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- <h1 class="no-margin">What's on in Brighton
+ <h1 class="no-margin">What's On At Brighton
<a class="action secondary dark" href="/cinemas">Change cinema</a> <a class="action secondary dark" href="/whatson?cinema=all">Show films from all cinemas</a>
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<div class="span2">
- <h2>People's choice</h2>
+ <h2>People's Choice</h2>
- <p><strong>Doctor Who 50th Anniversary: The Day of The Doctor</strong></p>
- <p>148 people want to see the film.</p>
+ <p><strong>Transformers: Age of Extinction</strong></p>
+ <p>595 people want to see the film.</p>
<br />
<div class="row">
<div class="span5">
<div class="promotion block clearfix">
- <a href="/whatson/6881" target="_self"><img src="/assets/media/ads/ad_28989.png" alt="Andre Rieu: Home for Christmas" title="Andre Rieu: Home for Christmas" /></a><h2>Andre Rieu: Home for Christmas</h2><p>The King of the Waltz's joyful festive concert with exclusive live tour and interactive Q&A.</p>
+ <a href="/whatson/dawn-of-the-planet-of-the-apes" target="_self"><img src="/assets/media/ads/ad_37626.png" alt="Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" title="Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" /></a><h3>Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes</h3><p>Reaping accolades and breaking box-office records worldwide - Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes has arrived!</p>
<div class="span4 about">
<h2>About Cineworld Brighton</h2>
- <p>Cineworld Brighton is an 8 screen cinema located on the seafont close to Brighton Pier. The complex is served by a free car park and a wide range of restaurants in short proximity.</p>
+ <p>Cineworld Brighton is an 8-screen cinema located within Brighton Marina on the seafront. The complex is served by a free car park and a wide range of restaurants in short proximity.</p>
<br />
<div class="services clearfix">
- <h2>Experience the following:</h2>
- <span class="icon-service-thrd">3D</span>
+ <h2>Experience The Following:</h2>
+ <span class="icon-service-3d">3D</span>
<span class="icon-service-m4j">Movies for juniors</span>
- <span class="icon-service-sub">Subtitled</span>
+ <span class="icon-service-au">Autism Friendly</span>
<a class="action primary" href="/cinemas/3/information">Facilities, location & ticket prices</a>
- <div class="section light gradient clearfix ">
- <h1 class="ribbon overlap">
- Brighton films & special screenings
- </h1>
+ <div class="section light gradient clearfix " >
+ <h2 class="ribbon overlap">
+ Brighton Films & Special Screenings
+ </h2>
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+ <span>Or choose your film:</span>
+ <select id="film" name="film">
+ <option value="">Find out more about...</option>
+ <option value="6593">Dawn of the Planet of the Apes</option>
+ <option value="6670">How To Train Your Dragon 2</option>
+ <option value="6595">Transformers: Age of Extinction</option>
+ <option value="7552">Pudsey: The Movie</option>
+ <option value="7511">Boyhood</option>
+ <option value="6005">Mrs Brown's Boys D'Movie</option>
+ <option value="7677">Take 2 - The Two Faces Of January</option>
+ <option value="7484">Globe On Screen - A Midsummer Night's Dream</option>
+ <option value="6577">Mr Peabody and Sherman - Movies for Juniors</option>
+ <option value="6682">Guardians Of The Galaxy</option>
+ <option value="7510">Begin Again</option>
+ <option value="6674">Maleficent</option>
+ <option value="7458">The Fault In Our Stars</option>
+ <option value="7554">Hercules</option>
+ <option value="7560">The Purge: Anarchy</option>
+ <option value="7714">What If - Unlimited Screening</option>
+ <option value="7740">Autism Friendly Screening: The Nut Job</option>
+ <option value="7590">Billy Elliot The Musical Live - Special Performance</option>
+ <option value="7558">Earth to Echo</option>
+ <option value="7517">ENO: La Traviata</option>
+ <option value="7648">Kick (Bollywood)</option>
+ <option value="7592">Madama Butterfly - On Sydney Harbour</option>
+ <option value="7417">NT Live: Medea</option>
+ <option value="6472">NT Live Encore: Frankenstein (starring Benedict Cumberbatch)</option>
+ <option value="7687">NT Live: JOHN</option>
+ <option value="7692">NT Live: Treasure Island</option>
+ <option value="6474">NT Live Encore: Frankenstein (starring Jonny Lee Miller)</option>
+ <option value="6587">Rio 2</option>
+ <option value="7330">ROH - Andrea Chenier</option>
+ <option value="7332">ROH - Der Fliegende Hollander</option>
+ <option value="7323">ROH - I Due Foscari</option>
+ <option value="7326">ROH - L'elisir D'amore</option>
+ <option value="7586">Salome and Wilde Salome - Live Q and A with Al Pacino</option>
+ <option value="7689">Stephen Fry Live: More Fool Me</option>
+ <option value="7679">Take 2 - Edge of Tomorrow</option>
+ <option value="7556">The House of Magic</option>
+ <option value="7322">The Royal Ballet - Manon</option>
+ <option value="7334">The Royal Ballet - Swan Lake</option>
+ <option value="7328">The Royal Ballet - Alice's Adventures In Wonderland</option>
+ </select>
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<div class="row">
<div class="span4">
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+ <div class="overlay ribbon blue">Tickets Selling Fast</div>
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<div class="span5">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6515?cinema=3&date=all">Gravity</a>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/dawn-of-the-planet-of-the-apes?cinema=3&date=all">Dawn of the Planet of the Apes</a>
<a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
- </h1>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>8th November 2013</p>
+ <p>17th July 2014</p>
<div class="inline-children">
- <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>91 mins</p>
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>130 mins</p>
- <p>Sandra Bullock and George Clooney are cast adrift in space in this intense sci-fi thriller - amazing in 3D!</p>
+ <p>Man and apes battle for survival in a gripping sequel to the hugely successful 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes'.</p>
- <p>George Clooney, Sandra Bullock</p>
+ <p>Andy Serkis, Gary Oldman, Judy Greer, Jason Clarke, Kari Russell, Kodi Smit-McFee</p>
- <p>Alfonso Cuaron</p>
+ <p>Matt Reeves</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
- <li class="icon-service-thrd"></li>
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- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Gravity" href="/whatson/6515?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" href="/whatson/dawn-of-the-planet-of-the-apes?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
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+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Tuesday 12th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Tuesday 22nd Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <span class="tooltip performance action unavailable" data-tooltip-template="performance-unavailable" data-field-title="" data-field-explanation="">18:20</span>
+ <span class="tooltip performance action unavailable" data-tooltip-template="performance-unavailable" data-field-title="" data-field-explanation="">21:15</span>
- <li>
- <span class="tooltip performance action unavailable" data-tooltip-template="performance-unavailable" data-field-title="" data-field-explanation="">19:00</span>
- </li>
- <li>
- <span class="tooltip performance action unavailable" data-tooltip-template="performance-unavailable" data-field-title="" data-field-explanation="">19:50</span>
- </li>
- <li>
- <span class="tooltip performance action unavailable" data-tooltip-template="performance-unavailable" data-field-title="" data-field-explanation="">20:40</span>
- </li>
- <li>
- <span class="tooltip performance action unavailable" data-tooltip-template="performance-unavailable" data-field-title="" data-field-explanation="">21:20</span>
- </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Wednesday 13th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Wednesday 23rd Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131113&time=12:00" rel="nofollow">12:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140723&time=12:10" rel="nofollow">12:10</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131113&time=12:50" rel="nofollow">12:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140723&time=14:15" rel="nofollow">14:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131113&time=13:40" rel="nofollow">13:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140723&time=15:10" rel="nofollow">15:10</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131113&time=14:20" rel="nofollow">14:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140723&time=17:15" rel="nofollow">17:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131113&time=15:10" rel="nofollow">15:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140723&time=18:15" rel="nofollow">18:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131113&time=16:00" rel="nofollow">16:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140723&time=19:30" rel="nofollow">19:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131113&time=17:30" rel="nofollow">17:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140723&time=20:15" rel="nofollow">20:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131113&time=18:20" rel="nofollow">18:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140723&time=21:15" rel="nofollow">21:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131113&time=19:00" rel="nofollow">19:00</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131113&time=19:50" rel="nofollow">19:50</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131113&time=20:40" rel="nofollow">20:40</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131113&time=21:20" rel="nofollow">21:20</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Thursday 14th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 24th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131114&time=12:00" rel="nofollow">12:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140724&time=11:15" rel="nofollow">11:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131114&time=12:50" rel="nofollow">12:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140724&time=12:10" rel="nofollow">12:10</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131114&time=13:40" rel="nofollow">13:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140724&time=14:15" rel="nofollow">14:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131114&time=14:20" rel="nofollow">14:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140724&time=15:10" rel="nofollow">15:10</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131114&time=15:10" rel="nofollow">15:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140724&time=17:15" rel="nofollow">17:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131114&time=16:00" rel="nofollow">16:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140724&time=18:15" rel="nofollow">18:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131114&time=17:30" rel="nofollow">17:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140724&time=19:30" rel="nofollow">19:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131114&time=18:20" rel="nofollow">18:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140724&time=20:15" rel="nofollow">20:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131114&time=19:00" rel="nofollow">19:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140724&time=21:15" rel="nofollow">21:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131114&time=19:50" rel="nofollow">19:50</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131114&time=20:40" rel="nofollow">20:40</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131114&time=21:20" rel="nofollow">21:20</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Friday 15th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Friday 25th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131115&time=12:50" rel="nofollow">12:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140725&time=11:30" rel="nofollow">11:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131115&time=13:50" rel="nofollow">13:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140725&time=13:15" rel="nofollow">13:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131115&time=15:30" rel="nofollow">15:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140725&time=14:30" rel="nofollow">14:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131115&time=16:20" rel="nofollow">16:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140725&time=16:30" rel="nofollow">16:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131115&time=18:00" rel="nofollow">18:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140725&time=17:30" rel="nofollow">17:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131115&time=18:50" rel="nofollow">18:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140725&time=19:30" rel="nofollow">19:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131115&time=20:40" rel="nofollow">20:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140725&time=20:30" rel="nofollow">20:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131115&time=21:20" rel="nofollow">21:20</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="23:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131115&time=23:00" rel="nofollow">23:00</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Saturday 16th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Saturday 26th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131116&time=11:20" rel="nofollow">11:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140726&time=11:30" rel="nofollow">11:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131116&time=12:50" rel="nofollow">12:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140726&time=13:15" rel="nofollow">13:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131116&time=13:50" rel="nofollow">13:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140726&time=14:30" rel="nofollow">14:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131116&time=15:30" rel="nofollow">15:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140726&time=16:30" rel="nofollow">16:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131116&time=16:20" rel="nofollow">16:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140726&time=17:30" rel="nofollow">17:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131116&time=18:00" rel="nofollow">18:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140726&time=19:30" rel="nofollow">19:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131116&time=18:50" rel="nofollow">18:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140726&time=20:30" rel="nofollow">20:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131116&time=20:40" rel="nofollow">20:40</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131116&time=21:20" rel="nofollow">21:20</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="23:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131116&time=23:00" rel="nofollow">23:00</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Sunday 17th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Sunday 27th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131117&time=11:20" rel="nofollow">11:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140727&time=11:30" rel="nofollow">11:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131117&time=12:50" rel="nofollow">12:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140727&time=13:15" rel="nofollow">13:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131117&time=13:50" rel="nofollow">13:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140727&time=14:30" rel="nofollow">14:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131117&time=15:30" rel="nofollow">15:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140727&time=16:30" rel="nofollow">16:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131117&time=16:20" rel="nofollow">16:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140727&time=17:30" rel="nofollow">17:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-sb">Subtitled</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131117&time=18:00" rel="nofollow">18:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140727&time=19:30" rel="nofollow">19:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131117&time=18:50" rel="nofollow">18:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140727&time=20:30" rel="nofollow">20:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131117&time=20:40" rel="nofollow">20:40</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131117&time=21:20" rel="nofollow">21:20</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Monday 18th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Monday 28th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131118&time=12:50" rel="nofollow">12:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140728&time=11:30" rel="nofollow">11:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131118&time=13:50" rel="nofollow">13:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140728&time=13:15" rel="nofollow">13:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131118&time=15:30" rel="nofollow">15:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140728&time=14:30" rel="nofollow">14:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131118&time=16:20" rel="nofollow">16:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140728&time=16:30" rel="nofollow">16:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131118&time=18:00" rel="nofollow">18:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140728&time=17:30" rel="nofollow">17:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131118&time=18:50" rel="nofollow">18:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140728&time=19:30" rel="nofollow">19:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131118&time=20:40" rel="nofollow">20:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140728&time=20:30" rel="nofollow">20:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-sb">Subtitled</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131118&time=21:20" rel="nofollow">21:20</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Tuesday 19th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Tuesday 29th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131119&time=12:50" rel="nofollow">12:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140729&time=11:30" rel="nofollow">11:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131119&time=13:50" rel="nofollow">13:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140729&time=13:15" rel="nofollow">13:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131119&time=15:30" rel="nofollow">15:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140729&time=14:30" rel="nofollow">14:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131119&time=16:20" rel="nofollow">16:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140729&time=16:30" rel="nofollow">16:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131119&time=18:00" rel="nofollow">18:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140729&time=17:30" rel="nofollow">17:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131119&time=18:50" rel="nofollow">18:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140729&time=19:30" rel="nofollow">19:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131119&time=20:40" rel="nofollow">20:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140729&time=20:30" rel="nofollow">20:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131119&time=21:20" rel="nofollow">21:20</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Wednesday 20th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Wednesday 30th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131120&time=12:50" rel="nofollow">12:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140730&time=11:30" rel="nofollow">11:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131120&time=13:50" rel="nofollow">13:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140730&time=13:15" rel="nofollow">13:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131120&time=15:30" rel="nofollow">15:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140730&time=14:30" rel="nofollow">14:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131120&time=16:20" rel="nofollow">16:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140730&time=16:30" rel="nofollow">16:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131120&time=18:00" rel="nofollow">18:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140730&time=17:30" rel="nofollow">17:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131120&time=18:50" rel="nofollow">18:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140730&time=19:30" rel="nofollow">19:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131120&time=20:40" rel="nofollow">20:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140730&time=20:30" rel="nofollow">20:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Thursday 21st Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 31st Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131121&time=12:50" rel="nofollow">12:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140731&time=11:15" rel="nofollow">11:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131121&time=13:50" rel="nofollow">13:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140731&time=14:30" rel="nofollow">14:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131121&time=15:30" rel="nofollow">15:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140731&time=17:30" rel="nofollow">17:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131121&time=16:20" rel="nofollow">16:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140731&time=19:45" rel="nofollow">19:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131121&time=18:00" rel="nofollow">18:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=67898&date=20140731&time=20:30" rel="nofollow">20:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131121&time=18:50" rel="nofollow">18:50</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39755&date=20131121&time=20:40" rel="nofollow">20:40</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6515?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/dawn-of-the-planet-of-the-apes?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/6532?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6532_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Thor: The Dark World" /></div>
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/how-to-train-your-dragon-2?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6670_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film How To Train Your Dragon 2" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6532?cinema=3&date=all">Thor: The Dark World</a>
- <a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
- </h1>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/how-to-train-your-dragon-2?cinema=3&date=all">How To Train Your Dragon 2</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-pg tooltip" href="/classification" title="Unaccompanied children of any age may watch. A 'PG' film should not disturb a child aged around eight or older. However, parents are advised to consider whether the content may upset younger or more sensitive children." data-classification="PG" data-territory="GB">(PG)</a>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>30th October 2013</p>
+ <p>10th July 2014</p>
<div class="inline-children">
- <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>112 mins</p>
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>102 mins</p>
- <p>Chris Hemsworth's mighty avenger takes on a foe that's older than the universe in this epic Marvel superhero sequel.</p>
+ <p>SCOTLAND RELEASE DATE: 27 JUNE! - Hiccup the Viking and Toothless the dragon take on a sinister new foe in this fun-packed sequel! </p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
- <li class="icon-service-thrd"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d"></li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad"></li>
- <li class="icon-service-sub"></li>
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Thor: The Dark World" href="/whatson/6532?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about How To Train Your Dragon 2" href="/whatson/how-to-train-your-dragon-2?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Tuesday 12th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Wednesday 23rd Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <span class="tooltip performance action unavailable" data-tooltip-template="performance-unavailable" data-field-title="" data-field-explanation="">18:40</span>
- </li>
- <li>
- <span class="tooltip performance action unavailable" data-tooltip-template="performance-unavailable" data-field-title="" data-field-explanation="">20:30</span>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131112&time=21:30" rel="nofollow">21:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140723&time=12:45" rel="nofollow">12:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- </ol>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="date row">
- <div class="span2">
- <h3>Wednesday 13th Nov</h3>
- </div>
- <div class="span7">
- <ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131113&time=12:10" rel="nofollow">12:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140723&time=13:30" rel="nofollow">13:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131113&time=12:40" rel="nofollow">12:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140723&time=14:30" rel="nofollow">14:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131113&time=14:50" rel="nofollow">14:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140723&time=15:15" rel="nofollow">15:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131113&time=15:40" rel="nofollow">15:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140723&time=16:00" rel="nofollow">16:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131113&time=17:40" rel="nofollow">17:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140723&time=17:00" rel="nofollow">17:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131113&time=18:40" rel="nofollow">18:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140723&time=17:45" rel="nofollow">17:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131113&time=20:30" rel="nofollow">20:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140723&time=18:30" rel="nofollow">18:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131113&time=21:30" rel="nofollow">21:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140723&time=20:30" rel="nofollow">20:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Thursday 14th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 24th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131114&time=12:10" rel="nofollow">12:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140724&time=11:00" rel="nofollow">11:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131114&time=12:40" rel="nofollow">12:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140724&time=11:45" rel="nofollow">11:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131114&time=14:50" rel="nofollow">14:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140724&time=13:30" rel="nofollow">13:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131114&time=15:40" rel="nofollow">15:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140724&time=14:30" rel="nofollow">14:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131114&time=17:40" rel="nofollow">17:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140724&time=15:15" rel="nofollow">15:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131114&time=18:40" rel="nofollow">18:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140724&time=16:00" rel="nofollow">16:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131114&time=20:30" rel="nofollow">20:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140724&time=17:00" rel="nofollow">17:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131114&time=21:30" rel="nofollow">21:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140724&time=17:45" rel="nofollow">17:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- </ol>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="date row">
- <div class="span2">
- <h3>Friday 15th Nov</h3>
- </div>
- <div class="span7">
- <ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131115&time=12:10" rel="nofollow">12:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140724&time=18:30" rel="nofollow">18:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131115&time=13:15" rel="nofollow">13:15</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="date row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <h3>Friday 25th Jul</h3>
+ </div>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131115&time=15:00" rel="nofollow">15:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140725&time=10:45" rel="nofollow">10:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131115&time=17:45" rel="nofollow">17:45</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140725&time=12:15" rel="nofollow">12:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131115&time=18:30" rel="nofollow">18:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140725&time=13:30" rel="nofollow">13:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131115&time=20:30" rel="nofollow">20:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140725&time=14:45" rel="nofollow">14:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="22:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131115&time=22:40" rel="nofollow">22:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140725&time=17:15" rel="nofollow">17:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Saturday 16th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Saturday 26th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131116&time=12:10" rel="nofollow">12:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140726&time=10:45" rel="nofollow">10:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131116&time=15:00" rel="nofollow">15:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140726&time=12:15" rel="nofollow">12:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131116&time=17:45" rel="nofollow">17:45</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140726&time=13:30" rel="nofollow">13:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131116&time=18:30" rel="nofollow">18:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140726&time=14:45" rel="nofollow">14:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131116&time=20:30" rel="nofollow">20:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140726&time=17:15" rel="nofollow">17:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="22:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131116&time=22:40" rel="nofollow">22:40</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Sunday 17th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Sunday 27th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131117&time=12:10" rel="nofollow">12:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140727&time=10:45" rel="nofollow">10:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-sub">Subtitled</li>
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131117&time=15:00" rel="nofollow">15:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140727&time=12:15" rel="nofollow">12:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131117&time=17:45" rel="nofollow">17:45</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140727&time=13:30" rel="nofollow">13:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131117&time=18:30" rel="nofollow">18:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140727&time=14:45" rel="nofollow">14:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131117&time=20:30" rel="nofollow">20:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140727&time=17:15" rel="nofollow">17:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Monday 18th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Monday 28th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131118&time=12:10" rel="nofollow">12:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140728&time=10:45" rel="nofollow">10:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131118&time=13:15" rel="nofollow">13:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140728&time=12:15" rel="nofollow">12:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131118&time=15:00" rel="nofollow">15:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140728&time=13:30" rel="nofollow">13:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131118&time=17:45" rel="nofollow">17:45</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140728&time=14:45" rel="nofollow">14:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131118&time=18:30" rel="nofollow">18:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140728&time=17:15" rel="nofollow">17:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131118&time=20:30" rel="nofollow">20:30</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Tuesday 19th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Tuesday 29th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131119&time=12:10" rel="nofollow">12:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140729&time=10:45" rel="nofollow">10:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131119&time=13:15" rel="nofollow">13:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140729&time=12:15" rel="nofollow">12:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131119&time=15:00" rel="nofollow">15:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140729&time=13:30" rel="nofollow">13:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131119&time=17:45" rel="nofollow">17:45</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140729&time=14:45" rel="nofollow">14:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131119&time=18:30" rel="nofollow">18:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140729&time=17:15" rel="nofollow">17:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131119&time=20:30" rel="nofollow">20:30</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Wednesday 20th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Wednesday 30th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131120&time=12:10" rel="nofollow">12:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140730&time=10:45" rel="nofollow">10:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131120&time=13:15" rel="nofollow">13:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140730&time=12:15" rel="nofollow">12:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131120&time=15:00" rel="nofollow">15:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140730&time=13:30" rel="nofollow">13:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131120&time=17:45" rel="nofollow">17:45</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140730&time=14:45" rel="nofollow">14:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131120&time=18:30" rel="nofollow">18:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140730&time=17:15" rel="nofollow">17:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131120&time=20:30" rel="nofollow">20:30</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Thursday 21st Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 31st Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131121&time=12:10" rel="nofollow">12:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140731&time=10:45" rel="nofollow">10:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131121&time=15:00" rel="nofollow">15:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140731&time=12:00" rel="nofollow">12:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131121&time=17:45" rel="nofollow">17:45</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140731&time=13:15" rel="nofollow">13:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43483&date=20131121&time=20:30" rel="nofollow">20:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140731&time=14:45" rel="nofollow">14:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=123043&date=20140731&time=17:15" rel="nofollow">17:15</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6532?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/how-to-train-your-dragon-2?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/6662?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6662_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Philomena" /></div>
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/transformers-age-of-extinction?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6595_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Transformers: Age of Extinction" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6662?cinema=3&date=all">Philomena</a>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/transformers-age-of-extinction?cinema=3&date=all">Transformers: Age of Extinction</a>
<a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
- </h1>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>1st November 2013</p>
+ <p>5th July 2014</p>
<div class="inline-children">
- <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>98 mins</p>
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>165 mins</p>
- <p>Judi Dench and Steve Coogan star in the moving true story of a woman's epic search for her son.</p>
+ <p>The Dinobots make their spectacular entrance as mankind faces total annihilation in the fourth explosive 'Transformers' movie.</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d"></li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad"></li>
- <li class="icon-service-sub"></li>
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Philomena" href="/whatson/6662?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Transformers: Age of Extinction" href="/whatson/transformers-age-of-extinction?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Tuesday 12th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Wednesday 23rd Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <span class="tooltip performance action unavailable" data-tooltip-template="performance-unavailable" data-field-title="" data-field-explanation="">20:00</span>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140723&time=12:00" rel="nofollow">12:00</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
- </ol>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="date row">
- <div class="span2">
- <h3>Wednesday 13th Nov</h3>
- </div>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140723&time=13:15" rel="nofollow">13:15</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
- <div class="span7">
- <ol class="performances">
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131113&time=11:50" rel="nofollow">11:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140723&time=15:45" rel="nofollow">15:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131113&time=14:30" rel="nofollow">14:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140723&time=16:50" rel="nofollow">16:50</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131113&time=17:10" rel="nofollow">17:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140723&time=19:45" rel="nofollow">19:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131113&time=20:00" rel="nofollow">20:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140723&time=20:40" rel="nofollow">20:40</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Thursday 14th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 24th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131114&time=11:50" rel="nofollow">11:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140724&time=12:00" rel="nofollow">12:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131114&time=14:30" rel="nofollow">14:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140724&time=13:15" rel="nofollow">13:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131114&time=17:10" rel="nofollow">17:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140724&time=15:45" rel="nofollow">15:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131114&time=20:00" rel="nofollow">20:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140724&time=16:50" rel="nofollow">16:50</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140724&time=19:45" rel="nofollow">19:45</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140724&time=20:40" rel="nofollow">20:40</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Friday 15th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Friday 25th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131115&time=12:30" rel="nofollow">12:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140725&time=11:45" rel="nofollow">11:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131115&time=15:10" rel="nofollow">15:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140725&time=15:30" rel="nofollow">15:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131115&time=17:40" rel="nofollow">17:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140725&time=17:00" rel="nofollow">17:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131115&time=20:10" rel="nofollow">20:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140725&time=19:15" rel="nofollow">19:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140725&time=20:45" rel="nofollow">20:45</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Saturday 16th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Saturday 26th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131116&time=12:30" rel="nofollow">12:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140726&time=11:45" rel="nofollow">11:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131116&time=15:10" rel="nofollow">15:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140726&time=15:30" rel="nofollow">15:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131116&time=17:40" rel="nofollow">17:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140726&time=19:15" rel="nofollow">19:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131116&time=20:10" rel="nofollow">20:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140726&time=20:45" rel="nofollow">20:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Sunday 17th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Sunday 27th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131117&time=12:30" rel="nofollow">12:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140727&time=11:45" rel="nofollow">11:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131117&time=15:10" rel="nofollow">15:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140727&time=15:30" rel="nofollow">15:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131117&time=17:40" rel="nofollow">17:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140727&time=17:00" rel="nofollow">17:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131117&time=20:10" rel="nofollow">20:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140727&time=19:15" rel="nofollow">19:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140727&time=20:45" rel="nofollow">20:45</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Monday 18th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Monday 28th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131118&time=12:30" rel="nofollow">12:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140728&time=11:45" rel="nofollow">11:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131118&time=15:10" rel="nofollow">15:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140728&time=15:30" rel="nofollow">15:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131118&time=17:40" rel="nofollow">17:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140728&time=17:00" rel="nofollow">17:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131118&time=20:10" rel="nofollow">20:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140728&time=20:45" rel="nofollow">20:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-sub">Subtitled</li>
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Tuesday 19th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Tuesday 29th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131119&time=12:30" rel="nofollow">12:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140729&time=11:45" rel="nofollow">11:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131119&time=15:10" rel="nofollow">15:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140729&time=15:30" rel="nofollow">15:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131119&time=17:40" rel="nofollow">17:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140729&time=17:00" rel="nofollow">17:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131119&time=20:10" rel="nofollow">20:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140729&time=19:15" rel="nofollow">19:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140729&time=20:45" rel="nofollow">20:45</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Wednesday 20th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Wednesday 30th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131120&time=12:30" rel="nofollow">12:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140730&time=11:45" rel="nofollow">11:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131120&time=15:10" rel="nofollow">15:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140730&time=15:30" rel="nofollow">15:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131120&time=17:40" rel="nofollow">17:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140730&time=17:00" rel="nofollow">17:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131120&time=20:10" rel="nofollow">20:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140730&time=19:15" rel="nofollow">19:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140730&time=20:45" rel="nofollow">20:45</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Thursday 21st Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 31st Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131121&time=12:30" rel="nofollow">12:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140731&time=11:45" rel="nofollow">11:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131121&time=15:10" rel="nofollow">15:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140731&time=15:30" rel="nofollow">15:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147819&date=20131121&time=17:40" rel="nofollow">17:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=109226&date=20140731&time=19:15" rel="nofollow">19:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6662?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/transformers-age-of-extinction?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/6519?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6519_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Captain Phillips" /></div>
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/pudsey-the-movie?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7552_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Pudsey: The Movie" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6519?cinema=3&date=all">Captain Phillips</a>
- <a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
- </h1>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/pudsey-the-movie?cinema=3&date=all">Pudsey: The Movie</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-u tooltip" href="/classification" title="It is impossible to predict what might upset any particular child. But a 'U' film should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over. 'U' films should be set within a positive moral framework and should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat or horror." data-classification="U" data-territory="GB">(U)</a>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>18th October 2013</p>
+ <p>14th July 2014</p>
<div class="inline-children">
- <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>134 mins</p>
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>87 mins</p>
- <p>Tom Hanks stars in the incredible true story of the first US ship to be seized by pirates in 200 years.</p>
+ <p>Britain's Got Talent's lovable dancing canine champ is voiced by David Walliams in his first big-screen family adventure.</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
- <li class="icon-service-cb"></li>
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Captain Phillips" href="/whatson/6519?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Pudsey: The Movie" href="/whatson/pudsey-the-movie?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Tuesday 12th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 24th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <span class="tooltip performance action unavailable" data-tooltip-template="performance-unavailable" data-field-title="" data-field-explanation="">19:40</span>
- </li>
- </ol>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="date row">
- <div class="span2">
- <h3>Wednesday 13th Nov</h3>
- </div>
- <div class="span7">
- <ol class="performances">
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131113&time=13:00" rel="nofollow">13:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139991&date=20140724&time=10:00" rel="nofollow">10:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131113&time=16:20" rel="nofollow">16:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139991&date=20140724&time=12:20" rel="nofollow">12:20</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131113&time=19:40" rel="nofollow">19:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139991&date=20140724&time=14:45" rel="nofollow">14:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Thursday 14th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Friday 25th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131114&time=13:00" rel="nofollow">13:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139991&date=20140725&time=11:00" rel="nofollow">11:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="date row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <h3>Saturday 26th Jul</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131114&time=16:20" rel="nofollow">16:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139991&date=20140726&time=11:00" rel="nofollow">11:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="date row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <h3>Sunday 27th Jul</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131114&time=19:40" rel="nofollow">19:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139991&date=20140727&time=11:00" rel="nofollow">11:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Friday 15th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Monday 28th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131115&time=13:45" rel="nofollow">13:45</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139991&date=20140728&time=11:00" rel="nofollow">11:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="date row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <h3>Tuesday 29th Jul</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131115&time=17:10" rel="nofollow">17:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139991&date=20140729&time=11:00" rel="nofollow">11:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="date row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <h3>Wednesday 30th Jul</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131115&time=20:20" rel="nofollow">20:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139991&date=20140730&time=11:00" rel="nofollow">11:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Saturday 16th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 31st Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131116&time=17:10" rel="nofollow">17:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139991&date=20140731&time=10:00" rel="nofollow">10:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/pudsey-the-movie?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <hr />
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/boyhood?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7511_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Boyhood" /></div>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/boyhood?cinema=3&date=all">Boyhood</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-15 tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 15 may see a '15' film in a cinema." data-classification="15" data-territory="GB">(15)</a>
+ </h3>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Release date:</h3>
+ <p>11th July 2014</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>166 mins</p>
+ </div>
+ <h3>Synopsis:</h3>
+ <p>Filmed over 12 years, Richard Linklater's astonishing, innovative drama charts a boy's journey through adolescence.</p>
+ <h3>Available screening types</h3>
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
+ </ul>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Boyhood" href="/whatson/boyhood?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <div class="schedule row">
+ <div class="span9">
+ <div class="date row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <h3>Friday 25th Jul</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131116&time=20:20" rel="nofollow">20:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=161030&date=20140725&time=20:15" rel="nofollow">20:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Sunday 17th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Saturday 26th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131117&time=17:10" rel="nofollow">17:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=161030&date=20140726&time=20:15" rel="nofollow">20:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="date row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <h3>Sunday 27th Jul</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131117&time=20:20" rel="nofollow">20:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=161030&date=20140727&time=20:15" rel="nofollow">20:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Monday 18th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Monday 28th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131118&time=11:00" rel="nofollow">11:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=161030&date=20140728&time=20:15" rel="nofollow">20:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-cb">Cinebabies</li>
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="date row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <h3>Tuesday 29th Jul</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131118&time=13:45" rel="nofollow">13:45</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=161030&date=20140729&time=20:15" rel="nofollow">20:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Tuesday 19th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Wednesday 30th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131119&time=13:45" rel="nofollow">13:45</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=161030&date=20140730&time=20:15" rel="nofollow">20:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/boyhood?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <hr />
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/mrs-browns-boys-d-movie?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6005_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Mrs Brown's Boys D'Movie" /></div>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/mrs-browns-boys-d-movie?cinema=3&date=all">Mrs Brown's Boys D'Movie</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-15 tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 15 may see a '15' film in a cinema." data-classification="15" data-territory="GB">(15)</a>
+ </h3>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Release date:</h3>
+ <p>27th June 2014</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>96 mins</p>
+ </div>
+ <h3>Synopsis:</h3>
+ <p>Brendan O'Carroll's brilliant comic creation defends her market stall from a nasty developer in her hilarious big-screen debut.</p>
+ <h3>Available screening types</h3>
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-ad"></li>
+ </ul>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Mrs Brown's Boys D'Movie" href="/whatson/mrs-browns-boys-d-movie?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <div class="schedule row">
+ <div class="span9">
+ <div class="date row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <h3>Tuesday 22nd Jul</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131119&time=17:10" rel="nofollow">17:10</a>
+ <span class="tooltip performance action unavailable" data-tooltip-template="performance-unavailable" data-field-title="" data-field-explanation="">21:00</span>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="date row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <h3>Wednesday 23rd Jul</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <ol class="performances">
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152907&date=20140723&time=17:30" rel="nofollow">17:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131119&time=20:20" rel="nofollow">20:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152907&date=20140723&time=21:00" rel="nofollow">21:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Wednesday 20th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 24th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131120&time=13:45" rel="nofollow">13:45</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152907&date=20140724&time=17:30" rel="nofollow">17:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131120&time=17:10" rel="nofollow">17:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152907&date=20140724&time=21:00" rel="nofollow">21:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="date row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <h3>Saturday 26th Jul</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131120&time=20:20" rel="nofollow">20:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152907&date=20140726&time=17:00" rel="nofollow">17:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/mrs-browns-boys-d-movie?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <hr />
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <div class="poster has-ribbon">
+ <a href="/whatson/take-2-the-two-faces-of-january?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="overlay ribbon yellow">Take 2 Offer</div>
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7677_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Take 2 - The Two Faces Of January" /></div>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/take-2-the-two-faces-of-january?cinema=3&date=all">Take 2 - The Two Faces Of January</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
+ </h3>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Release date:</h3>
+ <p>24th July 2014</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>96 mins</p>
+ </div>
+ <h3>Synopsis:</h3>
+ <p>Viggo Mortensen and Kirsten Dunst star in a gripping period suspense thriller about a conman, his wife and a young scam artist.</p>
+ <h3>Available screening types</h3>
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
+ </ul>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Take 2 - The Two Faces Of January" href="/whatson/take-2-the-two-faces-of-january?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <div class="schedule row">
+ <div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Thursday 21st Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 24th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131121&time=12:30" rel="nofollow">12:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=446159&date=20140724&time=12:45" rel="nofollow">12:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131121&time=18:10" rel="nofollow">18:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=446159&date=20140724&time=20:30" rel="nofollow">20:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/take-2-the-two-faces-of-january?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <hr />
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/globe-on-screen-a-midsummer-nights-dream?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7484_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Globe On Screen - A Midsummer Night's Dream" /></div>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/globe-on-screen-a-midsummer-nights-dream?cinema=3&date=all">Globe On Screen - A Midsummer Night's Dream</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-pg tooltip" href="/classification" title="Unaccompanied children of any age may watch. A 'PG' film should not disturb a child aged around eight or older. However, parents are advised to consider whether the content may upset younger or more sensitive children." data-classification="PG" data-territory="GB">(PG)</a>
+ </h3>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Release date:</h3>
+ <p>28th July 2014</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>182 mins</p>
+ </div>
+ <h3>Synopsis:</h3>
+ <p>A hugely imaginative, crowd-pleasing production of Shakespeare's delightful comedy from the Globe'sArtistic Director Dominic Dromgoole.</p>
+ <h3>Available screening types</h3>
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
+ </ul>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Globe On Screen - A Midsummer Night's Dream" href="/whatson/globe-on-screen-a-midsummer-nights-dream?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <div class="schedule row">
+ <div class="span9">
+ <div class="date row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <h3>Monday 28th Jul</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=60772&date=20131121&time=20:20" rel="nofollow">20:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=446100&date=20140728&time=19:30" rel="nofollow">19:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6519?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/globe-on-screen-a-midsummer-nights-dream?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/6639?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6639_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa" /></div>
+ <div class="poster has-ribbon">
+ <a href="/whatson/mr-peabody-and-sherman-movies-for-juniors?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="overlay ribbon green">Movies For Juniors</div>
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6577_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Mr Peabody and Sherman - Movies for Juniors" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6639?cinema=3&date=all">Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa</a>
- <a class="classification gb-15 tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 15 may see a '15' film in a cinema." data-classification="15" data-territory="GB">(15)</a>
- </h1>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/mr-peabody-and-sherman-movies-for-juniors?cinema=3&date=all">Mr Peabody and Sherman - Movies for Juniors</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-u tooltip" href="/classification" title="It is impossible to predict what might upset any particular child. But a 'U' film should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over. 'U' films should be set within a positive moral framework and should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat or horror." data-classification="U" data-territory="GB">(U)</a>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>23rd October 2013</p>
+ <p>7th February 2014</p>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Running time:</h3> <p>92 mins</p>
- <p>The Jackass team dispatch a small boy and his grandpa on a jaw-dropping hidden camera road trip!</p>
+ <p>A dog genius and his pet boy travel through time to experience world-changing events in this crazy animated comedy.</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-m4j"></li>
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa" href="/whatson/6639?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Mr Peabody and Sherman - Movies for Juniors" href="/whatson/mr-peabody-and-sherman-movies-for-juniors?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Tuesday 12th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Saturday 26th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <span class="tooltip performance action unavailable" data-tooltip-template="performance-unavailable" data-field-title="" data-field-explanation="">18:50</span>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=129155&date=20140726&time=10:00" rel="nofollow">10:00</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-m4j">Movies for juniors</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="date row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <h3>Sunday 27th Jul</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <ol class="performances">
- <span class="tooltip performance action unavailable" data-tooltip-template="performance-unavailable" data-field-title="" data-field-explanation="">21:10</span>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=129155&date=20140727&time=10:00" rel="nofollow">10:00</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-m4j">Movies for juniors</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/mr-peabody-and-sherman-movies-for-juniors?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <hr />
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <div class="poster has-ribbon">
+ <a href="/whatson/guardians-of-the-galaxy?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="overlay ribbon blue">Now Booking</div>
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6682_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Guardians Of The Galaxy" /></div>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/guardians-of-the-galaxy?cinema=3&date=all">Guardians Of The Galaxy</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
+ </h3>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Release date:</h3>
+ <p>31st July 2014</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>122 mins</p>
+ </div>
+ <h3>Synopsis:</h3>
+ <p>A human adventurer teams up with a band of alien misfits to save the galaxy in this thrilling new Marvel superhero epic.</p>
+ <h3>Available screening types</h3>
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d"></li>
+ </ul>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Guardians Of The Galaxy" href="/whatson/guardians-of-the-galaxy?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <div class="schedule row">
+ <div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Wednesday 13th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 31st Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152056&date=20131113&time=13:30" rel="nofollow">13:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=122897&date=20140731&time=11:30" rel="nofollow">11:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152056&date=20131113&time=18:50" rel="nofollow">18:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=122897&date=20140731&time=14:15" rel="nofollow">14:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152056&date=20131113&time=21:10" rel="nofollow">21:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=122897&date=20140731&time=15:00" rel="nofollow">15:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- </ol>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="date row">
- <div class="span2">
- <h3>Thursday 14th Nov</h3>
- </div>
- <div class="span7">
- <ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152056&date=20131114&time=21:40" rel="nofollow">21:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=122897&date=20140731&time=17:00" rel="nofollow">17:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- </ol>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="date row">
- <div class="span2">
- <h3>Friday 15th Nov</h3>
- </div>
- <div class="span7">
- <ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152056&date=20131115&time=21:15" rel="nofollow">21:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=122897&date=20140731&time=18:00" rel="nofollow">18:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- </ol>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="date row">
- <div class="span2">
- <h3>Saturday 16th Nov</h3>
- </div>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=122897&date=20140731&time=20:00" rel="nofollow">20:00</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
- <div class="span7">
- <ol class="performances">
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152056&date=20131116&time=21:15" rel="nofollow">21:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=122897&date=20140731&time=21:00" rel="nofollow">21:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/guardians-of-the-galaxy?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <hr />
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/begin-again?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7510_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Begin Again" /></div>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/begin-again?cinema=3&date=all">Begin Again</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-15 tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 15 may see a '15' film in a cinema." data-classification="15" data-territory="GB">(15)</a>
+ </h3>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Release date:</h3>
+ <p>11th July 2014</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>104 mins</p>
+ </div>
+ <h3>Synopsis:</h3>
+ <p>A jaded music biz executive bonds with a singer in this poignant romantic comedy from the director of 'Once'.</p>
+ <h3>Available screening types</h3>
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
+ </ul>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Begin Again" href="/whatson/begin-again?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <div class="schedule row">
+ <div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Sunday 17th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Wednesday 23rd Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152056&date=20131117&time=21:15" rel="nofollow">21:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139951&date=20140723&time=20:00" rel="nofollow">20:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Monday 18th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 24th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152056&date=20131118&time=21:15" rel="nofollow">21:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139951&date=20140724&time=20:00" rel="nofollow">20:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/begin-again?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <hr />
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/maleficent?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6674_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Maleficent" /></div>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/maleficent?cinema=3&date=all">Maleficent</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-pg tooltip" href="/classification" title="Unaccompanied children of any age may watch. A 'PG' film should not disturb a child aged around eight or older. However, parents are advised to consider whether the content may upset younger or more sensitive children." data-classification="PG" data-territory="GB">(PG)</a>
+ </h3>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Release date:</h3>
+ <p>28th May 2014</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>97 mins</p>
+ </div>
+ <h3>Synopsis:</h3>
+ <p>Angelina Jolie gives a spellbinding performance in the untold story of Disney's iconic 'Sleeping Beauty' villainess.</p>
+ <h3>Available screening types</h3>
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
+ </ul>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Maleficent" href="/whatson/maleficent?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <div class="schedule row">
+ <div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Tuesday 19th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 24th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152056&date=20131119&time=21:15" rel="nofollow">21:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=63964&date=20140724&time=10:40" rel="nofollow">10:40</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/maleficent?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <hr />
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/the-fault-in-our-stars?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7458_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film The Fault In Our Stars" /></div>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/the-fault-in-our-stars?cinema=3&date=all">The Fault In Our Stars</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
+ </h3>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Release date:</h3>
+ <p>19th June 2014</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>126 mins</p>
+ </div>
+ <h3>Synopsis:</h3>
+ <p>A moving, witty and life-affirming adaptation of John Green's bestselling novel about two teenagers who fall in love at a cancer support group.</p>
+ <h3>Available screening types</h3>
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-ad"></li>
+ </ul>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about The Fault In Our Stars" href="/whatson/the-fault-in-our-stars?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <div class="schedule row">
+ <div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Wednesday 20th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Wednesday 23rd Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152056&date=20131120&time=21:15" rel="nofollow">21:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=156011&date=20140723&time=14:00" rel="nofollow">14:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6639?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/the-fault-in-our-stars?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/6633?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6633_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2" /></div>
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/hercules?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7554_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Hercules" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6633?cinema=3&date=all">Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2</a>
- <a class="classification gb-u tooltip" href="/classification" title="It is impossible to predict what might upset any particular child. But a 'U' film should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over. 'U' films should be set within a positive moral framework and should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat or horror." data-classification="U" data-territory="GB">(U)</a>
- </h1>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/hercules?cinema=3&date=all">Hercules</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>25th October 2013</p>
+ <p>25th July 2014</p>
<div class="inline-children">
- <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>95 mins</p>
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>98 mins</p>
- <p>Inventor Flint Lockwood's out-of-control food machine goes even crazier in this hilarious sequel!</p>
+ <p>Dwayne Johnson's Hercules battles terrifying foes in a fresh and visceral new take on this legendary action hero.</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
- <li class="icon-service-thrd"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d"></li>
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2" href="/whatson/6633?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Hercules" href="/whatson/hercules?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Wednesday 13th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Friday 25th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=62188&date=20131113&time=16:40" rel="nofollow">16:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140725&time=13:00" rel="nofollow">13:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- </ol>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="date row">
- <div class="span2">
- <h3>Thursday 14th Nov</h3>
- </div>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140725&time=15:45" rel="nofollow">15:45</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
- <div class="span7">
- <ol class="performances">
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=62188&date=20131114&time=16:40" rel="nofollow">16:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140725&time=18:15" rel="nofollow">18:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140725&time=21:00" rel="nofollow">21:00</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Friday 15th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Saturday 26th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=62188&date=20131115&time=16:00" rel="nofollow">16:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140726&time=13:00" rel="nofollow">13:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140726&time=15:45" rel="nofollow">15:45</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140726&time=18:15" rel="nofollow">18:15</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140726&time=21:00" rel="nofollow">21:00</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Saturday 16th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Sunday 27th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=62188&date=20131116&time=10:50" rel="nofollow">10:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140727&time=15:45" rel="nofollow">15:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=62188&date=20131116&time=13:30" rel="nofollow">13:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140727&time=18:15" rel="nofollow">18:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=62188&date=20131116&time=16:00" rel="nofollow">16:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140727&time=21:00" rel="nofollow">21:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Sunday 17th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Monday 28th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=62188&date=20131117&time=10:50" rel="nofollow">10:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140728&time=15:45" rel="nofollow">15:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=62188&date=20131117&time=13:30" rel="nofollow">13:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140728&time=18:15" rel="nofollow">18:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=62188&date=20131117&time=16:00" rel="nofollow">16:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140728&time=21:00" rel="nofollow">21:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Monday 18th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Tuesday 29th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=62188&date=20131118&time=16:00" rel="nofollow">16:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140729&time=13:00" rel="nofollow">13:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- </ol>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="date row">
- <div class="span2">
- <h3>Tuesday 19th Nov</h3>
- </div>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140729&time=15:45" rel="nofollow">15:45</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
- <div class="span7">
- <ol class="performances">
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=62188&date=20131119&time=16:00" rel="nofollow">16:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140729&time=18:15" rel="nofollow">18:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140729&time=21:00" rel="nofollow">21:00</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Wednesday 20th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Wednesday 30th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=62188&date=20131120&time=16:00" rel="nofollow">16:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140730&time=13:00" rel="nofollow">13:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140730&time=15:45" rel="nofollow">15:45</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140730&time=18:15" rel="nofollow">18:15</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140730&time=21:00" rel="nofollow">21:00</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Thursday 21st Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 31st Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=62188&date=20131121&time=15:45" rel="nofollow">15:45</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140731&time=15:45" rel="nofollow">15:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140731&time=18:15" rel="nofollow">18:15</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=139549&date=20140731&time=20:45" rel="nofollow">20:45</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6633?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/hercules?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/6517?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6517_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Turbo" /></div>
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/the-purge-anarchy?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7560_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film The Purge: Anarchy" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6517?cinema=3&date=all">Turbo</a>
- <a class="classification gb-u tooltip" href="/classification" title="It is impossible to predict what might upset any particular child. But a 'U' film should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over. 'U' films should be set within a positive moral framework and should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat or horror." data-classification="U" data-territory="GB">(U)</a>
- </h1>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/the-purge-anarchy?cinema=3&date=all">The Purge: Anarchy</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-15 tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 15 may see a '15' film in a cinema." data-classification="15" data-territory="GB">(15)</a>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>17th October 2013</p>
+ <p>25th July 2014</p>
<div class="inline-children">
- <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>96 mins</p>
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>103 mins</p>
- <p>A freak accident transforms a snail into a racing champ in this eye-popping animated 3D underdog comedy!</p>
+ <p>America's annual night of mayhem gets even scarier in this edge-of-seat sequel to the futuristic horror hit.</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
- <li class="icon-service-thrd"></li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad"></li>
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Turbo" href="/whatson/6517?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about The Purge: Anarchy" href="/whatson/the-purge-anarchy?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Wednesday 13th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Friday 25th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=50592&date=20131113&time=16:10" rel="nofollow">16:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=158117&date=20140725&time=16:00" rel="nofollow">16:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- </ol>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="date row">
- <div class="span2">
- <h3>Thursday 14th Nov</h3>
- </div>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=158117&date=20140725&time=18:30" rel="nofollow">18:30</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
- <div class="span7">
- <ol class="performances">
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=50592&date=20131114&time=16:10" rel="nofollow">16:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=158117&date=20140725&time=21:15" rel="nofollow">21:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Friday 15th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Saturday 26th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:25" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=50592&date=20131115&time=16:25" rel="nofollow">16:25</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=158117&date=20140726&time=16:00" rel="nofollow">16:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- </ol>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="date row">
- <div class="span2">
- <h3>Saturday 16th Nov</h3>
- </div>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=158117&date=20140726&time=18:30" rel="nofollow">18:30</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
- <div class="span7">
- <ol class="performances">
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="09:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=50592&date=20131116&time=09:50" rel="nofollow">09:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=158117&date=20140726&time=21:15" rel="nofollow">21:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="date row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <h3>Sunday 27th Jul</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=50592&date=20131116&time=12:20" rel="nofollow">12:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=158117&date=20140727&time=16:00" rel="nofollow">16:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=50592&date=20131116&time=14:45" rel="nofollow">14:45</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=158117&date=20140727&time=18:30" rel="nofollow">18:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:25" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=50592&date=20131116&time=16:25" rel="nofollow">16:25</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=158117&date=20140727&time=21:15" rel="nofollow">21:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Sunday 17th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Monday 28th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="09:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=50592&date=20131117&time=09:50" rel="nofollow">09:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=158117&date=20140728&time=16:00" rel="nofollow">16:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=50592&date=20131117&time=12:20" rel="nofollow">12:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=158117&date=20140728&time=18:30" rel="nofollow">18:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=50592&date=20131117&time=14:45" rel="nofollow">14:45</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=158117&date=20140728&time=21:15" rel="nofollow">21:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Monday 18th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Tuesday 29th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:25" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=50592&date=20131118&time=16:25" rel="nofollow">16:25</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=158117&date=20140729&time=16:00" rel="nofollow">16:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=158117&date=20140729&time=18:30" rel="nofollow">18:30</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=158117&date=20140729&time=21:15" rel="nofollow">21:15</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Tuesday 19th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Wednesday 30th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:25" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=50592&date=20131119&time=16:25" rel="nofollow">16:25</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=158117&date=20140730&time=16:00" rel="nofollow">16:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=158117&date=20140730&time=18:30" rel="nofollow">18:30</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=158117&date=20140730&time=21:15" rel="nofollow">21:15</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Wednesday 20th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 31st Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:25" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=50592&date=20131120&time=16:25" rel="nofollow">16:25</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=158117&date=20140731&time=16:00" rel="nofollow">16:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=158117&date=20140731&time=18:45" rel="nofollow">18:45</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=158117&date=20140731&time=21:15" rel="nofollow">21:15</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6517?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/the-purge-anarchy?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/6842?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6842_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Doctor Who 50th Anniversary: The Day of The Doctor" /></div>
+ <div class="poster has-ribbon">
+ <a href="/whatson/what-if-unlimited-screening?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="overlay ribbon red">Unlimited Preview</div>
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7714_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film What If - Unlimited Screening" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6842?cinema=3&date=all">Doctor Who 50th Anniversary: The Day of The Doctor</a>
- <a class="classification gb-pg tooltip" href="/classification" title="Unaccompanied children of any age may watch. A 'PG' film should not disturb a child aged around eight or older. However, parents are advised to consider whether the content may upset younger or more sensitive children." data-classification="PG" data-territory="GB">(PG)</a>
- </h1>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/what-if-unlimited-screening?cinema=3&date=all">What If - Unlimited Screening</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-15 tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 15 may see a '15' film in a cinema." data-classification="15" data-territory="GB">(15)</a>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>23rd November 2013</p>
+ <p>4th August 2014</p>
<div class="inline-children">
- <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>80 mins</p>
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>102 mins</p>
- <p>The iconic TV show comes to Cineworld for this ground-breaking 50th anniversary global event.</p>
+ <p>Smitten Daniel Radcliffe and Zoe Kazan try to remain just friends in this charming romantic comedy.</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
- <li class="icon-service-thrd"></li>
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Doctor Who 50th Anniversary: The Day of The Doctor" href="/whatson/6842?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about What If - Unlimited Screening" href="/whatson/what-if-unlimited-screening?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Saturday 23rd Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Monday 4th Aug</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <span class="tooltip performance action unavailable" data-tooltip-template="performance-unavailable" data-field-title="" data-field-explanation="">19:30</span>
- </li>
- <li>
- <span class="tooltip performance action unavailable" data-tooltip-template="performance-unavailable" data-field-title="" data-field-explanation="">19:31</span>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=445886&date=20131123&time=21:30" rel="nofollow">21:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=446173&date=20140804&time=20:30" rel="nofollow">20:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6842?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/what-if-unlimited-screening?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/6251?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6251_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Monsters University" /></div>
+ <div class="poster has-ribbon">
+ <a href="/whatson/autism-friendly-screening-the-nut-job?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="overlay ribbon blue">Autism Friendly</div>
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7740_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Autism Friendly Screening: The Nut Job" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6251?cinema=3&date=all">Monsters University</a>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/autism-friendly-screening-the-nut-job?cinema=3&date=all">Autism Friendly Screening: The Nut Job</a>
<a class="classification gb-u tooltip" href="/classification" title="It is impossible to predict what might upset any particular child. But a 'U' film should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over. 'U' films should be set within a positive moral framework and should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat or horror." data-classification="U" data-territory="GB">(U)</a>
- </h1>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>12th July 2013</p>
+ <p>4th August 2014</p>
<div class="inline-children">
- <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>110 mins</p>
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>86 mins</p>
- <p>Much-loved 'Monsters, Inc' duo Mike and Sulley scare up a fun-packed prequel to the Pixar hit.</p>
+ <p>An outcast squirrel stages a heist to feed his park-dwelling pals in this nutty animated family comedy!</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
- <li class="icon-service-m4j"></li>
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Monsters University" href="/whatson/6251?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Autism Friendly Screening: The Nut Job" href="/whatson/autism-friendly-screening-the-nut-job?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Saturday 16th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Sunday 3rd Aug</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39625&date=20131116&time=10:00" rel="nofollow">10:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=446171&date=20140803&time=11:00" rel="nofollow">11:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-m4j">Movies for juniors</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6251?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/autism-friendly-screening-the-nut-job?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/6879?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6879_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Take 2 Thursday - About Time" /></div>
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/billy-elliott-the-musical-live-special-performance?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7590_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Billy Elliot The Musical Live - Special Performance" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6879?cinema=3&date=all">Take 2 Thursday - About Time</a>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/billy-elliott-the-musical-live-special-performance?cinema=3&date=all">Billy Elliot The Musical Live - Special Performance</a>
<a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
- </h1>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>14th November 2013</p>
+ <p>28th September 2014</p>
<div class="inline-children">
- <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>123 mins</p>
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>195 mins</p>
- <p>A man discovers he can time-travel - which is very handy when influencing the course of his love life!</p>
+ <p>The magnificent blockbuster musical with music by Elton John - live from the West End for the very first time!</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
@@ -4578,98 +5236,98 @@
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Take 2 Thursday - About Time" href="/whatson/6879?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Billy Elliot The Musical Live - Special Performance" href="/whatson/billy-elliott-the-musical-live-special-performance?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Thursday 14th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Sunday 28th Sep</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=445925&date=20131114&time=12:20" rel="nofollow">12:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=166634&date=20140928&time=14:00" rel="nofollow">14:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=445925&date=20131114&time=18:50" rel="nofollow">18:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=166634&date=20140928&time=19:00" rel="nofollow">19:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6879?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/billy-elliott-the-musical-live-special-performance?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/6543?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="overlay banner previews">Advance Screenings</div>
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6543_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" /></div>
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/earth-to-echo?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7558_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Earth to Echo" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6543?cinema=3&date=all">The Hunger Games: Catching Fire</a>
- <a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
- </h1>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/earth-to-echo?cinema=3&date=all">Earth to Echo</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-pg tooltip" href="/classification" title="Unaccompanied children of any age may watch. A 'PG' film should not disturb a child aged around eight or older. However, parents are advised to consider whether the content may upset younger or more sensitive children." data-classification="PG" data-territory="GB">(PG)</a>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>22nd November 2013</p>
+ <p>25th July 2014</p>
<div class="inline-children">
- <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>146 mins</p>
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>91 mins</p>
- <p>A change of rules leads to an even deadlier death match in this blazing sequel to the global blockbuster.</p>
+ <p>A trio of kids find their lives changed forever when they befriend an alien being with amazing powers!</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
@@ -4678,582 +5336,470 @@
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" href="/whatson/6543?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Earth to Echo" href="/whatson/earth-to-echo?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Wednesday 20th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Friday 25th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="00:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131120&time=00:30" rel="nofollow">00:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140725&time=10:20" rel="nofollow">10:20</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- </ol>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="date row">
- <div class="span2">
- <h3>Thursday 21st Nov</h3>
- </div>
- <div class="span7">
- <ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131121&time=13:10" rel="nofollow">13:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140725&time=12:45" rel="nofollow">12:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131121&time=13:50" rel="nofollow">13:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140725&time=15:15" rel="nofollow">15:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131121&time=16:20" rel="nofollow">16:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140725&time=17:45" rel="nofollow">17:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131121&time=17:00" rel="nofollow">17:00</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131121&time=18:20" rel="nofollow">18:20</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131121&time=19:30" rel="nofollow">19:30</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131121&time=20:15" rel="nofollow">20:15</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131121&time=21:30" rel="nofollow">21:30</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Friday 22nd Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Saturday 26th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131122&time=13:50" rel="nofollow">13:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140726&time=10:20" rel="nofollow">10:20</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131122&time=17:00" rel="nofollow">17:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140726&time=12:45" rel="nofollow">12:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131122&time=20:15" rel="nofollow">20:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140726&time=15:15" rel="nofollow">15:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- </ol>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="date row">
- <div class="span2">
- <h3>Saturday 23rd Nov</h3>
- </div>
- <div class="span7">
- <ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131123&time=10:40" rel="nofollow">10:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140726&time=17:45" rel="nofollow">17:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131123&time=13:50" rel="nofollow">13:50</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131123&time=17:00" rel="nofollow">17:00</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131123&time=20:15" rel="nofollow">20:15</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Sunday 24th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Sunday 27th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131124&time=10:40" rel="nofollow">10:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140727&time=10:20" rel="nofollow">10:20</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131124&time=13:50" rel="nofollow">13:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140727&time=12:45" rel="nofollow">12:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131124&time=17:00" rel="nofollow">17:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140727&time=15:15" rel="nofollow">15:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131124&time=20:15" rel="nofollow">20:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140727&time=17:45" rel="nofollow">17:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Monday 25th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Monday 28th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131125&time=10:40" rel="nofollow">10:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140728&time=10:20" rel="nofollow">10:20</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131125&time=13:50" rel="nofollow">13:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140728&time=12:45" rel="nofollow">12:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131125&time=17:00" rel="nofollow">17:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140728&time=15:15" rel="nofollow">15:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131125&time=20:15" rel="nofollow">20:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140728&time=17:45" rel="nofollow">17:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Tuesday 26th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Tuesday 29th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131126&time=10:40" rel="nofollow">10:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140729&time=10:20" rel="nofollow">10:20</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131126&time=13:50" rel="nofollow">13:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140729&time=12:45" rel="nofollow">12:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131126&time=17:00" rel="nofollow">17:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140729&time=15:15" rel="nofollow">15:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131126&time=20:15" rel="nofollow">20:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140729&time=17:45" rel="nofollow">17:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Wednesday 27th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Wednesday 30th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131127&time=10:40" rel="nofollow">10:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140730&time=10:20" rel="nofollow">10:20</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131127&time=13:50" rel="nofollow">13:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140730&time=12:45" rel="nofollow">12:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131127&time=17:00" rel="nofollow">17:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140730&time=15:15" rel="nofollow">15:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131127&time=20:15" rel="nofollow">20:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140730&time=17:45" rel="nofollow">17:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Thursday 28th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 31st Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131128&time=10:40" rel="nofollow">10:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140731&time=10:20" rel="nofollow">10:20</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131128&time=13:50" rel="nofollow">13:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140731&time=12:45" rel="nofollow">12:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131128&time=17:00" rel="nofollow">17:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140731&time=15:15" rel="nofollow">15:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=43600&date=20131128&time=20:15" rel="nofollow">20:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="17:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152340&date=20140731&time=17:45" rel="nofollow">17:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6543?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/earth-to-echo?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/6795?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="overlay banner previews">Advance Screenings</div>
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6795_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" /></div>
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/eno-la-traviata?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7517_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film ENO: La Traviata" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6795?cinema=3&date=all">The Secret Life of Walter Mitty</a>
- </h1>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/eno-la-traviata?cinema=3&date=all">ENO: La Traviata</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>26th December 2013</p>
+ <p>11th March 2015</p>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>110 mins</p>
+ </div>
- <p>Ben Stiller directs and stars in a inspirational fable about a daydreaming everyman who goes on an incredible adventure.</p>
+ <p>Peter Konwitschny's acclaimed production of Verdi's tragic opera returns to ENO.</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
@@ -5262,468 +5808,405 @@
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" href="/whatson/6795?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about ENO: La Traviata" href="/whatson/eno-la-traviata?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Monday 2nd Dec</h3>
+ <h3>Wednesday 11th Mar</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=70152&date=20131202&time=20:15" rel="nofollow">20:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=446109&date=20150311&time=19:30" rel="nofollow">19:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6795?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/eno-la-traviata?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/6557?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6557_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film The Hobbit - The Desolation of Smaug" /></div>
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/kick-bollywood?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7648_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Kick (Bollywood)" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6557?cinema=3&date=all">The Hobbit - The Desolation of Smaug</a>
- </h1>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/kick-bollywood?cinema=3&date=all">Kick (Bollywood)</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-tbc tooltip" href="/classification" title="To be confirmed - in some instances films have not yet been certified." data-classification="TBC" data-territory="GB">(TBC)</a>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>13th December 2013</p>
+ <p>25th July 2014</p>
- <p>Bilbo and the dwarves' epic and eventful dragon slaying quest continues in part two of Peter Jackson's stunning new trilogy.</p>
+ <p>Salman Khan stars in an intoxicating Bollywood action-romance about a man who lives for the thrill of the adrenaline rush.</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
- <li class="icon-service-thrd"></li>
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about The Hobbit - The Desolation of Smaug" href="/whatson/6557?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Kick (Bollywood)" href="/whatson/kick-bollywood?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Friday 13th Dec</h3>
+ <h3>Friday 25th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=41971&date=20131213&time=12:40" rel="nofollow">12:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=160915&date=20140725&time=19:45" rel="nofollow">19:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=41971&date=20131213&time=16:20" rel="nofollow">16:20</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=41971&date=20131213&time=20:00" rel="nofollow">20:00</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Saturday 14th Dec</h3>
+ <h3>Saturday 26th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=41971&date=20131214&time=12:40" rel="nofollow">12:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=160915&date=20140726&time=19:45" rel="nofollow">19:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=41971&date=20131214&time=16:20" rel="nofollow">16:20</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=41971&date=20131214&time=20:00" rel="nofollow">20:00</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Sunday 15th Dec</h3>
+ <h3>Sunday 27th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=41971&date=20131215&time=12:40" rel="nofollow">12:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=160915&date=20140727&time=12:30" rel="nofollow">12:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=41971&date=20131215&time=16:20" rel="nofollow">16:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=160915&date=20140727&time=19:45" rel="nofollow">19:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=41971&date=20131215&time=20:00" rel="nofollow">20:00</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Monday 16th Dec</h3>
+ <h3>Monday 28th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=41971&date=20131216&time=12:40" rel="nofollow">12:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=160915&date=20140728&time=12:30" rel="nofollow">12:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=41971&date=20131216&time=16:20" rel="nofollow">16:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=160915&date=20140728&time=19:45" rel="nofollow">19:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=41971&date=20131216&time=20:00" rel="nofollow">20:00</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Tuesday 17th Dec</h3>
+ <h3>Tuesday 29th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=41971&date=20131217&time=12:40" rel="nofollow">12:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=160915&date=20140729&time=19:45" rel="nofollow">19:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=41971&date=20131217&time=16:20" rel="nofollow">16:20</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=41971&date=20131217&time=20:00" rel="nofollow">20:00</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Wednesday 18th Dec</h3>
+ <h3>Wednesday 30th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=41971&date=20131218&time=12:40" rel="nofollow">12:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=160915&date=20140730&time=19:45" rel="nofollow">19:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=41971&date=20131218&time=16:20" rel="nofollow">16:20</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
- <hr class="thin" />
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/kick-bollywood?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=41971&date=20131218&time=20:00" rel="nofollow">20:00</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <hr />
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- </ol>
- </div>
- </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/madama-butterfly-on-sydney-harbour?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7592_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Madama Butterfly - On Sydney Harbour" /></div>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/madama-butterfly-on-sydney-harbour?cinema=3&date=all">Madama Butterfly - On Sydney Harbour</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
+ </h3>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Release date:</h3>
+ <p>18th September 2014</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>140 mins</p>
+ </div>
+ <h3>Synopsis:</h3>
+ <p>A spectacular modern retelling of Puccini's heart-rending opera on a magnificent water stage suspended over Sydney Harbour.</p>
+ <h3>Available screening types</h3>
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
+ </ul>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Madama Butterfly - On Sydney Harbour" href="/whatson/madama-butterfly-on-sydney-harbour?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <div class="schedule row">
+ <div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Thursday 19th Dec</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 18th Sep</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=41971&date=20131219&time=12:40" rel="nofollow">12:40</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=166741&date=20140918&time=13:00" rel="nofollow">13:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=41971&date=20131219&time=16:20" rel="nofollow">16:20</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=166741&date=20140918&time=19:30" rel="nofollow">19:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=41971&date=20131219&time=20:00" rel="nofollow">20:00</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-thrd">3D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6557?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/madama-butterfly-on-sydney-harbour?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/6635?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6635_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Ender's Game" /></div>
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/nt-live-medea?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7417_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film NT Live: Medea" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6635?cinema=3&date=all">Ender's Game</a>
- <a class="classification ie-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="Films classified in this category are considered to be suitable for those of twelve and upwards. They may also be seen by younger children provided a parent or adult guardian accompanies them." data-classification="12A" data-territory="IE">(12A)</a>
- </h1>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/nt-live-medea?cinema=3&date=all">NT Live: Medea</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>25th October 2013</p>
+ <p>4th September 2014</p>
<div class="inline-children">
- <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>114 mins</p>
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>150 mins</p>
- <p>Harrison Ford returns to space for an epic sci fi thriller in which elite soldiers are trained to battle alien invaders.</p>
+ <p>Helen McCrory returns to the National Theatre to take the title role in Euripides' great Greek revenge tragedy.</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
@@ -5732,106 +6215,174 @@
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Ender's Game" href="/whatson/6635?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about NT Live: Medea" href="/whatson/nt-live-medea?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Saturday 16th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 4th Sep</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=54300&date=20131116&time=11:10" rel="nofollow">11:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=163390&date=20140904&time=19:00" rel="nofollow">19:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/nt-live-medea?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <hr />
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/nt-live-encore-frankenstein-starring-benedict-cumberbatch?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6472_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film NT Live Encore: Frankenstein (starring Benedict Cumberbatch)" /></div>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/nt-live-encore-frankenstein-starring-benedict-cumberbatch?cinema=3&date=all">NT Live Encore: Frankenstein (starring Benedict Cumberbatch)</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-15 tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 15 may see a '15' film in a cinema." data-classification="15" data-territory="GB">(15)</a>
+ </h3>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Release date:</h3>
+ <p>30th October 2014</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>135 mins</p>
+ </div>
+ <h3>Synopsis:</h3>
+ <p>Danny Boyle's acclaimed production of Mary Shelley's gothic classic makes a triumphant return to Cineworld.</p>
+ <h3>Available screening types</h3>
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
+ </ul>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about NT Live Encore: Frankenstein (starring Benedict Cumberbatch)" href="/whatson/nt-live-encore-frankenstein-starring-benedict-cumberbatch?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <div class="schedule row">
+ <div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Sunday 17th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 30th Oct</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=54300&date=20131117&time=11:10" rel="nofollow">11:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=445793&date=20141030&time=19:30" rel="nofollow">19:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6635?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/nt-live-encore-frankenstein-starring-benedict-cumberbatch?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/6901?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6901_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Secret Unlimited Screening 2" /></div>
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/nt-live-john?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7687_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film NT Live: JOHN" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6901?cinema=3&date=all">Secret Unlimited Screening 2</a>
- </h1>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/nt-live-john?cinema=3&date=all">NT Live: JOHN</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-18 tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 18 may see an '18' film in a cinema." data-classification="18" data-territory="GB">(18)</a>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>25th November 2013</p>
+ <p>9th December 2014</p>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Running time:</h3> <p>120 mins</p>
- <p>Take a giant leap into the unknown and see a secret screening of a major film ahead of time</p>
+ <p>DV8 Physical Theatre's bold new production depicting the moving story of one man's struggle to survive.</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
@@ -5840,85 +6391,86 @@
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Secret Unlimited Screening 2" href="/whatson/6901?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about NT Live: JOHN" href="/whatson/nt-live-john?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Monday 25th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Tuesday 9th Dec</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=445911&date=20131125&time=20:15" rel="nofollow">20:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=446169&date=20141209&time=20:00" rel="nofollow">20:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6901?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/nt-live-john?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/6758?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6758_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film The Counsellor" /></div>
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/nt-live-treasure-island?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7692_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film NT Live: Treasure Island" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6758?cinema=3&date=all">The Counsellor</a>
- <a class="classification gb-18 tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 18 may see an '18' film in a cinema." data-classification="18" data-territory="GB">(18)</a>
- </h1>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/nt-live-treasure-island?cinema=3&date=all">NT Live: Treasure Island</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>15th November 2013</p>
+ <p>22nd January 2015</p>
<div class="inline-children">
- <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>117 mins</p>
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>180 mins</p>
- <p>Michael Fassbender and Brad Pitt star in Ridley Scott's gripping thriller about a lawyer who becomes a drugs trafficker.</p>
+ <p>An exciting new family-friendly production of Robert Louis Stevenson's classic pirate adventure!</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
@@ -5927,445 +6479,442 @@
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about The Counsellor" href="/whatson/6758?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about NT Live: Treasure Island" href="/whatson/nt-live-treasure-island?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Friday 15th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 22nd Jan</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:25" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131115&time=12:25" rel="nofollow">12:25</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=446170&date=20150122&time=19:00" rel="nofollow">19:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131115&time=15:15" rel="nofollow">15:15</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
- <hr class="thin" />
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/nt-live-treasure-island?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131115&time=18:10" rel="nofollow">18:10</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <hr />
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131115&time=21:00" rel="nofollow">21:00</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="span2">
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- </ol>
- </div>
- </div>
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/nt-live-encore-frankenstein-starring-jonny-lee-miller?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6474_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film NT Live Encore: Frankenstein (starring Jonny Lee Miller)" /></div>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/nt-live-encore-frankenstein-starring-jonny-lee-miller?cinema=3&date=all">NT Live Encore: Frankenstein (starring Jonny Lee Miller)</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-15 tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 15 may see a '15' film in a cinema." data-classification="15" data-territory="GB">(15)</a>
+ </h3>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Release date:</h3>
+ <p>4th November 2014</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>135 mins</p>
+ </div>
+ <h3>Synopsis:</h3>
+ <p>Danny Boyle's acclaimed production of Mary Shelley's gothic classic makes a triumphant return to Cineworld.</p>
+ <h3>Available screening types</h3>
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
+ </ul>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about NT Live Encore: Frankenstein (starring Jonny Lee Miller)" href="/whatson/nt-live-encore-frankenstein-starring-jonny-lee-miller?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <div class="schedule row">
+ <div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Saturday 16th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Tuesday 4th Nov</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:25" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131116&time=12:25" rel="nofollow">12:25</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=445794&date=20141104&time=19:30" rel="nofollow">19:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131116&time=15:15" rel="nofollow">15:15</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
- <hr class="thin" />
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/nt-live-encore-frankenstein-starring-jonny-lee-miller?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131116&time=18:10" rel="nofollow">18:10</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <hr />
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131116&time=21:00" rel="nofollow">21:00</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="span2">
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- </ol>
- </div>
- </div>
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/rio-2?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6587_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Rio 2" /></div>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/rio-2?cinema=3&date=all">Rio 2</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-u tooltip" href="/classification" title="It is impossible to predict what might upset any particular child. But a 'U' film should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over. 'U' films should be set within a positive moral framework and should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat or horror." data-classification="U" data-territory="GB">(U)</a>
+ </h3>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Release date:</h3>
+ <p>4th April 2014</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>101 mins</p>
+ </div>
+ <h3>Synopsis:</h3>
+ <p>City bird Blu finds himself hilariously out of his depth during an Amazon adventure in this colourful sequel.</p>
+ <h3>Available screening types</h3>
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d"></li>
+ </ul>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Rio 2" href="/whatson/rio-2?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <div class="schedule row">
+ <div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Sunday 17th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Friday 25th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:25" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131117&time=12:25" rel="nofollow">12:25</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="09:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=66856&date=20140725&time=09:45" rel="nofollow">09:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131117&time=15:15" rel="nofollow">15:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=66856&date=20140725&time=10:00" rel="nofollow">10:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131117&time=18:10" rel="nofollow">18:10</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="date row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <h3>Saturday 26th Jul</h3>
+ </div>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131117&time=21:00" rel="nofollow">21:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="09:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=66856&date=20140726&time=09:45" rel="nofollow">09:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Monday 18th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Sunday 27th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:25" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131118&time=12:25" rel="nofollow">12:25</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="09:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=66856&date=20140727&time=09:45" rel="nofollow">09:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131118&time=15:15" rel="nofollow">15:15</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="date row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <h3>Monday 28th Jul</h3>
+ </div>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131118&time=18:10" rel="nofollow">18:10</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="09:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=66856&date=20140728&time=09:45" rel="nofollow">09:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131118&time=21:00" rel="nofollow">21:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=66856&date=20140728&time=10:00" rel="nofollow">10:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Tuesday 19th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Tuesday 29th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:25" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131119&time=12:25" rel="nofollow">12:25</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="09:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=66856&date=20140729&time=09:45" rel="nofollow">09:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131119&time=15:15" rel="nofollow">15:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=66856&date=20140729&time=10:00" rel="nofollow">10:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131119&time=18:10" rel="nofollow">18:10</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131119&time=21:00" rel="nofollow">21:00</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Wednesday 20th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Wednesday 30th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:25" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131120&time=12:25" rel="nofollow">12:25</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="09:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=66856&date=20140730&time=09:45" rel="nofollow">09:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131120&time=15:15" rel="nofollow">15:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=66856&date=20140730&time=10:00" rel="nofollow">10:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131120&time=18:10" rel="nofollow">18:10</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131120&time=21:00" rel="nofollow">21:00</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Thursday 21st Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 31st Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131121&time=15:15" rel="nofollow">15:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="09:35" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=66856&date=20140731&time=09:35" rel="nofollow">09:35</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:20" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=134120&date=20131121&time=21:20" rel="nofollow">21:20</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6758?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/rio-2?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/6881?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6881_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Andre Rieu: Home for Christmas - Live Tour Of Andre's Castle with Q and A" /></div>
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/roh-andrea-chenier?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7330_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film ROH - Andrea Chenier" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6881?cinema=3&date=all">Andre Rieu: Home for Christmas - Live Tour Of Andre's Castle with Q and A</a>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/roh-andrea-chenier?cinema=3&date=all">ROH - Andrea Chenier</a>
<a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
- </h1>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>24th November 2013</p>
+ <p>29th January 2015</p>
<div class="inline-children">
- <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>160 mins</p>
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>150 mins</p>
- <p>The King of the Waltz's joyful festive concert with exclusive live tour and interactive Q&A.</p>
+ <p>David McVicar revives Giordano's great historical opera of ill-fated love in a spectacular new production.</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
@@ -6374,169 +6923,174 @@
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Andre Rieu: Home for Christmas - Live Tour Of Andre's Castle with Q and A" href="/whatson/6881?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about ROH - Andrea Chenier" href="/whatson/roh-andrea-chenier?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Sunday 24th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 29th Jan</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="15:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=445910&date=20131124&time=15:00" rel="nofollow">15:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=446056&date=20150129&time=19:15" rel="nofollow">19:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6881?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/roh-andrea-chenier?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/6932?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6932_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Autism Friendly Screening: Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2" /></div>
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/roh-der-fliegende-hollander?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7332_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film ROH - Der Fliegende Hollander" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6932?cinema=3&date=all">Autism Friendly Screening: Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2</a>
- <a class="classification gb-u tooltip" href="/classification" title="It is impossible to predict what might upset any particular child. But a 'U' film should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over. 'U' films should be set within a positive moral framework and should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat or horror." data-classification="U" data-territory="GB">(U)</a>
- </h1>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/roh-der-fliegende-hollander?cinema=3&date=all">ROH - Der Fliegende Hollander</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>1st December 2013</p>
+ <p>24th February 2015</p>
<div class="inline-children">
- <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>95 mins</p>
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>140 mins</p>
- <p>Inventor Flint Lockwood's out-of-control food machine goes even crazier in this hilarious sequel!</p>
+ <p>Bryn Terfel returns to the lead role in Tim Albery's acclaimed modern-dress staging of Wagner's first masterpiece.</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
- <li class="icon-service-au"></li>
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Autism Friendly Screening: Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2" href="/whatson/6932?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about ROH - Der Fliegende Hollander" href="/whatson/roh-der-fliegende-hollander?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Sunday 1st Dec</h3>
+ <h3>Tuesday 24th Feb</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="11:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=445938&date=20131201&time=11:00" rel="nofollow">11:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=446057&date=20150224&time=19:15" rel="nofollow">19:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-au">Autism Friendly</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6932?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/roh-der-fliegende-hollander?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/6828?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6828_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Geethanjali (Malayalam)" /></div>
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/roh-i-due-foscari?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7323_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film ROH - I Due Foscari" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6828?cinema=3&date=all">Geethanjali (Malayalam)</a>
- </h1>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/roh-i-due-foscari?cinema=3&date=all">ROH - I Due Foscari</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>15th November 2013</p>
+ <p>27th October 2014</p>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>155 mins</p>
+ </div>
- <p>Mohan Lal reprises psychiatrist Dr. Sunny in Priyadarshan's eagerly anticipated Malayalam psychological thriller.</p>
+ <p>The great Placido Domingo gives his first London performance of this major Verdi baritone role.</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
@@ -6545,85 +7099,86 @@
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Geethanjali (Malayalam)" href="/whatson/6828?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about ROH - I Due Foscari" href="/whatson/roh-i-due-foscari?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Sunday 17th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Monday 27th Oct</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="18:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=155045&date=20131117&time=18:00" rel="nofollow">18:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=446053&date=20141027&time=19:15" rel="nofollow">19:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6828?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/roh-i-due-foscari?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/6782?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6782_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela" /></div>
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/roh-lelisir-damore?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7326_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film ROH - L'elisir D'amore" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6782?cinema=3&date=all">Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela</a>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/roh-lelisir-damore?cinema=3&date=all">ROH - L'elisir D'amore</a>
<a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
- </h1>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>15th November 2013</p>
+ <p>26th November 2014</p>
<div class="inline-children">
- <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>153 mins</p>
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>165 mins</p>
- <p>Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone star in a colourful and passionate Bollywood 'Romeo and Juliet'.</p>
+ <p>Laurent Pelly's hilarious staging of Donizetti's most popular comic opera returns to Covent Garden with a star-studded cast.</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
@@ -6632,107 +7187,86 @@
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela" href="/whatson/6782?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about ROH - L'elisir D'amore" href="/whatson/roh-lelisir-damore?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Sunday 17th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Wednesday 26th Nov</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=148998&date=20131117&time=14:30" rel="nofollow">14:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=446054&date=20141126&time=19:15" rel="nofollow">19:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <div class="date row">
- <div class="span2">
- <h3>Monday 18th Nov</h3>
- </div>
- <div class="span7">
- <ol class="performances">
- <li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:40" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=148998&date=20131118&time=20:40" rel="nofollow">20:40</a>
- <div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
- <hr class="thin" />
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </li>
- </ol>
- </div>
- </div>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6782?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/roh-lelisir-damore?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/6850?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6850_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Gone With The Wind" /></div>
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/salome-and-wilde-salome-live-q-and-a-with-al-pacino?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7586_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Salome and Wilde Salome - Live Q and A with Al Pacino" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6850?cinema=3&date=all">Gone With The Wind</a>
- <a class="classification gb-pg tooltip" href="/classification" title="Unaccompanied children of any age may watch. A 'PG' film should not disturb a child aged around eight or older. However, parents are advised to consider whether the content may upset younger or more sensitive children." data-classification="PG" data-territory="GB">(PG)</a>
- </h1>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/salome-and-wilde-salome-live-q-and-a-with-al-pacino?cinema=3&date=all">Salome and Wilde Salome - Live Q and A with Al Pacino</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-15 tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 15 may see a '15' film in a cinema." data-classification="15" data-territory="GB">(15)</a>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>24th November 2013</p>
+ <p>21st September 2014</p>
<div class="inline-children">
- <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>233 mins</p>
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>240 mins</p>
- <p>A magnificent 4K digital restoration of the much loved romantic epic that ranks as the most successful film of all time.</p>
+ <p>Special screenings of Al Pacino's films based on Oscar Wilde's most controversial play, followed by a live Satellite Q&A.</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
@@ -6741,173 +7275,175 @@
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Gone With The Wind" href="/whatson/6850?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Salome and Wilde Salome - Live Q and A with Al Pacino" href="/whatson/salome-and-wilde-salome-live-q-and-a-with-al-pacino?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Tuesday 3rd Dec</h3>
+ <h3>Sunday 21st Sep</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=152005&date=20131203&time=14:00" rel="nofollow">14:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="16:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=446068&date=20140921&time=16:00" rel="nofollow">16:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6850?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/salome-and-wilde-salome-live-q-and-a-with-al-pacino?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/5312?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/5312_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Ice Age 4: Continental Drift" /></div>
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/stephen-fry-live-more-fool-me?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7689_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Stephen Fry Live: More Fool Me" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/5312?cinema=3&date=all">Ice Age 4: Continental Drift</a>
- <a class="classification gb-u tooltip" href="/classification" title="It is impossible to predict what might upset any particular child. But a 'U' film should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over. 'U' films should be set within a positive moral framework and should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat or horror." data-classification="U" data-territory="GB">(U)</a>
- </h1>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/stephen-fry-live-more-fool-me?cinema=3&date=all">Stephen Fry Live: More Fool Me</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>29th June 2012</p>
+ <p>1st October 2014</p>
<div class="inline-children">
- <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>92 mins</p>
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>90 mins</p>
- <p>Manny, Diego and Sid embark on their biggest adventure after Scrat sets an entire continent adrift!</p>
+ <p>The great actor, comedian and raconteur launches his new volume of memoirs with a brilliant one man comic show.</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
- <li class="icon-service-m4j"></li>
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Ice Age 4: Continental Drift" href="/whatson/5312?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Stephen Fry Live: More Fool Me" href="/whatson/stephen-fry-live-more-fool-me?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Saturday 16th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Wednesday 1st Oct</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="09:50" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=39784&date=20131116&time=09:50" rel="nofollow">09:50</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=168451&date=20141001&time=19:30" rel="nofollow">19:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
- <li class="icon-service-m4j">Movies for juniors</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/5312?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/stephen-fry-live-more-fool-me?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/6911?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/6911_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Take 2 Thursday - Rush" /></div>
+ <div class="poster has-ribbon">
+ <a href="/whatson/take-2-edge-of-tomorrow?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="overlay ribbon yellow">Take 2 Offer</div>
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7679_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Take 2 - Edge of Tomorrow" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/6911?cinema=3&date=all">Take 2 Thursday - Rush</a>
- <a class="classification gb-15 tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 15 may see a '15' film in a cinema." data-classification="15" data-territory="GB">(15)</a>
- </h1>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/take-2-edge-of-tomorrow?cinema=3&date=all">Take 2 - Edge of Tomorrow</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>21st November 2013</p>
+ <p>31st July 2014</p>
<div class="inline-children">
- <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>122 mins</p>
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>113 mins</p>
- <p>Two free small drinks and a free regular popcorn when you buy a Take 2 ticket for just a tenner? It's Cineworld Take 2 on Thursdays - and it's bringing back some of the year's biggest films.</p>
+ <p>Tom Cruise gets caught in a time loop battling savage alien invaders in this mind-bending sci-fi action spectacular!</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
@@ -6916,475 +7452,715 @@
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Take 2 Thursday - Rush" href="/whatson/6911?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about Take 2 - Edge of Tomorrow" href="/whatson/take-2-edge-of-tomorrow?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Thursday 21st Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 31st Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=445937&date=20131121&time=12:15" rel="nofollow">12:15</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=446161&date=20140731&time=12:15" rel="nofollow">12:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="20:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=446161&date=20140731&time=20:15" rel="nofollow">20:15</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/6911?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/take-2-edge-of-tomorrow?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/5051?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/5051_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film The Hunger Games" /></div>
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/the-house-of-magic?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7556_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film The House of Magic" /></div>
<div class="span7">
- <h1>
- <a href="/whatson/5051?cinema=3&date=all">The Hunger Games</a>
- <a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
- </h1>
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/the-house-of-magic?cinema=3&date=all">The House of Magic</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-u tooltip" href="/classification" title="It is impossible to predict what might upset any particular child. But a 'U' film should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over. 'U' films should be set within a positive moral framework and should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat or horror." data-classification="U" data-territory="GB">(U)</a>
+ </h3>
<div class="inline-children">
<h3>Release date:</h3>
- <p>22nd March 2012</p>
+ <p>25th July 2014</p>
<div class="inline-children">
- <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>142 mins</p>
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>85 mins</p>
- <p>There can be only one teenage survivor in this thrilling televised battle set in a cruel future USA!</p>
+ <p>A stray cat seeks shelter in a magician's house full of animals and crazy gizmos in this enchanting family animation.</p>
<h3>Available screening types</h3>
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d"></li>
- <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about The Hunger Games" href="/whatson/5051?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about The House of Magic" href="/whatson/the-house-of-magic?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
<br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
<div class="schedule row">
<div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Wednesday 20th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Friday 25th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=42261&date=20131120&time=21:30" rel="nofollow">21:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147478&date=20140725&time=10:10" rel="nofollow">10:10</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- </ol>
- </div>
- </div>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147478&date=20140725&time=12:30" rel="nofollow">12:30</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
- <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/5051?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
- </div>
- </div>
+ <hr class="thin" />
- <hr />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147478&date=20140725&time=14:45" rel="nofollow">14:45</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
- <div class="row">
- <div class="span2">
- <div class="poster">
- <a href="/whatson/5051?cinema=3&date=all">
- <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film Don Jon" /></div>
- </a>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="span7">
- <h1>
- Don Jon
- </h1>
- <h3>Available screening types</h3>
- <ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod"></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div>
- <br />
- <p><strong>Select a showtime and book to save 10% on your tickets with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
- <div class="schedule row">
- <div class="span9">
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Friday 15th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Saturday 26th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=0&date=20131115&time=14:00" rel="nofollow">14:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147478&date=20140726&time=10:10" rel="nofollow">10:10</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=0&date=20131115&time=19:00" rel="nofollow">19:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147478&date=20140726&time=12:30" rel="nofollow">12:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=0&date=20131115&time=21:30" rel="nofollow">21:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147478&date=20140726&time=14:45" rel="nofollow">14:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Saturday 16th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Sunday 27th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=0&date=20131116&time=14:00" rel="nofollow">14:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147478&date=20140727&time=10:10" rel="nofollow">10:10</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=0&date=20131116&time=19:00" rel="nofollow">19:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147478&date=20140727&time=12:30" rel="nofollow">12:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=0&date=20131116&time=21:30" rel="nofollow">21:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147478&date=20140727&time=14:45" rel="nofollow">14:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Sunday 17th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Monday 28th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=0&date=20131117&time=21:30" rel="nofollow">21:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147478&date=20140728&time=10:10" rel="nofollow">10:10</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147478&date=20140728&time=12:30" rel="nofollow">12:30</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147478&date=20140728&time=14:45" rel="nofollow">14:45</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Monday 18th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Tuesday 29th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=0&date=20131118&time=14:00" rel="nofollow">14:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147478&date=20140729&time=10:10" rel="nofollow">10:10</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=0&date=20131118&time=19:00" rel="nofollow">19:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147478&date=20140729&time=12:30" rel="nofollow">12:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=0&date=20131118&time=21:30" rel="nofollow">21:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147478&date=20140729&time=14:45" rel="nofollow">14:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Tuesday 19th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Wednesday 30th Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=0&date=20131119&time=14:00" rel="nofollow">14:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:10" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147478&date=20140730&time=10:10" rel="nofollow">10:10</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=0&date=20131119&time=19:00" rel="nofollow">19:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="12:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147478&date=20140730&time=12:30" rel="nofollow">12:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-3d">3D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=0&date=20131119&time=21:30" rel="nofollow">21:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:45" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147478&date=20140730&time=14:45" rel="nofollow">14:45</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Wednesday 20th Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Thursday 31st Jul</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="14:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=0&date=20131120&time=14:00" rel="nofollow">14:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="10:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147478&date=20140731&time=10:30" rel="nofollow">10:30</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=0&date=20131120&time=19:00" rel="nofollow">19:00</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="13:00" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=147478&date=20140731&time=13:00" rel="nofollow">13:00</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/the-house-of-magic?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <hr />
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/the-royal-ballet-manon?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7322_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film The Royal Ballet - Manon" /></div>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/the-royal-ballet-manon?cinema=3&date=all">The Royal Ballet - Manon</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
+ </h3>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Release date:</h3>
+ <p>16th October 2014</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>155 mins</p>
+ </div>
+ <h3>Synopsis:</h3>
+ <p>A young girl desires love but is corrupted by wealth in Kenneth MacMillan's erotically charged ballet.</p>
+ <h3>Available screening types</h3>
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
+ </ul>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about The Royal Ballet - Manon" href="/whatson/the-royal-ballet-manon?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <div class="schedule row">
+ <div class="span9">
+ <div class="date row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <h3>Thursday 16th Oct</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=0&date=20131120&time=21:30" rel="nofollow">21:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=446052&date=20141016&time=19:15" rel="nofollow">19:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/the-royal-ballet-manon?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <hr />
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/the-royal-ballet-swan-lake?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7334_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film The Royal Ballet - Swan Lake" /></div>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/the-royal-ballet-swan-lake?cinema=3&date=all">The Royal Ballet - Swan Lake</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
+ </h3>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Release date:</h3>
+ <p>17th March 2015</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>180 mins</p>
+ </div>
+ <h3>Synopsis:</h3>
+ <p>Anthony Dowell's opulent production of the greatest of all romantic ballets returns to the Royal Opera House.</p>
+ <h3>Available screening types</h3>
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
+ </ul>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about The Royal Ballet - Swan Lake" href="/whatson/the-royal-ballet-swan-lake?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <div class="schedule row">
+ <div class="span9">
<div class="date row">
<div class="span2">
- <h3>Thursday 21st Nov</h3>
+ <h3>Tuesday 17th Mar</h3>
<div class="span7">
<ol class="performances">
- <a class="tooltip performance action" title="21:30" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=0&date=20131121&time=21:30" rel="nofollow">21:30</a>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=446058&date=20150317&time=19:15" rel="nofollow">19:15</a>
<div class="tooltip-box performance">
- <h2>Available screening types:</h2>
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<ul class="unstyled">
- <li class="icon-service-twod">2D</li>
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/the-royal-ballet-swan-lake?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
<hr />
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+ <div class="span2">
+ <div class="poster ">
+ <a href="/whatson/the-royal-ballet-alices-adventures-in-wonderland?cinema=3&date=all">
+ <div class="image"><img src="/cw/assets/images/whatson/film.placeholder.poster.jpg" data-original="/assets/media/films/7328_poster_large.jpg" width="140" alt="Poster for Film The Royal Ballet - Alice's Adventures In Wonderland" /></div>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <h3 class="h1">
+ <a href="/whatson/the-royal-ballet-alices-adventures-in-wonderland?cinema=3&date=all">The Royal Ballet - Alice's Adventures In Wonderland</a>
+ <a class="classification gb-12a tooltip" href="/classification" title="No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult." data-classification="12A" data-territory="GB">(12A)</a>
+ </h3>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Release date:</h3>
+ <p>16th December 2014</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="inline-children">
+ <h3>Running time:</h3> <p>175 mins</p>
+ </div>
+ <h3>Synopsis:</h3>
+ <p>Christopher Wheeldon's wonderful family ballet based on the Lewis Carroll classic returns to dazzle audiences once again.</p>
+ <h3>Available screening types</h3>
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d"></li>
+ </ul>
+ <a class="action primary" title="Find out more about The Royal Ballet - Alice's Adventures In Wonderland" href="/whatson/the-royal-ballet-alices-adventures-in-wonderland?cinema=3&date=all">Find out more</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ <p><strong>Book your tickets faster and easier when you register your details with <span class="icon-logo-mycineworld ">mycineworld</span>
+ <div class="schedule row">
+ <div class="span9">
+ <div class="date row">
+ <div class="span2">
+ <h3>Tuesday 16th Dec</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span7">
+ <ol class="performances">
+ <li>
+ <a class="tooltip performance action" title="19:15" href="/booking?cinema=3&filmEdi=446055&date=20141216&time=19:15" rel="nofollow">19:15</a>
+ <div class="tooltip-box performance">
+ <h3>Available screening types:</h3>
+ <hr class="thin" />
+ <ul class="unstyled">
+ <li class="icon-service-2d">2D</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <a class="action secondary light" href="/whatson/the-royal-ballet-alices-adventures-in-wonderland?cinema=3&date=all">View all dates</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
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<div class="span3">
<div class="filter">
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<form name="form-location" class="auto-submit" action="/whatson" method="get">
- <fieldset>
+ <fieldset>
<legend data-no-collapse="true" data-state-key="location">Location</legend>
<select name="cinema">
<option value="">Select cinema</option>
<option value="1" >Aberdeen - Queens Links</option>
@@ -7416,11 +8192,11 @@
<option value="21" >Edinburgh</option>
<option value="24" >Falkirk</option>
<option value="88" >Glasgow - IMAX at GSC</option>
<option value="27" >Glasgow - Parkhead</option>
<option value="28" >Glasgow - Renfrew Street</option>
- <option value="29" >Gloucester</option>
+ <option value="90" >Gloucester Quays</option>
<option value="31" >Harlow</option>
<option value="76" >Haverhill</option>
<option value="33" >High Wycombe</option>
<option value="35" >Hull</option>
<option value="36" >Huntingdon</option>
@@ -7457,90 +8233,133 @@
<option value="54" >Sheffield</option>
<option value="55" >Shrewsbury</option>
<option value="57" >Solihull</option>
<option value="58" >Southampton</option>
<option value="59" >St Helens</option>
+ <option value="91" >St Neots</option>
<option value="61" >Stevenage</option>
<option value="62" >Stockport</option>
<option value="63" >Swindon</option>
+ <option value="92" >Telford</option>
<option value="64" >Wakefield</option>
<option value="68" >Weymouth</option>
<option value="77" >Witney</option>
<option value="69" >Wolverhampton</option>
<option value="71" >Yeovil</option>
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<form name="form-filter" action="/whatson" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="cinema" value="3"/>
- <fieldset>
- <legend data-no-collapse="true" data-state-key="date">Date</legend>
- <label>
- <select name="date" data-filter-group="Date">
- <option value="all" selected="selected">All dates</option>
- <option value="week" >Next 7 days</option>
- <option value="today" >Today</option>
- <option value="20131113" >Tomorrow</option>
- <option value="20131114" >Thursday 14th November</option>
- <option value="20131115" >Friday 15th November</option>
- <option value="20131116" >Saturday 16th November</option>
- <option value="20131117" >Sunday 17th November</option>
- <option value="20131118" >Monday 18th November</option>
- <option value="advanced" >Further dates</option>
- </select>
- </label>
- </fieldset>
+ <fieldset>
+ <legend data-no-collapse="true" data-state-key="date">Date</legend>
+ <label>
+ <select name="date" data-filter-group="Date">
+ <option value="all" selected="selected">All dates</option>
+ <option value="week" >Next 7 days</option>
+ <option value="today" >Today</option>
+ <option value="20140723" >Tomorrow</option>
+ <option value="20140724" >Thursday 24th July</option>
+ <option value="20140725" >Friday 25th July</option>
+ <option value="20140726" >Saturday 26th July</option>
+ <option value="20140727" >Sunday 27th July</option>
+ <option value="20140728" >Monday 28th July</option>
+ <option value="advanced" >Further dates</option>
+ </select>
+ </label>
+ </fieldset>
<legend data-default-closed="false" data-state-key="screening">Screening Type</legend>
+ <label class="checkbox facet-disabled">
+ <a href="#" class="help tooltip accessible-hide-html" data-tooltip-classes="help" data-position="top" title="HFR represents a technological advancement in the motion picture experience. This innovative format presents the picture in 48 frames per second (fps), which is closer to what the human eye actually sees. This is twice the rate of the standard 24 fps, which is the current format in cinemas worldwide. 3D glasses used for standard 3D presentations can also be used for HFR 3D presentations">
+ <p>HFR represents a technological advancement in the motion picture experience. This innovative format presents the picture in 48 frames per second (fps), which is closer to what the human eye actually sees. This is twice the rate of the standard 24 fps, which is the current format in cinemas worldwide. 3D glasses used for standard 3D presentations can also be used for HFR 3D presentations</p>
+ </a>
+ <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="hfr" data-filter-group="ScreeningType">
+ <span class="icon-service-hfr">HFR</span>
+ </label>
+ </li>
+ <li>
<label >
<a href="#" class="help tooltip accessible-hide-html" data-tooltip-classes="help" data-position="top" title="Recent advances in technology mean that today's 3D movies are a completely new and exciting experience. In partnership with RealD, Cineworld offers the opportunity to enjoy the biggest blockbusters in their full eye-popping glory.">
<p>Recent advances in technology mean that today's 3D movies are a completely new and exciting experience. In partnership with RealD, Cineworld offers the opportunity to enjoy the biggest blockbusters in their full eye-popping glory.</p>
<input type="checkbox" name="f" value="3d" data-filter-group="ScreeningType">
- <span class="icon-service-thrd">RealD - 3D</span>
+ <span class="icon-service-3d">RealD - 3D</span>
<label >
<a href="#" class="help tooltip accessible-hide-html" data-tooltip-classes="help" data-position="top" title="The traditional form of movie projection, 2D versions of most 3D films are available. Projection and sound quality remain second to none.">
<p>The traditional form of movie projection, 2D versions of most 3D films are available. Projection and sound quality remain second to none.</p>
<input type="checkbox" name="f" value="2d" data-filter-group="ScreeningType">
- <span class="icon-service-twod">2D</span>
+ <span class="icon-service-2d">2D</span>
+ <label class="checkbox facet-disabled">
+ <a href="#" class="help tooltip accessible-hide-html" data-tooltip-classes="help" data-position="top" title="We offer a selection of screenings exclusively for parents and babies. We will store your pushchairs, provide nappy changing facilities (not available at Cineworld Brighton), dim the lights down and turn down the sound lightly so you can enjoy your movie with baby in arms.">
+ <p>We offer a selection of screenings exclusively for parents and babies. We will store your pushchairs, provide nappy changing facilities (not available at Cineworld Brighton), dim the lights down and turn down the sound lightly so you can enjoy your movie with baby in arms.</p>
+ </a>
+ <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="cb" data-filter-group="ScreeningType">
+ <span class="icon-service-cb">Cinebabies</span>
+ </label>
+ </li>
+ <li>
<label >
<a href="#" class="help tooltip accessible-hide-html" data-tooltip-classes="help" data-position="top" title="Specially selected recent releases screened on Saturday mornings for just £1. An ideal way to introduce your children to the movies at a bargain price. Each adult must be accompanied by a child.">
<p>Specially selected recent releases screened on Saturday mornings for just £1. An ideal way to introduce your children to the movies at a bargain price. Each adult must be accompanied by a child.</p>
- <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="mj" data-filter-group="ScreeningType">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="m4j" data-filter-group="ScreeningType">
<span class="icon-service-m4j">Movies for juniors</span>
<label >
+ <a href="#" class="help tooltip accessible-hide-html" data-tooltip-classes="help" data-position="top" title="A special service for blind and visually impaired cinemagoers. For selected films, a narration track is available which can be accessed through special headphones only. This fills the gaps between dialogue by describing what is happening on screen and doesn't affect other spectators' experience.">
+ <p>A special service for blind and visually impaired cinemagoers. For selected films, a narration track is available which can be accessed through special headphones only. This fills the gaps between dialogue by describing what is happening on screen and doesn't affect other spectators' experience.</p>
+ </a>
+ <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="ad" data-filter-group="ScreeningType">
+ <span class="icon-service-ad">Audio described</span>
+ </label>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <label >
<a href="#" class="help tooltip accessible-hide-html" data-tooltip-classes="help" data-position="top" title="Cineworld's state-of-the-art digital projection equipment means that English-language subtitles to assist cinemagoers with hearing loss are available for many new releases.">
<p>Cineworld's state-of-the-art digital projection equipment means that English-language subtitles to assist cinemagoers with hearing loss are available for many new releases.</p>
<input type="checkbox" name="f" value="sb" data-filter-group="ScreeningType">
- <span class="icon-service-sub">Subtitled</span>
+ <span class="icon-service-sb">Subtitled</span>
+ <li>
+ <label class="checkbox facet-disabled">
+ <a href="#" class="help tooltip accessible-hide-html" data-tooltip-classes="help" data-position="top" title="We offer a selection of screenings exclusively for people with autism or learning disabilities and for their friends and relatives. We will dim the lights down and turn down the sound slightly to provide a sensory friendly environment so everyone can enjoy the film.">
+ <p>We offer a selection of screenings exclusively for people with autism or learning disabilities and for their friends and relatives. We will dim the lights down and turn down the sound slightly to provide a sensory friendly environment so everyone can enjoy the film.</p>
+ </a>
+ <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="au" data-filter-group="ScreeningType">
+ <span class="icon-service-au">Autism Friendly</span>
+ </label>
+ </li>
<legend data-default-closed="true" data-state-key="seating">Seating Type</legend>
@@ -7553,10 +8372,30 @@
<input type="checkbox" name="f" value="ns" data-filter-group="SeatingType">
<span >Standard seating</span>
+ <li>
+ <label >
+ <a href="#" class="help tooltip accessible-hide-html" data-tooltip-classes="help" data-position="top" title="General admission.">
+ <p>General admission.</p>
+ </a>
+ <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="ga" data-filter-group="SeatingType">
+ <span >General Admission</span>
+ </label>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <label >
+ <a href="#" class="help tooltip accessible-hide-html" data-tooltip-classes="help" data-position="top" title="Allocated seats.">
+ <p>Allocated seats.</p>
+ </a>
+ <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="as" data-filter-group="SeatingType">
+ <span >Allocated Seating</span>
+ </label>
+ </li>
<legend data-default-closed="false" data-state-key="genre">Genre</legend>
@@ -7600,11 +8439,11 @@
<input type="checkbox" name="f" value="gn:comedy" data-filter-group="Genre">
<span >Comedy</span>
- <label >
+ <label class="checkbox facet-disabled">
<a href="#" class="help tooltip accessible-hide-html" data-tooltip-classes="help" data-position="top" title="Feature-length documentaries are thriving at Cineworld. From amazing wildlife to hard-hitting investigations and jaw-dropping true stories, the real world has plenty to astound us.">
<p>Feature-length documentaries are thriving at Cineworld. From amazing wildlife to hard-hitting investigations and jaw-dropping true stories, the real world has plenty to astound us.</p>
<input type="checkbox" name="f" value="gn:docume" data-filter-group="Genre">
@@ -7640,11 +8479,11 @@
<input type="checkbox" name="f" value="gn:horror" data-filter-group="Genre">
<span >Horror</span>
- <label >
+ <label class="checkbox facet-disabled">
<a href="#" class="help tooltip accessible-hide-html" data-tooltip-classes="help" data-position="top" title="Musicals are characterised by fabulous dance routines and catchy songs you can sing along to. Dialogue scenes link them together to tell a story and musical styles range from traditional show tunes to modern rock and pop.">
<p>Musicals are characterised by fabulous dance routines and catchy songs you can sing along to. Dialogue scenes link them together to tell a story and musical styles range from traditional show tunes to modern rock and pop.</p>
<input type="checkbox" name="f" value="gn:musica" data-filter-group="Genre">
@@ -7672,85 +8511,87 @@
- <legend data-default-closed="true" data-state-key="events">Special Events</legend>
+ <legend data-default-closed="true" data-state-key="events">Event Cinema</legend>
- <label class="checkbox facet-disabled">
+ <label >
<a href="#" class="help tooltip accessible-hide-html" data-tooltip-classes="help" data-position="top" title="Performances from the world's greatest opera houses, including, the Met, La Scala and the Royal Opera House. These are either recordings or broadcast live by satellite. In both cases, 5.1 digital surround sound and HD picture quality gives Cineworld audiences the best seat in the house.">
<p>Performances from the world's greatest opera houses, including, the Met, La Scala and the Royal Opera House. These are either recordings or broadcast live by satellite. In both cases, 5.1 digital surround sound and HD picture quality gives Cineworld audiences the best seat in the house.</p>
- <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="op" data-filter-group="SpecialEvents">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="op" data-filter-group="EventCinema">
<span >Opera</span>
- <label class="checkbox facet-disabled">
+ <label >
<a href="#" class="help tooltip accessible-hide-html" data-tooltip-classes="help" data-position="top" title="From Shakespeare classics to contemporary plays, the cream of modern theatre is available to Cineworld audiences for a fraction of the cost of a West End ticket. Pre-recorded and live digital screenings offer an unrivalled view of the best drama on stage.">
<p>From Shakespeare classics to contemporary plays, the cream of modern theatre is available to Cineworld audiences for a fraction of the cost of a West End ticket. Pre-recorded and live digital screenings offer an unrivalled view of the best drama on stage.</p>
- <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="pl" data-filter-group="SpecialEvents">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="pl" data-filter-group="EventCinema">
<span >Theatre</span>
<label class="checkbox facet-disabled">
<a href="#" class="help tooltip accessible-hide-html" data-tooltip-classes="help" data-position="top" title="The best way to enjoy great sporting events such as Wimbledon, boxing and football tournaments is to be part of a crowd. Live satellite broadcasts to Cineworld cinemas of these great sporting events allow audiences to soak up all of the atmosphere without missing any of the action.">
<p>The best way to enjoy great sporting events such as Wimbledon, boxing and football tournaments is to be part of a crowd. Live satellite broadcasts to Cineworld cinemas of these great sporting events allow audiences to soak up all of the atmosphere without missing any of the action.</p>
- <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="sp" data-filter-group="SpecialEvents">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="sp" data-filter-group="EventCinema">
<span >Sport</span>
<label class="checkbox facet-disabled">
<a href="#" class="help tooltip accessible-hide-html" data-tooltip-classes="help" data-position="top" title="It's been said that comedy is the new rock and roll, and comedians are certainly now filling the nation's biggest venues. Cineworld brings you the cream of these shows live by satellite in high definition.">
<p>It's been said that comedy is the new rock and roll, and comedians are certainly now filling the nation's biggest venues. Cineworld brings you the cream of these shows live by satellite in high definition.</p>
- <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="co" data-filter-group="SpecialEvents">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="co" data-filter-group="EventCinema">
<span >Comedy</span>
<label class="checkbox facet-disabled">
<a href="#" class="help tooltip accessible-hide-html" data-tooltip-classes="help" data-position="top" title="Cineworld delivers everything from major stadium shows broadcast live by satellite in crystal-clear HD and digital surround sound to digitally remastered archive performances and documentaries. Whatever your taste in music, there's something for everyone here.">
<p>Cineworld delivers everything from major stadium shows broadcast live by satellite in crystal-clear HD and digital surround sound to digitally remastered archive performances and documentaries. Whatever your taste in music, there's something for everyone here.</p>
- <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="mu" data-filter-group="SpecialEvents">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="mu" data-filter-group="EventCinema">
<span >Music</span>
- <label class="checkbox facet-disabled">
+ <label >
<a href="#" class="help tooltip accessible-hide-html" data-tooltip-classes="help" data-position="top" title="The classics of ballet and contemporary dance both for an established audience and now streamed live in this new age. Join Cineworld as we bring The Royal Ballet from Covent Garden and The Bolshoi from Moscow to your local cinema. Live as well as pre-recorded digital screenings offer an unrivalled view of the best dance on stage.">
<p>The classics of ballet and contemporary dance both for an established audience and now streamed live in this new age. Join Cineworld as we bring The Royal Ballet from Covent Garden and The Bolshoi from Moscow to your local cinema. Live as well as pre-recorded digital screenings offer an unrivalled view of the best dance on stage.</p>
- <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="ba" data-filter-group="SpecialEvents">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="ba" data-filter-group="EventCinema">
<span >Ballet</span>
<label class="checkbox facet-disabled">
<a href="#" class="help tooltip accessible-hide-html" data-tooltip-classes="help" data-position="top" title="Cineworld is constantly exploring new experiences to bring to cinemagoers. Awards ceremonies and lectures are among the many recent innovative live satellite broadcasts.">
<p>Cineworld is constantly exploring new experiences to bring to cinemagoers. Awards ceremonies and lectures are among the many recent innovative live satellite broadcasts.</p>
- <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="ot" data-filter-group="SpecialEvents">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="f" value="ot" data-filter-group="EventCinema">
<span >Other Events</span>
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<h3>Cineworld apps</h3>
- <li><a href="http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/cineworld/id377707014">iPhone app</a></li>
+ <li><a href="http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/cineworld/id377707014?mt=8">iPhone app</a></li>
<li><a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cineworld">Android app</a></li>
<li><a href="http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/cineworld-magazine/id508350271">iPad magazine</a></li>
<div class="row">
<div class="span12 smallprint small">
- <p>All rights reserved Cineworld Cinemas 2013 ©</p>
+ <p>All rights reserved Cineworld Cinemas 2014 ©</p>
@@ -7855,26 +8714,10 @@
<h3 data-field="title" class="default">This showtime is unavailable</h3>
<hr class="thin" />
<p data-field="explanation" class="default">Booking is unavailable for this showtime as it may have already started, finished or been sold out.</p>
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