lib/hirb/view.rb in cldwalker-hirb-0.1.2 vs lib/hirb/view.rb in cldwalker-hirb-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,196 +1,172 @@
module Hirb
- # This class contains one method, render_output, which formats and renders the output its given from a console application.
- # However, this only happens for output classes that are configured to do so or if render_output is explicitly given
- # a view formatter. The hash with the following keys are valid for Hirb::View.config as well as the :view key mentioned in Hirb:
- # [:output] This hash is saved to output_config. It maps output classes to hashes that are passed to render_output. Thus these hashes
- # take the same options as render_output. In addition it takes the following keys:
- # * :ancestor- Boolean which if true allows all subclasses of the configured output class to inherit this config.
- #
- # Example: {'String'=>{:class=>'Hirb::Helpers::Table', :ancestor=>true, :options=>{:max_width=>180}}}
+ # This class is responsible for managing all view-related functionality. Its functionality is determined by setting up a configuration file
+ # as explained in Hirb and/or passed configuration directly to Hirb.enable. Most of the functionality in this class is dormant until enabled.
module View
- attr_accessor :config, :render_method
+ attr_accessor :render_method
+ attr_reader :config
- # Overrides irb's output method with Hirb::View.render_output. Takes an optional
- # block which sets the view config.
+ # This activates view functionality i.e. the formatter, pager and size detection. If irb exists, it overrides irb's output
+ # method with Hirb::View.view_output. If using Wirble, you should call this after it. The view configuration
+ # can be specified in a hash via a config file, as options to this method, as this method's block or any combination of these three.
+ # In addition to the config keys mentioned in Hirb, the options also take the following keys:
+ # Options:
+ # * config_file: Name of config file to read.
# Examples:
- # Hirb.enable
- # Hirb.enable {|c| c.output = {'String'=>{:class=>'Hirb::Helpers::Table'}} }
- def enable(&block)
+ # Hirb::View.enable
+ # Hirb::View.enable :formatter=>false
+ # Hirb::View.enable {|c| c.output = {'String'=>{:class=>'Hirb::Helpers::Table'}} }
+ def enable(options={}, &block)
return puts("Already enabled.") if @enabled
@enabled = true
- load_config(Hirb::HashStruct.block_to_hash(block))
- ::IRB::Irb.class_eval do
- alias :non_hirb_render_output :output_value
- def output_value #:nodoc:
- Hirb::View.render_output(@context.last_value) || non_hirb_render_output
+ Hirb.config_file = options.delete(:config_file) if options[:config_file]
+ load_config(Util.recursive_hash_merge(options, HashStruct.block_to_hash(block)))
+ resize(config[:width], config[:height])
+ if Object.const_defined?(:IRB)
+ ::IRB::Irb.class_eval do
+ alias :non_hirb_view_output :output_value
+ def output_value #:nodoc:
+ Hirb::View.view_output(@context.last_value) || Hirb::View.page_output(@context.last_value.inspect, true) ||
+ non_hirb_view_output
+ end
- # Disable's Hirb's output by reverting back to irb's.
+ # Indicates if Hirb::View is enabled.
+ def enabled?
+ @enabled || false
+ end
+ # Disable's Hirb's output and revert's irb's output method if irb exists.
def disable
@enabled = false
- ::IRB::Irb.class_eval do
- alias :output_value :non_hirb_render_output
+ if Object.const_defined?(:IRB)
+ ::IRB::Irb.class_eval do
+ alias :output_value :non_hirb_view_output
+ end
+ # Toggles pager on or off. The pager only works while Hirb::View is enabled.
+ def toggle_pager
+ config[:pager] = !config[:pager]
+ end
+ # Toggles formatter on or off.
+ def toggle_formatter
+ config[:formatter] = !config[:formatter]
+ end
+ # Resizes the console width and height for use with the table and pager i.e. after having resized the console window. *nix users
+ # should only have to call this method. Non-*nix users should call this method with explicit width and height. If you don't know
+ # your width and height, in irb play with "a"* width to find width and puts "a\n" * height to find height.
+ def resize(width=nil, height=nil)
+ config[:width], config[:height] = determine_terminal_size(width, height)
+ pager.resize(config[:width], config[:height])
+ end
- # This is the main method of this class. This method searches for the first formatter it can apply
- # to the object in this order: local block, method option, class option. If a formatter is found it applies it to the object
- # and returns true. Returns false if no formatter found.
- # ==== Options:
- # [:method] Specifies a global (Kernel) method to do the formatting.
- # [:class] Specifies a class to do the formatting, using its render() class method. The render() method's arguments are the output and
- # an options hash.
- # [:output_method] Specifies a method to call on output before passing it to a formatter.
- # [:options] Options to pass the formatter method or class.
- def render_output(output, options={}, &block)
- if block && block.arity > 0
- formatted_output =
- true
- elsif (formatted_output = format_output(output, options))
- true
- else
- false
- end
+ # This is the main method of this class. When view is enabled, this method searches for a formatter it can use for the output and if
+ # successful renders it using render_method(). The options this method takes are helper config hashes as described in
+ # Hirb::Formatter.format_output(). Returns true if successful and false if no formatting is done or if not enabled.
+ def view_output(output, options={})
+ enabled? && config[:formatter] && render_output(output, options)
+ # Captures STDOUT and renders it using render_method(). The main use case is to conditionally page captured stdout.
+ def capture_and_render(&block)
+ Util.capture_stdout(&block)
+ end
# A lambda or proc which handles the final formatted object.
- # Although this puts the object by default, it could be set to do other things
- # ie write the formatted object to a file.
+ # Although this pages/puts the object by default, it could be set to do other things
+ # i.e. write the formatted object to a file.
def render_method
@render_method ||= default_render_method
+ # Resets render_method back to its default.
def reset_render_method
@render_method = default_render_method
+ # Current console width
+ def width
+ config ? config[:width] : DEFAULT_WIDTH
+ end
- # Config hash which maps classes to view hashes. View hashes are the same as the options hash of render_output().
- def output_config
- config[:output]
+ # Current console height
+ def height
+ config ? config[:height] : DEFAULT_HEIGHT
- def output_config=(value)
- @config[:output] = value
+ # Current formatter config
+ def formatter_config
+ formatter.config
- # Needs to be called for config changes to take effect. Reloads Hirb::Views classes and registers
- # most recent config changes.
- def reload_config
- current_config = self.config.dup.merge(:output=>output_config)
- load_config(current_config)
+ # Sets the helper config for the given output class.
+ def format_class(klass, helper_config)
+ formatter.format_class(klass, helper_config)
- # A console version of render_output which takes its same options but allows for some shortcuts.
- # Examples:
- # console_render_output output, :tree, :type=>:directory
- # # is the same as:
- # render_output output, :class=>"Hirb::Helpers::Tree", :options=> {:type=>:directory}
- #
- def console_render_output(*args, &block)
- load_config unless @config
- output = args.shift
- if args[0].is_a?(Symbol) && (view = args.shift)
- symbol_options = find_view(view)
- end
- options = args[-1].is_a?(Hash) ? args[-1] : {}
- options.merge!(symbol_options) if symbol_options
- # iterates over format_output options that aren't :options
- real_options = [:method, :class, :output_method].inject({}) do |h, e|
- h[e] = options.delete(e) if options[e]; h
- end
- render_output(output, real_options.merge(:options=>options), &block)
- end
- def find_view(name)
- name = name.to_s
- if (view_method = output_config.values.find {|e| e[:method] == name })
- {:method=>view_method[:method]}
- elsif (view_class = Hirb::Helpers.constants.find {|e| e == Util.camelize(name)})
- {:class=>"Hirb::Helpers::#{view_class}"}
+ def render_output(output, options={})
+ if (formatted_output = formatter.format_output(output, options))
+ true
- {}
+ false
- def format_output(output, options={})
- output_class = determine_output_class(output)
- options = Util.recursive_hash_merge(output_class_options(output_class), options)
- output = options[:output_method] ? (output.is_a?(Array) ? {|e| e.send(options[:output_method])} :
- output.send(options[:output_method]) ) : output
- args = [output]
- args << options[:options] if options[:options] && !options[:options].empty?
- if options[:method]
- new_output = send(options[:method],*args)
- elsif options[:class] && (view_class = Util.any_const_get(options[:class]))
- new_output = view_class.render(*args)
- end
- new_output
+ def determine_terminal_size(width, height)
+ detected = (width.nil? || height.nil?) ? Util.detect_terminal_size || [] : []
+ [width || detected[0] || DEFAULT_WIDTH , height || detected[1] || DEFAULT_HEIGHT]
- def determine_output_class(output)
- if output.is_a?(Array)
- output[0].class
+ def page_output(output, inspect_mode=false)
+ if enabled? && config[:pager] && pager.activated_by?(output, inspect_mode)
+, inspect_mode)
+ true
- output.class
+ false
+ def pager
+ @pager ||=[:width], config[:height], :pager_command=>config[:pager_command])
+ end
+ def pager=(value); @pager = value; end
+ def formatter(reload=false)
+ @formatter = reload || @formatter.nil? ?[:output]) : @formatter
+ end
+ def formatter=(value); @formatter = value; end
def load_config(additional_config={})
- self.config = Util.recursive_hash_merge default_config, additional_config
+ @config = Util.recursive_hash_merge default_config, additional_config
+ formatter(true)
- # Stores all view config. Current valid keys:
- # :output- contains value of output_config
- def config=(value)
- reset_cached_output_config
- @config = value
+ def config_loaded?; !!@config; end
+ def config
+ @config
- def reset_cached_output_config
- @cached_output_config = nil
- end
- # Internal view options built from user-defined ones. Options are built by recursively merging options from oldest
- # ancestors to the most recent ones.
- def output_class_options(output_class)
- @cached_output_config ||= {}
- @cached_output_config[output_class] ||=
- begin
- output_ancestors_with_config = {|e| e.to_s}.select {|e| output_config.has_key?(e)}
- @cached_output_config[output_class] = output_ancestors_with_config.reverse.inject({}) {|h, klass|
- (klass == output_class.to_s || output_config[klass][:ancestor]) ? h.update(output_config[klass]) : h
- }
- end
- @cached_output_config[output_class]
- end
- def cached_output_config; @cached_output_config; end
def default_render_method
- lambda {|output| puts output}
+ lambda {|output| page_output(output) || puts(output) }
def default_config
- Hirb::Util.recursive_hash_merge({:output=>default_output_config}, Hirb.config[:view] || {} )
- end
- def default_output_config
- Hirb::Views.constants.inject({}) {|h,e|
- output_class = e.to_s.gsub("_", "::")
- if (views_class = Hirb::Views.const_get(e)) && views_class.respond_to?(:render)
- default_options = views_class.respond_to?(:default_options) ? views_class.default_options : {}
- h[output_class] = default_options.merge({:class=>"Hirb::Views::#{e}"})
- end
- h
- }
+ Util.recursive_hash_merge({:pager=>true, :formatter=>true}, Hirb.config || {})