bin/code_stats in code_stats2-0.1.4 vs bin/code_stats in code_stats2-0.1.5
- old
+ new
@@ -2,30 +2,48 @@
lib_dir = %(#{File.expand_path "#{__FILE__}/../.."}/lib)
$LOAD_PATH << lib_dir unless $LOAD_PATH.include? lib_dir
require 'code_stats'
+require 'optparse'
-if ARGV.empty? or %w(-h --help help).any?{|k| ARGV.include? k}
- puts <<-TEXT
- Language-agnostic Code Statistics
+options = {}
+parser = do |opts|
+ opts.banner = <<-TEXT
+Language-agnostic Code Statistics
- Usage:
- $ code_stats /projects/wordpress /projects/drupal
- $ code_stats /projects/*
- $ code_stats /projects/wordpress /projects/drupal except: JavaScript skip_filter: /tmp/
- Options:
- except: JavaScript - analyze all languages except JavaScript
- only: Ruby - analyze Ruby language only
- specs_filter: regex, specifies should be path threated as specs, default: #{CodeStats::Project::DEFAUL_SPEC_FILTER.source}
- skip_filter: regex, specifies paths that should be skipped, default: #{CodeStats::Project::DEFAUL_SKIP_FILTER.source}
+ $ code_stats /projects/wordpress /projects/drupal
+ $ code_stats /projects/*
+ $ code_stats /projects/wordpress --except JavaScript --skip /tmp/
- exit
+ opts.on("--except LANG", "Analyze all languages except specified.") do |lang|
+ (options[:except] ||= []) << lang.to_sym
+ end
-args = RubyExt.argv
-options = args.extract_options!
-options2 = {}; options.each{|k, v| options2[k] = v ? v.to_sym : v}
-args << options2
+ opts.on("--only LANG", "Analyze only specified language(es).") do |lang|
+ (options[:only] ||= []) << lang.to_sym
+ end
+ opts.on(
+ "--specs REGEX",
+ "Specify paths that should be threated as specs/tests (default #{CodeStats::Project::DEFAUL_SPEC_FILTER.source})."
+ ) do |re|
+ options[:spec_filter] =
+ end
-CodeStats.analyze_and_report *args
+ opts.on(
+ "--skip REGEX",
+ "Specify paths that should be skipped (default #{CodeStats::Project::DEFAUL_SKIP_FILTER.source})."
+ ) do |re|
+ options[:skip_filter] =
+ end
+if ARGV.empty?
+ puts parser.banner
+ CodeStats.analyze_and_report *(ARGV + [options])
\ No newline at end of file