README.rdoc in chrisk-fakeweb- vs README.rdoc in chrisk-fakeweb-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,53 +1,73 @@
= FakeWeb
-A Helper for Faking Web Requests
+FakeWeb is a helper for faking web requests. It works at a global level, without
+modifying code or writing extensive stubs.
= Examples
- require 'test/unit'
- require 'fake_web'
- require 'open-uri'
+== Using a string response
- class FakeWebExampleTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def test_request
- FakeWeb.register_uri('', :string => "Hello World!")
- content = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(''))
- assert_equal "Hello World!", content
- end
+ FakeWeb.register_uri("", :string => "Hello World!")
- def test_request_with_response
- FakeWeb.register_uri('', :response => `curl -is`)
- Net::HTTP.start('') do |req|
- response = req.get('/')
- if response.code == 200
- assert_equal "OK", response.message
- assert response.body.include?('<title>Google')
- elsif response.code == 302
- # Google redirects foreign sites to ccTLDs.
- assert_equal "Found", response.message
- assert response.body.include?('The document has moved')
- end
- end
- end
+ Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(''))
+ => "Hello World!"
- def test_request_with_custom_status
- FakeWeb.register_uri('', :string => "Nothing to be found 'round here",
- :status => ['404', 'Not Found'])
- Net::HTTP.start('') do |req|
- response = req.get('/')
- assert_equal "404", response.code
- assert_equal "Not Found", response.message
- assert_equal "Nothing to be found 'round here", response.body
- end
- end
+ Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(''))
+ => FakeWeb is bypassed and the response from a real request is returned
- def test_open_uri
- FakeWeb.register_uri('', :string => "Hello, World!")
- content = open('').string
- assert_equal "Hello, World!", content
- end
+== Replaying a recorded response
+ page = `curl -is`
+ FakeWeb.register_uri('', :response => page)
+ Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(''))
+ # => Full response, including headers
+== Adding a custom status to the response
+ FakeWeb.register_uri('', :string => "Nothing to be found 'round here",
+ :status => ["404", "Not Found"])
+ Net::HTTP.start('') do |req|
+ response = req.get('/')
+ response.code # => "404"
+ response.message # => "Not Found"
+ response.body # => "Nothing to be found 'round here"
+== Rotating responses
+You can optionally call FakeWeb.register_uri with an array of options hashes;
+these are used, in order, to respond to repeated requests. Once you run out of
+responses, further requests always receive the last response. (You can also send
+a response more than once before rotating, by specifying a <tt>:times</tt>
+option for that response.)
+ FakeWeb.register_uri('',
+ [{:string => "Post 1 deleted.", :status => ["200", "OK"]},
+ {:string => "Post not found", :status => ["404", "Not Found"]}])
+ Net::HTTP.start('') do |req|
+ req.delete('/posts/1').body # => "Post 1 deleted"
+ req.delete('/posts/1').body # => "Post not found"
+ req.delete('/posts/1').body # => "Post not found"
+ end
+== Requesting with OpenURI
+ FakeWeb.register_uri('', :string => "Hello, World!")
+ open('').string
+ => "Hello, World!"
+== Clearing registered URIs
+The FakeWeb registry is a singleton that lasts for the duration of your
+program, maintaining every fake responses you register. If needed, you
+can clean out the registry and remove all registered URIs:
+ FakeWeb.clean_registry
= Description
FakeWeb is a helper for faking web requests. This makes testing easier,