lib/cliutils/pretty_io.rb in cliutils-1.4.2 vs lib/cliutils/pretty_io.rb in cliutils-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -46,121 +46,9 @@
puts "\033[0m"
- # Empty method so that Messaging doesn't freak
- # out when passed a debug message.
- # @return [void]
- def debug(m); end
- # Outputs a formatted-red error message.
- # @param [String] m The message to output
- # @return [void]
- def error(m)
- puts _word_wrap(m, '# ').red
- end
- # Outputs a formatted-blue informational message.
- # @param [String] m The message to output
- # @return [void]
- def info(m)
- puts _word_wrap(m, '# ').blue
- end
- # Wraps a block in an opening and closing info message.
- # @param [String] m1 The opening message to output
- # @param [String] m2 The closing message to output
- # @param [<True, False>] multiline Whether the message should be multiline
- # @yield
- # @return [void]
- def info_block(m1, m2 = 'Done.', multiline = false)
- if block_given?
- if multiline
- info(m1)
- else
- print _word_wrap(m1, '# ').blue
- end
- yield
- if multiline
- info(m2)
- else
- puts _word_wrap(m2, '# ').blue
- end
- else
- fail 'Did not specify a valid block'
- end
- end
- # Empty method so that Messaging doesn't freak
- # out when passed a log message.
- # @return [void]
- def log(m); end
- # Outputs a prompt, collects the user's response, and
- # returns it.
- # @param [String] prompt The prompt to output
- # @param [String] default The default option
- # @param [String] start_dir The directory to start from for autocompletion
- # @return [String]
- def prompt(prompt, default = nil, start_dir = '')
- Readline.completion_append_character = nil
- Readline.completion_proc = lambda do |prefix|
- files = Dir["#{start_dir}#{prefix}*"]
- { |f| File.expand_path(f) }
- .map { |f| ? "#{ f }/" : f }
- end
- p = "# #{ prompt }#{ default.nil? ? ':' : " [default: #{ default }]:" } "
- choice = Readline.readline(p.cyan)
- if choice.empty?
- default
- else
- choice
- end
- end
- # Outputs a formatted-purple section message.
- # @param [String] m The message to output
- # @return [void]
- def section(m)
- puts _word_wrap(m, '---> ').purple
- end
- # Wraps a block in an opening and closing section message.
- # @param [String] m The opening message to output
- # @param [<True, False>] multiline Whether the message should be multiline
- # @yield
- # @return [void]
- def section_block(m, multiline = true)
- if block_given?
- if multiline
- section(m)
- else
- print _word_wrap(m, '---> ').purple
- end
- yield
- else
- fail 'Did not specify a valid block'
- end
- end
- # Outputs a formatted-green success message.
- # @param [String] m The message to output
- # @return [void]
- def success(m)
- puts _word_wrap(m, '# ').green
- end
- # Outputs a formatted-yellow warning message.
- # @param [String] m The message to output
- # @return [void]
- def warn(m)
- puts _word_wrap(m, '# ').yellow
- end
# Outputs a wrapped string (where each line is limited
# to a certain number of characters).
# @param [String] text The text to wrap