in coingecko_client-0.1.0 vs in coingecko_client-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
# CoingeckoClient
-Welcome to your new gem! In this directory, you'll find the files you need to be able to package up your Ruby library into a gem. Put your Ruby code in the file `lib/coingecko_client`. To experiment with that code, run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt.
+This is my first gem and the idea was to develop a super simple and lightweight client to connect with Coingecko API.
+Keep in mind that this is by no means the oficial gem from Coingecko, it is a pet project that I have interest in keeping it working!
+I published it with the methods that I need for another project, but I'll keep on adding more methods to interact with the rest of the API. Any comments, sugestions, Pull Requests, feel free to contact me.
-TODO: Delete this and the text above, and describe your gem
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
@@ -20,10 +20,87 @@
$ gem install coingecko_client
## Usage
-TODO: Write usage instructions here
+The available methods are:
+* Check if API is up:
+2.7.0 :026 >
+ => {"gecko_says"=>"(V3) To the Moon!"}
+* List coins
+List all supported coins id, name and symbol (no pagination required)
+2.7.0 :027 > list=CoingeckoClient::Client.coins_list
+2.7.0 :028 > list.count
+ => 7631
+2.7.0 :029 > list.first
+ => {"id"=>"01coin", "symbol"=>"zoc", "name"=>"01coin"}
+* Supported_vs_currencies<br>
+Get list of supported_vs_currencies.
+2.7.0 :002 > list = CoingeckoClient::Client.supported_vs_currencies
+2.7.0 :003 > list.count
+ => 55
+2.7.0 :004 > list.first
+ => "btc"
+* Current price <br>
+Get the current price of any cryptocurrencies in any other supported currencies that you need.
+For example:
+2.7.0 :016 > CoingeckoClient::Client.price('bitcoin','usd')
+ => 9246.4
+* Historical market data
+To get the historical market data(price, market cap and trade volume) of a given coin, you would use:<br>
+Coingecko's note about this API call: Minutely data will be used for duration within 1 day, Hourly data will be used for duration between 1 day and 90 days, Daily data will be used for duration above 90 days.
+ </sub></strong>
+For example:
+ => {"prices"=>[[1593511281310, 9161.947854845832], ..., [1594113061000, 9247.986673179646]], market_caps"=>[[1593511281310, 168752424140.90503], ..., [...,...]], , "total_volumes"=>[[...]]}
+* Market data from coins: <br>
+Use this to obtain all the coins market data (price, market cap, volume)
+2.7.0 :019 > CoingeckoClient::Client.coins_market(currency: 'usd',ids_list:['maker'], price_change_percentage:'7d' )
+=> [{"id"=>"maker", "symbol"=>"mkr", "name"=>"Maker", "image"=>"", "current_price"=>465.65, "market_cap"=>419598650, "market_cap_rank"=>30, "total_volume"=>11790566, "high_24h"=>487.76, "low_24h"=>464.65, "price_change_24h"=>-3.61639711, "price_change_percentage_24h"=>-0.77064, "market_cap_change_24h"=>-3408068.16243178, "market_cap_change_percentage_24h"=>-0.80568, "circulating_supply"=>902019.8121058022, "total_supply"=>1005576.0, "ath"=>1798.7, "ath_change_percentage"=>-74.14012, "ath_date"=>"2018-01-20T00:00:00.000Z", "atl"=>168.36, "atl_change_percentage"=>176.28269, "atl_date"=>"2020-03-16T20:52:36.527Z", "roi"=>nil, "last_updated"=>"2020-07-07T09:33:19.687Z", "price_change_percentage_7d_in_currency"=>2.802621306390991}]
+* List exchanges <br>
+List all exchanges <br>
+<sub>Default value:: 100</sub>
+2.7.0 :030 > list=CoingeckoClient::Client.list_exchanges
+2.7.0 :031 > list.count
+ => 100
+2.7.0 :032 > list.first
+ => {"id"=>"binance", "name"=>"Binance", "year_established"=>2017, "country"=>"Cayman Islands", "description"=>"", "url"=>"", "image"
+=>"", "has_trading_incentive"=>false, "trust_score"=>10, "trust_score_rank"=>1, "t
+rade_volume_24h_btc"=>202207.8584274921, "trade_volume_24h_btc_normalized"=>202207.8584274921}
## Development
After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.