lib/chronicle/etl/cli/jobs.rb in chronicle-etl-0.2.2 vs lib/chronicle/etl/cli/jobs.rb in chronicle-etl-0.2.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
require 'pp'
module Chronicle
module ETL
module CLI
# CLI commands for working with ETL jobs
class Jobs < SubcommandBase
@@ -12,11 +11,11 @@
class_option :'extractor-opts', desc: 'Extractor options', type: :hash, default: {}
class_option :transformer, aliases: '-t', desc: 'Transformer class (available: null)', default: 'null', banner: 'transformer-name'
class_option :'transformer-opts', desc: 'Transformer options', type: :hash, default: {}
class_option :loader, aliases: '-l', desc: 'Loader class (available: stdout, csv, table)', default: 'stdout', banner: 'loader-name'
class_option :'loader-opts', desc: 'Loader options', type: :hash, default: {}
- class_option :job, aliases: '-j', desc: 'Job configuration name (or filename)'
+ class_option :name, aliases: '-j', desc: 'Job configuration name'
map run: :start # Thor doesn't like `run` as a command name
desc "run", "Start a job"
long_desc <<-LONG_DESC
This will run an ETL job. Each job needs three parts:
@@ -29,34 +28,42 @@
If you do not want to use the command line flags, you can also configure a job with a .yml config file. You can either specify the path to this file or use the filename and place the file in ~/.config/chronicle/etl/jobs/NAME.yml and call it with `--job NAME`
# Run an ETL job
def start
- runner_options = build_runner_options(options)
- runner =
+ job_definition = build_job_definition(options)
+ job =
+ runner =!
+ rescue Chronicle::ETL::ProviderNotAvailableError => e
+ warn(
+ warn(" Perhaps you haven't installed it yet: `$ gem install chronicle-#{e.provider}`")
+ exit(false)
+ rescue Chronicle::ETL::ConnectorNotAvailableError => e
+ warn(
+ exit(false)
desc "create", "Create a job"
# Create an ETL job
def create
- runner_options = build_runner_options(options)
- path = File.join('chronicle', 'etl', 'jobs', options[:job])
- Chronicle::ETL::Config.write(path, runner_options)
+ job_definition = build_job_definition(options)
+ path = File.join('chronicle', 'etl', 'jobs', options[:name])
+ Chronicle::ETL::Config.write(path, job_definition)
desc "show", "Show details about a job"
# Show an ETL job
def show
- runner_options = build_runner_options(options)
- pp runner_options
+ job_config = build_job_definition(options)
+ pp job_config
desc "list", "List all available jobs"
# List available ETL jobs
def list
- jobs =
+ jobs = Chronicle::ETL::Config.available_jobs
job_details = do |job|
r = Chronicle::ETL::Config.load("chronicle/etl/jobs/#{job}.yml")
extractor = r[:extractor][:name] if r[:extractor]
@@ -72,20 +79,19 @@
puts table.render(indent: 0, padding: [0, 2])
- # Create runner options by reading config file and then overwriting with flag options
- def build_runner_options options
- flag_options = process_flag_options(options)
- job_options = load_job(options[:job])
- flag_options.merge(job_options)
+ # Create job definition by reading config file and then overwriting with flag options
+ def build_job_definition(options)
+ definition =
+ definition.add_config(process_flag_options(options))
+ definition.add_config(load_job_config(options[:name]))
+ definition
- def load_job job
- yml_config = Chronicle::ETL::Config.load("chronicle/etl/jobs/#{job}.yml")
- # FIXME: use better trick to depely symbolize keys
- JSON.parse(yml_config.to_json, symbolize_names: true)
+ def load_job_config name
+ Chronicle::ETL::Config.load_job_from_config(name)
# Takes flag options and turns them into a runner config
def process_flag_options options