in chess_openings-0.0.3 vs in chess_openings-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,25 +1,19 @@
Chess Openings
-Future Ruby gem to calculate Chess Openings from a PGN file (and others)
+Ruby gem that where you can manipulate, search for and get information from chess openings.
-## TODOS:
-- Write documentation
-- Wrap everything up in a Ruby gem
-- Get opening from FEN
-- Make CLI to parse openings from website
## Features:
- Get opening from PGN file
- Get opening from PGN string
- Get opening from array with moves
-- Get opening from FEN (maybe?)
+- Get opening from FEN
- Search opening by name
- Get all openings
- Get all openings that start with some determined moves
- Get PGN string from an opening
-- Get opening from FEN
+- Get FEN from an opening
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
@@ -35,10 +29,130 @@
$ gem install chess_openings
## Usage
-TODO: Write usage instructions here
+First things first, you need to create a new ChessOpenings object:
+chess_openings =
+From here you can use several functions:
+Get opening from PGN file
+chess_openings =
+opening = chess_openings.from_pgn('path_to/pgn_game.pgn')
+#=> #<Opening:0x007fda6237b510 @name="English, Sicilian reversed", @eco_code="A25", @moves=[:c4, :e5, :Nc3, :Nc6]>
+Get opening from a string, formated like a PGN file
+chess_openings =
+opening = chess_openings.from_string("1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Bxc6")
+#=> #<Opening:0x007f820961bf60 @name="Ruy Lopez, exchange variation", @eco_code="C68", @moves=[:e4, :e5, :Nf3, :Nc6, :Bb5, :a6, :Bxc6]>
+Get opening from an array with moves (as symbols or strings)
+chess_openings =
+opening = chess_openings.from_moves [:e4, :c6, :d4, :d5]
+#=> #<Opening:0x007f8209d9c910 @name="Caro-Kann defence", @eco_code="B12", @moves=[:e4, :c6, :d4, :d5]>
+Search openings by name
+chess_openings =
+openings = chess_openings.with_name "alekhine defence"
+ [ 0] #<Opening:0x007f8209de8a18 @name="Alekhine's defence", @eco_code="B02", @moves=[:e4, :Nf6]>,
+ [ 1] #<Opening:0x007f8209de8950 @name="Alekhine's defence, Scandinavian variation", @eco_code="B02", @moves=[:e4, :Nf6, :Nc3, :d5]>,
+ [ 2] #<Opening:0x007f8209de87e8 @name="Alekhine's defence, Spielmann variation", @eco_code="B02", @moves=[:e4, :Nf6, :Nc3, :d5, :e5, :Nfd7, :e6]>,
+ ...
+Get all existing openings as an array
+chess_openings =
+all_openings = chess_openings.get_all
+ [0] #<Opening:0x007f8209dd4b30 @name="Polish (Sokolsky) opening", @eco_code="A00", @moves=[:b4]>,
+ [1] #<Opening:0x007f8209dd4a90 @name="Polish, Tuebingen variation", @eco_code="A00", @moves=[:b4, :Nh6]>,
+ [2] #<Opening:0x007f8209dd49c8 @name="Polish, Outflank variation", @eco_code="A00", @moves=[:b4, :c6]>,
+ ...
+Get all possible openings that start with determined moves
+chess_openings =
+e4_e5_openings = chess_openings.that_start_with [:e4, :e5]
+ [0] #<Opening:0x007ff69c858258 @name="King's pawn game", @eco_code="C20", @moves=[:e4, :e5]>,
+ [1] #<Opening:0x007ff69c858190 @name="KP, Indian opening", @eco_code="C20", @moves=[:e4, :e5, :d3]>,
+ [2] #<Opening:0x007ff69c8580a0 @name="KP, Mengarini's opening", @eco_code="C20", @moves=[:e4, :e5, :a3]>,
+ [3] #<Opening:0x007ff69a1a3dd8 @name="KP, King's head opening", @eco_code="C20", @moves=[:e4, :e5, :f3]>,
+ [4] #<Opening:0x007ff69a1a3248 @name="KP, Patzer opening", @eco_code="C20", @moves=[:e4, :e5, :Qh5]>
+ ...
+Get opening from FEN string
+opening_from_fen = chess_openings.from_fen 'rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p3/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq e6 0 2'
+#=> #<Opening:0x007ff69c858258 @name="King's pawn game", @eco_code="C20", @moves=[:e4, :e5]>
+When you have a opening you can invoke these methods on it:
+Get PGN string from an opening
+opening = chess_openings.from_moves [:e4, :e5, :Nf3, :Nc6, :Bb5, :a6, :Bxc6]
+#=> #<Opening:0x007f820961bf60 @name="Ruy Lopez, exchange variation", @eco_code="C68", @moves=[:e4, :e5, :Nf3, :Nc6, :Bb5, :a6, :Bxc6]>
+#=> "1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Bxc6"
+Get FEN string of the opening
+opening = chess_openings.from_moves [:e4, :e5]
+#=> #<Opening:0x007ff69c858258 @name="King's pawn game", @eco_code="C20", @moves=[:e4, :e5]>
+#=> 'rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p3/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq e6 0 2'
## Development
To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release` to create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [](