bin/cknifewcdir in cknife-1.2.0 vs bin/cknifewcdir in cknife-1.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,28 +1,67 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-def run
- wccmd = `find . -ipath #{ARGV[0]} -exec wc -l {} \\;`
+require 'thor'
- comps = []
+class CKnifeWcdir < Thor
- total = 0
- wccmd.split(/\n/).each do |l|
- l =~ /\s*(\d+(\.\d+)?)\s+(.*)$/
- size = $1
- path = $3
- comps << [size.to_i, path]
- total += size.to_i
- end
+ default_task :count
- comps.sort! do |a, b|
- b[0] <=> a[0]
- end
+ class_option :verbose, :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Show which commands are invoked, any input given to them, and any output they give back."
- comps.each do |(size,path)|
- printf( "%d %s\n", size, path)
+ desc "count [PATTERNS] or simply [PATTERNS] without count will work", "Count lines of code in files matching the [PATTERNS] in the $CWD. Use patterns like this: *.rb, *.php."
+ long_desc <<-LONGDESC
+ Counts lines of code in the $CWD. Prints the files found, and
+ their line counts, in descending order of line count.
+ Requires patterns such as *.rb, or *.php, so that it knows what
+ files to count (it doesn't use a default file type).
+ You can supply directory names to exclude from consideration,
+ such as 'vendor' or 'node_modules'.
+ --skip=vendor node_modules
+ > cknifewcdir *.rb *.js --skip=vendor node_modules
+ \x5(...results...)
+ This is a wrapper around the find and wc posix commands.
+ method_option :start, :type => :string, :default => "", :desc => "location to begin your search"
+ method_option :skip, :type => :array, :default => [], :desc => "names of directories to skip"
+ def count(*patterns)
+ start_point = options[:start].empty? ? "." : options[:start].chomp('/')
+ pattern_s = "\\( " + { |p| "-name #{p}" }.join(' -o ') + " \\) "
+ skip_s = options[:skip].empty? ? "" : "-type d \\( " + options[:skip].map { |dir| "-path #{start_point}/#{dir.chomp('/')}" }.join(' -o ') + " \\) -prune -o "
+ # note patterns must go after the skips (after the -prune -o)
+ cmd = "find #{start_point} #{skip_s}#{pattern_s} -exec wc -l {} \\;"
+ puts cmd if options[:verbose]
+ wccmd = `#{cmd}`
+ comps = []
+ total = 0
+ wccmd.split(/\n/).each do |l|
+ l =~ /\s*(\d+(\.\d+)?)\s+(.*)$/
+ size = $1
+ path = $3
+ comps << [size.to_i, path]
+ total += size.to_i
+ end
+ comps.sort! do |a, b|
+ b[0] <=> a[0]
+ end
+ print_table([["LOC", "File"]] + comps)
+ puts "Total: #{total}"
- puts "Total: #{total}"
+ARGV.unshift(CKnifeWcdir.default_task) unless CKnifeWcdir.all_tasks.has_key?(ARGV[0])