spec/utils_spec.rb in cloudinary-1.1.3 vs spec/utils_spec.rb in cloudinary-1.1.4
- old
+ new
@@ -389,17 +389,17 @@
{ 'overlay' => :l, :underlay => :u }.each do |param, letter|
describe param do
let(:root_path) { "http://res.cloudinary.com/#{cloud_name}" }
let(:layers_options) { [
- # [name, options, result]
- ["string", "text:hello", "text:hello"],
- ["public_id", { "public_id" => "logo" }, "logo"],
- ["public_id with folder", { "public_id" => "folder/logo" }, "folder:logo"],
- ["private", { "public_id" => "logo", "type" => "private" }, "private:logo"],
- ["format", { "public_id" => "logo", "format" => "png" }, "logo.png"],
- ["video", { "resource_type" => "video", "public_id" => "cat" }, "video:cat"],
+ # [name, options, result]
+ ["string", "text:hello", "text:hello"],
+ ["public_id", { "public_id" => "logo" }, "logo"],
+ ["public_id with folder", { "public_id" => "folder/logo" }, "folder:logo"],
+ ["private", { "public_id" => "logo", "type" => "private" }, "private:logo"],
+ ["format", { "public_id" => "logo", "format" => "png" }, "logo.png"],
+ ["video", { "resource_type" => "video", "public_id" => "cat" }, "video:cat"],
] }
it "should support #{param}" do
layers_options.each do |name, options, result|
expect(["test", { param => options }]).to produce_url("#{upload_path}/#{letter}_#{result}/test").and empty_options
@@ -665,7 +665,71 @@
it "should correctly encode double arrays" do
expect(Cloudinary::Utils.encode_double_array([1, 2, 3, 4])).to eq("1,2,3,4")
expect(Cloudinary::Utils.encode_double_array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]])).to eq("1,2,3,4|5,6,7,8")
+ describe ":if" do
+ describe 'with literal condition string' do
+ it "should include the if parameter as the first component in the transformation string" do
+ expect(["sample", { if: "w_lt_200", crop: "fill", height: 120, width: 80 }])
+ .to produce_url("#{upload_path}/if_w_lt_200,c_fill,h_120,w_80/sample")
+ expect(["sample", { crop: "fill", height: 120, if: "w_lt_200", width: 80 }])
+ .to produce_url("#{upload_path}/if_w_lt_200,c_fill,h_120,w_80/sample")
+ end
+ it "should allow multiple conditions when chaining transformations " do
+ expect(["sample", transformation: [{ if: "w_lt_200", crop: "fill", height: 120, width: 80 },
+ { if: "w_gt_400", crop: "fit", width: 150, height: 150 },
+ { effect: "sepia" }]])
+ .to produce_url("#{upload_path}/if_w_lt_200,c_fill,h_120,w_80/if_w_gt_400,c_fit,h_150,w_150/e_sepia/sample")
+ end
+ describe "including spaces and operators" do
+ it "should translate operators" do
+ expect(["sample", { if: "w < 200", crop: "fill", height: 120, width: 80 }])
+ .to produce_url("#{upload_path}/if_w_lt_200,c_fill,h_120,w_80/sample")
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'if end' do
+ it "should include the if_end as the last parameter in its component" do
+ expect(["sample", transformation: [{ if: "w_lt_200" },
+ { crop: "fill", height: 120, width: 80, effect: "sharpen" },
+ { effect: "brightness:50" },
+ { effect: "shadow", color: "red" },
+ { if: "end" }]])
+ .to produce_url("#{upload_path}/if_w_lt_200/c_fill,e_sharpen,h_120,w_80/e_brightness:50/co_red,e_shadow/if_end/sample")
+ end
+ it "should support if_else with transformation parameters" do
+ expect(["sample", transformation: [{ if: "w_lt_200", crop: "fill", height: 120, width: 80 },
+ { if: "else", crop: "fill", height: 90, width: 100 }]])
+ .to produce_url("#{upload_path}/if_w_lt_200,c_fill,h_120,w_80/if_else,c_fill,h_90,w_100/sample")
+ end
+ it "if_else should be without any transformation parameters" do
+ expect(["sample", transformation: [{ if: "w_lt_200" },
+ { crop: "fill", height: 120, width: 80 },
+ { if: "else" },
+ { crop: "fill", height: 90, width: 100 }]])
+ .to produce_url("#{upload_path}/if_w_lt_200/c_fill,h_120,w_80/if_else/c_fill,h_90,w_100/sample")
+ end
+ end
+ it "should support and translate operators: '=', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '&&', '||'" do
+ allOperators =
+ 'if_' +
+ 'w_eq_0_and' +
+ '_w_ne_0_or' +
+ '_h_lt_0_and' +
+ '_ar_gt_0_and' +
+ '_pc_lte_0_and' +
+ '_fc_gte_0' +
+ ',e_grayscale'
+ expect( ["sample",
+ :if =>"width = 0 && w != 0 || height < 0 and aspect_ratio > 0 and page_count <= 0 and face_count >= 0",
+ :effect =>"grayscale"])
+ .to produce_url("#{upload_path}/#{allOperators}/sample")
+ end
+ end
+ end