./docs/IPAddressApi.md in cloudmersive-validate-api-client-2.1.4 vs ./docs/IPAddressApi.md in cloudmersive-validate-api-client-2.1.5
- old
+ new
@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
All URIs are relative to *https://api.cloudmersive.com*
Method | HTTP request | Description
------------- | ------------- | -------------
[**i_p_address_geolocate_street_address**](IPAddressApi.md#i_p_address_geolocate_street_address) | **POST** /validate/ip/geolocate/street-address | Geolocate an IP address to a street address
+[**i_p_address_ip_intelligence**](IPAddressApi.md#i_p_address_ip_intelligence) | **POST** /validate/ip/intelligence | Get intelligence on an IP address
+[**i_p_address_is_bot**](IPAddressApi.md#i_p_address_is_bot) | **POST** /validate/ip/is-bot | Check if IP address is a Bot client
[**i_p_address_is_threat**](IPAddressApi.md#i_p_address_is_threat) | **POST** /validate/ip/is-threat | Check if IP address is a known threat
[**i_p_address_is_tor_node**](IPAddressApi.md#i_p_address_is_tor_node) | **POST** /validate/ip/is-tor-node | Check if IP address is a Tor node server
[**i_p_address_post**](IPAddressApi.md#i_p_address_post) | **POST** /validate/ip/geolocate | Geolocate an IP address
[**i_p_address_reverse_domain_lookup**](IPAddressApi.md#i_p_address_reverse_domain_lookup) | **POST** /validate/ip/reverse-domain-lookup | Perform a reverse domain name (DNS) lookup on an IP address
@@ -51,9 +53,117 @@
**value** | **String**| IP address to geolocate, e.g. \"\". The input is a string so be sure to enclose it in double-quotes. |
### Return type
+### Authorization
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, text/json
+ - **Accept**: application/json, text/json, application/xml, text/xml
+# **i_p_address_ip_intelligence**
+> IPIntelligenceResponse i_p_address_ip_intelligence(value)
+Get intelligence on an IP address
+Identify key intelligence about an IP address, including if it is a known threat IP, known bot, Tor exit node, as well as the location of the IP address.
+### Example
+# load the gem
+require 'cloudmersive-validate-api-client'
+# setup authorization
+CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.configure do |config|
+ # Configure API key authorization: Apikey
+ config.api_key['Apikey'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
+ # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
+ #config.api_key_prefix['Apikey'] = 'Bearer'
+api_instance = CloudmersiveValidateApiClient::IPAddressApi.new
+value = 'value_example' # String | IP address to process, e.g. \"\". The input is a string so be sure to enclose it in double-quotes.
+ #Get intelligence on an IP address
+ result = api_instance.i_p_address_ip_intelligence(value)
+ p result
+rescue CloudmersiveValidateApiClient::ApiError => e
+ puts "Exception when calling IPAddressApi->i_p_address_ip_intelligence: #{e}"
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **value** | **String**| IP address to process, e.g. \"\". The input is a string so be sure to enclose it in double-quotes. |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, text/json
+ - **Accept**: application/json, text/json, application/xml, text/xml
+# **i_p_address_is_bot**
+> BotCheckResponse i_p_address_is_bot(value)
+Check if IP address is a Bot client
+Check if the input IP address is a Bot, robot, or otherwise a non-user entity. Leverages real-time signals to check against known high-probability bots..
+### Example
+# load the gem
+require 'cloudmersive-validate-api-client'
+# setup authorization
+CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.configure do |config|
+ # Configure API key authorization: Apikey
+ config.api_key['Apikey'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
+ # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
+ #config.api_key_prefix['Apikey'] = 'Bearer'
+api_instance = CloudmersiveValidateApiClient::IPAddressApi.new
+value = 'value_example' # String | IP address to check, e.g. \"\". The input is a string so be sure to enclose it in double-quotes.
+ #Check if IP address is a Bot client
+ result = api_instance.i_p_address_is_bot(value)
+ p result
+rescue CloudmersiveValidateApiClient::ApiError => e
+ puts "Exception when calling IPAddressApi->i_p_address_is_bot: #{e}"
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **value** | **String**| IP address to check, e.g. \"\". The input is a string so be sure to enclose it in double-quotes. |
+### Return type
### Authorization