lib/code_rippa/syntax/tcl.syntax in code_rippa-0.0.7 vs lib/code_rippa/syntax/tcl.syntax in code_rippa-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,152 +1,153 @@
name: Tcl
- tcl
scopeName: source.tcl
- escape:
+ escape:
name: constant.character.escape.tcl
- match: \\(\d{1,3}|x[a-fA-F0-9]+|u[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}|.|\n)
- bare-string:
- endCaptures:
- "1":
+ match: "\\\\(\\d{1,3}|x[a-fA-F0-9]+|u[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}|.|\\n)"
+ bare-string:
+ endCaptures:
+ '1':
name: invalid.illegal.tcl
- begin: (?:^|(?<=\s))"
+ begin: "(?:^|(?<=\\s))\""
end: "\"([^\\s\\]]*)"
- patterns:
+ patterns:
- include: "#escape"
- include: "#variable"
comment: matches a single quote-enclosed word without scoping
- regexp:
- begin: (?=\S)(?![\n;\]])
- end: (?=[\n;\]])
- patterns:
+ regexp:
+ begin: "(?=\\S)(?![\\n;\\]])"
+ end: "(?=[\\n;\\]])"
+ patterns:
- name: string.regexp.tcl
- begin: (?=[^ \t\n;])
- end: (?=[ \t\n;])
- patterns:
+ begin: "(?=[^ \\t\\n;])"
+ end: "(?=[ \\t\\n;])"
+ patterns:
- include: "#braces"
- include: "#bare-string"
- include: "#escape"
- include: "#variable"
- begin: "[ \\t]"
- end: (?=[\n;\]])
- patterns:
+ end: "(?=[\\n;\\]])"
+ patterns:
- include: "#variable"
- include: "#embedded"
- include: "#escape"
- include: "#braces"
- include: "#string"
comment: swallow the rest of the command
- comment: matches a single word, named as a regexp, then swallows the rest of the command
- braces:
- endCaptures:
- "1":
+ comment: matches a single word, named as a regexp, then swallows the rest of the
+ command
+ braces:
+ endCaptures:
+ '1':
name: invalid.illegal.tcl
- begin: (?:^|(?<=\s))\{
- end: \}([^\s\]]*)
- patterns:
+ begin: "(?:^|(?<=\\s))\\{"
+ end: "\\}([^\\s\\]]*)"
+ patterns:
- name: constant.character.escape.tcl
- match: \\[{}\n]
+ match: "\\\\[{}\\n]"
- include: "#inner-braces"
comment: matches a single brace-enclosed word
- inner-braces:
- begin: \{
- end: \}
- patterns:
+ inner-braces:
+ begin: "\\{"
+ end: "\\}"
+ patterns:
- name: constant.character.escape.tcl
- match: \\[{}\n]
+ match: "\\\\[{}\\n]"
- include: "#inner-braces"
comment: matches a nested brace in a brace-enclosed word
- variable:
+ variable:
name: variable.other.tcl
- captures:
- "1":
+ captures:
+ '1':
name: punctuation.definition.variable.tcl
- match: (\$)([a-zA-Z0-9_:]+(\([^\)]+\))?|\{[^\}]*\})
- string:
+ match: "(\\$)([a-zA-Z0-9_:]+(\\([^\\)]+\\))?|\\{[^\\}]*\\})"
+ string:
name: string.quoted.double.tcl
- begin: (?:^|(?<=\s))(?=")
+ begin: "(?:^|(?<=\\s))(?=\")"
applyEndPatternLast: 1
- end: ""
- patterns:
+ end: ''
+ patterns:
- include: "#bare-string"
comment: matches a single quote-enclosed word with scoping
- embedded:
+ embedded:
name: source.tcl.embedded
- endCaptures:
- "0":
+ endCaptures:
+ '0':
name: punctuation.section.embedded.end.tcl
- begin: \[
- beginCaptures:
- "0":
+ begin: "\\["
+ beginCaptures:
+ '0':
name: punctuation.section.embedded.begin.tcl
- end: \]
- patterns:
+ end: "\\]"
+ patterns:
- include: source.tcl
uuid: F01F22AC-7CBB-11D9-9B10-000A95E13C98
-foldingStartMarker: \{\s*$
-- begin: (?<=^|;)\s*((#))
+foldingStartMarker: "\\{\\s*$"
+- begin: "(?<=^|;)\\s*((#))"
contentName: comment.line.number-sign.tcl
- beginCaptures:
- "1":
+ beginCaptures:
+ '1':
name: comment.line.number-sign.tcl
- "2":
+ '2':
name: punctuation.definition.comment.tcl
- end: \n
- patterns:
- - match: (\\\\|\\\n)
-- captures:
- "1":
+ end: "\\n"
+ patterns:
+ - match: "(\\\\\\\\|\\\\\\n)"
+- captures:
+ '1':
name: keyword.control.tcl
- match: (?<=^|[\[{;])\s*(if|while|for|catch|return|break|continue|switch|exit|foreach)\b
-- captures:
- "1":
+ match: "(?<=^|[\\[{;])\\s*(if|while|for|catch|return|break|continue|switch|exit|foreach)\\b"
+- captures:
+ '1':
name: keyword.control.tcl
- match: (?<=^|})\s*(then|elseif|else)\b
-- captures:
- "1":
+ match: "(?<=^|})\\s*(then|elseif|else)\\b"
+- captures:
+ '1':
name: keyword.other.tcl
- "2":
+ '2':
- match: ^\s*(proc)\s+([^\s]+)
-- captures:
- "1":
+ match: "^\\s*(proc)\\s+([^\\s]+)"
+- captures:
+ '1':
name: keyword.other.tcl
- match: (?<=^|[\[{;])\s*(after|append|array|auto_execok|auto_import|auto_load|auto_mkindex|auto_mkindex_old|auto_qualify|auto_reset|bgerror|binary|cd|clock|close|concat|dde|encoding|eof|error|eval|exec|expr|fblocked|fconfigure|fcopy|file|fileevent|filename|flush|format|gets|glob|global|history|http|incr|info|interp|join|lappend|library|lindex|linsert|list|llength|load|lrange|lreplace|lsearch|lset|lsort|memory|msgcat|namespace|open|package|parray|pid|pkg::create|pkg_mkIndex|proc|puts|pwd|re_syntax|read|registry|rename|resource|scan|seek|set|socket|SafeBase|source|split|string|subst|Tcl|tcl_endOfWord|tcl_findLibrary|tcl_startOfNextWord|tcl_startOfPreviousWord|tcl_wordBreakAfter|tcl_wordBreakBefore|tcltest|tclvars|tell|time|trace|unknown|unset|update|uplevel|upvar|variable|vwait)\b
-- begin: (?<=^|[\[{;])\s*(regexp|regsub)\b\s*
- beginCaptures:
- "1":
+ match: "(?<=^|[\\[{;])\\s*(after|append|array|auto_execok|auto_import|auto_load|auto_mkindex|auto_mkindex_old|auto_qualify|auto_reset|bgerror|binary|cd|clock|close|concat|dde|encoding|eof|error|eval|exec|expr|fblocked|fconfigure|fcopy|file|fileevent|filename|flush|format|gets|glob|global|history|http|incr|info|interp|join|lappend|library|lindex|linsert|list|llength|load|lrange|lreplace|lsearch|lset|lsort|memory|msgcat|namespace|open|package|parray|pid|pkg::create|pkg_mkIndex|proc|puts|pwd|re_syntax|read|registry|rename|resource|scan|seek|set|socket|SafeBase|source|split|string|subst|Tcl|tcl_endOfWord|tcl_findLibrary|tcl_startOfNextWord|tcl_startOfPreviousWord|tcl_wordBreakAfter|tcl_wordBreakBefore|tcltest|tclvars|tell|time|trace|unknown|unset|update|uplevel|upvar|variable|vwait)\\b"
+- begin: "(?<=^|[\\[{;])\\s*(regexp|regsub)\\b\\s*"
+ beginCaptures:
+ '1':
name: keyword.other.tcl
end: "[\\n;\\]]"
- patterns:
+ patterns:
- name: constant.character.escape.tcl
- match: \\(?:.|\n)
- - match: -\w+\s*
+ match: "\\\\(?:.|\\n)"
+ - match: "-\\w+\\s*"
comment: switch for regexp
- - begin: --\s*
+ - begin: "--\\s*"
applyEndPatternLast: 1
- end: ""
- patterns:
+ end: ''
+ patterns:
- include: "#regexp"
comment: end of switches
- include: "#regexp"
comment: special-case regexp/regsub keyword in order to handle the expression
- include: "#escape"
- include: "#variable"
- name: string.quoted.double.tcl
- endCaptures:
- "0":
+ endCaptures:
+ '0':
name: punctuation.definition.string.end.tcl
begin: "\""
- beginCaptures:
- "0":
+ beginCaptures:
+ '0':
name: punctuation.definition.string.begin.tcl
end: "\""
- patterns:
+ patterns:
- include: "#escape"
- include: "#variable"
- include: "#embedded"
-foldingStopMarker: ^\s*\}
-keyEquivalent: ^~T
+foldingStopMarker: "^\\s*\\}"
+keyEquivalent: "^~T"