lib/coderunner/graphs_and_films.rb in coderunner-0.15.6 vs lib/coderunner/graphs_and_films.rb in coderunner-0.15.7
- old
+ new
@@ -623,11 +623,11 @@
g.instance_eval options[:graphkit_modify] if options[:graphkit_modify]
# p g; exit
- g.title += sprintf(", frame %0#{fd}d", frame_index) unless options[:frame_title] == false
+ g.title = (g.title||"") + sprintf(", frame %0#{fd}d", frame_index) unless options[:frame_title] == false
# folder = ("film_frames/");
# file_name = sprintf("frame_%0#{fd}d", actual_frames[frame_index])
# g.gnuplot; gets; g.close
# ep folder + file_name + '.png'; gets
# g.gnuplot_write(folder + file_name + extension)
@@ -651,83 +651,34 @@
def self.film_graphkit_frame_array(graphkit_frame_array, options)
possible_options = [:frame_array, :fa, :skip_frames, :sf, :normalize, :n, :normalize_pieces, :np, :increment, :i, :skip_encoding, :se, :frame_rate, :fr, :size]
# fa = (options[:frame_array] or options[:fa] or list[0][0].run_list[list[0][0].filtered_ids[0]].frame_array(options) )
fd = frame_digits = options[:fd]||Math.log10({|f, g| f}.max).ceil
+ fd = 8 if options[:concatenate]
extension = (options[:extension] or options[:ext] or '.png')
extension = '.' + extension unless extension =~ /^\./
unless options[:skip_frames] or options[:sf]
- FileUtils.rm_r('film_frames') if FileTest.exist?('film_frames')
+ FileUtils.rm_r('film_frames') if FileTest.exist?('film_frames') and not options[:concatenate]
-# puts @@multiple_processes; gets
no_forks = (@@multiple_processes or 1)
ep @@multiple_processes, no_forks
-# end_graphkit = graphkit_multiple_runners(list, frame_index: fa[1])
-# begin_graphkit = graphkit_multiple_runners(list, frame_index: fa[0])
-# end_area = end_graphkit.plot_area_size
-# begin_area = begin_graphkit.plot_area_size
-# p end_area, begin_area, options
-# plot_size = {}
-# axes = [:x, :y, :z]
-# options[:normalize] ||= options[:nm]
-# options[:normalize_pieces] ||= options[:nmp]
-# for i in 0...end_area.size
-# next unless options[:normalize] and options[:normalize].include? axes[i]
-# min = [end_area[i][0], begin_area[i][0]].min
-# max = [end_area[i][1], begin_area[i][1]].max
-# key = axes[i]
-# plot_size[key + :range] = [min, max]
-# end
-# ep plot_size
-# exit
-# frames = []
-# actual_frames = {}
-# i = fa[0]
-# j = 0
-# while i <= fa[1]
-# frames.push i
-# actual_frames[i] = j
-# i += (options[:ic] or options[:increment] or 1)
-# j += 1
-# end
i = 0
+ if options[:concatenate] and (ents = Dir.entries('film_frames').grep(/frame_/)).size > 0
+ i ={|fn| fn.gsub(/\D/, '').to_i}.max + 1
+ end
actual_frames ={|f, g| f}.inject({}){|hash, f| hash[f] = i; i+=1; hash}
graphkit_frame_array.pieces(no_forks).each_with_index do |graphkit_frame_array_piece, myrank|
fork do
-# if options[:normalize_pieces]
-# end_area = graphkit_multiple_runners(list, frame_index: piece.max).plot_area_size
-# begin_area = graphkit_multiple_runners(list, frame_index: piece.min).plot_area_size
-# axes = [:x, :y, :z]
-# for i in 0...end_area.size
-# next unless options[:normalize_pieces].include? axes[i]
-# min = [end_area[i][0], begin_area[i][0]].min
-# max = [end_area[i][1], begin_area[i][1]].max
-# key = axes[i]
-# plot_size[key + :range] = [min, max]
-# end
-# end
-# eputs 'making graphs...'; sleep 1
-# graph_array = graphkit_multiple_runners_with_frame_array(piece, list, myrank==0)
-# # ep graph_array
-# eputs
graphkit_frame_array_piece.each_with_index do |(frame_index,g), pindex|
if myrank == 0
eputs "\033[2A" # Terminal jargon - go back one line
eputs sprintf("Plotting graphs: %2.2f", pindex.to_f/graphkit_frame_array_piece.size.to_f * 100.0) + "% Complete"
-# g = graph_kit_multiple_runners(list, plot_size + {frame_index: frame_index})
-# g.modify(plot_size)
-# g.modify(options)
-# p g; exit
-# g.title += sprintf(", frame %0#{fd}d", frame_index) unless options[:frame_title] == false
folder = ("film_frames/");
file_name = sprintf("frame_%0#{fd}d", actual_frames[frame_index])
-# g.gnuplot; gets; g.close
-# ep folder + file_name + '.png'; gets
g.gnuplot_write(folder + file_name + extension, size: options[:size])
eputs "Waiting on subprocesses..."