lib/cloud_party/exception.rb in cloud_party-0.1.1.pre.alpha.1 vs lib/cloud_party/exception.rb in cloud_party-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,61 +1,35 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
module CloudParty
- class ConnectionError < StandardError
- attr_reader :response
- def initialize(message, response)
- super(message)
- @response = response
+ module Errors
+ class APIError < StandardError
+ attr_reader(:response)
+ def initialize(message, response)
+ super(message)
+ @response = response
+ end
- end
+ class RequestError < StandardError
+ def initialize(obj:, method:, code:, response:, endpoint:)
+ @obj = obj
+ @method = method
+ @endpoint = endpoint
+ @code = code
+ @response = response
+ end
- class APIError < StandardError
- attr_reader(:response)
- def initialize(message, response)
- super(message)
- @response = response
- end
- end
- class RequestError < StandardError
- def initialize(obj:, method:, code:, response:, endpoint:)
- @obj = obj
- @method = method
- @endpoint = endpoint
- @code = code
- @response = response
- end
+ def to_s
+ [error_string.squish, extra_string].join("\n")
+ end
- def to_s
- [error_string.squish, extra_string].join("\n")
- end
+ def self.extra_string
+ # This method should be overridden
+ end
- def self.extra_string; end
- def self.error_string; end
- end
- class UnknownError < RequestError
- def initialize(obj:, method:, response:, endpoint: nil, code:)
- super
- end
- def self.error_string
- An error with the request has occurred, please make
- sure the method verb, endpoint, and credentials are
- correct for this request.
- end
- def self.extra_string
- Credentials Context: #{@obj&.class&.cfg}
- Method Verb: #{@method}
- Endpoint: #{@endpoint}
- HTTP Status Code: #{@code}
- Response Body: #{@response.body}
+ # override error_string to provide your own error_string
+ def self.error_string
+ # This method should be overridden
+ end