Rakefile in clevic-0.11.1 vs Rakefile in clevic-0.12.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,143 +1,36 @@
-require 'rubygems'
-require 'rake/clean'
-require 'hoe'
-require 'pathname'
+%w[rubygems rake rake/clean fileutils newgem rubigen].each { |f| require f }
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib/clevic/version.rb'
-require 'config/requirements'
-require 'config/hoe' # setup Hoe + all gem configuration
-Dir['tasks/**/*.rake'].each { |rake| load rake }
-# generate a _ui.rb filename from a .ui filename
-def ui_rb_file( ui_file )
- ui_file.gsub( /\.ui$/, '_ui.rb' )
-# list of .ui files
-UI_FILES = FileList.new( 'lib/clevic/ui/*.ui' )
-CLEAN.include( 'ChangeLog', 'coverage', 'profiling' )
-CLOBBER.include( 'ChangeLog', 'pkg', 'lib/clevic/ui/*_ui.rb' )
-UI_FILES.each do |ui_file|
- # make tasks to generate _ui.rb files
- file ui_rb_file( ui_file ) => [ ui_file ] do |t|
- sh "rbuic4 #{t.prerequisites} -o #{t.name}"
- end
+# Generate all the Rake tasks
+# Run 'rake -T' to see list of generated tasks (from gem root directory)
+$hoe = Hoe.new('clevic', Clevic::VERSION::STRING) do |p|
+ p.developer('John Anderson', 'panic@semiosix.com')
+ p.changes = p.paragraphs_of("History.txt", 0..1).join("\n\n")
+ p.rubyforge_name = p.name # TODO this is default value
+ p.description = "SQL table GUI with Qt"
+ p.extra_deps = [
+ ['activesupport','>= 2.0.2'],
+ ['qtext', '>=0.6.5'],
+ ['activerecord', '>=2.0.2'],
+ ['fastercsv', '>=1.2.3'],
+ ['gather', '>=0.0.4'],
+ ['facets', '>=2.4.1']
+ # This isn't always installed from gems
+ #~ ['qtruby4', '>=1.4.9']
+ # bsearch can't be installed from gems
+ ]
+ p.extra_dev_deps = [
+ ['newgem', ">= #{::Newgem::VERSION}"]
+ ]
- # make tasks to start designer when the ui file is named
- desc "Start Qt designer with #{ui_file}"
- namespace :ui do |n|
- task Pathname.new(ui_file).basename.to_s.ext do |t|
- sh "designer #{ui_file}"
- end
- end
+ p.clean_globs |= %w[**/.DS_Store tmp *.log]
+ path = (p.rubyforge_name == p.name) ? p.rubyforge_name : "\#{p.rubyforge_name}/\#{p.name}"
+ p.remote_rdoc_dir = File.join(path.gsub(/^#{p.rubyforge_name}\/?/,''), 'rdoc')
+ p.rsync_args = '-av --delete --ignore-errors'
-desc 'Generate all _ui.rb files'
-task :ui => UI_FILES.map{|x| ui_rb_file( x ) }
+require 'newgem/tasks' # load /tasks/*.rake
+Dir['tasks/**/*.rake'].each { |t| load t }
-namespace :ui do
- desc 'Start Qt designer with the argument, or all .ui files.'
- task :design do |t|
- ARGV.shift()
- if ARGV.size == 0
- # start designer with all ui files
- sh "designer #{UI_FILES.join(' ')}"
- else
- # start designer with all files that match an argument
- sh "designer #{ ARGV.map{|x| UI_FILES.grep( /\/#{x}/ ) }.join(' ') }"
- end
- true
- end
-desc "Runs Clevic in normal mode, with live database."
-task :run => :ui do |t|
- ARGV.shift()
- exec "ruby -Ilib bin/clevic #{ARGV.join(' ')}"
-desc "Runs Clevic in debug mode, with test databases"
-task :debug => :ui do |t|
- ARGV.shift()
- exec "ruby -w -rdebug -Ilib bin/clevic -D #{ARGV.join(' ')}"
-desc "irb in this project's context"
-task :irb do |t|
- ARGV.shift()
- ENV['RUBYLIB'] ||= ''
- ENV['RUBYLIB'] += ":#{File.expand_path('.')}/lib"
- exec "irb -Ilib -rclevic"
-# generate tasks for all model definition files
-MODELS_LIST = FileList.new( '**/*models.rb' )
-def short_model( model_file )
- Pathname.new( model_file ).basename.to_s.gsub( /_models.rb/, '' )
-MODELS_LIST.each do |model_file|
- # generate irb contexts
- desc "irb with #{model_file}"
- namespace :irb do
- task short_model( model_file ) do |t|
- ARGV.shift()
- ARGV.shift() if ARGV[0] == '--'
- ENV['RUBYLIB'] ||= '.'
- ENV['RUBYLIB'] += ":#{File.expand_path('.')}/lib"
- exec "irb -Ilib -rclevic -r#{model_file} -rclevic/db_options.rb"
- end
- end
- # generate runs
- namespace :run do
- desc "run clevic with #{model_file}"
- task short_model( model_file ) => :ui do |t|
- ARGV.shift()
- ARGV.shift() if ARGV[0] == '--'
- cmd = "ruby -Ilib bin/clevic -D #{model_file} #{ARGV.join(' ')}"
- puts "cmd: #{cmd.inspect}"
- exec cmd
- end
- end
- namespace :warn do
- desc "run clevic with #{model_file} and warnings on"
- task short_model( model_file ) => :ui do |t|
- ARGV.shift()
- exec "ruby -w -Ilib bin/clevic -D #{model_file} #{ARGV.join(' ')}"
- end
- end
-task :package => :ui
-desc "Update ChangeLog from the SVN log"
-task :changelog do |t|
- ARGV.shift
- exec "svn2cl --break-before-msg -o ChangeLog #{ARGV.join(' ')}"
-# remove hoe documentation task
-# make this respond to docs, so it fits in with the rest of the build
-Rake::RDocTask.new do |rdoc|
- rdoc.name = :docs
- rdoc.title = "Clevic DB UI builder"
- rdoc.main = 'README.txt'
- rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'doc'
- rdoc.rdoc_files.include %w{History.txt lib/**/*.rb README.txt TODO}
- rdoc.options += [
- '-SHN',
- '-f', 'darkfish', # This is the important bit
- '-A', 'property=Property',
- #~ '--quiet',
- "--opname=index.html",
- #~ "--line-numbers",
- #~ '--format=darkfish',
- #~ "--inline-source"
- ]
+# TODO - want other tests/tasks run by default? Add them to the list
+# task :default => [:spec, :features]