lib/churn/churn_calculator.rb in churn-0.0.33 vs lib/churn/churn_calculator.rb in churn-0.0.34
- old
+ new
@@ -42,15 +42,43 @@
# prepares the data for the given project to be reported.
# reads git/svn logs analyzes the output, generates a report and either formats as a nice string or returns hash.
# @param [Bolean] format to return the data, true for string or false for hash
# @return [Object] returns either a pretty string or a hash representing the chrun of the project
def report(print = true)
- self.emit
- self.analyze
- print ? self.to_s : self.to_h
+ if @churn_options.history
+ generate_history
+ else
+ self.emit
+ self.analyze
+ print ? self.to_s : self.to_h
+ end
+ # this method generates the past history of a churn project from first commit to current
+ # running the report for oldest commits first so they are built up correctly
+ def generate_history
+ if @source_control.is_a?(GitAnalyzer)
+ begin
+ history_starting_point = Chronic.parse(@churn_options.history)
+ @source_control.get_commit_history.each do |commit|
+ `git checkout #{commit}`
+ commit_date = `git show -s --format="%ci"`
+ commit_date = Time.parse(commit_date)
+ next if commit_date < history_starting_point
+ #7776000 == 3.months without adding active support depenancy
+ start_date = (commit_date - 7776000)
+ `churn -s "#{start_date}"`
+ end
+ ensure
+ `git checkout master`
+ end
+ "churn history complete, this has munipulated git please make sure you are back on HEAD where you expect to be"
+ else
+ raise "currently generate history only supports git"
+ end
+ end
# Emits various data from source control to be analyses later... Currently this is broken up like this as a throwback to metric_fu
def emit
@changes = parse_log_for_changes.reject {|file, change_count| change_count < @minimum_churn_count || @ignore_files.include?(file) }
@revisions = parse_log_for_revision_changes
@@ -85,10 +113,15 @@
#TODO crappy place to do this but save hash to revision file but while entirely under metric_fu only choice
ChurnHistory.store_revision_history(first_revision, hash)
+ def to_s
+ ChurnCalculator.to_s(to_h[:churn])
+ end
+ # Pretty print the data as a string for the user
def self.to_s(hash)
result = seperator
result +="* Revision Changes \n"
result += seperator
result += "Files: \n"
@@ -108,18 +141,14 @@
result += "\nMethods: \n"
method_churn = collect_items(hash[:method_churn], 'method')
result += display_array(method_churn)
- # Pretty print the data as a string for the user
- def to_s
- ChurnCalculator.to_s(to_h[:churn])
- end
def self.collect_items(collection, match)
+ return [] unless collection {|item| (item.delete(match) || {}).merge(item) }
def sort_changes(changes)
changes.to_a.sort! {|first,second| second[1] <=> first[1]}
@@ -135,23 +164,19 @@
def self.seperator
- def seperator
- ChurnCalculator.seperator
- end
def self.git?
- system("git branch")
+ !!(`git branch 2>&1` && $?.success?)
def self.hg?
- system("hg branch")
+ !!(`hg branch 2>&1` && $?.success?)
def self.bzr?
- system("bzr nick")
+ !!(`bzr nick 2>&1` && $?.success?)
def set_source_control(start_date)
if self.class.git?