spec/utils_spec.rb in cloudinary-1.9.1 vs spec/utils_spec.rb in cloudinary-1.10.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
require 'spec_helper'
require 'cloudinary'
describe Cloudinary::Utils do
before :each do
+ Cloudinary.reset_config
Cloudinary.config do |config|
# config.cloud_name = "demo"
config.secure_distribution = nil
config.private_cdn = false
config.secure = false
@@ -448,10 +450,16 @@
expect(["test", { :effect => ["sepia", 10] }])
.to produce_url("#{upload_path}/e_sepia:10/test")
.and empty_options
+ it "should support blur effect with ocr gravity" do
+ expect(["test", { :effect => ["blur_region", 5000], :gravity => "ocr_text" }])
+ .to produce_url("#{upload_path}/e_blur_region:5000,g_ocr_text/test")
+ .and empty_options
+ end
it "should support keyframe_interval" do
expect(["test", { :keyframe_interval => 10 }])
.to produce_url("#{upload_path}/ki_10/test")
.and empty_options
@@ -563,11 +571,12 @@
["explicit layer parameter", "text:test_text:#{text_encoded}", "text:test_text:#{text_encoded}"],
["text parameter", { :public_id => "test_text", :text => text_layer }, "text:test_text:#{text_encoded}"],
["text with font family and size parameters", { :text => text_layer, :font_family => "Arial", :font_size => "18" }, "text:Arial_18:#{text_encoded}"],
["text with text style parameter", { :text => text_layer, :font_family => "Arial", :font_size => "18", :font_weight => "bold", :font_style => "italic", :letter_spacing => 4, :line_spacing => 2 }, "text:Arial_18_bold_italic_letter_spacing_4_line_spacing_2:#{text_encoded}"],
["subtitles", { :resource_type => "subtitles", :public_id => "subtitles.srt" }, "subtitles:subtitles.srt"],
- ["subtitles with font family and size", { :resource_type => "subtitles", :public_id => "subtitles.srt", :font_family => "Arial", :font_size => "40" }, "subtitles:Arial_40:subtitles.srt"]
+ ["subtitles with font family and size", { :resource_type => "subtitles", :public_id => "subtitles.srt", :font_family => "Arial", :font_size => "40" }, "subtitles:Arial_40:subtitles.srt"],
+ ["image of type fetch", { :public_id => "http://res.cloudinary.com/demo/image/upload/ci", :type => "fetch" }, "fetch:aHR0cDovL3Jlcy5jbG91ZGluYXJ5LmNvbS9kZW1vL2ltYWdlL3VwbG9hZC9jaQ=="]
layers_options.each do |name, options, result|
it "should support #{name}" do
expect(["sample.jpg", { param => options }]).to produce_url("#{upload_path}/#{short}_#{result}/sample.jpg").and empty_options
# expect("#{upload_path}/#{short}_#{result}/sample.jpg").to be_served_by_cloudinary
@@ -615,12 +624,12 @@
.to produce_url("http://hello.com/#{cloud_name}/image/upload/test")
.and empty_options
it "should support extenal cname with cdn_subdomain on" do
- expect(["test", { :cname => "hello.com", :cdn_subdomain => true }])
- .to produce_url("http://a2.hello.com/#{cloud_name}/image/upload/test")
+ expect(["test", { :cname => "hello.com", :private_cdn => true, :cdn_subdomain => true}])
+ .to produce_url("http://a2.hello.com/image/upload/test")
.and empty_options
it "should support cdn_subdomain with secure on if using shared_domain" do
expect(["test", { :secure => true, :cdn_subdomain => true }])
@@ -805,10 +814,16 @@
expect(["sample", transformation: [{ if: "w_lt_200", crop: "fill", height: 120, width: 80 },
{ if: "w_gt_400", crop: "fit", width: 150, height: 150 },
{ effect: "sepia" }]])
.to produce_url("#{upload_path}/if_w_lt_200,c_fill,h_120,w_80/if_w_gt_400,c_fit,h_150,w_150/e_sepia/sample")
+ it "should allow multiple tags condition" do
+ expect(["sample", transformation: [{ if: "!tag1:tag2:tag3!_in_tags", crop: "fill", height: 120, width: 80 },
+ { if: "else", crop: "fit", width: 150, height: 150 },
+ { effect: "sepia" }]])
+ .to produce_url("#{upload_path}/if_!tag1:tag2:tag3!_in_tags,c_fill,h_120,w_80/if_else,c_fit,h_150,w_150/e_sepia/sample")
+ end
describe "including spaces and operators" do
it "should translate operators" do
expect(["sample", { if: "w < 200", crop: "fill", height: 120, width: 80 }])
.to produce_url("#{upload_path}/if_w_lt_200,c_fill,h_120,w_80/sample")
@@ -899,8 +914,36 @@
it 'should support symbols' do
context = {:symbol_key => "string_value", "string_key" => :symbol_value}
result = Cloudinary::Utils.encode_context(context)
expect(result).to eq("string_key=symbol_value|symbol_key=string_value")
.or eq("symbol_key=string_value|string_key=symbol_value")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "customFunction" do
+ custom_function_wasm = {
+ :function_type => 'wasm',
+ :source => 'blur.wasm'
+ }
+ custom_function_wasm_str = 'wasm:blur.wasm'
+ custom_function_remote = {
+ :function_type => 'remote',
+ :source => 'https://df34ra4a.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/default/cloudinaryFunction'
+ }
+ custom_function_remote_str = 'remote:aHR0cHM6Ly9kZjM0cmE0YS5leGVjdXRlLWFwaS51cy13ZXN0LTIuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbS9kZWZhdWx0L2Nsb3VkaW5hcnlGdW5jdGlvbg=='
+ it 'should accept a string value' do
+ actual = Cloudinary::Utils.generate_transformation_string :custom_function => custom_function_wasm_str
+ expect( actual).to eq("fn_#{custom_function_wasm_str}")
+ end
+ it 'should accept a hash of options' do
+ actual = Cloudinary::Utils.generate_transformation_string :custom_function => custom_function_wasm
+ expect( actual).to eq("fn_#{custom_function_wasm_str}")
+ end
+ it 'should base64 encoded URL for a remote function' do
+ actual = Cloudinary::Utils.generate_transformation_string :custom_function => custom_function_remote
+ expect( actual).to eq("fn_#{custom_function_remote_str}")