark.measure { 1000.times { ( {|o| o[:indirect_reference_id]== 100 && o[:indirect_generation_number] == 0})[0].object_id } } ## puts Benchmark.measure { {}.tap {|out| pdf.objects.each {|o| out[ [o[:indirect_reference_id], o[:indirect_generation_number] ] ] = o }} } - +## +#### local test for CombinePDF +## file = "/Users/2Be/Ruby/pdfs/encrypted.pdf" +## puts Benchmark.measure { 1000.times { pdf =; "test.pdf" } } +### gives : 2.540000 0.140000 2.680000 ( 2.696524) +## puts Benchmark.measure { pdf = ; 1000.times { pdf << } ; "test.pdf" } +### gives: 11.770000 0.090000 11.860000 ( 11.879411) #why the difference? NOT the object reference rebuilding... +### file size: 7Kb success +###### gives: 7.440000 0.100000 7.540000 ( 7.536460) (!!!) with draft file size 8kb +## +#### local test by pdftk +## pdftk_path = '/Users/2Be/Ruby/pdfs/pdftk_lib/bin/pdftk' +## file_array = [] +## 1000.times { file_array << file } +## puts Benchmark.measure { system ( pdftk_path + " '" + file_array.join("' '") + "' input_pw '' output 'test.pdf'" ) } +### gives: 0.000000 0.000000 3.250000 ( 3.244724) +### FAILS with no output, unwilling to decrypt. +###### gives: 0.000000 0.000000 2.640000 ( 2.661801) with draft file size 1.3MB (!!) +#### local test by pyton +## pyton_path = '/Users/2Be/Ruby/pdfs/pdftk_lib/' +## file_array = [] +## 1000.times { file_array << file } +## puts Benchmark.measure { system ( pyton_path + " -o 'test.pdf' '#{file_array.join "' '"}' " ) } +### gives 0.000000 0.000000 1.010000 ( 1.147135) +### file merge FAILS with 1,000 empty pages (undecrypted) +####### gives: 0.000000 0.000000 1.770000 ( 1.775513) with draft. file size 4.9MB (!!!)