lib/classifier/lsi.rb in classifier-1.3.4 vs lib/classifier/lsi.rb in classifier-1.3.5
- old
+ new
@@ -2,57 +2,57 @@
# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2005 David Fayram II
# License:: LGPL
raise LoadError if ENV['NATIVE_VECTOR'] == "true" # to test the native vector class, try `rake test NATIVE_VECTOR=true`
require 'gsl' # requires
require 'classifier/extensions/vector_serialize'
$GSL = true
rescue LoadError
warn "Notice: for 10x faster LSI support, please install"
- require 'classifier/extensions/vector'
+ require 'classifier/extensions/vector'
require 'classifier/lsi/word_list'
require 'classifier/lsi/content_node'
require 'classifier/lsi/summary'
module Classifier
# This class implements a Latent Semantic Indexer, which can search, classify and cluster
# data based on underlying semantic relations. For more information on the algorithms used,
# please consult Wikipedia[].
class LSI
attr_reader :word_list
attr_accessor :auto_rebuild
# Create a fresh index.
# If you want to call #build_index manually, use
# :auto_rebuild => false
def initialize(options = {})
@auto_rebuild = true unless options[:auto_rebuild] == false
@word_list, @items =, {}
@version, @built_at_version = 0, -1
# Returns true if the index needs to be rebuilt. The index needs
# to be built after all informaton is added, but before you start
# using it for search, classification and cluster detection.
def needs_rebuild?
(@items.keys.size > 1) && (@version != @built_at_version)
- # Adds an item to the index. item is assumed to be a string, but
+ # Adds an item to the index. item is assumed to be a string, but
# any item may be indexed so long as it responds to #to_s or if
- # you provide an optional block explaining how the indexer can
+ # you provide an optional block explaining how the indexer can
# fetch fresh string data. This optional block is passed the item,
# so the item may only be a reference to a URL or file name.
- #
+ #
# For example:
# lsi =
# lsi.add_item "This is just plain text"
# lsi.add_item "/home/me/filename.txt" { |x| x }
# ar = ActiveRecordObject.find( :all )
@@ -63,211 +63,211 @@
@items[item] =, *categories)
@version += 1
build_index if @auto_rebuild
- # A less flexible shorthand for add_item that assumes
+ # A less flexible shorthand for add_item that assumes
# you are passing in a string with no categorries. item
- # will be duck typed via to_s .
+ # will be duck typed via to_s .
def <<( item )
add_item item
# Returns the categories for a given indexed items. You are free to add and remove
# items from this as you see fit. It does not invalide an index to change its categories.
def categories_for(item)
return [] unless @items[item]
return @items[item].categories
- # Removes an item from the database, if it is indexed.
+ # Removes an item from the database, if it is indexed.
def remove_item( item )
if @items.keys.contain? item
@items.remove item
@version += 1
- # Returns an array of items that are indexed.
+ # Returns an array of items that are indexed.
def items
# Returns the categories for a given indexed items. You are free to add and remove
# items from this as you see fit. It does not invalide an index to change its categories.
def categories_for(item)
return [] unless @items[item]
return @items[item].categories
# This function rebuilds the index if needs_rebuild? returns true.
# For very large document spaces, this indexing operation may take some
- # time to complete, so it may be wise to place the operation in another
- # thread.
+ # time to complete, so it may be wise to place the operation in another
+ # thread.
# As a rule, indexing will be fairly swift on modern machines until
- # you have well over 500 documents indexed, or have an incredibly diverse
- # vocabulary for your documents.
+ # you have well over 500 documents indexed, or have an incredibly diverse
+ # vocabulary for your documents.
# The optional parameter "cutoff" is a tuning parameter. When the index is
- # built, a certain number of s-values are discarded from the system. The
+ # built, a certain number of s-values are discarded from the system. The
# cutoff parameter tells the indexer how many of these values to keep.
# A value of 1 for cutoff means that no semantic analysis will take place,
# turning the LSI class into a simple vector search engine.
def build_index( cutoff=0.75 )
return unless needs_rebuild?
doc_list = @items.values
tda = doc_list.collect { |node| node.raw_vector_with( @word_list ) }
if $GSL
tdm = GSL::Matrix.alloc(*tda).trans
ntdm = build_reduced_matrix(tdm, cutoff)
- ntdm.size[1].times do |col|
+ ntdm.size[1].times do |col|
vec = GSL::Vector.alloc( ntdm.column(col) ).row
doc_list[col].lsi_vector = vec
doc_list[col].lsi_norm = vec.normalize
tdm = Matrix.rows(tda).trans
ntdm = build_reduced_matrix(tdm, cutoff)
ntdm.row_size.times do |col|
doc_list[col].lsi_vector = ntdm.column(col) if doc_list[col]
doc_list[col].lsi_norm = ntdm.column(col).normalize if doc_list[col]
@built_at_version = @version
# This method returns max_chunks entries, ordered by their average semantic rating.
# Essentially, the average distance of each entry from all other entries is calculated,
# the highest are returned.
# This can be used to build a summary service, or to provide more information about
# your dataset's general content. For example, if you were to use categorize on the
- # results of this data, you could gather information on what your dataset is generally
+ # results of this data, you could gather information on what your dataset is generally
# about.
def highest_relative_content( max_chunks=10 )
return [] if needs_rebuild?
avg_density =
@items.each_key { |x| avg_density[x] = proximity_array_for_content(x).inject(0.0) { |x,y| x + y[1]} }
avg_density.keys.sort_by { |x| avg_density[x] }.reverse[0..max_chunks-1].map
- # This function is the primitive that find_related and classify
+ # This function is the primitive that find_related and classify
# build upon. It returns an array of 2-element arrays. The first element
# of this array is a document, and the second is its "score", defining
# how "close" it is to other indexed items.
- #
+ #
# These values are somewhat arbitrary, having to do with the vector space
# created by your content, so the magnitude is interpretable but not always
- # meaningful between indexes.
+ # meaningful between indexes.
# The parameter doc is the content to compare. If that content is not
- # indexed, you can pass an optional block to define how to create the
- # text data. See add_item for examples of how this works.
+ # indexed, you can pass an optional block to define how to create the
+ # text data. See add_item for examples of how this works.
def proximity_array_for_content( doc, &block )
return [] if needs_rebuild?
content_node = node_for_content( doc, &block )
- result =
+ result =
@items.keys.collect do |item|
if $GSL
val = content_node.search_vector * @items[item].search_vector.col
val = (Matrix[content_node.search_vector] * @items[item].search_vector)[0]
[item, val]
result.sort_by { |x| x[1] }.reverse
- end
+ end
# Similar to proximity_array_for_content, this function takes similar
# arguments and returns a similar array. However, it uses the normalized
- # calculated vectors instead of their full versions. This is useful when
+ # calculated vectors instead of their full versions. This is useful when
# you're trying to perform operations on content that is much smaller than
# the text you're working with. search uses this primitive.
def proximity_norms_for_content( doc, &block )
return [] if needs_rebuild?
content_node = node_for_content( doc, &block )
- result =
+ result =
@items.keys.collect do |item|
if $GSL
val = content_node.search_norm * @items[item].search_norm.col
val = (Matrix[content_node.search_norm] * @items[item].search_norm)[0]
[item, val]
result.sort_by { |x| x[1] }.reverse
- end
+ end
# This function allows for text-based search of your index. Unlike other functions
# like find_related and classify, search only takes short strings. It will also ignore
- # factors like repeated words. It is best for short, google-like search terms.
- # A search will first priortize lexical relationships, then semantic ones.
+ # factors like repeated words. It is best for short, google-like search terms.
+ # A search will first priortize lexical relationships, then semantic ones.
# While this may seem backwards compared to the other functions that LSI supports,
# it is actually the same algorithm, just applied on a smaller document.
def search( string, max_nearest=3 )
return [] if needs_rebuild?
carry = proximity_norms_for_content( string )
result = carry.collect { |x| x[0] }
return result[0..max_nearest-1]
# This function takes content and finds other documents
# that are semantically "close", returning an array of documents sorted
# from most to least relavant.
- # max_nearest specifies the number of documents to return. A value of
- # 0 means that it returns all the indexed documents, sorted by relavence.
+ # max_nearest specifies the number of documents to return. A value of
+ # 0 means that it returns all the indexed documents, sorted by relavence.
- # This is particularly useful for identifing clusters in your document space.
+ # This is particularly useful for identifing clusters in your document space.
# For example you may want to identify several "What's Related" items for weblog
# articles, or find paragraphs that relate to each other in an essay.
def find_related( doc, max_nearest=3, &block )
- carry =
+ carry =
proximity_array_for_content( doc, &block ).reject { |pair| pair[0] == doc }
result = carry.collect { |x| x[0] }
return result[0..max_nearest-1]
- # This function uses a voting system to categorize documents, based on
- # the categories of other documents. It uses the same logic as the
+ # This function uses a voting system to categorize documents, based on
+ # the categories of other documents. It uses the same logic as the
# find_related function to find related documents, then returns the
- # most obvious category from this list.
+ # most obvious category from this list.
- # cutoff signifies the number of documents to consider when clasifying
- # text. A cutoff of 1 means that every document in the index votes on
+ # cutoff signifies the number of documents to consider when clasifying
+ # text. A cutoff of 1 means that every document in the index votes on
# what category the document is in. This may not always make sense.
def classify( doc, cutoff=0.30, &block )
icutoff = (@items.size * cutoff).round
carry = proximity_array_for_content( doc, &block )
carry = carry[0..icutoff-1]
votes = {}
carry.each do |pair|
categories = @items[pair[0]].categories
- categories.each do |category|
+ categories.each do |category|
votes[category] ||= 0.0
- votes[category] += pair[1]
+ votes[category] += pair[1]
ranking = votes.keys.sort_by { |x| votes[x] }
return ranking[-1]
# Prototype, only works on indexed documents.
# I have no clue if this is going to work, but in theory
# it's supposed to.
def highest_ranked_stems( doc, count=3 )
raise "Requested stem ranking on non-indexed content!" unless @items[doc]
@@ -287,12 +287,12 @@
s[ord] = 0.0 if s[ord] < s_cutoff
# Reconstruct the term document matrix, only with reduced rank
u * ($GSL ? GSL::Matrix : ::Matrix).diag( s ) * v.trans
- def node_for_content(item, &block)
+ def node_for_content(item, &block)
if @items[item]
return @items[item]
clean_word_hash = block ? : item.to_s.clean_word_hash
@@ -300,13 +300,13 @@
unless needs_rebuild?
cn.raw_vector_with( @word_list ) # make the lsi raw and norm vectors
return cn
def make_word_list
@word_list =
@items.each_value do |node|
node.word_hash.each_key { |key| @word_list.add_word key }