lib/combine_pdf/renderer.rb in combine_pdf-0.2.14 vs lib/combine_pdf/renderer.rb in combine_pdf-0.2.15
- old
+ new
@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@
# object.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
if !object.match(/[^D\:\d\+\-\Z\']/) #if format is set to Literal
("(" + ([].tap {|out| object.bytes.each {|byte| STRING_REPLACEMENT_HASH[ byte.chr ] ? (STRING_REPLACEMENT_HASH[ byte.chr ].bytes.each {|b| out << b}) : out << byte } }).pack('C*') + ")").force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
# A hexadecimal string shall be written as a sequence of hexadecimal digits (0–9 and either A–F or a–f)
- # encoded as ASCII characters and enclosed within angle brackets (using LESS-THAN SIGN (3Ch) and GREATER- THAN SIGN (3Eh)).
+ # encoded as ASCII characters and enclosed within angle brackets (using LESS-THAN SIGN (3Ch) and GREATER- THAN SIGN (3Eh)).
("<" + object.unpack('H*')[0] + ">").force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
def format_name_to_pdf(object)
# a name object is an atomic symbol uniquely defined by a sequence of ANY characters (8-bit values) except null (character code 0).
@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@
def format_array_to_pdf(object)
# An array shall be written as a sequence of objects enclosed in SQUARE BRACKETS (using LEFT SQUARE BRACKET (5Bh) and RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET (5Dh)).
# EXAMPLE [549 3.14 false (Ralph) /SomeName]
("[" + (object.collect {|item| object_to_pdf(item)}).join(' ') + "]").force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
def format_hash_to_pdf(object)
# if the object is only a reference:
# special conditions apply, and there is only the setting of the reference (if needed) and output
@@ -131,9 +131,15 @@
def actual_object obj
obj.is_a?(Hash) ? (obj[:referenced_object] || obj) : obj
+ end
+ def actual_value obj
+ return obj unless obj.is_a?(Hash)
+ obj = obj[:referenced_object] || obj
+ obj[:indirect_without_dictionary] || obj
# Ruby normally assigns pointes.
# noramlly:
# a = [1,2,3] # => [1,2,3]