in clockwork-0.7.3 vs in clockwork-0.7.4
- old
+ new
@@ -134,18 +134,18 @@
[...other tasks if you have...]
-This tells clockwork to fetch all MyScheduledTask instances from the database, and create an event for each, configured based on the instances' `frequency`, `name`, and `at` methods. It also says to reload the tasks from the database every 1.minute - we need to frequently do this as they could have changed (but you can choose a sensible reload frequency by changing the `every:` option). Note that the database sync event will always run on the minute-boundary (i.e. HH:MM::00), and that events which have been synced from the database won't be run in that same clock cycle (this prevents a task from the database being run twice).
+This tells clockwork to fetch all MyScheduledTask instances from the database, and create an event for each, configured based on the instances' `frequency`, `name`, and `at` methods. It also says to reload the tasks from the database every 1.minute - we need to frequently do this as they could have changed (but you can choose a sensible reload frequency by changing the `every:` option).
Rails ActiveRecord models are a perfect candidate for the model class, but you could use something else. The only requirements are:
1. the class responds to `all` returning an array of instances from the database
2. the instances returned respond to:
`frequency` returning the how frequently (in seconds) the database task should be run
`name` returning the task's job name (this is what gets passed into the block above)
- `at` return nil or '' if not using :at, or any acceptable clockwork :at string
+ `at` return nil or `''` if not using `:at`, or otherwise any acceptable clockwork `:at` string
Here's an example of one way of setting up your ActiveRecord models, using Sidekiq for background tasks, and making the model class a worker:
# db/migrate/20140302220659_create_frequency_periods.rb