in cieloz-0.0.7 vs in cieloz-0.0.8
- old
+ new
@@ -1,11 +1,263 @@
[<img src=""/>](
+[<img src=""/>](
# Cieloz
A utility gem for SpreeCielo Gateway gem.
+## Installation
+Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
+ gem 'cieloz'
+And then execute:
+ $ bundle
+Or install it yourself as:
+ $ gem install cieloz
+# Usage
+ This is a quick start guide to Cieloz API.
+ If you want to learn deeply about Cielo Gateway, read the Getting Started section.
+## Low Level API: Requisicao objects
+Provides a one-to-one ruby implementation for Cielo specification.
+It's much more verbose than the High Level API, but provide a fine grained relation with Cielo WS API.
+The High Level API is just a wrapper with convenient methods to handle with the Low Level API.
+A developer must instantiates one of the available operations:
+ * RequisicaoTransacao
+ * RequisicaoConsulta
+ * RequisicaoCaptura
+ * RequisicaoCancelamento
+Then populate them with appropriate data. This gem validates these request objects according to
+Cielo Specifications present at Developer Guide (pages 10, 11, 26, 28 and 30), so it makes error
+handling easier ans faster, before the request is sent to Cielo Web Service.
+If the operation is valid, this gem serializes them as XML and submits to Cielo, parsing the
+response as a Transaction (Transacao) or Error (Erro) objects. Both keeps the original XML response
+as a xml attribute, so it can be logged.
+### Authorization
+ dados_ec = Cieloz::Configuracao.credenciais
+ pedido = numero: 123, valor: 5000, moeda: 986,
+ data_hora: now, descricao: "teste", idioma: "PT", soft_descriptor: "13letterstest"
+ pagamento = "visa"
+ transacao = dados_ec: dados_ec,
+ dados_pedido: pedido,
+ forma_pagamento: pagamento,
+ url_retorno: your_callback_url
+ response = transacao.autorizacao_direta.submit
+ response.success? # returned Transacao (with status and id for the created Cielo transaction) or Error object?
+### Verify
+ consulta = tid: transacao.tid, dados_ec: ec
+ resposta = consulta.submit
+ resposta.autorizada?
+### Capture
+ captura = tid: transacao.tid, dados_ec: ec
+ resposta = captura.submit
+ resposta.capturada?
+### Partial Capture
+ value = 1000 # a value less than the authorized
+ captura = tid: transacao.tid, dados_ec: ec, valor: value
+ resposta = captura.submit
+ resposta.capturada?
+### Cancel
+ cancelar = tid: transacao.tid, dados_ec: ec
+ resposta = cancelar.submit
+ resposta.cancelada?
+### Partial Cancel
+ value = 1000 # a value less than the authorized
+ cancelar = tid: transacao.tid, dados_ec: ec, valor: value
+ resposta = cancelar.submit
+ resposta.cancelada?
+## High Level API: Cieloz::Buider
+The easiest way to use this gem is through the high level API provided by Cieloz::Builder.
+It provides convenient methods to build the respective Cieloz request objects from your domain model object.
+### Cieloz.transacao - builds a RequisicaoTransacao object for Payment Authorization
+ pd = Cieloz.pedido order
+ pg = Cieloz.pagamento payment, operacao: :op, parcelas: :installments
+ tx = Cieloz.transacao nil, dados_pedido: pd, forma_pagamento: pg
+### Cieloz.consulta - builds RequisicaoConsulta
+ consulta = Cieloz.consulta payment
+### Cieloz.captura - builds RequisicaoCaptura
+ captura = Cieloz.captura payment # total capture
+ or
+ captura = Cieloz.captura payment, value: partial_value
+### Cieloz.cancelamento - builds RequisicaoCancelamento
+ cancelamento = Cieloz.cancelamento payment # total cancel
+ or
+ cancelamento = Cieloz.cancelamento payment, value: partial_cancel
+### Domain Model Mapping Startegies
+High Level API uses three different strategies to extract the attribute values required to build Cielo object attribute
+values to be serialized in XML format and sent to Cielo Web Service (see Domain Model Mapping Strategies below).
+When an attribute cannot be resolved from one mapping strategy, Cieloz::Builder retrieves the default values configured
+at Cieloz::Configuracao class:
+ @@mode = :cielo
+ @@moeda = 986 # ISO 4217 - Manual Cielo, p 11
+ @@idioma = "PT"
+ @@max_parcelas = 3
+ @@max_adm_parcelas = 10
+ @@captura_automatica = false
+#### Default Naming Mappings
+When your domain object attribute names are the same as the Cielo Web Service expect.
+ order.numero = "R123456"
+ order.valor = 12345
+ # creates Cieloz::RequisicaoTransacao::DadosPedido extracting order attributes
+ # that has the same names as DadosPedido attributes
+ pedido = Cieloz.pedido order
+ p pedido.numero
+ $ R123456
+ p pedido.valor
+ $ 12345
+#### Domain Model Mappings
+When you should provide a mapping between your domain model attributes and Cielo Web Service attributes.
+ order.number = "R123456"
+ order.value = 12345
+ # maps order.number to DadosPedido#numero
+ # and order.value to DadosPedido#valor
+ pedido = Cieloz.pedido order, numero: :number, valor: :value
+ p pedido.numero
+ $ R123456
+ p pedido.valor
+ $ 12345
+#### Explicit Values
+When you provide values.
+ pedido = Cieloz.pedido nil, numero: "R123456", valor: 12345
+ p pedido.numero
+ $ R123456
+ p pedido.valor
+ $ 12345
+#### The strategies can be used together!
+ order.descricao = "Hello Cielo!"
+ pedido = Cieloz.pedido source, numero: number, valor: 12345
+ p pedido.numero
+ $ R123456
+ p pedido.valor
+ $ 12345
+ p pedido.descricao
+ $ Hello Cielo!
+## Configuration
+Your application can configure Cieloz::Configuracao default values.
+In a Rails application, it can be done in a config/initializers/cieloz.rb file.
+If you don't provide ```credenciais```, all operations will be requested against Cielo Homologation Environment.
+When you go to production, you MUST configure ```credenciais``` with your Cielo ```numero``` and ```chave```.
+ YourApp::Application.class_eval do
+ # Runs in after initialize block to be able to access url helpers
+ config.after_initialize do
+ # must reload routes to initialize routes.url_helpers
+ reload_routes!
+ # These are Global Default Settings, and can be overriden at Bulder / Requisicao method levels
+ Cieloz::Configuracao.tap { |c|
+ # 13 letters descriptor to be printed on the buyer's credit card billing
+ c.soft_descriptor = "Your App name"
+ # Callback url: in Cielo Mode this is the location to where Cielo redirects a transaction
+ # after the user types this Credit card data.
+ #
+ # NOTICE: In order to *_url methods to work, it's required to set
+ # in config/application.rb or in one of config/environment initializers:
+ #
+ # [Rails.application.]routes.default_url_options = { host: "HOSTNAME[:PORT]" }
+ #
+ c.url_retorno = routes.url_helpers.root_url
+ # Credit card data is asked to the user in a page hosted by Cielo. This is the default mode
+ # c.cielo_mode!
+ # Your application must provide a view asking credit card data, and provide additional security,
+ # in conformance with PCI Standards:
+ # c.store_mode!
+ # default to Cieloz::Homologacao::Credenciais::LOJA if store_mode? and ::CIELO if cielo_mode?
+ # c.credenciais = { numero: "", chave: "" }
+ # c.moeda = 986 # ISO 4217 - Manual Cielo, p 11
+ # c.idioma = "PT" # EN and ES available - language to Cielo use in this pages
+ #
+ # c.max_parcelas = 3 # no additional interest rates
+ #
+ # c.max_adm_parcelas = 10 # available with Cielo interest rate
+ # if true, payments are automatically captured by authorization request
+ # c.captura_automatica = false
+ }
+ end
+ end
## Getting Started
This is a step-by-step guide to enable Cielo Gateway as a payment method to your e-commerce store.
First, you should create your credentials at the following Cielo Page:
@@ -106,61 +358,32 @@
if supported by the selected credit card (Verified by Visa or MasterCard Secure Code programs).
After authentication/authorization flow, if the user has available credit, the
transaction assumes Status 4 - AUTHORIZED (Autorizada).
+#### RequisicaoCaptura
When the transaction is at AUTHORIZED state, the Store Owner must capture this payment in the
next five days. This can be done with a CaptureRequest (RequisicaoCaptura)
The Store Owner also has the option to request automatic payment capture, bypassing AUTHORIZED state.
After capture, the transaction assumes Status 6 - CAPTURED (Capturada).
* Manual Capture can be useful for fraud prevention, but it requires aditional Admin efforts.
+#### RequisicaoCancelamento
In the 90 days that follows the Authorization or Capture, the transaction can be fully or
partially cancelled, assuming state 9 - CANCELLED (Cancelada). This can be done with a
CancelRequest (RequisicaoCancelamento).
* At any time, a pending request can be expired at Cielo Gateway, that puts the transaction in CANCELLED state.
* Each state has its own expire time, see the Developer Guide for detailed information.
+#### RequisicaoConsulta
At any time, a QueryRequest (RequisicaoConsulta) can be made for a specific transaction
(identified by its TID) to query about the state of the transaction.
-### What is this gem about?
-This gem provides a Ruby integration solution that consumes Cielo Web Services.
-A developer just instantiates one of the available operations:
- * RequisicaoTransacao
- * RequisicaoConsulta
- * RequisicaoCaptura
- * RequisicaoCancelamento
-Then populates them with appropriate data. This gem validates these request objects according to
-Cielo Specifications present at Developer Guide (pages 10, 11, 26, 28 and 30), so it makes error
-handling easier, before the request is sent to Cielo Web Service.
-If the operation is valid, this gem serializes them as XML and submits to Cielo, parsing the
-response as a Transaction (Transacao) or Error (Erro) objects. Both keeps the original XML response
-as a xml attribute, so it can be logged.
-## Installation
-Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
- gem 'cieloz'
-And then execute:
- $ bundle
-Or install it yourself as:
- $ gem install cieloz
-## Usage
## Contributing
1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)