lib/classy_enum.rb in classy_enum-0.7.0 vs lib/classy_enum.rb in classy_enum-0.7.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,179 +1,9 @@
+require "classy_enum/base"
+require "classy_enum/class_methods"
+require "classy_enum/instance_methods"
require "classy_enum/attributes"
if Gem.available? 'formtastic'
require 'formtastic'
require 'classy_enum/semantic_form_builder'
-module ClassyEnum
- class Base
- # Macro for defining enum members within a ClassyEnum class.
- # Accepts an array of symbols or strings which are converted to
- # ClassyEnum members as descents of their parent class.
- #
- # ==== Example
- # # Define an enum called Priority with three child classes
- # class Priority < ClassyEnum::Base
- # enum_classes :low, :medium, :high
- # end
- #
- # The child classes will be defined with the following constants:
- # PriorityLow, PriorityMedium, and PriorityHigh
- #
- # These child classes can be instantiated with either:
- # or
- #
- def self.enum_classes(*options)
- self.send(:attr_reader, :enum_classes)
- self.const_set("OPTIONS", options) unless self.const_defined? "OPTIONS"
- self.extend ClassMethods
- options.each_with_index do |option, index|
- klass = do
- include InstanceMethods
- attr_reader :to_s, :to_sym, :index
- @index = index + 1
- @option = option
- def initialize
- @to_s = self.class.instance_variable_get('@option').to_s
- @to_sym = @to_s.to_sym
- @index = self.class.instance_variable_get('@index')
- end
- end
- klass_name = "#{self}#{option.to_s.camelize}"
- Object.const_set(klass_name, klass) unless Object.const_defined? klass_name
- end
- end
- end
- module ClassMethods
- # Build a new ClassyEnum child instance
- #
- # ==== Example
- # # Create an Enum with some elements
- # class Priority < ClassyEnum::Base
- # enum_classes :low, :medium, :high
- # end
- #
- # # =>
- def build(option)
- return option if option.blank?
- return"Valid #{self} options are #{self.valid_options}") unless self::OPTIONS.include? option.to_sym
- Object.const_get("#{self}#{option.to_s.camelize}").new
- end
- alias :find :build
- # Returns an array of all instantiated enums
- #
- # ==== Example
- # # Create an Enum with some elements
- # class Priority < ClassyEnum::Base
- # enum_classes :low, :medium, :high
- # end
- #
- # Priority.all # => [,,]
- def all
- {|e| build(e) }
- end
- # Returns a 2D array for Rails select helper options.
- # Also used internally for Formtastic support
- #
- # ==== Example
- # # Create an Enum with some elements
- # class Priority < ClassyEnum::Base
- # enum_classes :low, :really_high
- # end
- #
- # Priority.select_options # => [["Low", "low"], ["Really High", "really_high"]]
- def select_options
- {|e| [, e.to_s] }
- end
- # Returns a comma separated list of valid enum options.
- # Also used internally for ActiveRecord model validation error messages
- #
- # ==== Example
- # # Create an Enum with some elements
- # class Priority < ClassyEnum::Base
- # enum_classes :low, :medium, :high
- # end
- #
- # Priority.valid_options # => "low, medium, high"
- def valid_options
-', ')
- end
- end
- module InstanceMethods
- # Returns string representing enum in Rails titleize format
- #
- # ==== Example
- # # Create an Enum with some elements
- # class Priority < ClassyEnum::Base
- # enum_classes :low, :medium, :high, :really_high
- # end
- #
- # @priority =
- # # => "Really High"
- def name
- @to_s.titleize
- end
- # Sort an array of elements based on the order they are defined
- #
- # ==== Example
- # # Create an Enum with some elements
- # class Priority < ClassyEnum::Base
- # enum_classes :low, :medium, :high
- # end
- #
- # @low =
- # @medium =
- # @high =
- # priorities = [@low, @high, @medium]
- # priorities.sort # => [@low, @medium, @high]
- # priorities.max # => @high
- # priorities.min # => @low
- def <=> other
- @index <=> other.index
- end
- # Determine if the enum attribute is a particular member.
- # Accepts a symbol or string representing a member
- #
- # ==== Example
- # # Create an Enum with some elements
- # class Breed < ClassyEnum::Base
- # enum_classes :golden_retriever, :snoop
- # end
- #
- # # Create an ActiveRecord class using the Breed enum
- # class Dog < ActiveRecord::Base
- # classy_enum_attr :breed
- # end
- #
- # @dog = => :snoop)
- # :snoop # => true
- # 'snoop' # => true
- # :golden_retriever # => false
- def is?(obj)
- obj.to_s == to_s
- end
- end