galaxy_cheripic_tool.xml in cheripic-1.2.5 vs galaxy_cheripic_tool.xml in cheripic-1.2.6
- old
+ new
@@ -1,23 +1,27 @@
-<tool id="cheripic" name="CHERIPIC" version="1.2.0">
+<tool id="cheripic" name="CHERIPIC" version="1.2.6">
- <version_command>cheripic -v</version_command>
+ <version_command>/full_path_to/cheripic -v</version_command>
- cheripic
+ /full_path_to/cheripic
--assembly $assembly
+ --input-format $input_format
--mut-bulk $mut_bulk
--bg-bulk $bg_bulk
- --output $output
+ --mut-bulk-vcf $mut_bulk_vcf
+ --bg-bulk-vcf $bg_bulk_vcf
--loglevel $loglevel
--hmes-adjust $hmes_adjust
--htlow $ht_low
--hthigh $ht_high
--mindepth $min_depth
+ --max-d-multiple $max_d_multiple
+ --maxdepth $max_depth
--min-non-ref-count $min_non_ref_count
--min-indel-count-support $min_indel_count_support
--ambiguous-ref-bases $ambiguous_ref_bases
--mapping-quality $mapping_quality
--base-quality $base_quality
@@ -26,21 +30,30 @@
--use-all-contigs $use_all_contigs
--include-low-hmes $include_low_hmes
--polyploidy $polyploidy
--mut-parent $mut_parent
--bg-parent $bg_parent
+ --repeats-file $repeats_file
--bfr-adjust $bfr_adjust
--sel-seq-len $sel_seq_len
+ &> output_log.txt
<param name="assembly" type="data" format="fasta" label="Input Assembly file" help="Select Assembly fasta file" />
- <param name="mut_bulk" type="data" format="pileup" label="mutant bulk pileup file" help="Select mutant bulk pileup file" />
- <param name="bg_bulk" type="data" format="pileup" label="background bulk pileup file" min="1" multiple="true" help="Select background bulk pileup file" />
- <param name="loglevel" type="select" optional="true" label="analysis log level" help="choose between info, warn and debug levels">
- <option value="info" selected="true">info </option>
+ <param name="input_format" type="select" optional="true" label="input file format" help="choose between vcf, bam and pileup format" >
+ <option value="vcf" selected="true">vcf</option>
+ <option value="bam">bam</option>
+ <option value="pileup">pileup</option>
+ </param>
+ <param name="mut_bulk" type="data" label="mutant bulk input file" help="Select mutant bulk input file" />
+ <param name="bg_bulk" type="data" label="background bulk input file" help="Select background bulk input file" />
+ <param name="mut_bulk_vcf" type="data" optional="true" label="mutant bulk input vcf file" help="Select mutant bulk input vcf file" />
+ <param name="bg_bulk_vcf" type="data" optional="true" label="background bulk input vcf file" help="Select background bulk input vcf file" />
+ <param name="loglevel" type="select" optional="true" label="analysis log level" help="choose between info, warn and debug levels" >
+ <option value="info" selected="true">info</option>
<option value="warn">warnings</option>
<option value="debug">debug</option>
<param name="hmes_adjust" size="4" type="float" optional="true" value="0.5" min="0.01" max="1.0"
label="hme score adjuster" help="factor added to snp count of each contig to adjust for hme score calculations" />
@@ -48,10 +61,14 @@
label="heterozygosity low limit" help="lower limit to heterozygosity allele fraction" />
<param name="ht_high" size="4" type="float" optional="true" value="0.75" min="0.1" max="1.0"
label="heterozygosity high limit" help="upper limit to heterozygosity allele fraction" />
<param name="min_depth" size="4" type="integer" optional="true" value="6" min="1" max="8000"
label="minimum read coverage" help="minimum read depth to conisder a position for variant calls" />
+ <param name="max_d_multiple" size="4" type="integer" optional="true" value="5" min="0" max="100"
+ label="multiplication factor avg read coverage" help="multiplication factor for average coverage to calculate maximum read coverage" />
+ <param name="max_depth" size="4" type="integer" optional="true" value="0" min="0" max="8000"
+ label="maximum read coverage" help="maximum read depth to conisder a position for variant calls" />
<param name="min_non_ref_count" size="4" type="integer" optional="true" value="3" min="1" max="8000"
label="minimum alternate read coverage" help="minimum read depth supporting non reference base at each position" />
<param name="min_indel_count_support" size="4" type="integer" optional="true" value="3" min="1" max="8000"
label="minimum indel read coverage" help="minimum read depth supporting an indel at each position" />
<param name="ambiguous_ref_bases" type="boolean" optional="true" checked="false" label="ambiguous reference position"
@@ -71,24 +88,26 @@
help="option to select all contigs or only contigs containing variants for analysis" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" />
<param name="include_low_hmes" type="boolean" optional="true" checked="false" label="no hme or bfr score cut off"
help="option to include or discard variants from contigs with low hme-score or bfr score to list in the final output" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" />
<param name="polyploidy" type="boolean" optional="true" checked="false" label="polyploid data"
help="Set if the input data is from polyploids" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" />
- <param name="mut-parent" type="data" optional="true" format="pileup" label="mutant parent pileup file" help="Select mutant parent pileup file" />
- <param name="bg-parent" type="data" optional="true" format="pileup" label="background parent pileup file" help="Select background parent pileup file" />
+ <param name="mut_parent" type="data" optional="true" format="pileup" label="mutant parent pileup file" help="Select mutant parent pileup file" />
+ <param name="bg_parent" type="data" optional="true" format="pileup" label="background parent pileup file" help="Select background parent pileup file" />
+ <param name="repeats_file" type="data" optional="true" format="txt" label="Repeat masker output file" help="Repeat masker output file of repeat positions" />
<param name="bfr_adjust" size="4" type="float" optional="true" value="0.05" min="0.01" max="1.0"
label="bfr score adjuster" help="factor added to hemi snp frequency of each parent to adjust for bfr calculations (default: 0.05)" />
<param name="sel_seq_len" size="4" type="integer" optional="true" value="50" min="10" max="250"
label="selected variant seq length out" help="sequence length to print from either side of selected variants (default: 50)" />
- <param name="output" type="text" size="30" value="cheripic_results" label="tag for output filename" help="write a tag to include with output filename" />
- <data name="output_1" format="txt" file="${output}_selected_hme_variants.txt" />
- <data name="output_2" format="txt" file="${output}_selected_bfr_variants.txt" />
+ <data name="output1" format="txt" from_work_dir="output_log.txt" label="cheripic log file" />
+ <data name="output2" format="txt" from_work_dir="cheripic_results_selected_hme_variants.txt" label="selected hmes variants" />
+ <data name="output3" format="txt" from_work_dir="cheripic_results_selected_bfr_variants.txt" label="selected bfr variants" >
+ <filter>polyploidy == "true"</filter>
+ </data>
<param name="assembly" value="picked_fasta.fa" ftype="fasta" />
@@ -152,31 +171,40 @@
**cheripic parameter list**
-f, --assembly Assembly file in FASTA format
- -F, --input-format bulk and parent alignment file format types - set either pileup or bam (default: pileup)
+ -F, --input-format bulk and parent alignment file format types - set either pileup or bam or vcf (default: pileup)
-a, --mut-bulk Pileup or sorted BAM file alignments from mutant/trait of interest bulk 1
+ --mut-bulk-vcf vcf file for variants from mutant/trait of interest bulk 1
-b, --bg-bulk Pileup or sorted BAM file alignments from background/wildtype bulk 2
- --output Directory to store results, will be created if not existing (default: cheripic_results)
+ --bg-bulk-vcf vcf file for variants from background/wildtype bulk 2
+ --output custom name tag to include in the output file name (default: cheripic_results)
--loglevel Choose any one of "info / warn / debug" level for logs generated (default: debug)
--hmes-adjust factor added to snp count of each contig to adjust for hme score calculations (default: 0.5)
--htlow lower level for categorizing heterozygosity (default: 0.2)
--hthigh high level for categorizing heterozygosity (default: 0.9)
- --mindepth minimum read depth to conisder a position for variant calls (default: 6)
+ --mindepth minimum read depth at a position to consider for variant calls (default: 6)
+ --max-d-multiple multiplication factor for average coverage to calculate maximum read coverage
+ if set zero no calculation will be made from bam file.
+ setting this value will override user set max depth (Default: 5)
+ --maxdepth maximum read depth at a position to consider for variant calls
+ if set to zero no user max depth will be used (default: 0)
--min-non-ref-count minimum read depth supporting non reference base at each position (default: 3)
--min-indel-count-support minimum read depth supporting an indel at each position (default: 3)
--ambiguous-ref-bases including variant at completely ambiguous bases in the reference
-q, --mapping-quality minimum mapping quality of read covering the position (default: 20)
-Q, --base-quality minimum base quality of bases covering the position (default: 15)
--noise praportion of reads for a variant to conisder as noise (default: 0.1)
--cross-type type of cross used to generated mapping population - back or out (default: back)
--use-all-contigs option to select all contigs or only contigs containing variants for analysis
- --include-low-hmes option to include or discard variants from contigs with low hme-score or bfr score to list in the final output
+ --include-low-hmes option to include or discard variants from contigs with
+ low hme-score or bfr score to list in the final output
--polyploidy Set if the data input is from polyploids
-p, --mut-parent Pileup or sorted BAM file alignments from mutant/trait of interest parent (default: )
-r, --bg-parent Pileup or sorted BAM file alignments from background/wildtype parent (default: )
+ -R, --repeats-file repeat masker output file for the assembly (default: )
--bfr-adjust factor added to hemi snp frequency of each parent to adjust for bfr calculations (default: 0.05)
--sel-seq-len sequence length to print from either side of selected variants (default: 50)
@@ -188,9 +216,9 @@
- <citation type="doi">10.1093/bioinformatics/btg1080</citation>
+ <citation type="doi">spaceholder</citation>