Rakefile in churn-0.0.3 vs Rakefile in churn-0.0.4
- old
+ new
@@ -10,10 +10,11 @@
gem.description = %Q{High method and class churn has been shown to have increased bug and error rates. This gem helps you know what is changing a lot so you can do additional testing, code review, or refactoring to try to tame the volatile code. }
gem.email = "dan@devver.net"
gem.homepage = "http://github.com/danmayer/churn"
gem.authors = ["Dan Mayer"]
gem.add_development_dependency "thoughtbot-shoulda"
- gem.add_development_dependency "main"
+ gem.add_dependency "main"
+ gem.add_dependency "json"
gem.executables = ['churn']
# gem is a Gem::Specification... see http://www.rubygems.org/read/chapter/20 for additional settings
rescue LoadError
puts "Jeweler (or a dependency) not available. Install it with: sudo gem install jeweler"