Rakefile in cloudster-2.6.0 vs Rakefile in cloudster-2.6.1

- old
+ new

@@ -15,11 +15,14 @@ Jeweler::Tasks.new do |gem| # gem is a Gem::Specification... see http://docs.rubygems.org/read/chapter/20 for more options gem.name = "cloudster" gem.homepage = "http://github.com/emilsoman/cloudster" gem.license = "MIT" - gem.summary = %Q{Cloudster exposes simple helper methods to provision your AWS cloud.} - gem.description = %Q{Cloudster uses the AWS APIs to provision stacks on Amazon Cloud.} + gem.summary = %Q{Cloudster gem - a Ruby interface for provisioning your Amazon Cloud.} + gem.description = %Q{Cloudster is a Ruby gem that was born to cut the learning curve involved + in writing your own CloudFormation templates. If you don't know what a CloudFormation template is, + but know about the AWS Cloud offerings, you can still use cloudster to provision your stack. + Still in infancy , cloudster can create a very basic stack like a breeze. All kinds of contribution welcome !} gem.email = "emil.soman@gmail.com" gem.authors = ["Emil Soman"] # dependencies defined in Gemfile end Jeweler::RubygemsDotOrgTasks.new