lib/coderunner/instance_methods.rb in coderunner-0.17.10 vs lib/coderunner/instance_methods.rb in coderunner-0.17.11
- old
+ new
@@ -1094,128 +1094,131 @@
SUBMIT_OPTIONS.each do |option|
set(option, options[option]) if options.keys.include? option
Dir.chdir(@root_folder) do
- @skip=skip
- mess = false
- while FileTest.exist?("submitting")
- (eputs " Waiting for another process to finish submitting. If you know that no other CodeRunner processes are submitting in this folder (#@root_folder) then delete the file 'submitting' and try again"; mess = true) unless mess
- sleep rand
- end
-# old_trap = trap(0)
- #old_trap0 = trap(0){eputs "Aborted Submit (0)!"; File.delete("#@root_folder/submitting"); exit!}
- old_trap2 = trap(2){eputs "Aborted Submit (2)!"; File.delete("#@root_folder/submitting") if FileTest.exist? "#@root_folder/submitting"; trap(2, "DEFAULT"); trap(0, "DEFAULT"); Process.kill(2, 0)}
- #"submitting", "w"){|file| file.puts ""}
- FileUtils.touch("submitting")
- unless options[:no_update_before_submit]
- @use_large_cache, ulc = false, @use_large_cache; update; @use_large_cache = ulc
- end
- generate_combined_ids(:real)
-# old_job_nos = queue_status.scan(/^\s*(\d+)/).map{|match| match[0].to_i}
- script = "" if options[:job_chain]
- runs.each_with_index do |run, index|
- similar = similar_runs([], run)
- if @skip and similar[0] and not (options[:replace_existing] or options[:rerun])
- eputs "Found similar run: #{@run_list[similar[0]].run_name}"
- eputs "Skipping submission..."
- runs[index] = nil
- next
- end
- unless options[:replace_existing] or options[:rerun]
- @max_id+=1
- = @max_id
- else
- if options[:replace_existing]
- FileUtils.rm_r
- elsif options[:rerun]
- ################# For backwards compatibility
- SUBMIT_OPTIONS.each do |opt|
- run.set(opt, send(opt)) unless run.send(opt)
- end
- ###########################################
- FileUtils.rm "#{}/code_runner_results.rb"
- FileUtils.rm "#{}/.code_runner_run_data"
- end
- @run_list.delete(
- @ids.delete
- generate_combined_ids
- end
+ begin
+ @skip=skip
+ mess = false
+ while FileTest.exist?("submitting")
+ (eputs " Waiting for another process to finish submitting. If you know that no other CodeRunner processes are submitting in this folder (#@root_folder) then delete the file 'submitting' and try again"; mess = true) unless mess
+ sleep rand
+ end
+ # old_trap = trap(0)
+ #old_trap0 = trap(0){eputs "Aborted Submit (0)!"; File.delete("#@root_folder/submitting"); exit!}
+ old_trap2 = trap(2){eputs "Aborted Submit (2)!"; File.delete("#@root_folder/submitting") if FileTest.exist? "#@root_folder/submitting"; trap(2, "DEFAULT"); trap(0, "DEFAULT"); Process.kill(2, 0)}
+ #"submitting", "w"){|file| file.puts ""}
+ FileUtils.touch("submitting")
+ unless options[:no_update_before_submit]
+ @use_large_cache, ulc = false, @use_large_cache; update; @use_large_cache = ulc
+ end
+ generate_combined_ids(:real)
+ # old_job_nos = queue_status.scan(/^\s*(\d+)/).map{|match| match[0].to_i}
+ script = "" if options[:job_chain]
+ runs.each_with_index do |run, index|
+ similar = similar_runs([], run)
+ if @skip and similar[0] and not (options[:replace_existing] or options[:rerun])
+ eputs "Found similar run: #{@run_list[similar[0]].run_name}"
+ eputs "Skipping submission..."
+ runs[index] = nil
+ next
+ end
+ unless options[:replace_existing] or options[:rerun]
+ @max_id+=1
+ = @max_id
+ else
+ if options[:replace_existing]
+ FileUtils.rm_r
+ elsif options[:rerun]
+ ################# For backwards compatibility
+ SUBMIT_OPTIONS.each do |opt|
+ run.set(opt, send(opt)) unless run.send(opt)
+ end
+ ###########################################
+ FileUtils.rm "#{}/code_runner_results.rb"
+ FileUtils.rm "#{}/.code_runner_run_data"
+ end
+ @run_list.delete(
+ @ids.delete
+ generate_combined_ids
+ end
- begin
- unless options[:job_chain]
- run.prepare_submission unless options[:rerun]
- next if @test_submission
- Dir.chdir( do
- old_job_nos = queue_status.scan(/^\s*(\d+)/).map{|match| match[0].to_i}
- ######################### The big tomale!
- run.job_no = run.execute # Start the simulation and get the job_number
- #########################
- run.job_no = get_new_job_no(old_job_nos) unless run.job_no.kind_of? Integer # (if the execute command does not return the job number, look for it manually)
-# eputs 'run.job_no', run.job_no
- run.output_file = nil # reset the output file
- run.output_file # Sets the output_file on first call
- run.error_file = nil # reset the output file
- run.error_file # Sets the error_file on first call
- run.write_info
- eputs "Submitted run: #{run.run_name}"
- end
- else
- run.prepare_submission unless options[:rerun]
- script << "cd #{}\n"
- script << "#{run.run_command}\n"
- next if @test_submission
- end
- rescue => err
- File.delete("submitting")
- raise(err)
- end
- end # runs.each
- runs.compact!
- if options[:job_chain] and not @test_submission and runs.size > 0
- FileUtils.makedirs('job_chain_files')
- @id_list ={|run|}
- #@executable ||= runs[0].executable
- @submission_script = script
- # A hook... default is to do nothing
- @submission_script = @run_class.modify_job_script(self, runs, @submission_script)
- # To get out of job_chain_files folder
- @submission_script = "cd .. \n" + @submission_script
- @code_run_environment = runs[0].code_run_environment
- old_job_nos = queue_status.scan(/^\s*(\d+)/).map{|match| match[0].to_i}
- ################ Submit the run
- Dir.chdir('job_chain_files'){job_no = execute}
- ################
- job_no = get_new_job_no(old_job_nos) unless job_no.kind_of? Integer # (if the execute command does not return the job number, look for it manually)
-# eputs 'jobchain no', job_no
- #runs.each{|run| run.job_no = job_no}
- runs.each do |run|
- run.job_no = @job_no = job_no
- run.output_file = run.relative_directory.split("/").map{|d| ".."}.join("/") + "/job_chain_files/" + output_file
- run.error_file = run.relative_directory.split("/").map{|d| ".."}.join("/") + "/job_chain_files/" + error_file
- run.write_info
- eputs "Submitted run: #{run.run_name}"
- end
- end
- @write_status_dots, wsd = false, @write_status_dots
- @run_class.update_status(self)
- runs.each do |run|
-# ep, run_list.keys
- Dir.chdir({traverse_directories}
- end
- if is_in_repo? @root_folder and not @test_submission
+ begin
+ unless options[:job_chain]
+ run.prepare_submission unless options[:rerun]
+ next if @test_submission
+ Dir.chdir( do
+ old_job_nos = queue_status.scan(/^\s*(\d+)/).map{|match| match[0].to_i}
+ ######################### The big tomale!
+ run.job_no = run.execute # Start the simulation and get the job_number
+ #########################
+ run.job_no = get_new_job_no(old_job_nos) unless run.job_no.kind_of? Integer # (if the execute command does not return the job number, look for it manually)
+ # eputs 'run.job_no', run.job_no
+ run.output_file = nil # reset the output file
+ run.output_file # Sets the output_file on first call
+ run.error_file = nil # reset the output file
+ run.error_file # Sets the error_file on first call
+ run.write_info
+ eputs "Submitted run: #{run.run_name}"
+ end
+ else
+ run.prepare_submission unless options[:rerun]
+ script << "cd #{}\n"
+ script << "#{run.run_command}\n"
+ next if @test_submission
+ end
+ rescue => err
+ File.delete("submitting")
+ raise(err)
+ end
+ end # runs.each
+ runs.compact!
+ if options[:job_chain] and not @test_submission and runs.size > 0
+ FileUtils.makedirs('job_chain_files')
+ @id_list ={|run|}
+ #@executable ||= runs[0].executable
+ @submission_script = script
+ # A hook... default is to do nothing
+ @submission_script = @run_class.modify_job_script(self, runs, @submission_script)
+ # To get out of job_chain_files folder
+ @submission_script = "cd .. \n" + @submission_script
+ @code_run_environment = runs[0].code_run_environment
+ old_job_nos = queue_status.scan(/^\s*(\d+)/).map{|match| match[0].to_i}
+ ################ Submit the run
+ Dir.chdir('job_chain_files'){job_no = execute}
+ ################
+ job_no = get_new_job_no(old_job_nos) unless job_no.kind_of? Integer # (if the execute command does not return the job number, look for it manually)
+ # eputs 'jobchain no', job_no
+ #runs.each{|run| run.job_no = job_no}
+ runs.each do |run|
+ run.job_no = @job_no = job_no
+ run.output_file = run.relative_directory.split("/").map{|d| ".."}.join("/") + "/job_chain_files/" + output_file
+ run.error_file = run.relative_directory.split("/").map{|d| ".."}.join("/") + "/job_chain_files/" + error_file
+ run.write_info
+ eputs "Submitted run: #{run.run_name}"
+ end
+ end
+ @write_status_dots, wsd = false, @write_status_dots
+ @run_class.update_status(self)
runs.each do |run|
- Dir.chdir({run.add_to_repo}
+ # ep, run_list.keys
+ Dir.chdir({traverse_directories}
- end
- @write_status_dots = wsd
- save_large_cache
- File.delete("submitting")
+ if is_in_repo? @root_folder and not @test_submission
+ runs.each do |run|
+ Dir.chdir({run.add_to_repo}
+ end
+ end
+ @write_status_dots = wsd
+ save_large_cache
+ File.delete("submitting")
+ ensure
#trap(0, old_trap0)
- trap(2, old_trap2)
+ trap(2, old_trap2)
+ end
end # Dir.chdir(@root_folder)
# eputs
#ep 'runs submitted', outruns