app/assets/javascripts/comable/admin/ in comable_backend-0.4.2 vs app/assets/javascripts/comable/admin/ in comable_backend-0.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,122 +1,76 @@
#= require jquery
+#= require jquery.turbolinks
#= require jquery_ujs
#= require jquery-ui
#= require bootstrap-sprockets
#= require raphael
#= require morris
-#= require pace/pace
+#= require nprogress
+#= require nprogress-turbolinks
#= require gritter
+#= require awesome_admin_layout
+#= require ace/ace
+#= require ace/worker-html
+#= require ace/mode-liquid
+#= require moment
+#= require bootstrap-datetimepicker
+#= require comable/admin/dispatcher
#= require_tree .
+#= require_self
+#= require turbolinks
-$( ->
- # ---
- # functions
- # ---
+# ---
+# variables
+# ---
- initialize_beforeunload_event = ->
- $form = $('form[method!="get"]')
- $form.change(->
- $(window).on('beforeunload', (event) ->
- # TODO: Install 'i18n-js' gem
- confirmation_message = 'The changes not saved. Are you sure you want to move from this page?'
- (event || window.event).returnValue = confirmation_message # for Gecko and Trident
- confirmation_message # for Gecko and WebKit
- )
- )
- $form.submit(->
- $(window).off('beforeunload')
- )
+# TODO: Install 'i18n-js' gem
+window.beforeunload_message = 'The changes not saved. Are you sure you want to move from this page?'
- initialize_vertical_navigation = ->
- $vnavigation = $('.vnavigation').find('ul')
+# ---
+# functions
+# ---
- $('.vnavigation ul li ul').each( ->
- $target_navitem = $(this).parent()
- $target_navitem.addClass('parent')
+add_beforeunload_event = ->
+ $form = $('form[method!="get"]')
+ $form.change(->
+ $(window).bind('beforeunload', ->
+ window.beforeunload_message
- $('.vnavigation ul li ul').each( ->
- $target_navitem_children = $(this).parent()
- $target_navitem_children.css(display: 'block')
- $target_navitem_children.parent().addClass('open')
+ $(document).on('page:before-change', ->
+ confirm(window.beforeunload_message)
+ )
+ remove_beforeunload_function = ->
+ $(window).unbind('beforeunload')
+ $(document).off('page:before-change')
+ $form.submit(remove_beforeunload_function)
+ $(document).on('page:change', remove_beforeunload_function)
- $vnavigation.delegate('.parent > a', 'click', (event) ->
- $target_navitem = $(this).parent()
- $target_navitem_children = $target_navitem.find('ul')
+window.add_fields = (_this, association, content) ->
+ new_id = new Date().getTime()
+ regexp = new RegExp('new_' + association, 'g')
+ $(_this).parent().before(content.replace(regexp, new_id))
- $vnavigation.find(' > ul').not($target_navitem_children).slideUp(300, 'swing', ->
- $target_navitem.removeClass('open')
- )
+# ---
+# main
+# ---
- $target_navitem_children.slideToggle(300, 'swing', ->
- $target_navitem.toggleClass('open')
- #$('#cl-wrapper .nscroller').nanoScroller(preventPageScrolling: true)
- )
+ add_beforeunload_event()
- event.preventDefault()
- )
+ $('.btn-file :file').change(->
+ $(this).closest('form').submit()
+ )
- initialize_comable_affix = ->
- $affix = $('#comable-affix')
- $affix_top = $affix.offset().top
- $affix.affix({
- offset: {
- top: ->
- if $affix.hasClass('affix-top')
- $affix_top - $('header').height() - 20
- else
- $affix_top
- }
- })
+ # datetimepicker setting
+ $('.datetimepicker').datetimepicker(format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm')
- resize_comable_affix = ->
- $affix = $('#comable-affix')
- $affix.css('width', $affix.parent().width())
- window.add_fields = (_this, association, content) ->
- new_id = new Date().getTime()
- regexp = new RegExp('new_' + association, 'g')
- $(_this).parent().before(content.replace(regexp, new_id))
- # ---
- # main
- # ---
- initialize_beforeunload_event()
- initialize_vertical_navigation()
- if $('#comable-affix').length != 0
- initialize_comable_affix()
- resize_comable_affix()
- $(window).on('resize', resize_comable_affix)
- $(document).on('change', '.btn-file :file', ->
- $(this).closest('form').submit()
- )
-# Place all the behaviors and hooks related to the matching controller here.
-# All this logic will automatically be available in application.js.
-# You can use CoffeeScript in this file:
-class @Search
- constructor: (@templates = {}) ->
- remove_fields: (button) ->
- $(button).closest('.fields').remove()
- add_fields: (button, type, content) ->
- new_id = new Date().getTime()
- regexp = new RegExp('new_' + type, 'g')
- $(button).before(content.replace(regexp, new_id))
- nest_fields: (button, type) ->
- new_id = new Date().getTime()
- id_regexp = new RegExp('new_' + type, 'g')
- template = @templates[type]
- object_name = $(button).closest('.fields').attr('data-object-name')
- sanitized_object_name = object_name.replace(/\]\[|[^-a-zA-Z0-9:.]/g, '_').replace(/_$/, '')
- template = template.replace(/new_object_name\[/g, object_name + "[")
- template = template.replace(/new_object_name_/, sanitized_object_name + '_')
- $(button).before(template.replace(id_regexp, new_id))
+ showSpinner: false,
+ ease: 'ease',
+ speed: 500,
+ parent: '#wrapper'