in chord-0.0.4 vs in chord-0.0.5
- old
+ new
@@ -18,11 +18,12 @@
u.remove_role(3) # remove role (by ID) from the user
u.subscriptions # fetch the user's subscriptions
Objects are constructed in a way that minimizes API calls but occasionally yields objects that seem incomplete. For example:
- u = Chord::User.find(44)
- s = u.subscriptions.first
- s.user
+ orders = Chord::Order.all
+ o = orders.first
-will return a Chord::User object with only two attributes (ID and email) because the API only returns two attributes with a Subscription object.
+will return a Chord::Order object with around 40 attributes, not the full set of 55 (it's missing line items, for example), because the `/orders` endpoint returns abbreviated objects. To load the full set of data for these objects, use the `expand!` method:
+ o.expand!