modules/mu/providers/aws.rb in cloud-mu-3.4.0 vs modules/mu/providers/aws.rb in cloud-mu-3.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -14,11 +14,10 @@
require "net/http"
require 'open-uri'
require 'timeout'
require 'inifile'
-gem 'aws-sdk-core'
autoload :Aws, "aws-sdk-core"
module MU
class Cloud
@@ -52,18 +51,23 @@
# @param cloudobj [MU::Cloud]
# @param _deploy [MU::MommaCat]
def self.resourceInitHook(cloudobj, _deploy)
class << self
attr_reader :cloudformation_data
+ attr_reader :region
+ return if !cloudobj
cloudobj.instance_variable_set(:@cloudformation_data, {})
+ cloudobj.instance_variable_set(:@region, cloudobj.config['region'])
# Load some credentials for using the AWS API
# @param name [String]: The name of the mu.yaml AWS credential set to use. If not specified, will use the default credentials, and set the global Aws.config credentials to those.
# @return [Aws::Credentials]
def self.loadCredentials(name = nil)
+ gem 'aws-sdk-core'
@@creds_loaded ||= {}
if name.nil?
return @@creds_loaded["#default"] if @@creds_loaded["#default"]
@@ -122,27 +126,31 @@
elsif cred_cfg['credentials'] and
# pull access key and secret from a vault
vault, item = cred_cfg["credentials"].split(/:/)
- data = MU::Groomer::Chef.getSecret(vault: vault, item: item).to_h
- if data["access_key"] and data["access_secret"]
+ data = if !vault or !item
+ raise "AWS #{name} credentials field value '#{cred_cfg["credentials"]}' malformed, should be vaultname:itemname", details: cred_cfg
+ else
+ MU::Groomer::Chef.getSecret(vault: vault, item: item).to_h
+ end
+ if data and data["access_key"] and data["access_secret"]
cred_obj =
- cred_cfg['access_key'], cred_cfg['access_secret']
+ data['access_key'], data['access_secret']
if name.nil?
# Aws.config = {
# access_key_id: data['access_key'],
# secret_access_key: data['access_secret'],
# region: cred_cfg['region']
# }
- MU.log "AWS credentials vault:item #{cred_cfg["credentials"]} specified, but is missing access_key or access_secret elements", MU::WARN
+ raise "AWS #{name} credentials vault:item #{cred_cfg["credentials"]} specified, but is missing access_key or access_secret elements", details: cred_cfg
rescue MU::Groomer::MuNoSuchSecret
- MU.log "AWS credentials vault:item #{cred_cfg["credentials"]} specified, but does not exist", MU::WARN
+ raise "AWS #{name} credentials vault:item #{cred_cfg["credentials"]} specified, but does not exist", details: cred_cfg
if !cred_obj and hosted?
# assume we've got an IAM profile and hope for the best
@@ -184,10 +192,11 @@
# Given an AWS region, check the API to make sure it's a valid one
# @param r [String]
# @return [String]
def self.validate_region(r, credentials: nil)
+ require "aws-sdk-ec2"
MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: r, credentials: credentials).describe_availability_zones.availability_zones.first.region_name
rescue ::Aws::EC2::Errors::UnauthorizedOperation => e
MU.log "Got '#{e.message}' trying to validate region #{r} (hosted: #{hosted?.to_s})", MU::ERR, details: loadCredentials(credentials)
raise MuError, "Got '#{e.message}' trying to validate region #{r} with credentials #{credentials ? credentials : "<default>"} (hosted: #{hosted?.to_s})"
@@ -202,10 +211,11 @@
# @param optional [Boolean]: Whether to apply our optional generic tags
# @param nametag [String]: A +Name+ tag to apply
# @param othertags [Array<Hash>]: Miscellaneous custom tags, in Basket of Kittens style
# @return [void]
def self.createStandardTags(resource = nil, region: MU.curRegion, credentials: nil, optional: true, nametag: nil, othertags: nil)
+ require "aws-sdk-ec2"
tags = []
MU::MommaCat.listStandardTags.each_pair { |name, value|
tags << {key: name, value: value} if !value.nil?
if optional
@@ -259,24 +269,37 @@
return nil if vpc.nil? or vpc.size == 0
@@myVPCObj = vpc.first
- # If we've configured AWS as a provider, or are simply hosted in AWS,
+ # If we've configured AWS as a provider, or are simply hosted in AWS,
# decide what our default region is.
- def self.myRegion(credentials = nil)
- return @@myRegion_var if @@myRegion_var
+ def self.myRegion(credentials = nil, debug: false)
+ loglevel = debug ? MU::NOTICE : MU::DEBUG
+ if @@myRegion_var
+ MU.log "AWS.myRegion: returning #{@@myRegion_var} from cache", loglevel
+ return @@myRegion_var
+ end
+ MU.log "AWS.myRegion: credConfig", loglevel, details: credConfig
+ MU.log "AWS.myRegion: hosted?", loglevel, details: hosted?.to_s
+ MU.log "AWS.myRegion: ENV['EC2_REGION']", loglevel, details: ENV['EC2_REGION']
+ MU.log "AWS.myRegion: $MU_CFG['aws']", loglevel, details: $MU_CFG['aws']
if credConfig.nil? and !hosted? and !ENV['EC2_REGION']
+ MU.log "AWS.myRegion: nothing of use set, returning", loglevel
return nil
if $MU_CFG and $MU_CFG['aws']
$MU_CFG['aws'].each_pair { |credset, cfg|
+ MU.log "AWS.myRegion: #{credset} != #{credentials} ?", loglevel, details: cfg
next if credentials and credset != credentials
+ MU.log "AWS.myRegion: validating credset #{credset}", loglevel, details: cfg
next if !cfg['region']
- if (cfg['default'] or !@@myRegion_var) and validate_region(cfg['region'], credentials: credset)
+ MU.log "AWS.myRegion: validation response", loglevel, details: validate_region(cfg['region'], credentials: credset)
+ if (cfg['default'] or !@@myRegion_var or $MU_CFG['aws'].size == 1) and validate_region(cfg['region'], credentials: credset)
+ MU.log "AWS.myRegion: liking this set", loglevel, details: cfg
@@myRegion_var = cfg['region']
break if cfg['default'] or credentials
elsif ENV.has_key?("EC2_REGION") and !ENV['EC2_REGION'].empty? and
@@ -284,19 +307,25 @@
(ENV.has_key?("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY") and ENV.has_key?("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY") ) or
(Aws.config['access_key'] and Aws.config['access_secret'])
# Make sure this string is valid by way of the API
+ MU.log "AWS.myRegion: using ENV", loglevel, details: ENV
@@myRegion_var = ENV['EC2_REGION']
if hosted? and !@@myRegion_var
# hacky, but useful in a pinch (and if we're hosted in AWS)
az_str = MU::Cloud::AWS.getAWSMetaData("placement/availability-zone")
+ MU.log "AWS.myRegion: using hosted", loglevel, details: az_str
@@myRegion_var = az_str.sub(/[a-z]$/i, "") if az_str
+ if credConfig and credConfig["region"]
+ @@myRegion_var ||= credConfig["region"]
+ end
# Is the region we're dealing with a GovCloud region?
@@ -380,12 +409,13 @@
# Plant a Mu deploy secret into a storage bucket somewhere for so our kittens can consume it
# @param deploy_id [String]: The deploy for which we're writing the secret
# @param value [String]: The contents of the secret
- def self.writeDeploySecret(deploy_id, value, name = nil, credentials: nil)
- name ||= deploy_id+"-secret"
+ def self.writeDeploySecret(deploy, value, name = nil, credentials: nil)
+ require "aws-sdk-s3"
+ name ||= deploy.deploy_id+"-secret"
MU.log "Writing #{name} to S3 bucket #{adminBucketName(credentials)}"
MU::Cloud::AWS.s3(region: myRegion, credentials: credentials).put_object(
acl: "private",
bucket: adminBucketName(credentials),
@@ -399,49 +429,96 @@
# Log bucket policy for enabling CloudTrail logging to our log bucket in S3.
def self.cloudtrailBucketPolicy(credentials = nil)
cfg = credConfig(credentials)
policy_json = '{
- "Version": "2012-10-17",
- "Statement": [
- {
- "Sid": "AWSCloudTrailAclCheck20131101",
- "Effect": "Allow",
+ "Version": "2012-10-17",
+ "Statement": [
+ {
+ "Sid": "AWSCloudTrailAclCheck20131101",
+ "Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:'+(MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud?(cfg['region']) ? "aws-us-gov" : "aws")+':iam::<%= MU.account_number %>:root",
"Service": ""
- "Action": "s3:GetBucketAcl",
- "Resource": "arn:'+(MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud?(cfg['region']) ? "aws-us-gov" : "aws")+':s3:::'+MU::Cloud::AWS.adminBucketName(credentials)+'"
- },
- {
- "Sid": "AWSCloudTrailWrite20131101",
- "Effect": "Allow",
+ "Action": "s3:GetBucketAcl",
+ "Resource": "arn:'+(MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud?(cfg['region']) ? "aws-us-gov" : "aws")+':s3:::'+MU::Cloud::AWS.adminBucketName(credentials)+'"
+ },
+ {
+ "Sid": "AWSCloudTrailWrite20131101",
+ "Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:'+(MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud?(cfg['region']) ? "aws-us-gov" : "aws")+':iam::'+credToAcct(credentials)+':root",
"Service": ""
- "Action": "s3:PutObject",
- "Resource": "arn:'+(MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud?(cfg['region']) ? "aws-us-gov" : "aws")+':s3:::'+MU::Cloud::AWS.adminBucketName(credentials)+'/AWSLogs/'+credToAcct(credentials)+'/*",
- "Condition": {
- "StringEquals": {
- "s3:x-amz-acl": "bucket-owner-full-control"
- }
- }
- }
- ]
- }'
+ "Action": "s3:PutObject",
+ "Resource": "arn:'+(MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud?(cfg['region']) ? "aws-us-gov" : "aws")+':s3:::'+MU::Cloud::AWS.adminBucketName(credentials)+'/AWSLogs/'+credToAcct(credentials)+'/*",
+ "Condition": {
+ "StringEquals": {
+ "s3:x-amz-acl": "bucket-owner-full-control"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }'
@@is_in_aws = nil
# Alias for #{MU::Cloud::AWS.hosted?}
def self.hosted
+ # If we're in AWS and NVME-aware, return a mapping of AWS-side device
+ # names to actual NVME devices.
+ # @return [Hash]
+ def self.attachedNVMeDisks
+ if !hosted? or !File.executable?("/bin/lsblk") or !File.executable?("/sbin/nvme")
+ return {}
+ end
+ map = {}
+ devices = MU::Master.listBlockDevices
+ return {} if !devices
+ devices.each { |d|
+ if d =~ /^\/dev\/nvme/
+ %x{/sbin/nvme id-ctrl -v #{d}}.each_line { |desc|
+ if desc.match(/^0000: (?:[0-9a-f]{2} ){16}"(.+?)\./)
+ virt_dev = Regexp.last_match[1]
+ map[virt_dev] = d
+ break
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ }
+ map
+ end
+ # Map our own idea of what a block device is called back to whatever AWS
+ # and the operating system decided on amongst themselves. This currently
+ # exists to map generic "xvd[a-z]" style names back to real NVMe devices.
+ # @param dev [String]
+ def self.realDevicePath(dev)
+ return dev if !hosted?
+ value = nil
+ should_retry = {
+ !value and MU::Master.nvme?
+ }
+ MU.retrier(loop_if: should_retry, wait: 5, max: 6) {
+ map = attachedNVMeDisks
+ value = if map[dev]
+ map[dev]
+ elsif map[dev.gsub(/.*?\//, '')]
+ map[dev.gsub(/.*?\//, '')]
+ else
+ dev # be nice to actually handle this too
+ end
+ }
+ value
+ end
# Determine whether we (the Mu master, presumably) are hosted in this
# cloud.
# @return [Boolean]
def self.hosted?
if $MU_CFG.has_key?("aws_is_hosted")
@@ -455,11 +532,11 @@
return @@is_in_aws
Timeout.timeout(4) do
- instance_id = open("").read
+ instance_id ="").read
if !instance_id.nil? and instance_id.size > 0
@@is_in_aws = true
region = getAWSMetaData("placement/availability-zone").sub(/[a-z]$/i, "")
@@ -564,21 +641,22 @@
if !$MU_CFG['aws']
return hosted? ? ["#default"] : nil
- end
+ end
# Resolve the administrative S3 bucket for a given credential set, or
# return a default.
# @param credentials [String]
# @return [String]
def self.adminBucketName(credentials = nil)
+ require "aws-sdk-s3"
cfg = credConfig(credentials)
return nil if !cfg
if !cfg['log_bucket_name']
- cfg['log_bucket_name'] = $MU_CFG['hostname']
+ cfg['log_bucket_name'] = $MU_CFG['hostname']
MU.log "No AWS log bucket defined for credentials #{credentials}, attempting to use default of #{cfg['log_bucket_name']}", MU::WARN
resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.s3(credentials: credentials).list_buckets
found = false
resp.buckets.each { |b|
@@ -608,11 +686,11 @@
# Return the $MU_CFG data associated with a particular profile/name/set of
# credentials. If no account name is specified, will return one flagged as
- # default. Returns nil if AWS is not configured. Throws an exception if
+ # default. Returns nil if AWS is not configured. Throws an exception if
# an account name is specified which does not exist.
# @param name [String]: The name of the key under 'aws' in mu.yaml to return
# @return [Hash,nil]
def self.credConfig(name = nil, name_only: false)
# If there's nothing in mu.yaml (which is wrong), but we're running
@@ -623,14 +701,17 @@
return name_only ? "#default" : @@my_hosted_cfg
if hosted?
- iam_data = JSON.parse(getAWSMetaData("iam/info"))
- if iam_data["InstanceProfileArn"] and !iam_data["InstanceProfileArn"].empty?
- @@my_hosted_cfg = hosted_config
- return name_only ? "#default" : @@my_hosted_cfg
+ iam_blob = getAWSMetaData("iam/info")
+ if iam_blob
+ iam_data = JSON.parse(iam_blob)
+ if iam_data["InstanceProfileArn"] and !iam_data["InstanceProfileArn"].empty?
+ @@my_hosted_cfg = hosted_config
+ return name_only ? "#default" : @@my_hosted_cfg
+ end
rescue JSON::ParserError => e
env_config = {
@@ -690,10 +771,11 @@
# in AWS at all, or otherwise cannot be determined, return nil. here.
# XXX account for Google and non-cloud situations
# XXX this needs to be "myAccountNumber" or somesuch
# XXX and maybe do the IAM thing for arbitrary, non-resident accounts
def self.account_number
+ require "aws-sdk-ec2"
return nil if credConfig.nil?
return @@my_acct_num if @@my_acct_num
# XXX take optional credential set argument
@@ -747,11 +829,11 @@
@@regions.keys.delete_if { |r| !r.match(/^us\-/) }.uniq
-# XXX GovCloud doesn't show up if you query a commercial endpoint... that's
+# XXX GovCloud doesn't show up if you query a commercial endpoint... that's
# *probably* ok for most purposes? We can't call listAZs on it from out here
# apparently, so getting around it is nontrivial
# if !@@regions.has_key?("us-gov-west-1")
# @@regions["us-gov-west-1"] = { listAZs("us-gov-west-1") }
# end
@@ -772,10 +854,11 @@
# OpenSSH-style public key and a name.
# @param keyname [String]: The name of the key to create.
# @param public_key [String]: The public key
# @return [Array<String>]: keypairname, ssh_private_key, ssh_public_key
def self.createEc2SSHKey(keyname, public_key, credentials: nil)
+ require "aws-sdk-ec2"
# We replicate this key in all regions
if !MU::Cloud::CloudFormation.emitCloudFormation
MU::Cloud::AWS.listRegions.each { |region|
MU.log "Replicating #{keyname} to EC2 in #{region}", MU::DEBUG, details: @ssh_public_key
@@ -800,12 +883,20 @@
# @param region [String]: Supported machine types can vary from region to region, so we look for the set we're interested in specifically
# @return [Hash]
def self.listInstanceTypes(region = myRegion)
return @@instance_types if @@instance_types and @@instance_types[region]
return {} if credConfig.nil?
+ if region.nil?
+ region = myRegion(debug: true)
+ end
+ return {} if region.nil?
human_region = @@regionLookup[region]
+ if human_region.nil?
+ MU.log "Failed to map a Pricing API region name from #{region}", MU::ERR
+ return {}
+ end
@@instance_types ||= {}
@@instance_types[region] ||= {}
# Pricing API isn't widely available, so ask a region we know supports
@@ -855,10 +946,11 @@
# disambiguate.
# @param name [String]: The name of the cert. For IAM certs this can be any IAM name; for ACM, it's usually the domain name. If multiple matches are found, or no matches, an exception is raised.
# @param id [String]: The ARN of a known certificate. We just validate that it exists. This is ignored if a name parameter is supplied.
# @return [String]: The ARN of a matching certificate that is known to exist. If it is an ACM certificate, we also know that it is not expired.
def self.findSSLCertificate(name: nil, id: nil, region: myRegion, credentials: nil, raise_on_missing: true)
+ require "aws-sdk-iam"
if (name.nil? or name.empty?) and (id.nil? or id.empty?)
raise MuError, "Can't call findSSLCertificate without specifying either a name or an id"
if id and @@certificates[id]
return [id, @@certificates[id]]
@@ -889,11 +981,11 @@
raise MuError, "No IAM or ACM certificate named #{name} was found in #{region}"
return nil
elsif matches.size > 1
- raise MuError, "Multiple certificates named #{name} were found in #{region}. Remove extras or use ssl_certificate_id to supply the exact ARN of the one you want to use."
+ raise MuError, "Multiple certificates named #{name} were found in #{region}. Remove extras or use ssl_certificate_id to supply the exact ARN of the one you want to use."
domains = []
@@ -951,11 +1043,11 @@
# Given a {MU::Config::Ref} block for an IAM or ACM SSL certificate,
# look up and validate the specified certificate. This is intended to be
# invoked from resource implementations' +validateConfig+ methods.
- # @param certblock [Hash,MU::Config::Ref]:
+ # @param certblock [Hash,MU::Config::Ref]:
# @param region [String]: Default region to use when looking up the certificate, if its configuration block does not specify any
# @param credentials [String]: Default credentials to use when looking up the certificate, if its configuration block does not specify any
# @return [Boolean]
def self.resolveSSLCertificate(certblock, region: nil, credentials: nil)
return false if !certblock
@@ -1119,19 +1211,19 @@
region ||= myRegion
@@elasticache_api[credentials] ||= {}
@@elasticache_api[credentials][region] ||= "ElastiCache", region: region, credentials: credentials)
# Amazon's SNS API
def self.sns(region: MU.curRegion, credentials: nil)
region ||= myRegion
@@sns_api[credentials] ||= {}
@@sns_api[credentials][region] ||= "SNS", region: region, credentials: credentials)
# Amazon's SQS API
def self.sqs(region: MU.curRegion, credentials: nil)
region ||= myRegion
@@sqs_api[credentials] ||= {}
@@sqs_api[credentials][region] ||= "SQS", region: region, credentials: credentials)
@@ -1159,11 +1251,11 @@
region ||= myRegion
@@apig_api[credentials] ||= {}
@@apig_api[credentials][region] ||= "APIGateway", region: region, credentials: credentials)
# Amazon's Cloudwatch Events API
def self.cloudwatch_events(region = MU.cureRegion)
region ||= myRegion
@@cloudwatch_events_api[credentials] ||= {}
@@cloudwatch_events_api[credentials][region] ||= "CloudWatchEvents", region: region, credentials: credentials)
@@ -1272,11 +1364,11 @@
def self.getAWSMetaData(param)
base_url = ""
response = nil
Timeout.timeout(1) do
- response = open("#{base_url}/#{param}").read
+ response ="#{base_url}/#{param}").read
rescue OpenURI::HTTPError, Timeout::Error, SocketError, Errno::ENETUNREACH, Net::HTTPServerException, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH => e
# This is normal on machines checking to see if they're AWS-hosted
@@ -1297,10 +1389,11 @@
def self.createTag(resource = nil,
region: MU.curRegion,
credentials: nil)
+ require "aws-sdk-ec2"
attempts = 0
return nil if resource.nil?
resource = [resource] if resource.is_a?(String)
@@ -1337,9 +1430,10 @@
@syslog_port_semaphore =
# Punch AWS security group holes for client nodes to talk back to us, the
# Mu Master, if we're in AWS.
# @return [void]
def self.openFirewallForClients
+ require "aws-sdk-ec2"
MU::Cloud.resourceClass("AWS", :FirewallRule)
if File.exist?(Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).dir+"/.chef/knife.rb")