lib/coderunner/class_methods.rb in coderunner-0.14.23 vs lib/coderunner/class_methods.rb in coderunner-0.14.24
- old
+ new
@@ -1,948 +1,950 @@
class CodeRunner
- # In the next section are the implementations of all the standard Code Runner commands and some helper functions.
- def self.set_runner_defaults(copts = {})
- (DEFAULT_RUNNER_OPTIONS.keys - [:sys, :script_folder]).each do |var|
- end
- set_class_defaults(copts)
- end
- def self.set_class_defaults(copts={})
- (CLASS_OPTIONS.keys - []).each do |var|
- CLASS_OPTIONS[var] = copts[LONG_TO_SHORT[var]]
- set(var, CLASS_OPTIONS[var])
- end
- end
- # List the available modlets for the given code (copts[:C] or -C on the command line).
- def self.available_modlets(copts={})
- process_command_options(copts)
- puts "\nAvailable modlets for #{copts[:C]}:"
- entries = []
- begin
- entries += Dir.entries(SCRIPT_FOLDER + "/code_modules/#{copts[:C]}/my_modlets")
- rescue
- end
- begin
- entries += Dir.entries(SCRIPT_FOLDER + "/code_modules/#{copts[:C]}/default_modlets")
- rescue
- end
- entries.each do |modlet|
- puts "\t" + File.basename(modlet, '.rb') unless ['.', '..', '.svn', '.directory'].include? modlet or modlet=~ /defaults/
- end
- end
- # List the available defaults files for the given code (copts[:C] or -C on the command line).
- def self.available_defaults_files(copts={})
- process_command_options(copts)
- entries = []
- #begin
- ##entries += Dir.entries(SCRIPT_FOLDER + "/code_modules/#{copts[:C]}/my_defaults_files")
- #entries +=
- #rescue
- #end
- #begin
- #run_class = setup_run_class(copts[:C], modlet: copts[:m])
- rc = run_class(copts)
- entries = [rc.rcp.user_defaults_location, rc.rcp.code_module_folder + "/defaults_files"].map{|folder| Dir.entries(folder).grep(/_defaults\.rb$/) rescue []}.sum
- #entries += Dir.entries(SCRIPT_FOLDER + "/code_modules/#{copts[:C]}/defaults_files")
- #entries += Dir.entries(SCRIPT_FOLDER + "/code_modules/#{copts[:C]}/defaults_files")
- #rescue
- #end
- puts "\nAvailable defaults files for #{copts[:C]}:"
- entries.each do |defaults_file|
- #puts "\t" + File.basename(defaults_file, '.rb').sub(/_defaults/, '') unless ['.', '..', '.svn', '.directory'].include? defaults_file
- puts "\t" + File.basename(defaults_file, '.rb').sub(/_defaults/, '')
- end
- end
- # Cancel the job with the given id. The user is asked interactively for confirmation and whether they would like to delete the folder for that job as well.
- def self.cancel(id, copts={})
- runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- runner.cancel_job(id.to_i)
- end
- def self.continue_in_new_folder(folder, copts={})
- runner=fetch_runner(copts)
- options = {}
- if copts[:f] or copts[:j]
- options[:copy_ids] = runner.filtered_ids
- end
- runner.continue_in_new_folder(folder, options)
- end
+ # In the next section are the implementations of all the standard Code Runner commands and some helper functions.
+ def self.set_runner_defaults(copts = {})
+ (DEFAULT_RUNNER_OPTIONS.keys - [:sys, :script_folder]).each do |var|
+ end
+ set_class_defaults(copts)
+ end
+ def self.set_class_defaults(copts={})
+ (CLASS_OPTIONS.keys - []).each do |var|
+ CLASS_OPTIONS[var] = copts[LONG_TO_SHORT[var]]
+ set(var, CLASS_OPTIONS[var])
+ end
+ end
+ # List the available modlets for the given code (copts[:C] or -C on the command line).
+ def self.available_modlets(copts={})
+ process_command_options(copts)
+ puts "\nAvailable modlets for #{copts[:C]}:"
+ entries = []
+ begin
+ entries += Dir.entries(SCRIPT_FOLDER + "/code_modules/#{copts[:C]}/my_modlets")
+ rescue
+ end
+ begin
+ entries += Dir.entries(SCRIPT_FOLDER + "/code_modules/#{copts[:C]}/default_modlets")
+ rescue
+ end
+ entries.each do |modlet|
+ puts "\t" + File.basename(modlet, '.rb') unless ['.', '..', '.svn', '.directory'].include? modlet or modlet=~ /defaults/
+ end
+ end
+ # List the available defaults files for the given code (copts[:C] or -C on the command line).
+ def self.available_defaults_files(copts={})
+ process_command_options(copts)
+ entries = []
+ #begin
+ ##entries += Dir.entries(SCRIPT_FOLDER + "/code_modules/#{copts[:C]}/my_defaults_files")
+ #entries +=
+ #rescue
+ #end
+ #begin
+ #run_class = setup_run_class(copts[:C], modlet: copts[:m])
+ rc = run_class(copts)
+ entries = [rc.rcp.user_defaults_location, rc.rcp.code_module_folder + "/defaults_files"].map{|folder| Dir.entries(folder).grep(/_defaults\.rb$/) rescue []}.sum
+ #entries += Dir.entries(SCRIPT_FOLDER + "/code_modules/#{copts[:C]}/defaults_files")
+ #entries += Dir.entries(SCRIPT_FOLDER + "/code_modules/#{copts[:C]}/defaults_files")
+ #rescue
+ #end
+ puts "\nAvailable defaults files for #{copts[:C]}:"
+ entries.each do |defaults_file|
+ #puts "\t" + File.basename(defaults_file, '.rb').sub(/_defaults/, '') unless ['.', '..', '.svn', '.directory'].include? defaults_file
+ puts "\t" + File.basename(defaults_file, '.rb').sub(/_defaults/, '')
+ end
+ end
+ # Cancel the job with the given id. The user is asked interactively for confirmation and whether they would like to delete the folder for that job as well.
+ def self.cancel(id, copts={})
+ runner = fetch_runner(copts)
+ runner.cancel_job(id.to_i)
+ end
+ def self.continue_in_new_folder(folder, copts={})
+ runner=fetch_runner(copts)
+ options = {}
+ if copts[:f] or copts[:j]
+ options[:copy_ids] = runner.filtered_ids
+ end
+ runner.continue_in_new_folder(folder, options)
+ end
# This section defines the report report writing function in. The latex header is defined in run.rb. It is a run method and can be redefined in a particular CRMOD.
# The function is simply called as follows:
- #
+ #
# interactively: wr j:<run no.>
# command line: coderunner write_report -j <run no>
# The requirements to use this function are:
# 1. pdflatex version 2014 or higher
# 2. gnuplot
# 3. ability to write eps graphs
- # The graphs which are written out to the PDF are read in from a given CRMOD. It should be defined in the main .rb file for the CRMOD, e.g. gs2.rb.
+ # The graphs which are written out to the PDF are read in from a given CRMOD. It should be defined in the main .rb file for the CRMOD, e.g. gs2.rb.
# As seen below, this function should be called 'latex_graphs'. To see an example of what this function should look like see GS2CRMOD, but it is simply an array of graphkits
# and latex code blocks which describe plots.
def self.write_report(copts={})
runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- runs ={|id| runner.combined_run_list[id]}
+ runs ={|id| runner.combined_run_list[id]}
#Loop through the runs and write a latex file for each
runs.each do |r|
Dir.chdir(runner.root_folder) do
Dir.chdir("run_docs/id_#{}") do"summary.tex", 'w') do |file|
- file.puts r.latex_report_header
+ file.puts r.latex_report_header
file.puts <<-EOF.gsub(/^ {14}/, "")
#Need to call some methods here which reads the graphs we want from gs2crmod, generates the graphs
#then generates the latex code to display graphs.
latex_code = r.latex_graphs.inject("") do |tmp_latex_code, (kit, latexstring)|
kit.gnuplot_write(kit.file_name) #write the graph
- tmp_latex_code += "\\item " + latexstring + " \n\n\\newfig{#{kit.file_name}}"
+ tmp_latex_code += "\\item " + latexstring + " \n\n\\newfig{#{kit.file_name}}"
tmp_latex_code += "\n\n"
file.puts <<-EOF.gsub(/^ {14}/, "")
end #file write
- system "pdflatex summary.tex"
+ system "pdflatex summary.tex"
end #chdir
- end # run loop
+ end # run loop
- def self.delete(copts={})
- runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- runner.destroy
- end
- def self.differences_between(copts = {})
- runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- runs ={|id| runner.combined_run_list[id]}
- rcp_fetcher = (runs[0] || runner.run_class).rcp
- vars = rcp_fetcher.variables.dup + rcp_fetcher.run_info.dup
- vars.delete_if{|var|{|r| r.send(var)}.uniq.size == 1}
- vars.delete :id
- vars.delete :run_name
- vars.delete :output_file
- vars.delete :error_file
- vars.delete :executable
- vars.delete :comment
- vars.delete :naming_pars
- vars.delete :parameter_hash
- vars.unshift :id
- #vars.push 'File.basename(executable)'
- table ={|var| [var] +{|r| str = r.instance_eval(var.to_s).to_s; str.size>10?str[0..9]:str} }
- #vars[-1] = 'exec'
- col_widths ={|row|{|v| v.to_s.size}}.inject{|o,n|{|a| a.max}}
- eputs
- table.each{|row| i=0; eputs{|v| str = sprintf(" %#{col_widths[i]}s ", v.to_s); i+=1; str}.join('|'); eputs '-' * (col_widths.sum + col_widths.size*3 - 1) }
- #p table, col_widths
- end
- def self.dumb_film(copts = {})
-# process_copts(copts)
- #old_term = GraphKit::GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_TERM
- size = Terminal.terminal_size
- size[0] -= 2
- term = "dumb #{size.reverse.join(' ')}"
- string = "\n" * size[0]
+ def self.delete(copts={})
+ runner = fetch_runner(copts)
+ runner.destroy
+ end
+ def self.differences_between(copts = {})
+ runner = fetch_runner(copts)
+ runs ={|id| runner.combined_run_list[id]}
+ rcp_fetcher = (runs[0] || runner.run_class).rcp
+ vars = rcp_fetcher.variables.dup + rcp_fetcher.run_info.dup
+ vars.delete_if{|var|{|r| r.send(var)}.uniq.size == 1}
+ vars.delete :id
+ vars.delete :run_name
+ vars.delete :output_file
+ vars.delete :error_file
+ vars.delete :executable
+ vars.delete :comment
+ vars.delete :naming_pars
+ vars.delete :parameter_hash
+ vars.unshift :id
+ #vars.push 'File.basename(executable)'
+ table ={|var| [var] +{|r| str = r.instance_eval(var.to_s).to_s; str.size>10?str[0..9]:str} }
+ #vars[-1] = 'exec'
+ col_widths ={|row|{|v| v.to_s.size}}.inject{|o,n|{|a| a.max}}
+ eputs
+ table.each{|row| i=0; eputs{|v| str = sprintf(" %#{col_widths[i]}s ", v.to_s); i+=1; str}.join('|'); eputs '-' * (col_widths.sum + col_widths.size*3 - 1) }
+ #p table, col_widths
+ end
- runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- string_to_eval = copts[:w]
- frame_array = copts[:F][:frame_array] || copts[:F][:fa]
- index_name = copts[:F][:index_name] || copts[:F][:in]
- #options = (options and options =~ /\S/) ? eval(options): {}
- puts string
- for index in frame_array[0]..frame_array[1]
- string.true_lines.times{print "\033[A"}
- kit = runner.graphkit_from_lists(copts[:G], copts[:g], index_name => index)
+ def self.dumb_film(copts = {})
+# process_copts(copts)
+ #old_term = GraphKit::GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_TERM
+ size = Terminal.terminal_size
+ size[0] -= 2
+ term = "dumb #{size.reverse.join(' ')}"
+ string = "\n" * size[0]
+ runner = fetch_runner(copts)
+ string_to_eval = copts[:w]
+ frame_array = copts[:F][:frame_array] || copts[:F][:fa]
+ index_name = copts[:F][:index_name] || copts[:F][:in]
+ #options = (options and options =~ /\S/) ? eval(options): {}
+ puts string
+ for index in frame_array[0]..frame_array[1]
+ string.true_lines.times{print "\033[A"}
+ kit = runner.graphkit_from_lists(copts[:G], copts[:g], index_name => index) = term
- kit.gnuplot(eval: string_to_eval)
- sleep(copts[:F][:fr] ? 1.0/copts[:F][:fr] : 0.1)
- end
- end
-# def self.executable_name # :nodoc:
-# ""
-# end
-# def self.rcp # :nodoc:
-# @rcp ||=
-# end
- def self.netcdf_plot(netcdf_file, vars, indices, copts={})
- process_command_options(copts)
- begin
- require "numru/netcdf"
- rescue LoadError
- eputs "Error: No Ruby NetCDF library (was it installed correctly?): data analysis for netcdf files not possible."
- return
- end
- start_indices = indices.split(',').map{|idx| idx = idx.split(':')[0] if idx =~ /:/ ; eval(idx) || 0}
- end_indices = indices.split(',').map{|idx| idx = idx.split(':')[1] if idx =~ /:/ ; eval(idx) || -1}
- ep 'start_indices', start_indices, 'end_indices', end_indices
- file =
- to_plot = vars.split(',').map do |var|
- ep 'var', var
- [file.var(var).get('start'=> start_indices, 'end'=> end_indices).to_a.flatten]
- end
- ep 'to_plot', to_plot
- kit = GraphKit.quick_create(*to_plot)
- ep 'copts', copts
- kit.instance_eval(copts[:w]) if copts[:w]
- kit.gnuplot
- STDIN.gets
- kit.close
- end
+ kit.gnuplot(eval: string_to_eval)
+ sleep(copts[:F][:fr] ? 1.0/copts[:F][:fr] : 0.1)
+ end
+ end
+# def self.executable_name # :nodoc:
+# ""
+# end
+# def self.rcp # :nodoc:
+# @rcp ||=
+# end
+ def self.netcdf_plot(netcdf_file, vars, indices, copts={})
+ process_command_options(copts)
+ begin
+ require "numru/netcdf"
+ rescue LoadError
+ eputs "Error: No Ruby NetCDF library (was it installed correctly?): data analysis for netcdf files not possible."
+ return
+ end
+ start_indices = indices.split(',').map{|idx| idx = idx.split(':')[0] if idx =~ /:/ ; eval(idx) || 0}
+ end_indices = indices.split(',').map{|idx| idx = idx.split(':')[1] if idx =~ /:/ ; eval(idx) || -1}
+ ep 'start_indices', start_indices, 'end_indices', end_indices
+ file =
+ to_plot = vars.split(',').map do |var|
+ ep 'var', var
+ [file.var(var).get('start'=> start_indices, 'end'=> end_indices).to_a.flatten]
+ end
+ ep 'to_plot', to_plot
+ kit = GraphKit.quick_create(*to_plot)
+ ep 'copts', copts
+ kit.instance_eval(copts[:w]) if copts[:w]
+ kit.gnuplot
+ STDIN.gets
+ kit.close
+ end
- def self.print_queue_status(copts={})
- begin
- eputs queue_status
- rescue => err
- eputs "General queue status doesn't work on this system; showing queue status for this folder"
-# p err
- runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- eputs runner.queue_status
- end
- end
- def self.reference(class_or_method, copts={})
- code_folders = Dir.recursive_entries(SCRIPT_FOLDER + '/code_modules').grep(/\/ri$/).map{|fold| ['-d', fold]}.flatten
-# ep code_folders
-# require 'rdoc/ri/driver'
+ def self.print_queue_status(copts={})
+ begin
+ eputs queue_status
+ rescue => _err
+ eputs "General queue status doesn't work on this system; showing queue status for this folder"
+# p err
+ runner = fetch_runner(copts)
+ eputs runner.queue_status
+ end
+ end
+ def self.reference(class_or_method, copts={})
+ code_folders = Dir.recursive_entries(SCRIPT_FOLDER + '/code_modules').grep(/\/ri$/).map{|fold| ['-d', fold]}.flatten
+# ep code_folders
+# require 'rdoc/ri/driver'
# "
-# op = @ri_count ? [] : (@ri_count = true; ['--no-use-cache'])
-# trap(1){puts 'No help available'}
-# at_exit{raise ""}
-# p op
- begin
- eputs "Looking up #{class_or_method}"
- ['-d', SCRIPT_FOLDER + '/ri', class_or_method.to_s] + code_folders
- rescue => err
- eputs "Unknown class or method or no help available: #{err}"
- end
-# trap(1){}
- end
+# op = @ri_count ? [] : (@ri_count = true; ['--no-use-cache'])
+# trap(1){puts 'No help available'}
+# at_exit{raise ""}
+# p op
+ begin
+ eputs "Looking up #{class_or_method}"
+ ['-d', SCRIPT_FOLDER + '/ri', class_or_method.to_s] + code_folders
+ rescue => err
+ eputs "Unknown class or method or no help available: #{err}"
+ end
+# trap(1){}
+ end
- def, copts={})
- runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- puts runner.run_list[id.to_i].directory
- end
- def{})
- runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- copts[:F][:graphkit_modify] = copts[:w]
- runner.make_film_from_lists(copts[:G], copts[:g], copts[:F])
- end
- def self.generate_documentation(username = nil, copts = {})
- ep 'username', username||=ENV['USER']
- ####### Here we use the command line documentation to generate a fake ruby file that rdoc will understand.
-"class_methods_rdoc.rb", 'w') do |file|
- file.puts <<EOF
+ def, copts={})
+ runner = fetch_runner(copts)
+ puts runner.run_list[id.to_i].directory
+ end
+ def{})
+ runner = fetch_runner(copts)
+ copts[:F][:graphkit_modify] = copts[:w]
+ runner.make_film_from_lists(copts[:G], copts[:g], copts[:F])
+ end
+ def self.generate_documentation(username = nil, copts = {})
+ ep 'username', username||=ENV['USER']
+ ####### Here we use the command line documentation to generate a fake ruby file that rdoc will understand.
+"class_methods_rdoc.rb", 'w') do |file|
+ file.puts <<EOF
class CodeRunner
-#{COMMANDS_WITH_HELP.inject("") do |str, (long, short, nargs, comhelp, argnames, options)|
- (puts "Please run this command in the coderunner trunk directory"; exit) unless Dir.pwd =~ /coderunner\/trunk$/
- str << <<EOF2
+#{COMMANDS_WITH_HELP.inject("") do |str, (long, _short, _nargs, comhelp, argnames, options)|
+ (puts "Please run this command in the coderunner trunk directory"; exit) unless Dir.pwd =~ /coderunner\/trunk$/
+ str << <<EOF2
# #{comhelp.gsub(/\n/, "\n # ")}
# Possible options:
-#{options.inject("") do |str, opt|
- longop, shortop, req, ophelp = COMMAND_LINE_FLAGS_WITH_HELP.find{|arr| arr[1] == "-" + opt.to_s}
- str << " # :#{opt} --- #{ophelp.gsub(/\n/, "\n # ")}\n #\n"
- end}
- def self.#{long}(#{(argnames+[""]).join(",")}command_options={})
- end
+#{options.inject("") do |strr, opt|
+ _longop, _shortop, _req, ophelp = COMMAND_LINE_FLAGS_WITH_HELP.find{|arr| arr[1] == "-" + opt.to_s}
+ strr << " # :#{opt} --- #{ophelp.gsub(/\n/, "\n # ")}\n #\n"
+ end}
+ def self.#{long}(#{(argnames+[""]).join(",")}command_options={})
+ end
- end
- }
+ }
+ end
- end
-# exit
+ end
+# exit
- system "rm -rf doc/"
- system "rm -rf ri/"
- raise 'Please set RDOC_COMMAND' unless ENV['RDOC_COMMAND']
- system "#{ENV['RDOC_COMMAND']} --format=html -t 'CodeRunner Documentation' -m INDEX.rb INDEX.rb code_runner_version.rb gnuplot.rb graphkit_gnuplot.rb graphkit.rb gsl_tools.rb run_backwards_compatibility.rb feedback.rb run.rb fortran_namelist.rb graphs_and_films.rb class_methods_rdoc.rb instance_methods.rb"
- system "#{ENV['RDOC_COMMAND']} -r --op ri INDEX.rb code_runner_version.rb gnuplot.rb graphkit_gnuplot.rb graphkit.rb gsl_tools.rb run_backwards_compatibility.rb feedback.rb run.rb fortran_namelist.rb graphs_and_films.rb class_methods_rdoc.rb instance_methods.rb"
- exit if username == ""
- string = "rsync -av --delete doc/ #{username},"
+ system "rm -rf doc/"
+ system "rm -rf ri/"
+ raise 'Please set RDOC_COMMAND' unless ENV['RDOC_COMMAND']
+ system "#{ENV['RDOC_COMMAND']} --format=html -t 'CodeRunner Documentation' -m INDEX.rb INDEX.rb code_runner_version.rb gnuplot.rb graphkit_gnuplot.rb graphkit.rb gsl_tools.rb run_backwards_compatibility.rb feedback.rb run.rb fortran_namelist.rb graphs_and_films.rb class_methods_rdoc.rb instance_methods.rb"
+ system "#{ENV['RDOC_COMMAND']} -r --op ri INDEX.rb code_runner_version.rb gnuplot.rb graphkit_gnuplot.rb graphkit.rb gsl_tools.rb run_backwards_compatibility.rb feedback.rb run.rb fortran_namelist.rb graphs_and_films.rb class_methods_rdoc.rb instance_methods.rb"
- puts string
- exec string
- end
+ exit if username == ""
- def self.generate_cubecalc(copts={})
- #return
-'', 'w') do |file|
- file.puts <<EOF
+ string = "rsync -av --delete doc/ #{username},"
+ puts string
+ exec string
+ end
+ def self.generate_cubecalc(copts={})
+ #return
+'', 'w') do |file|
+ file.puts <<EOF
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
- string line;
- cout << "Starting..." << endl;
- int calculate_sides = atoi(argv[1]); //Should the program calculate the area of the sides of the cube?
- cout << calculate_sides << endl;
- char* input_file_name = argv[2]; //Get the input file name from the command line
- cout << input_file_name << endl;
- if (argc > 3){ //It has been told to sleep for a time
- bool cont = true;
- time_t start_t;
- time(&start_t);
- while (cont){
- time_t new_t;
- time(&new_t);
- cont = (new_t < (start_t + atoi(argv[3]) * 1.0));
- }
- }
- ifstream edges_file(input_file_name); //Read the edges from the input file
- float* edges = new float[3];
- int j = 0;
- while (edges_file >> edges[j++]){
- cout << edges[j-1] << endl;
- }
- FILE* output = fopen("results.txt", "w"); //Write the volume to the output file
- fprintf(output, "Volume was %f", edges[0] * edges[1] * edges[2]);
- fclose(output);
- if (calculate_sides == 1){ //If it has been told to calculate the sides
- cout << "calculating sides" << endl;
- FILE* sides = fopen("sides.txt", "w");
- for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
- cout << "Side " << i << ": " << edges[(i%3)] * edges[((i+1)%3)] << endl;
- fprintf(sides, "The area of side %d is %f\\n", i, edges[i%3] * edges[(i+1)%3]);
- }
- fclose(sides);
- }
+ string line;
+ cout << "Starting..." << endl;
+ int calculate_sides = atoi(argv[1]); //Should the program calculate the area of the sides of the cube?
+ cout << calculate_sides << endl;
+ char* input_file_name = argv[2]; //Get the input file name from the command line
+ cout << input_file_name << endl;
+ if (argc > 3){ //It has been told to sleep for a time
+ bool cont = true;
+ time_t start_t;
+ time(&start_t);
+ while (cont){
+ time_t new_t;
+ time(&new_t);
+ cont = (new_t < (start_t + atoi(argv[3]) * 1.0));
+ }
+ }
+ ifstream edges_file(input_file_name); //Read the edges from the input file
+ float* edges = new float[3];
+ int j = 0;
+ while (edges_file >> edges[j++]){
+ cout << edges[j-1] << endl;
+ }
+ FILE* output = fopen("results.txt", "w"); //Write the volume to the output file
+ fprintf(output, "Volume was %f", edges[0] * edges[1] * edges[2]);
+ fclose(output);
+ if (calculate_sides == 1){ //If it has been told to calculate the sides
+ cout << "calculating sides" << endl;
+ FILE* sides = fopen("sides.txt", "w");
+ for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
+ cout << "Side " << i << ": " << edges[(i%3)] * edges[((i+1)%3)] << endl;
+ fprintf(sides, "The area of side %d is %f\\n", i, edges[i%3] * edges[(i+1)%3]);
+ }
+ fclose(sides);
+ }
- end
- end
- def self.launcher_directory
- ENV['HOME'] + "/.coderunner/to_launch/#{ENV['CODE_RUNNER_LAUNCHER']}"
- end
+ end
+ end
+ def self.launcher_directory
+ ENV['HOME'] + "/.coderunner/to_launch/#{ENV['CODE_RUNNER_LAUNCHER']}"
+ end
def self.start_launcher(refresh, max_queue, copts={})
- #eputs "Starting launcher!"
- raise "Raise refresh is #{refresh}: it must be >= 0.1" if refresh.to_f < 0.1
- raise "Raise max_queue is #{max_queue}: it must be >= 5" if max_queue.to_i < 5
+ #eputs "Starting launcher!"
+ raise "Raise refresh is #{refresh}: it must be >= 0.1" if refresh.to_f < 0.1
+ raise "Raise max_queue is #{max_queue}: it must be >= 5" if max_queue.to_i < 5
#raise "Launcher already running" if %x[ps -e -o cmd].split("\n").grep(/coderunner\s+launch/).size > 0
require 'thread'
tl = launcher_directory #SCRIPT_FOLDER + '/to_launch'
- #exit unless Feedback.get_boolean( "Launch directory #{tl} already exists: it is suggested that you change the prefix by changing the environment variable CODE_RUNNER_LAUNCHER. Do you wish to continue (don't select yes unless you know what you are doing)?") if FileTest.exist? tl
- raise "Launch directory #{tl} already exists: it is suggested that you change the prefix by changing the environment variable CODE_RUNNER_LAUNCHER. Do you wish to continue (don't select yes unless you know what you are doing)?" if FileTest.exist? tl
+ #exit unless Feedback.get_boolean( "Launch directory #{tl} already exists: it is suggested that you change the prefix by changing the environment variable CODE_RUNNER_LAUNCHER. Do you wish to continue (don't select yes unless you know what you are doing)?") if FileTest.exist? tl
+ raise "Launch directory #{tl} already exists: it is suggested that you change the prefix by changing the environment variable CODE_RUNNER_LAUNCHER. Do you wish to continue (don't select yes unless you know what you are doing)?" if FileTest.exist? tl
# FileUtils.rm_r tl if FileTest.exist? tl
eputs "Starting launcher\n"
- at_exit{FileUtils.rm_r tl}
+ at_exit{FileUtils.rm_r tl}
FileUtils.makedirs tl
- unless ENV['CODE_RUNNER_LAUNCHER'] =~ /serial/
-{loop{`cp #{tl}/queue_status.txt #{tl}/queue_status2.txt; ps > #{tl}/queue_status.txt`; sleep 1}}
- mutex =
- processes= []
+ unless ENV['CODE_RUNNER_LAUNCHER'] =~ /serial/
+{loop{`cp #{tl}/queue_status.txt #{tl}/queue_status2.txt; ps > #{tl}/queue_status.txt`; sleep 1}}
- do
- loop do
- Dir.entries(tl).each do |file|
- next unless file =~ (/(^.*)\.stop/)
- pid = $1
- mutex.synchronize{Process.kill(pid); processes.delete pid}
- end
- sleep refresh.to_i
- end
- end
+ mutex =
+ processes= []
- #Dir.chdir(tl) do
- ppid = $$
- loop do
- sleep refresh.to_i while processes.size >= max_queue.to_i
- # processes = []
- Dir.entries(tl).grep(/(^.*)\.start/).each do |file|
- file =~ (/(^.*)\.start/)
- id = $1
- command = ""
- command = tl + '/' + file while command == ""
- pid = fork do
- processes.each do |wpid|
- # Make sure all previously submitted jobs have finished.
- sleep refresh.to_i while %x[ps -e -o pid,ppid].split("\n").grep("^\\s*#{wpid}\\s+#{ppid}")).size > 0
- end
- #p ["command", command]
- exec(command + "; wait")
- end
- `cp #{tl}/queue_status.txt #{tl}/queue_status2.txt; ps > #{tl}/queue_status.txt`
- mutex.synchronize{processes.push pid}
+ do
+ loop do
+ Dir.entries(tl).each do |file|
+ next unless file =~ (/(^.*)\.stop/)
+ pid = $1
+ mutex.synchronize{Process.kill(pid); processes.delete pid}
+ end
+ sleep refresh.to_i
+ end
+ end
- + '/' + id + '.pid', 'w'){|file| file.puts pid}
- FileUtils.rm(tl + '/' + file)
-{Process.wait pid; mutex.synchronize{processes.delete pid}}
- end
- # processes.each{|pid| Process.wait pid}
- sleep refresh.to_i
- end
- #end
- #
- else
- loop do
- Dir.entries(tl).grep(/(^.*)\.start/).each do |file|
- file =~ (/(^.*)\.start/)
- id = $1
- command = ""
- command = tl + '/' + file while command == ""
- pid = 12345
- + '/' + id + '.pid', 'w'){|file| file.puts pid}
-"#{tl}/queue_status.txt", "w"){|file| file.puts pid}
- `cp #{tl}/queue_status.txt #{tl}/queue_status2.txt`
- FileUtils.rm(tl + '/' + file)
- system "#{command} \n\n wait \n\n"
-"#{tl}/queue_status.txt", "w"){|file| file.puts}
- `cp #{tl}/queue_status.txt #{tl}/queue_status2.txt`
- end
- sleep refresh.to_i
- end
- end
+ #Dir.chdir(tl) do
+ ppid = $$
+ loop do
+ sleep refresh.to_i while processes.size >= max_queue.to_i
+# processes = []
+ Dir.entries(tl).grep(/(^.*)\.start/).each do |file|
+ file =~ (/(^.*)\.start/)
+ id = $1
+ command = ""
+ command = tl + '/' + file while command == ""
+ pid = fork do
+ processes.each do |wpid|
+ # Make sure all previously submitted jobs have finished.
+ sleep refresh.to_i while %x[ps -e -o pid,ppid].split("\n").grep("^\\s*#{wpid}\\s+#{ppid}")).size > 0
+ end
+ #p ["command", command]
+ exec(command + "; wait")
+ end
+ `cp #{tl}/queue_status.txt #{tl}/queue_status2.txt; ps > #{tl}/queue_status.txt`
+ mutex.synchronize{processes.push pid}
+ + '/' + id + '.pid', 'w'){|fle| fle.puts pid}
+ FileUtils.rm(tl + '/' + file)
+{Process.wait pid; mutex.synchronize{processes.delete pid}}
+ end
+# processes.each{|pid| Process.wait pid}
+ sleep refresh.to_i
+ end
+ #end
+ #
+ else
+ loop do
+ Dir.entries(tl).grep(/(^.*)\.start/).each do |file|
+ file =~ (/(^.*)\.start/)
+ id = $1
+ command = ""
+ command = tl + '/' + file while command == ""
+ pid = 12345
+ + '/' + id + '.pid', 'w'){|fle| fle.puts pid}
+"#{tl}/queue_status.txt", "w"){|fle| fle.puts pid}
+ `cp #{tl}/queue_status.txt #{tl}/queue_status2.txt`
+ FileUtils.rm(tl + '/' + file)
+ system "#{command} \n\n wait \n\n"
+"#{tl}/queue_status.txt", "w"){|fle| fle.puts}
+ `cp #{tl}/queue_status.txt #{tl}/queue_status2.txt`
+ end
+ sleep refresh.to_i
+ end
+ end
- def self.code_runner_execute(ruby_fragment, copts={})
- #eval(ruby_fragment, GLOBAL_BINDING)
- eval(ruby_fragment)
- end
- def self.execute(ruby_fragment, copts={})
- eval(ruby_fragment, GLOBAL_BINDING)
- #eval(ruby_fragment)
- end
- def self.load_file(files, copts={})
- process_command_options(copts)
-# begin
- files.split(/\s*,\s*/).each do |file|
-# p file
- raise"#{file} is not a file.") unless File.file? file
- load file
- end
-# rescue
-# eval(files)
-# end
- end
- def self.parameter_scan(parameter_scan_array_file, copts={})
- parameter_scan_array = eval(
-# process_copts(copts)
- runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- skip = true unless copts[:k] == false
- folder = Dir.pwd
- Log.logf("self.parameter_scan")
-# @@runners = {}
- @@mutex =
-# @runner = new(folder, code: copts[:C], modlet: copts[:m], version: copts[:v], executable: copts[:X])
- @@psppipe = + 2, true, controller_refresh: 0.5, redirect: false)
- parameter_scan_array.each do |parameter_scan|
- @@psppipe.fork do
- runner.parameter_scan(parameter_scan, copts[:p][0], skip: skip, nprocs: copts[:n])
- end
- end
- @@psppipe.finish
- @@psppipe = nil
- end
- def self.plot_graph(copts = {})
-# process_copts(copts)
- runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- string_to_eval = copts[:w]
- #options = (options and options =~ /\S/) ? eval(options): {}
- eputs 'Starting Graph'
- kit = runner.graphkit_from_lists(copts[:G], copts[:g])
- kit.gnuplot(eval: string_to_eval)
- gets
- kit.close
- end
- def self.readout(copts={})
-# process_copts(copts)
- runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- puts runner.readout
- end
- def self.recheck(id, copts={})
-# process_copts(copts)
- runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- runner.run_list[copts[:R]].recheck
- runner.respond_to_requests
- end
- def self.run_class(copts={})
- process_command_options(copts)
- copts[:no_update] = true
- unless copts[:C]
- if FileTest.exist? file=Dir.pwd + '/.code_runner_script_defaults.rb'
- copts[:C] = eval([:code]
- copts[:m] = eval([:modlet]
- elsif self.runner
- copts[:C] = self.runner.code
- copts[:m] = self.runner.modlet
- end
- end
- #ep ['code', 'modlet is', copts[:C], copts[:m]]
- return setup_run_class(copts[:C], modlet: copts[:m])
- end
- def self.code_command(string, copts = {})
- run_class(copts).class_eval(string)
-# runner = fetch_runner(copts)
-# runner.run_class.class_eval(string)
- end
- def self.run_command(string, copts={})
-# process_copts(copts)
- runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- eputs "Calling run_commmand..."
-# puts "Warning: Use large cache is on (-U or -u) -- no results will be saved" if runner.use_large_cache
- ppipe = + 1, false) if copts[:M]
- no_save = (runner.class == RemoteCodeRunner or copts[:y] =~ /no-save/)
-# runner.generate_combined_ids
-# ep runner.filtered_ids
- runner.filtered_ids.each do |id|
- run = runner.combined_run_list[id]
- if no_save or run.is_component
- if copts[:M]
- fork{run.instance_eval(string)}
- else
- run.instance_eval(string)
- end
- else
- if copts[:M]
- pn = ppipe.fork do
- Dir.chdir( do
- run.instance_eval(string);
- run.write_results
- end
- ppipe.i_send(id, Marshal.dump(run), tp: 0)
- end
- else
- Dir.chdir({run.instance_eval(string);; run.write_results}
- end
- end
- end
- unless no_save
- (runner.filtered_ids.each{|id| runner.run_list[id] = Marshal.load(ppipe.w_recv(id).contents)};ppipe.finish) if copts[:M]
- runner.save_large_cache
- end
-# Process.waitall
- runner.respond_to_requests
- end
- def self.runner_eval(string, copts = {})
-# process_copts(copts)
- runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- #ep ['server string is', string]
- return_val = runner.instance_eval(string)
+ def self.code_runner_execute(ruby_fragment, copts={})
+ #eval(ruby_fragment, GLOBAL_BINDING)
+ eval(ruby_fragment)
+ end
+ def self.execute(ruby_fragment, copts={})
+ eval(ruby_fragment, GLOBAL_BINDING)
+ #eval(ruby_fragment)
+ end
+ def self.load_file(files, copts={})
+ process_command_options(copts)
+# begin
+ files.split(/\s*,\s*/).each do |file|
+# p file
+ raise"#{file} is not a file.") unless File.file? file
+ load file
+ end
+# rescue
+# eval(files)
+# end
- if copts[:Z]
- Kernel.puts(server_dump(return_val))
- else
- return return_val
- end
+ end
- end
- def self.scan(scan_string, copts={})
-# process_copts(copts)
- runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- runner.simple_scan(scan_string, nprocs: copts[:n], version: copts[:v], skip: copts[:k], parameters: copts[:p][0])
- end
- def self.submit(copts = {})
-# process_copts(copts)
- runner = fetch_runner(copts)
-# raise "something is already submitting" if FileTest.exist? "submitting"
- runs = []
- raise "Parameters must be an array of inspected hashes" unless copts[:p].kind_of? Array
- Dir.chdir(copts[:Y]) do
+ def self.parameter_scan(parameter_scan_array_file, copts={})
+ parameter_scan_array = eval(
+# process_copts(copts)
+ runner = fetch_runner(copts)
+ skip = true unless copts[:k] == false
+ #_folder = Dir.pwd
+ Log.logf("self.parameter_scan")
+# @@runners = {}
+ @@mutex =
+# @runner = new(folder, code: copts[:C], modlet: copts[:m], version: copts[:v], executable: copts[:X])
+ @@psppipe = + 2, true, controller_refresh: 0.5, redirect: false)
+ parameter_scan_array.each do |parameter_scan|
+ @@psppipe.fork do
+ runner.parameter_scan(parameter_scan, copts[:p][0], skip: skip, nprocs: copts[:n])
+ end
+ end
+ @@psppipe.finish
+ @@psppipe = nil
+ end
+ def self.plot_graph(copts = {})
+# process_copts(copts)
+ runner = fetch_runner(copts)
+ string_to_eval = copts[:w]
+ #options = (options and options =~ /\S/) ? eval(options): {}
+ eputs 'Starting Graph'
+ kit = runner.graphkit_from_lists(copts[:G], copts[:g])
+ kit.gnuplot(eval: string_to_eval)
+ gets
+ kit.close
+ end
+ def self.readout(copts={})
+# process_copts(copts)
+ runner = fetch_runner(copts)
+ puts runner.readout
+ end
+ def self.recheck(id, copts={})
+# process_copts(copts)
+ runner = fetch_runner(copts)
+ runner.run_list[copts[:R]].recheck
+ runner.respond_to_requests
+ end
+ def self.run_class(copts={})
+ process_command_options(copts)
+ copts[:no_update] = true
+ unless copts[:C]
+ if FileTest.exist? file=Dir.pwd + '/.code_runner_script_defaults.rb'
+ copts[:C] = eval([:code]
+ copts[:m] = eval([:modlet]
+ elsif self.runner
+ copts[:C] = self.runner.code
+ copts[:m] = self.runner.modlet
+ end
+ end
+ #ep ['code', 'modlet is', copts[:C], copts[:m]]
- copts[:p].push nil if copts[:p] == []
- # ep copts[:p]; exit
- copts[:p].each do |pars|
- run =
- # p pars
- run.update_submission_parameters(pars)
- runs.push run
- end
-# exit
- end
- runner.submit(runs, nprocs: copts[:n], version: copts[:v], skip: copts[:k], job_chain: copts[:J], no_update_before_submit: copts[:no_update_before_submit])
- #puts "Got here"
- #exit(0)
- end
- def self.resubmit(copts = {})
-# process_copts(copts)
- runner = fetch_runner(copts)
-# raise "something is already submitting" if FileTest.exist? "submitting"
- runs = []
- raise "Parameters must be an array of inspected hashes" unless copts[:p].kind_of? Array
- Dir.chdir(copts[:Y]) do
- runs = do |id|
- eputs id
- run = runner.run_list[id].dup
+ return setup_run_class(copts[:C], modlet: copts[:m])
+ end
+ def self.code_command(string, copts = {})
+ run_class(copts).class_eval(string)
- run.resubmit_id =
- if copts[:smart_resubmit_name]
- eputs "Smart name"
- run.set(:naming_pars, [:resubmit_id])
- end
- run.update_submission_parameters(copts[:p][0], false)
- run.run_name = nil unless copts[:rerun]
- run
- end
- end
- #throw(:here)
+# runner = fetch_runner(copts)
+# runner.run_class.class_eval(string)
+ end
+ def self.run_command(string, copts={})
+# process_copts(copts)
+ runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- runner.submit(runs, nprocs: copts[:n], version: copts[:v], skip: copts[:k], job_chain: copts[:J], no_update_before_submit: copts[:no_update_before_submit], replace_existing: copts[:replace_existing], smart_resubmit_name: copts[:smart_resubmit_name], rerun: copts[:rerun])
- end
+ eputs "Calling run_commmand..."
+# puts "Warning: Use large cache is on (-U or -u) -- no results will be saved" if runner.use_large_cache
+ ppipe = + 1, false) if copts[:M]
+ no_save = (runner.class == RemoteCodeRunner or copts[:y] =~ /no-save/)
+# runner.generate_combined_ids
+# ep runner.filtered_ids
+ runner.filtered_ids.each do |id|
+ run = runner.combined_run_list[id]
- # This method allows the straightforward submission of a single command using the batch queue on any system.
- def self.submit_command(jid, comm, copts={})
- process_command_options(copts)
- submitter =
- submitter.instance_variable_set(:@command, comm)
- submitter.instance_variable_set(:@jid, jid)
- submitter.instance_variable_set(:@nprocs, copts[:n])
- submitter.instance_variable_set(:@wall_mins, copts[:W])
- submitter.instance_variable_set(:@project, copts[:P])
- class << submitter
- include CodeRunner::SYSTEM_MODULE
- def executable_name
- 'custom'
- end
- def job_identifier
- @jid
- end
- def run_command
- @command
- end
- end
- submitter.execute
- end
+ if no_save or run.is_component
+ if copts[:M]
+ fork{run.instance_eval(string)}
+ else
+ run.instance_eval(string)
+ end
+ else
+ if copts[:M]
+ _pn = ppipe.fork do
+ Dir.chdir( do
+ run.instance_eval(string);
+ run.write_results
+ end
+ ppipe.i_send(id, Marshal.dump(run), tp: 0)
+ end
+ else
+ Dir.chdir({run.instance_eval(string);; run.write_results}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ unless no_save
+ (runner.filtered_ids.each{|id| runner.run_list[id] = Marshal.load(ppipe.w_recv(id).contents)};ppipe.finish) if copts[:M]
+ runner.save_large_cache
+ end
- def self.readout(copts={})
- runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- runner.readout
- end
- def self.show_values_of(expression, copts={})
- runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- p{|id| runner.combined_run_list[id].instance_eval(expression)}.uniq.sort
- end
- def self.status_with_comments(copts={})
- copts[:with_comments] = true
- status(copts)
- end
- def self.status(copts={})
-# process_copts(copts)
- runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- runner.print_out(0, with_comments: copts[:with_comments]) unless copts[:interactive_start] or copts[:Z] or copts[:no_print_out]
- end
- def self.status_loop(copts={})
-# process_copts(copts)
- runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- runner.print_out(0, with_comments: copts[:with_comments]) unless copts[:interactive_start] or copts[:Z] or copts[:no_print_out]
- break_out = false
- loop do
- old_trap = trap(2){eputs " Terminating loop, please wait..."; break_out = true}
- runner.use_large_cache = true
- runner.update(false)
- (trap(2, old_trap); break) if break_out
- runner.recheck_filtered_runs(false)
- runner.print_out(nil, with_comments: copts[:with_comments])
- trap(2, old_trap)
- break if break_out
- break if not runner.run_list.values.find do |r|
- not [:Complete, :Failed].include? r.status
- end
- #ep "sleep"
- sleep 3
- #ep "end sleep"
- end
- end
- def self.write_graph(name, copts={})
-# process_copts(copts)
- runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- eputs 'Starting Graph'
- kit = runner.graphkit_from_lists(copts[:G], copts[:g])
- #options = copts[:w]
- #options = (options and options =~ /\S/) ? eval(options): {}
- name = nil unless name =~ /\S/
- max = 0
- name.sub!(/^\~/, ENV['HOME']) if name
- if name and name =~ /%d\./
- regex =, '(?<number>\d+)'))
- Dir.entries(File.dirname(name)).join("\n").scan(regex) do
- max = [max, $~[:number].to_i].max
- end
- name = name.sub(/%d/, (max + 1).to_s)
- end
- raise "kit doesn't have a file_name and no filename specified; can't write graph" unless name or (kit.file_name.class == String and kit.file_name =~ /\S/)
- Dir.chdir(COMMAND_FOLDER){kit.gnuplot_write((name or kit.file_name), {eval: copts[:w]})}
- end
- def self.read_default_command_options(copts)
- DEFAULT_COMMAND_OPTIONS.each do |key, value|
- copts[key] ||= value
- end
- end
- def self.process_command_options(copts)
- if copts[:true]
- copts[:true].to_s.split(//).each do |letter|
- copts[letter.to_sym] = true
- end
- end
- if copts[:false]
- copts[:false].to_s.split(//).each do |letter|
- copts[letter.to_sym] = false
- end
- end
+# Process.waitall
+ runner.respond_to_requests
+ end
+ def self.runner_eval(string, copts = {})
+# process_copts(copts)
+ runner = fetch_runner(copts)
- read_default_command_options(copts)
- copts.each do |key, value|
- copts[LONG_TO_SHORT[key]] = value if LONG_TO_SHORT[key]
- end
+ #ep ['server string is', string]
- if copts[:j] # j can be a number '65' or list of numbers '65,43,382'
- copts[:f]= "#{eval("[#{copts[:j]}]").inspect}.include? id"
- end
- if copts[:X] and FileTest.exist? copts[:X]
- copts[:X] = File.expand_path(copts[:X])
- end
- if copts[:z]
- Log.log_file = Dir.pwd + '/.cr_logfile.txt'
- Log.clean_up
- else
- Log.log_file = nil
- end
- copts[:F] = (copts[:F].class == Hash ? copts[:F] : (copts[:F].class == String and copts[:F] =~ /\A\{.*\}\Z/) ? eval(copts[:F]) : {})
- copts[:G]= [copts[:G]] if copts[:G].kind_of? String
- copts[:g]= [copts[:g]] if copts[:g].kind_of? String
-# if copts[:p] and copts[:p].class == String # should be a hash or an inspected hash
-# copts[:p] = eval(copts[:p])
-# end
- copts[:p] = [copts[:p]].compact unless copts[:p].class == Array
- #for i in 0...copts[:p].size
- case copts[:h]
- when :c, :component
- copts[:h] = :component
- when :r, :real
- copts[:h] = :real
- else
- copts[:h] = :real
- end
+ return_val = runner.instance_eval(string)
- if copts[:Y] and copts[:Y] =~ /:/
- set_class_defaults(copts)
- copts[:running_remotely] = true
- else
- copts[:Y] = copts[:Y].gsub(/~/, ENV['HOME']) if copts[:Y]
- Dir.chdir((copts[:Y] or Dir.pwd)) do
- set_runner_defaults(copts)
- end
- end
-# ep Log.log_file
- #copts[:code_copts].each{|k,v| CODE_OPTIONS[k] = v} if copts[:code_copts]
-{|k| k.to_s}.grep(/_options$/).map{|k| k.to_sym}.each do |k|
- CODE_OPTIONS[k.to_s.sub('_options','').to_sym] = copts[k]
- end
+ if copts[:Z]
+ Kernel.puts(server_dump(return_val))
+ else
+ return return_val
+ end
- end
+ end
+ def self.scan(scan_string, copts={})
+# process_copts(copts)
+ runner = fetch_runner(copts)
+ runner.simple_scan(scan_string, nprocs: copts[:n], version: copts[:v], skip: copts[:k], parameters: copts[:p][0])
+ end
+ def self.submit(copts = {})
+# process_copts(copts)
+ runner = fetch_runner(copts)
+# raise "something is already submitting" if FileTest.exist? "submitting"
+ runs = []
+ raise "Parameters must be an array of inspected hashes" unless copts[:p].kind_of? Array
+ Dir.chdir(copts[:Y]) do
- # Retrieve the runner with the folder (and possibly server) given in copts[:Y]. If no runner has been loaded for that folder, load one.
- def self.fetch_runner(copts={})
-# ep copts
+ copts[:p].push nil if copts[:p] == []
+ # ep copts[:p]; exit
+ copts[:p].each do |pars|
+ run =
+ # p pars
+ run.update_submission_parameters(pars)
+ runs.push run
+ end
+# exit
+ end
+ runner.submit(runs, nprocs: copts[:n], version: copts[:v], skip: copts[:k], job_chain: copts[:J], no_update_before_submit: copts[:no_update_before_submit])
+ #puts "Got here"
+ #exit(0)
+ end
+ def self.resubmit(copts = {})
+# process_copts(copts)
+ runner = fetch_runner(copts)
+# raise "something is already submitting" if FileTest.exist? "submitting"
+ runs = []
+ raise "Parameters must be an array of inspected hashes" unless copts[:p].kind_of? Array
+ Dir.chdir(copts[:Y]) do
+ runs = do |id|
+ eputs id
+ run = runner.run_list[id].dup
+ run.output_file = nil
+ run.error_file = nil
+ run.resubmit_id =
+ if copts[:smart_resubmit_name]
+ eputs "Smart name"
+ run.set(:naming_pars, [:resubmit_id])
+ end
+ run.update_submission_parameters(copts[:p][0], false)
+ run.run_name = nil unless copts[:rerun]
+ run
+ end
+ end
+ #throw(:here)
+ runner.submit(runs, nprocs: copts[:n], version: copts[:v], skip: copts[:k], job_chain: copts[:J], no_update_before_submit: copts[:no_update_before_submit], replace_existing: copts[:replace_existing], smart_resubmit_name: copts[:smart_resubmit_name], rerun: copts[:rerun])
+ end
+ # This method allows the straightforward submission of a single command using the batch queue on any system.
+ def self.submit_command(jid, comm, copts={})
+ process_command_options(copts)
+ submitter =
+ submitter.instance_variable_set(:@command, comm)
+ submitter.instance_variable_set(:@jid, jid)
+ submitter.instance_variable_set(:@nprocs, copts[:n])
+ submitter.instance_variable_set(:@wall_mins, copts[:W])
+ submitter.instance_variable_set(:@project, copts[:P])
+ class << submitter
+ include CodeRunner::SYSTEM_MODULE
+ def executable_name
+ 'custom'
+ end
+ def job_identifier
+ @jid
+ end
+ def run_command
+ @command
+ end
+ end
+ submitter.execute
+ end
+ def self.readout(copts={})
+ runner = fetch_runner(copts)
+ runner.readout
+ end
+ def self.show_values_of(expression, copts={})
+ runner = fetch_runner(copts)
+ p{|id| runner.combined_run_list[id].instance_eval(expression)}.uniq.sort
+ end
+ def self.status_with_comments(copts={})
+ copts[:with_comments] = true
+ status(copts)
+ end
+ def self.status(copts={})
+# process_copts(copts)
+ runner = fetch_runner(copts)
+ runner.print_out(0, with_comments: copts[:with_comments]) unless copts[:interactive_start] or copts[:Z] or copts[:no_print_out]
+ end
+ def self.status_loop(copts={})
+# process_copts(copts)
+ runner = fetch_runner(copts)
+ runner.print_out(0, with_comments: copts[:with_comments]) unless copts[:interactive_start] or copts[:Z] or copts[:no_print_out]
+ break_out = false
+ loop do
+ old_trap = trap(2){eputs " Terminating loop, please wait..."; break_out = true}
+ runner.use_large_cache = true
+ runner.update(false)
+ (trap(2, old_trap); break) if break_out
+ runner.recheck_filtered_runs(false)
+ runner.print_out(nil, with_comments: copts[:with_comments])
+ trap(2, old_trap)
+ break if break_out
+ break if not runner.run_list.values.find do |r|
+ not [:Complete, :Failed].include? r.status
+ end
+ #ep "sleep"
+ sleep 3
+ #ep "end sleep"
+ end
+ end
+ def self.write_graph(name, copts={})
+# process_copts(copts)
+ runner = fetch_runner(copts)
+ eputs 'Starting Graph'
+ kit = runner.graphkit_from_lists(copts[:G], copts[:g])
+ #options = copts[:w]
+ #options = (options and options =~ /\S/) ? eval(options): {}
+ name = nil unless name =~ /\S/
+ max = 0
+ name.sub!(/^\~/, ENV['HOME']) if name
+ if name and name =~ /%d\./
+ regex =, '(?<number>\d+)'))
+ Dir.entries(File.dirname(name)).join("\n").scan(regex) do
+ max = [max, $~[:number].to_i].max
+ end
+ name = name.sub(/%d/, (max + 1).to_s)
+ end
+ raise "kit doesn't have a file_name and no filename specified; can't write graph" unless name or (kit.file_name.class == String and kit.file_name =~ /\S/)
+ Dir.chdir(COMMAND_FOLDER){kit.gnuplot_write((name or kit.file_name), {eval: copts[:w]})}
+ end
+ def self.read_default_command_options(copts)
+ DEFAULT_COMMAND_OPTIONS.each do |key, value|
+ copts[key] ||= value
+ end
+ end
+ def self.process_command_options(copts)
+ if copts[:true]
+ copts[:true].to_s.split(//).each do |letter|
+ copts[letter.to_sym] = true
+ end
+ end
+ if copts[:false]
+ copts[:false].to_s.split(//).each do |letter|
+ copts[letter.to_sym] = false
+ end
+ end
+ read_default_command_options(copts)
+ copts.each do |key, value|
+ copts[LONG_TO_SHORT[key]] = value if LONG_TO_SHORT[key]
+ end
+ if copts[:j] # j can be a number '65' or list of numbers '65,43,382'
+ copts[:f]= "#{eval("[#{copts[:j]}]").inspect}.include? id"
+ end
+ if copts[:X] and FileTest.exist? copts[:X]
+ copts[:X] = File.expand_path(copts[:X])
+ end
+ if copts[:z]
+ Log.log_file = Dir.pwd + '/.cr_logfile.txt'
+ Log.clean_up
+ else
+ Log.log_file = nil
+ end
+ copts[:F] = (copts[:F].class == Hash ? copts[:F] : (copts[:F].class == String and copts[:F] =~ /\A\{.*\}\Z/) ? eval(copts[:F]) : {})
+ copts[:G]= [copts[:G]] if copts[:G].kind_of? String
+ copts[:g]= [copts[:g]] if copts[:g].kind_of? String
+# if copts[:p] and copts[:p].class == String # should be a hash or an inspected hash
+# copts[:p] = eval(copts[:p])
+# end
+ copts[:p] = [copts[:p]].compact unless copts[:p].class == Array
+ #for i in 0...copts[:p].size
+ case copts[:h]
+ when :c, :component
+ copts[:h] = :component
+ when :r, :real
+ copts[:h] = :real
+ else
+ copts[:h] = :real
+ end
+ if copts[:Y] and copts[:Y] =~ /:/
+ set_class_defaults(copts)
+ copts[:running_remotely] = true
+ else
+ copts[:Y] = copts[:Y].gsub(/~/, ENV['HOME']) if copts[:Y]
+ Dir.chdir((copts[:Y] or Dir.pwd)) do
+ set_runner_defaults(copts)
+ end
+ end
+# ep Log.log_file
+ #copts[:code_copts].each{|k,v| CODE_OPTIONS[k] = v} if copts[:code_copts]
+{|k| k.to_s}.grep(/_options$/).map{|k| k.to_sym}.each do |k|
+ CODE_OPTIONS[k.to_s.sub('_options','').to_sym] = copts[k]
+ end
+ end
+ # Retrieve the runner with the folder (and possibly server) given in copts[:Y]. If no runner has been loaded for that folder, load one.
+ def self.fetch_runner(copts={})
+# ep copts
# If copts(:Y) is an array of locations, return a merged runner of those locations
- if copts[:Y].kind_of? Array
- runners = copts[:Y].map do |location|
- new_copts = copts.dup.absorb(Y: location)
- fetch_runner(new_copts)
- end
- return*runners)
- end
- process_command_options(copts)
- #ep copts
- @runners ||= {}
- runner = nil
- if copts[:Y] and copts[:Y] =~ /:/
- copts_r = copts.dup
- host, folder = copts[:Y].split(':')
- copts_r[:Y] = nil
- copts[:Y] = nil
- unless @runners[[host, folder]]
- copts[:cache] ||= :auto
- runner = @runners[[host, folder]] =, folder, copts)
- #(eputs 'Updating remote...'; runner.update) unless (copts[:g] and (copts[:g].kind_of? String or copts[:g].size > 0)) or copts[:no_update] or copts[:cache]
- else
- runner = @runners[[host, folder]]
- end
- runner.process_copts(copts)
- else
- copts[:Y] ||= Dir.pwd
- Dir.chdir((copts[:Y] or Dir.pwd)) do
- unless @runners[copts[:Y]]
- runner = @runners[copts[:Y]] =, code: copts[:C], modlet: copts[:m], version: copts[:v], executable: copts[:X], defaults_file: copts[:D])
- runner.update unless copts[:no_update]
- else
- runner = @runners[copts[:Y]]
- end
- #p 'reading defaults', runner.recalc_all, DEFAULT_RUNNER_OPTIONS
- runner.read_defaults
- #p 'read defaults', runner.recalc_all
- end #Dir.chdir
- end
-# ep copts
- return runner
-# @r.read_defaults
- end
- def self.update_runners
- @runners ||= {}
- @runners.each{|runner| runner.update}
- end
+ if copts[:Y].kind_of? Array
+ runners = copts[:Y].map do |location|
+ new_copts = copts.dup.absorb(Y: location)
+ fetch_runner(new_copts)
+ end
+ return*runners)
+ end
+ process_command_options(copts)
+ #ep copts
+ @runners ||= {}
+ runner = nil
+ if copts[:Y] and copts[:Y] =~ /:/
+ copts_r = copts.dup
+ host, folder = copts[:Y].split(':')
+ copts_r[:Y] = nil
+ copts[:Y] = nil
+ unless @runners[[host, folder]]
+ copts[:cache] ||= :auto
+ runner = @runners[[host, folder]] =, folder, copts)
+ #(eputs 'Updating remote...'; runner.update) unless (copts[:g] and (copts[:g].kind_of? String or copts[:g].size > 0)) or copts[:no_update] or copts[:cache]
+ else
+ runner = @runners[[host, folder]]
+ end
+ runner.process_copts(copts)
+ else
+ copts[:Y] ||= Dir.pwd
+ Dir.chdir((copts[:Y] or Dir.pwd)) do
+ unless @runners[copts[:Y]]
+ runner = @runners[copts[:Y]] =, code: copts[:C], modlet: copts[:m], version: copts[:v], executable: copts[:X], defaults_file: copts[:D])
+ runner.update unless copts[:no_update]
+ else
+ runner = @runners[copts[:Y]]
+ end
+ #p 'reading defaults', runner.recalc_all, DEFAULT_RUNNER_OPTIONS
+ runner.read_defaults
+ #p 'read defaults', runner.recalc_all
- def self.runner
- @runners ||={}
- @runners.values[0]
- end
+ end #Dir.chdir
+ end
+# ep copts
+ return runner
+# @r.read_defaults
+ end
+ def self.update_runners
+ @runners ||= {}
+ @runners.each{|runner| runner.update}
+ end
- def self.manual(copts={})
- help = <<EOF
+ def self.runner
+ @runners ||={}
+ @runners.values[0]
+ end
+ def self.manual(copts={})
+ help = <<EOF
-------------CodeRunner Manual---------------
Written by Edmund Highcock (2009)
coderunner <command> [arguments] [options]
- CodeRunner is a framework for the running and analysis of large simulations. It is a Ruby package and can be used to write Ruby scripts. However it also has a powerful command line interface. The aim is to be able to submit simulations, analyse data and plot graphs all using simple commands. This manual is a quick reference. For a more tutorial style introduction to CodeRunner go to
+ CodeRunner is a framework for the running and analysis of large simulations. It is a Ruby package and can be used to write Ruby scripts. However it also has a powerful command line interface. The aim is to be able to submit simulations, analyse data and plot graphs all using simple commands. This manual is a quick reference. For a more tutorial style introduction to CodeRunner go to
- This help page documents the commandline interface. For API documentation see
+ This help page documents the commandline interface. For API documentation see
As is standard, <> indicates a parameter to be supplied, and [] indicates an option, unless otherwise stated.
$ coderunner sub -p '{height: 34.2, width: 221}' -n 24x4 -W 300
$ coderunner can 34 -U
$ coderunner plot -G 'height:width;{};depth==2.4 and status == :Completed;height'
$ coderunner st -ul
$ coderunner rc 'p status' -U
Either the long or the short form of the command may be used, except in interactive mode, where only short form can be used.
- Long(Short) <Arguments> (Meaningful Options)
+ Long(Short) <Arguments> (Meaningful Options)
-#{(COMMANDS_WITH_HELP.sort_by{|arr| arr[0]}.map do |arr|
- sprintf(" %s %s(%s) \n\t%s", "#{arr[0]}(#{arr[1]})", arr[4].map{|arg| "<#{arg}>"}.join(' ').sub(/(.)$/, '\1 '), arr[5].map{|op| op.to_s}.join(','), arr[3], )
+#{(COMMANDS_WITH_HELP.sort_by{|arr| arr[0]}.map do |arr|
+ sprintf(" %s %s(%s) \n\t%s", "#{arr[0]}(#{arr[1]})", arr[4].map{|arg| "<#{arg}>"}.join(' ').sub(/(.)$/, '\1 '), arr[5].map{|op| op.to_s}.join(','), arr[3], )
sprintf("%-15s %-2s\n\t%s", arr[0], arr[1], arr[3])
- }
+ }
- #help.gsub(/(.{63,73} |.{73})/){"#$1\n\t"}.paginate
- help.paginate
- end
+ #help.gsub(/(.{63,73} |.{73})/){"#$1\n\t"}.paginate
+ help.paginate
+ end