lib/clean_test/any.rb in clean_test-0.11.0 vs lib/clean_test/any.rb in clean_test-1.0.0.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,19 +1,14 @@
require 'faker'
module Clean #:nodoc:
module Test #:nodoc:
# Public: Provides the ability to vend arbitrary values without using literals, or
- # long calls to Faker. This has two levels of utility:
+ # long calls to Faker. This produced random values, so you must be sure that your code truly
+ # should work with any value. The random seed used will be output, and you can use
+ # the environment variable +RANDOM_SEED+ to recreate the conditions of a particular test.
- # helper methods - #any_number, #any_int, #any_string provide arbitrary primitives
- # to make it clear what numbers, ints, and strings in your tests are
- # relevant. Arbitrary values should use one of these any_ helpers.
- #
- # any sort of any - you can define your own "any" values by using #new_any, which allows you to
- # extend things if you like. Of course, you could just make your own any_method as well.
- #
# Example:
# class Person
# def initialize(first_name,last_name,age)
# # ...
@@ -44,24 +39,41 @@
# Then {
# assert_equal "Dave Copeland",@full_namej
# }
# }
module Any
+ def self.included(k)
+ seed = if ENV['RANDOM_SEED']
+ else
+ srand() # generate random seed
+ seed = srand() # save it (but we've now generated another one)
+ end
+ srand(seed) # set it explicitly
+ puts "Random seed was #{seed}; re-use it via environment variable RANDOM_SEED"
+ end
MAX_RAND = 50000 #:nodoc:
# Public: Get any number; one that doesn't matter
# options - options to control what sort of number comes back:
# :positive - make sure that the number is greater than zero
# :negative - make sure that the number is less than zero
def any_number(*options)
- any :number,options
+ number = (rand(2 * MAX_RAND) - MAX_RAND).to_f/100.0
+ if options.include? :positive
+ number + MAX_RAND
+ elsif options.include? :negative
+ number - MAX_RAND
+ else
+ number
+ end
# Public: Returns an integer. options is the same as for #any_number
def any_int(*options)
- any :int,options
+ any_number(*options).to_i
# Public: Get an arbitrary string of any potential positive length
# options - options to control the returned string:
@@ -72,81 +84,10 @@
# any_string :max => 255 # => ensure it'll fit into a varchar(255)
# any_string :min => 1024 # at least 1024 characters
def any_string(options = {})
- any :string,options
- end
- # Public: Get an arbitrary symbol, for example to use as a Hash key. The symbol
- # will be between 2 and 20 characters long. If you need super-long symbols for some reason,
- # use <code>any_string.to_sym</code>.
- def any_symbol
- (any_string :min => 2, :max => 20).to_sym
- end
- # Public: Get an arbitrary sentence of arbitrary words of any potential length. Currently,
- # this returns a sentence between 10 and 21 words, though you can control that with options
- #
- # options - options to control the returned sentence
- # :max - the maximum number of words you want returned
- # :min - the minimum number of words you want returned; the sentence will be between
- # :min and (:min + 10) words
- #
- # Example
- #
- # any_sentence :min => 20 # at least a 20-word sentence
- # any_sentence :max => 4 # no more than four words
- #
- def any_sentence(options = {})
- any :sentence,options
- end
- # Public: Get a predefined, arbitrary any.
- #
- # sym - the any that has been defined already. By default, the following are defined:
- # :string - does any_string
- # String - does any_string
- # :number - does any_number
- # Numeric - does any_number
- # Float - does any_number
- # :int - does any_int
- # Fixnum - does any_int
- # Integer - does any_int
- # options - whatever options are relevant to the user-defined any
- #
- # Example
- #
- # new_any(:foo) do |options|
- # if options[:bar]
- # 'bar'
- # else
- # 'quux'
- # end
- # end
- #
- # some_foo = any :foo
- # some_other_foo = any :foo, :bar => true
- def any(sym,options = {})
- anies[sym].call(options)
- end
- # Public: Create a new any that can be retrieved via #any
- #
- # any - the identifer of your new any. Can be anything though a Symbol or classname would be appropriate
- # block - the block that will be called whenever you #any your any.
- def new_any(any,&block)
- anies[any] = block
- end
- private
- def anies
- @anies ||= default_anies
- end
- ANY_STRING = do |options| #:nodoc:
if options[:min] && options[:max]
raise ":min must be less than :max" if options[:min] > options[:max]
if options[:min]
raise ":min must be positive" if options[:min] < 1
@@ -154,39 +95,48 @@
min_size = options[:min]
max_size = options[:max]
if min_size.nil? && max_size.nil?
- min_size = rand(1024) + 1
- max_size = min_size + rand(1024)
+ min_size = rand(80) + 1
+ max_size = min_size + rand(80)
elsif min_size.nil?
min_size = max_size - rand(max_size)
min_size = 1 if min_size < 1
max_size = min_size + rand(min_size) + 1
- string = Faker::Lorem.words(1).join('')
+ string = Faker::Lorem.words(1).join(' ')
while string.length < min_size
- string += Faker::Lorem.words(1).join('')
+ string += Faker::Lorem.words(1).join(' ')
- ANY_NUMBER = do |options| #:nodoc:
- number = (rand(2 * MAX_RAND) - MAX_RAND).to_f/100.0
- if options.include? :positive
- number + MAX_RAND
- elsif options.include? :negative
- number - MAX_RAND
- else
- number
- end
+ # Public: Get an arbitrary symbol, for example to use as a Hash key. The symbol
+ # will be between 2 and 20 characters long. If you need super-long symbols for some reason,
+ # use <code>any_string.to_sym</code>.
+ def any_symbol
+ (any_string :min => 2, :max => 20).to_sym
- ANY_SENTENCE = do |options| #:nodoc:
+ # Public: Get an arbitrary sentence of arbitrary words of any potential length. Currently,
+ # this returns a sentence between 10 and 21 words, though you can control that with options
+ #
+ # options - options to control the returned sentence
+ # :max - the maximum number of words you want returned
+ # :min - the minimum number of words you want returned; the sentence will be between
+ # :min and (:min + 10) words
+ #
+ # Example
+ #
+ # any_sentence :min => 20 # at least a 20-word sentence
+ # any_sentence :max => 4 # no more than four words
+ #
+ def any_sentence(options = {})
min = 11
max = 21
if options[:max]
min = 1
@@ -195,26 +145,9 @@
min = options[:min]
max = min + 10
Faker::Lorem.words(rand(max - min) + min).join(' ')
- end
- ANY_INT = do |options| #:nodoc:
- (
- end
- def default_anies
- { :string => ANY_STRING,
- String => ANY_STRING,
- :number => ANY_NUMBER,
- Numeric => ANY_NUMBER,
- Float => ANY_NUMBER,
- :int => ANY_INT,
- Fixnum => ANY_INT,
- Integer => ANY_INT,
- :sentence => ANY_SENTENCE,
- }