tasks/spec/mutate.rake in cli-forge-0.0.0 vs tasks/spec/mutate.rake in cli-forge-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,32 +1,23 @@
namespace :spec do
- def mutant_supported?
- return false unless RUBY_VERSION.start_with?("1.9")
- begin
- return false unless RUBY_ENGINE == "ruby" || RUBY_ENGINE == "rbx"
- rescue NameError
- return false
- end
- true
- end
desc "Runs tests with code mutation"
task :mutate, [:focus_on] do |t, args|
next unless mutant_supported?
require "cli_forge"
require "mutant"
+ require "mutant/constants"
+ require "mutant/mutation/filter/regexp"
# You can focus on a particular symbol/method by passing it to the task:
# rake spec:mutate[AutoloadConvention#const_missing], for example.
if args.focus_on
- matcher = Mutant::Matcher.from_string("::CLIForge::#{args.focus_on}")
+ matcher = matcher_for_filter(args.focus_on)
+ # Otherwise we're doing a full mutation suite
- matcher = Mutant::Matcher::ObjectSpace.new(/\ACLIForge(::|#|\.).+\Z/)
+ matcher = all_matcher
# Mutant doesn't have a public scripting API yet; so we're cheating.
config = {}
def config.method_missing(sym)
@@ -35,16 +26,132 @@
:strategy => Mutant::Strategy::Rspec::DM2.new(config),
:killer => Mutant::Killer::Rspec,
:matcher => matcher,
- :filter => Mutant::Mutation::Filter::ALL,
+ :filter => filter_for_specs,
:reporter => Mutant::Reporter::CLI.new(config)
ENV["MUTATION"] = "yes"
if Mutant::Runner.run(config).fail?
exit 1
+ end
+ def mutant_supported?
+ return false unless RUBY_VERSION.start_with?("1.9")
+ # TODO: Rubinius crashes under mutant:
+ # https://github.com/rubinius/rubinius/issues/2186
+ return false if RUBY_ENGINE == "rbx"
+ begin
+ return false unless RUBY_ENGINE == "ruby" || RUBY_ENGINE == "rbx"
+ rescue NameError
+ return false
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ # Also preloads the related constants
+ def matcher_for_filter(filter)
+ # Method on CLIForge?
+ if filter.start_with?(".") || filter.start_with?("#")
+ matcher = Mutant::Matcher.from_string("::CLIForge#{filter}")
+ # Or regular constant?
+ else
+ matcher = Mutant::Matcher.from_string("::CLIForge::#{filter}")
+ # Force that symbol to load
+ const = CLIForge
+ filter[/^[^#\.]+/].split("::").each do |const_name|
+ const = const.const_get(const_name.to_sym)
+ end
+ end
+ matcher
+ end
+ def all_matcher
+ # Force everything to load
+ Dir["#{PROJECT_ROOT}/lib/cli_forge/**/*.rb"].each do |path|
+ require path[/lib.(cli_forge..+)\.rb$/, 1]
+ end
+ unit_folders = Dir["spec/unit/**/*/"].map { |f| f[/^spec.unit.(.+)./, 1] }
+ unit_constants = unit_folders.map do |folder|
+ folder.gsub(File::SEPARATOR, "::").gsub("_", "").downcase
+ end
+ Mutant::Matcher::ObjectSpace.new(/^CLIForge/)
+ end
+ def spec_filter_klass
+ # Avoid loading w/ rake
+ filter_klass = Class.new(Mutant::Mutation::Filter)
+ filter_klass.class_eval do
+ def initialize(regexp)
+ @regexp = regexp
+ end
+ def match?(mutation)
+ @regexp =~ mutation.subject.matcher.identification
+ end
+ end
+ filter_klass
+ end
+ def filter_for_specs
+ # Only run mutations for methods that we have specs for. Basic code
+ # coverage can cover simple cases.
+ spec_symbols = Dir["#{PROJECT_ROOT}/spec/unit/**/*_spec.rb"].map { |path|
+ path_to_symbol(path[/spec.unit.(.+)_spec\.rb$/, 1])
+ }
+ safe_symbols = spec_symbols.map { |s| Regexp.escape(s) }
+ spec_filter_klass.new(/^(#{safe_symbols.join("|")})$/i)
+ end
+ # convert a spec path back to a (case insensitive) symbol
+ def path_to_symbol(spec_path)
+ parts = spec_path.split(/[\/\\]/)
+ method = symbolicate_method_name(parts.pop)
+ if parts.last == "class_methods"
+ method = ".#{method}"
+ parts.pop
+ else
+ method = "##{method}"
+ end
+ parts.join("::").gsub("_", "") + method
+ end
+ # https://github.com/mbj/mutant/blob/master/lib/mutant/constants.rb
+ def postfix_expansions
+ # @postfix_expansions ||= Mutant::METHOD_POSTFIX_EXPANSIONS.invert
+ @postfix_expansions ||= {
+ '_predicate' => '?',
+ '_writer' => '=',
+ '_bang' => '!'
+ }
+ end
+ def operator_expansions
+ @operator_expansions ||= Mutant::OPERATOR_EXPANSIONS.invert
+ end
+ def symbolicate_method_name(method_name)
+ operator = operator_expansions[method_name.to_sym]
+ return operator.to_s if operator
+ postfix_expansions.each do |postfix, symbol|
+ if method_name.end_with? postfix
+ method_name = method_name[0...-postfix.size] + symbol.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ method_name