in chef-provisioning-2.0.0 vs in chef-provisioning-2.0.1

- old
+ new

@@ -1,886 +1,900 @@ -# Change Log - -## [2.0.0]( (2016-08-24) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Require Ruby 2.2.2+ and Cheffish 4.0 [\#538]( ([jkeiser]( - -## [v1.9.1]( (2016-08-11) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- allows cheffish 3.0 to stop pulling in compat\_resource [\#534]( ([lamont-granquist]( - -## [v1.9.0]( (2016-08-11) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- Uninitialized constant Chef::Resource::Machine [\#531]( - -## [v1.8.1]( (2016-08-03) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Cleaning up a deprecation warning [\#530]( ([tyler-ball]( - -## [v1.8.0]( (2016-06-16) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- machine\_batch doesn't clearly mention which machine failed [\#499]( -- Flexible install\_command. Do not assume internet acces. [\#474]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Fix WARN: nil is an invalid value for output\_key\_format [\#520]( ([christinedraper]( -- Add support for custom :install\_sh\_url [\#515]( ([SIGUSR2]( -- error handling for machine\_batch resource [\#500]( ([ckaushik]( - -## [v1.7.1]( (2016-05-17) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- install\_sh and install\_cached convergence strategies trigger chef-client with -c flag [\#518]( ([poliva83]( - -## [v1.7.0]( (2016-04-06) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Use mixlib-install 1.0 [\#512]( ([jkeiser]( -- Allow newer inifile gem [\#509]( ([pburkholder]( - -## [v1.6.0]( (2016-02-03) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Implemented enhancements:** - -- Custom port forwards. [\#445]( ([causton81]( - -**Fixed bugs:** - -- Chef::Exceptions::ContentLengthMismatch Response body length XXXX does not match HTTP Content-Length header XXXX [\#446]( -- Updating to the latest release of net-ssh to consume net-ssh/net-ssh\#280 [\#485]( ([tyler-ball]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Fix Provisioning with Cheffish 1.x [\#496]( ([jkeiser]( -- Bump revision to 1.6.0 [\#493]( ([jkeiser]( -- Add "rake changelog" task [\#491]( ([jkeiser]( -- Stop using Chef::Provider::ChefNode directly \(cheffish 2.0 compat\) [\#490]( ([jkeiser]( -- Allow cheffish 2.0 as a dep [\#489]( ([jkeiser]( - -## [v1.5.1]( (2015-12-10) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Require ResourceBuilder file before monkeypatching to ensure it is already defined [\#478]( ([tyler-ball]( -- Ensure target directory exists when using write\_file with WinRM [\#471]( ([xenolinguist]( - -## [v1.5.0]( (2015-10-27) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Fixed bugs:** - -- :converge action should not re-install chef-client if the desired version is already installed [\#428]( -- SSH available timeout needs to be configurable [\#362]( -- Making available? timeout use provided ssh\_options, fixes \#362 [\#466]( ([tyler-ball]( -- Pinning to mixlib-install 0.7.0 until 1.0 is out [\#464]( ([tyler-ball]( -- Added bootstrap\_no\_proxy support [\#458]( ([jsmartt]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- The action "stop" on a Machine resource does not appear to work [\#463]( -- machine chef-client run output not logging to provisioner chef-client output [\#274]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Add gemspec files to allow bundler to run from the gem [\#461]( ([ksubrama]( -- Pin mixlib-install more strictly. [\#459]( ([sersut]( - -## [v1.4.1]( (2015-09-30) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Fixed bugs:** - -- ohai\_hints should be be created at c:\chef\ohai\hints when provisioning windows nodes [\#433]( -- Fix install\_sh\_arguments passing after the conversion to mixlib-install [\#452]( ([irvingpop]( -- Windows ohai hints, fixes \#433 [\#435]( ([hh]( - -## [v1.4.0]( (2015-09-16) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Implemented enhancements:** - -- Provisioning driver generator script [\#395]( -- Marking lxc and hanlon as seeking maintainers [\#440]( ([tyler-ball]( -- Adding additional resource attributes for load\_balancer and machine\_image [\#436]( ([tyler-ball]( -- Specify additional machine\_options from the resource attributes [\#424]( ([tyler-ball]( -- Adding ignore\_converge\_failure option, fixes \#393 [\#414]( ([tyler-ball]( -- Add a generic rspec module, and use and test it via the generator script. [\#408]( ([randomcamel]( - -**Fixed bugs:** - -- Provisioning fails with chef api error [\#394]( -- specifying an audit-mode in a machine's run\_list fails the provisioning run. [\#393]( -- machine\_file resource does not work properly using with\_machine\_options [\#390]( -- install\_sh.rb has an issue with bootstrap [\#380]( -- Metal command --help doesn't show or explain command arguments [\#71]( -- Added missing arguments to call of chef install shell script. [\#439]( ([tarak]( -- Add provides statements to providers to avoid chef-client warnings [\#416]( ([stevendanna]( -- Run our tests in a matrix of Chef client versions. [\#415]( ([randomcamel]( -- Upload the PS1 script and run directly [\#410]( ([thommay]( -- bump mixlib-install version [\#406]( ([thommay]( -- /etc/os-release support, yum support, package\_metadata option [\#315]( ([glennmatthews]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- Converge fails when /tmp/ doesn't exist [\#423]( -- Error forwarding port: could not forward 8889 or 0 [\#392]( -- Chef Provisioning- Vagrant [\#372]( -- chef-provisioning bootstrap fails [\#359]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Remove dependency on chef gem [\#441]( ([ksubrama]( -- Adding a CONTRIBUTING document [\#437]( ([tyler-ball]( -- Major generator/spec/Travis improvements [\#426]( ([randomcamel]( -- Add gem version badges for core + drivers. [\#412]( ([randomcamel]( - -## [v1.3.0]( (2015-08-05) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Implemented enhancements:** - -- expose machine\_spec.from\_image to allocate\_machine [\#366]( ([mwrock]( - -**Fixed bugs:** - -- chef 12.4.0 and chef-provisioning have a problem when bootstrapping a node [\#377]( -- Add a version compatibility check to ChefDK's `chef verify` [\#355]( -- Unit tests and checkstyle? [\#180]( -- Hardware matching [\#135]( -- Data center abstraction [\#132]( -- Machine migration [\#130]( -- Chef environment on remote machines [\#88]( -- metal command seems to not use .chef/knife.rb. [\#70]( -- metal binary complains about private key [\#65]( -- Xen server VM provisioner [\#2]( -- docs for VMware vCloud Air [\#368]( ([hh]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- NoMethodError: undefined method `encoding' [\#405]( -- \[Feature Request\] Allow chef-provisioning to force a recipe to run, even if it doesn't think it needs to be run [\#399]( -- Set up minimal Travis build [\#397]( -- Chef Metal with 1.0 [\#396]( -- Non-Windows instances with a virtualization type of 'hvm' are currently not supported for this instance type [\#388]( -- machine resource fails if audit failures occur [\#387]( -- What does the error "missing required parameter name" mean [\#386]( -- Can't connect to EC2 instance in VPC with public IP [\#385]( -- Windows hosts are bootstrapped with the wrong url for chef-client [\#327]( -- chef\_version convergence option is ignored for windows machines [\#300]( -- Create opennebula plugin for chef-provisioning [\#264]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Remove warning about Hosted/Enterprise and clients in admins group [\#402]( ([jkeiser]( -- Add Travis badge to README. [\#400]( ([randomcamel]( -- Initial .travis.yml. [\#398]( ([randomcamel]( -- use mixlib-install to install from omnitruck [\#389]( ([thommay]( - -## [v1.2.1]( (2015-07-17) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Fixed bugs:** - -- Conflicting winrm gem causes knife to fail [\#370]( -- remove or update test/acceptance project [\#363]( -- Arity mismatch between MachineImage's :destroy and Driver\#destroy\_image [\#358]( -- manual hydrate needed with chef\_data\_bag on create [\#242]( -- ChefMetal::ConvergenceStrategy::PrecreateChefObjects does not support proxy settings [\#187]( -- Suppress key\_data in debug output [\#171]( -- host\_node being set to /organizations/NAME/nodes/ with no node name [\#141]( -- Authorized ssh key overwritten with metal\_default [\#131]( -- Deleting acceptance tests since they are super stale, fixes \#363 [\#379]( ([tyler-ball]( -- Fix chef\_group [\#346]( ([obazoud]( -- Add options\[:scp\_temp\_dir\] to set a SCP destination other than /tmp [\#339]( ([glennmatthews]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- Lower the version of chef. [\#391]( -- Cannot bootstrap FreeBSD \(bash is not installed\) [\#381]( -- user\_data is not working in provisioning ec2 server [\#375]( -- Latest provisioning gem is incompatible with semi-recent Chef [\#374]( -- Chef Provisioning- Vagrant [\#373]( -- Chef Provisioning- Vagrant [\#367]( -- unusual behavior w/ chef-client -z and provisioning [\#357]( -- Merge Chef-maintained drivers into the chef-provisioning repo [\#354]( -- Update to the SDK V2 [\#353]( -- Add support for reserved instances [\#351]( -- OpenSSL issue with chef provisioning [\#343]( -- no implicit conversion of String into Integer [\#270]( -- The specified wait\_for timeout \(0.01 seconds\) was exceeded [\#269]( -- Chef::Config.private\_key\_paths does not include ~/.chef/keys by default [\#258]( -- chef-client -z can't find my ssh key when creating aws machine\_image [\#234]( -- Document which classes are part of the public interface [\#203]( -- machine\_batch failing on write file /etc/chef/client.pem [\#189]( -- with\_driver fails on second converge: Canonical driver ... has already been created! [\#184]( -- Output doesn't stream when run within non-login session. [\#176]( -- QUESTION: How can I use a custom Chef library with Metal? [\#173]( -- machine\_batch convergence cookbook synchronization very slow [\#172]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Tiny doc update to add clarity to vagrant provisioning example [\#369]( ([scotthain]( -- Fix \#358: Arity mismatch [\#364]( ([randomcamel]( -- change chef-provisioning-fog to chef-provisioning-aws in the AWS example [\#352]( ([metadave]( -- update readme with vsphere driver url [\#344]( ([mwrock]( - -## [v1.2.0]( (2015-05-27) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Fixed bugs:** - -- machine\_batch :destroy may be creating additional threads which result in NoMethodError [\#319]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- chef-dk 0.5.1 with chef-zero renders unusable chefzero://localhost:8889 URLs on nodes [\#336]( -- Updating chef-provisioning-aws breaks chef-client -z functionality with ChefDK 0.4.0 \(current version\). [\#322]( -- Converging 0 resources - Am I missing something? [\#320]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- with\_driver must be specified [\#345]( ([jtimberman]( -- Updating for newly introduced socketless mode [\#337]( ([tyler-ball]( -- bumping winrm dependency to 1.3.0 [\#332]( ([mwrock]( -- Adding documentation about the private key path [\#328]( ([b-slim]( -- Update chef gem to fix version conflict in ChefDK [\#314]( ([teknofire]( -- Update building\ [\#309]( ([jjasghar]( - -## [v1.1.1]( (2015-04-20) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v1.1.0]( (2015-04-16) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- Net::HTTPServerException: 404 "Not Found" [\#323]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- fix machine\_batch :destroy \#319 [\#321]( ([wrightp]( -- Install chef-client using Proxy [\#317]( ([afiune]( -- Allow user to specify a custom stdout in Chef::Config\[:stdout\] [\#311]( ([jkeiser]( - -## [v1.0.1]( (2015-04-07) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- Second run fails using Vagrant \(problem in InstallCached strategy\) [\#308]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Dependency cleanup [\#316]( ([tyler-ball]( -- Delete machine specs when machines are deleted [\#310]( ([jkeiser]( - -## [v1.0.0]( (2015-04-02) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v1.0.0.rc.2]( (2015-04-02) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.20.1]( (2015-04-02) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v1.0.0.rc.1]( (2015-04-01) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.20]( (2015-03-27) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Fixed bugs:** - -- action :delete & action :destroy [\#186]( -- support setting desired chef client version [\#148]( -- Attributes are erased at re-converge when set in 'machine' resource [\#137]( -- Machine\_batch converge action erases attributes created by recipes during the converge [\#116]( -- Can't use Chef::Node::ImmutableMash in "attributes" attribute in the machine resource [\#21]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- Can not destroy load balancers [\#307]( -- machine\[\].create idempotency checks fails in freebsd [\#289]( -- load\_balancer errors on :destroy action [\#278]( -- machine\_execute seems not to have problems figuring out what driver to use? [\#201]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Use the actual `name` from the superclass, else we get caught in a loop [\#312]( ([jkeiser]( -- Jk/empty lb [\#299]( ([jkeiser]( -- Create generic "spec\_registry" which will allow drivers to [\#297]( ([jkeiser]( -- Make with\_driver do ... end work [\#296]( ([jkeiser]( - -## [v0.19]( (2015-02-26) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Fixed bugs:** - -- chef-metal is nuking 'normal' attributes on every converge. [\#209]( -- Initial chef-client run on workstation talking to hosted chef-server fails on creating client [\#59]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- machine\_batch does not inherit option from with\_machine\_options [\#277]( -- There doesn't seem to be a way to define provider specific settings for Vagrant [\#271]( -- with\_data\_center method does not work with chef-provisioning [\#265]( -- NoMethodError: undefined method `gsub' for nil:NilClass following net-ssh patch upgrade [\#263]( -- Stuck at ssh for centos aws machine [\#257]( -- Broken link and update in Documentation [\#252]( -- visibility for machine\_options issue [\#246]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Don't save after converge \(that destroys attributes created by the converge\) [\#294]( ([jkeiser]( -- Fix \#59: set node permissions correctly before converging [\#293]( ([jkeiser]( -- Remove some project noise files ;\) [\#291]( ([fnichol]( -- Pass \[\] instead of nil when there are no machine specs [\#286]( ([jkeiser]( -- Add chef\_version, prerelease and install\_sh\_arguments to InstallSh [\#284]( ([jkeiser]( -- Add machine.chef\_config attribute to change client.rb [\#279]( ([jkeiser]( -- Usability updates for my first time using chef-provisioning [\#275]( ([tyler-ball]( - -## [v0.18]( (2015-01-27) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Fixed bugs:** - -- Runlist...doesn't...? [\#249]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- Cannot associate Elastic IP with EC2 driver to machine [\#253]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Fix forward\_port when using net-ssh 2.9.2. [\#267]( ([causton81]( -- Destroy action to the image provider. [\#251]( ([miguelcnf]( - -## [v0.17]( (2014-12-17) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Fixed bugs:** - -- Automatically create images data bag if needed [\#228]( -- Vagrant Example Fails with Checksum Mismatch [\#206]( -- Stuck waiting for Windows SSH access? [\#144]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- error running the example [\#231]( -- machine\_batch doesn't destroy [\#226]( -- README shows incorrect require for using fog\_key\_pair [\#225]( -- Error: Could not find a valid gem 'chef-provisioning-vagrant' [\#217]( -- signal to generate a key raises errors in converge output [\#213]( -- Machine destroy fails with "undefined local variable or method `iam\_endpoint'" [\#198]( -- FAQ link in readme leads to 404 [\#192]( -- Windows converge error: command 'mkdir -p /etc/chef' exited with code 127 [\#178]( -- Way to not need an /etc/chef for provisioning chef-client run? [\#177]( -- Error executing action 'destroy' on resource 'machine\_batch\[default\]' [\#152]( -- Setting up local mode when embedding chef-metal [\#85]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Remove pry [\#248]( ([jaym]( -- Update to ignore .idea directories. [\#247]( ([miguelcnf]( -- Change Metal to Provisioning [\#240]( ([twellspring]( -- In simple example, require chef/provisioning [\#239]( ([janeireton]( -- MEGA chef-provisioning-test-suite project dump [\#238]( ([wrightp]( -- Fix ssh driver url [\#233]( ([gravitystorm]( -- Flip logic on ssl peer validation [\#232]( ([andrewelizondo]( -- add chef-provisioning-crowbar to [\#230]( ([newgoliath]( -- Update vSphere driver link. [\#229]( ([cmluciano]( -- Make machine\_batch convergent [\#227]( ([jkeiser]( -- Work with Chef 12 [\#224]( ([jkeiser]( - -## [v0.16]( (2014-11-05) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.15.3]( (2014-11-05) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.15.2]( (2014-11-04) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- config validation [\#223]( -- create utility for generating chef-client command strings based on server, driver, platform, tests, etc [\#222]( -- configurable os platform/version and mapping [\#221]( -- chef-client error scanning [\#220]( -- add azure driver test [\#219]( -- Configure chef-provisioning-test-suite for Travis CI [\#218]( -- Doubt in Server Provisioning through Chef metal, Vagrant and VBox [\#215]( -- Where is chef-provisioning-fog? [\#214]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Rename Chef Metal to Chef Provisioning [\#216]( ([kanerogers]( - -## [v0.15.1]( (2014-10-30) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- Rename to chef-provisioning [\#210]( - -## [v0.15]( (2014-10-29) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Fixed bugs:** - -- machine.tag does not add tag to AWS \(only the node\) [\#165]( -- with\_chef\_local\_server isn't working with metal 0.14.2 [\#159]( -- Remove default parallelism [\#124]( -- Server provesioning through Vagrant behind Corporate Firewall using Chef Metal. [\#121]( -- machine\_file connects as vagrant [\#120]( -- 'action :converge\_only' exception [\#90]( -- Unable to use Vagrant driver behind corporate http proxy [\#74]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- FFI\_Yajl::ParseError: parse error: premature EOF when using with\_chef\_server [\#204]( -- Azure Support [\#191]( -- QUESTION: Multiple machine tags [\#188]( -- ChecksumMismatch error running example with Vagrant provider [\#183]( -- Can I send user data to AWS when creating an instance from an AMI [\#182]( -- Net::HTTPServerException: 404 "Object Not Found" [\#181]( -- undefined method `\<\<' for \#\<Chef::EventDispatch::EventsOutputStream:0x00000005431890\> [\#179]( -- Can't connect to Windows machine running SSH [\#175]( -- custom bootstrap? [\#169]( -- Is the -j option working correctly with metal? [\#168]( -- Can I run more than one chef-client at once? [\#166]( -- with\_chef\_local\_server can't find vendored cookbook [\#163]( -- Not handling metadata.rb dependencies correctly? [\#161]( -- with\_chef\_local\_server can't find cookbook in cookbook\_path [\#160]( -- Converging after creating - undefined method 'split' for nil:NilClass [\#158]( -- Provisioning machines at a later time after creating [\#156]( -- Convergence error - Permission denied @ dir\_s\_mkdir [\#154]( -- Annoying SSL warning when creating new machine [\#150]( -- "SSH did not come up" timeout [\#146]( -- Proxy blocking installations. [\#145]( -- Chef-metal-fog with digital ocean doesn't seem to like large ssh keys [\#140]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Chef provisioning [\#211]( ([jkeiser]( -- Require data bag resources [\#208]( ([raskchanky]( -- Support for resources that are backed by data bags [\#205]( ([johnewart]( -- Add a Gitter chat badge to [\#199]( ([gitter-badger]( -- Load balancer and data center support work [\#196]( ([johnewart]( -- Makes it so that a user who has sudo permissions can download a file that their user wouldn't have permission to access normally. [\#195]( ([johnewart]( -- Winrm bump [\#194]( ([mwrock]( -- YARDoc updates [\#193]( ([johnewart]( -- do not verify ssl because we only use http [\#164]( ([hh]( -- Added proxy support for metadata download [\#162]( ([ndobson]( - -## [v0.14.2]( (2014-09-04) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Fixed bugs:** - -- Some node names don't seem to work \(car and sun\) [\#129]( -- NoMethodError - machine\[central-server-1\] \(centralized\_repository::default line 63\) had an error: NoMethodError: undefined method `name' for \["BootstrapHost", "myhostname"\]:Array [\#114]( -- Error on machine\_batch if running chef as different user [\#111]( -- Chef 11.12.8 incompatible with cheffish 0.7 [\#106]( -- with\_machine\_options does not honor :key\_name [\#91]( -- nil machine object raise expection in dry-run [\#54]( -- After creating the node/client ec2 attributes are not available [\#34]( -- 'with\_chef\_server' bootstrap permissions for client.pem and client.rb [\#32]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- Possible to use different ports for parallel chef-zero runs? [\#155]( -- SCP did not finish successfully \(1\) [\#151]( -- cannot load such file -- chef\_metal/driver\_init/fog [\#149]( -- Chef::Exceptions::ContentLengthMismatch: Response body length 65536 does not match HTTP Content-Length header 88744. [\#139]( -- Dependency solver overloaded [\#112]( -- 0.13 issue: Unable to resolve dependencies: cheffish requires chef-zero \(~\> 2.2\) [\#105]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- pass timeout from execution\_options to winrm set\_timeout [\#153]( ([mwrock]( -- Remove Chef 11.14 alpha note in readme [\#136]( ([viglesiasce]( -- Handle Host Down and Network Unreachable [\#127]( ([viglesiasce]( - -## [v0.14.1]( (2014-08-19) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- perform convergence talking to chef-zero on the node \(ala test-kitchen\) [\#122]( - -## [v0.14]( (2014-08-18) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- Creating clusters in Vagrant with chef-metal yields a Net::SSH::Exception [\#123]( -- Error running Vagrant example on Windows 7 [\#118]( -- Make an image factory [\#109]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Get machine images working with multiple machines [\#119]( ([johnewart]( -- add VPC related comments to docs for AWS provider [\#117]( ([andrewgoktepe]( -- Machine image fixes [\#113]( ([johnewart]( -- Machine image [\#110]( ([jkeiser]( - -## [v0.13]( (2014-07-15) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.7.1]( (2014-07-15) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Fixed bugs:** - -- Are there plans to make the fog gem an "opt in"? [\#63]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- undefined method `parallel\_do' [\#101]( -- Bootstrapping Windows against chef-zero [\#96]( -- Changing the runlist of a machine [\#95]( -- Allow for indirect connectivity to nodes in driver interface [\#93]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- add docs for providers [\#104]( ([MrMMorris]( -- Add workaround for Hosted Chef servers to README [\#103]( ([MrMMorris]( -- include bootstrap\_proxy key into convergence\_options [\#102]( ([SIGUSR2]( -- winrm fixes [\#100]( ([mwrock]( -- Badge [\#92]( ([waffle-iron]( - -## [v0.6.1]( (2014-06-18) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.12.1]( (2014-06-18) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- Failure with action :setup and machine\_batch [\#83]( - -## [v0.12]( (2014-06-18) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- Less SSH Trash output [\#87]( -- 403 error when registering the new node as a client [\#80]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Fix incorrect timeline/blog post date in [\#86]( ([mikedillion]( - -## [v0.5.4]( (2014-06-10) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Typo fix in README [\#84]( ([jalessio]( -- fixing ssl verify mode value from none to verify\_none [\#82]( ([mwrock]( -- Fix machine\_file and machine\_execute which depend on connect\_to\_machine ... [\#81]( ([irvingpop]( - -## [v0.5.3]( (2014-06-05) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.11.2]( (2014-06-04) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.5.2]( (2014-06-04) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Fixed bugs:** - -- Non-Ubuntu AWS SSH Does not work [\#69]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- with\_chef\_local\_server :port gets you two listening chef-zero instances [\#79]( - -## [v0.11.1]( (2014-06-04) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- ERROR: undefined method `config\_for\_url' for ChefMetal:Module [\#73]( - -## [v0.5.1]( (2014-06-04) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.11]( (2014-06-04) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- Add '--config-file-jail .' to the example given where you first spin up a box. [\#77]( -- dependency chef-metal-vagrant [\#76]( -- provisioner\_options not valid anymore? [\#75]( - -## [v0.11.beta.11]( (2014-06-03) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.5.beta.6]( (2014-06-03) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.11.beta.10]( (2014-06-03) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.5.beta.5]( (2014-06-03) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.11.beta.9]( (2014-06-03) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.11.beta.8]( (2014-06-03) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.5.beta.4]( (2014-06-03) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- Documentation of Using Chef Profiles: bug or feature? [\#72]( -- chefspec tests see machines as machine\_batch [\#66]( -- Machines are converging twice [\#62]( -- How can i use 'secret\_file' from workstation knife config [\#33]( -- Question: Is there an example for 'with\_chef\_server' [\#13]( -- Consider using the newer lxc-download template [\#12]( -- Any reasons this is packaged as a gem and not HWRPs? [\#9]( -- Does chef-metal currently support Openstack? [\#5]( -- provisioner\_option directive overwrites defaults [\#3]( - -## [v0.11.beta.7]( (2014-05-31) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.5.beta.3]( (2014-05-31) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- Problems with with\_chef\_server [\#67]( - -## [v0.11.beta.6]( (2014-05-29) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- The run list from machine resource is not saved on node. [\#35]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Add options argument to SSH gateway [\#60]( ([marcusn]( - -## [v0.11.beta.5]( (2014-05-28) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.11.beta.4]( (2014-05-28) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.5.beta.2]( (2014-05-28) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.11.beta.3]( (2014-05-28) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- typo editing [\#58]( ([bdupras]( -- vmware typos [\#57]( ([bdupras]( - -## [v0.11.beta.2]( (2014-05-24) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.11.beta]( (2014-05-23) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.5.beta]( (2014-05-23) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- SoftLayer provisioning options? [\#56]( -- Error executing action `converge` on resource 'machine\_batch\[default\]' : Name Required [\#52]( -- New nodes don't have permissions to update themselves [\#11]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Grant Transport support for ssh\_gateway used with jump hosts [\#53]( ([JonathanSerafini]( - -## [v0.10.2]( (2014-05-02) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.10.1]( (2014-05-02) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- Error executing action `converge` on resource 'machine\_batch\[default\]' [\#51]( - -## [v0.10]( (2014-05-01) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Update gem dependencies to use refactored chef\_metal\_fog [\#50]( ([mikesplain]( -- re-raise Net::SCP error when fails to download [\#49]( ([carltonstedman]( - -## [v0.9.4]( (2014-04-24) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.9.3]( (2014-04-14) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.9.2]( (2014-04-13) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.9.1]( (2014-04-12) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- machine converge action fails with chef-zero [\#47]( - -## [v0.9]( (2014-04-11) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- Support for already-provisioned machines - enhancement request [\#41]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Apply the same fix from machine\_file to machine\_execute [\#48]( ([irvingpop]( - -## [v0.8.2]( (2014-04-09) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.8.1]( (2014-04-09) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- show machine chef-client run output - enhancement request [\#40]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- New ohai hints feature allowing the creation hints. [\#38]( ([ligature]( - -## [v0.8]( (2014-04-08) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- machine\_file enhancement\(s\) request [\#39]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Add a SUPER SIMPLE machine\_execute resource [\#46]( ([irvingpop]( - -## [v0.7]( (2014-04-06) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- cookbooks should have their name in metadata [\#45]( ([jtimberman]( - -## [v0.6]( (2014-04-04) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Grant the node's client read+update permissions [\#44]( ([dafyddcrosby]( - -## [v0.5]( (2014-04-04) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- machine\_file :download fails because provider is undefined [\#42]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Add owner, group and mode attributes to machine\_file [\#43]( ([irvingpop]( -- Dt/driver surgery [\#36]( ([jkeiser]( -- Ec2 fixes [\#27]( ([ligature]( - -## [v0.4]( (2014-03-29) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- Minimum fog version suggestion \('ubuntu' user hardcoded in AWS SSH\) [\#28]( -- fog\_provisioner hardcoded to public\_ip\_address [\#20]( -- ec2 availability\_zone ignored [\#19]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Show how to use with\_chef\_server using chef-client -z [\#37]( ([dafyddcrosby]( -- Fix typo 'pey-pair-name' -\> 'key-pair-name' [\#30]( ([dafyddcrosby]( -- Remove unused variable provisioner\_options [\#26]( ([dafyddcrosby]( -- Update to show how to add per-machine provisioner options [\#25]( ([dafyddcrosby]( -- Added new private\_ip compute\_options attribute. [\#23]( ([ligature]( -- double double escape escape to fix RHEL/CentOS platform\_version detection [\#22]( ([irvingpop]( -- Initial Openstack support [\#15]( ([cstewart87]( - -## [v0.3.1]( (2014-03-18) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- undefined method `synchronize' for nil:NilClass [\#18]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- initialize right mutex. use ssl if required [\#17]( ([ranjib]( -- Fix to\_sym error parsing bootstrap\_options [\#16]( ([RoboticCheese]( - -## [v0.3]( (2014-03-18) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Closed issues:** - -- Syntax for specifying flavor/image? [\#10]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Fix copypaste typo from vagrant to ec2 [\#14]( ([dafyddcrosby]( - -## [v0.2.1]( (2014-03-07) -[Full Changelog]( - -## [v0.2]( (2014-03-04) -[Full Changelog]( - -**Merged pull requests:** - -- Update URLs of GH repo [\#8]( ([StephenKing]( -- Typo in [\#7]( ([StephenKing]( -- support for lxc [\#6]( ([ranjib]( -- Requirements [\#4]( ([jkeiser]( - -## [v0.1]( (2013-12-21) - - +# Change Log + +## [2.0.1]( (2016-09-07) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Poor error message using winrm and --local-mode [\#516]( +- machine attribute in both machine\_execute and machine\_file resources should be required. [\#449]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Use Winrm v2 and let winrm-fs do file uploads [\#543]( ([mwrock]( +- Allow machine\_execute resource to run commands that last longer then 15 minutes [\#541]( ([poliva83]( +- set scheme to http if it was chefzero [\#517]( ([sclarson]( + +## [2.0.0]( (2016-08-24) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Require Ruby 2.2.2+ and Cheffish 4.0 [\#538]( ([jkeiser]( + +## [v1.9.1]( (2016-08-11) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- allows cheffish 3.0 to stop pulling in compat\_resource [\#534]( ([lamont-granquist]( + +## [v1.9.0]( (2016-08-11) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Uninitialized constant Chef::Resource::Machine [\#531]( + +## [v1.8.1]( (2016-08-03) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Cleaning up a deprecation warning [\#530]( ([tyler-ball]( + +## [v1.8.0]( (2016-06-16) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- machine\_batch doesn't clearly mention which machine failed [\#499]( +- Flexible install\_command. Do not assume internet acces. [\#474]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Fix WARN: nil is an invalid value for output\_key\_format [\#520]( ([christinedraper]( +- Add support for custom :install\_sh\_url [\#515]( ([SIGUSR2]( +- error handling for machine\_batch resource [\#500]( ([ckaushik]( + +## [v1.7.1]( (2016-05-17) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- install\_sh and install\_cached convergence strategies trigger chef-client with -c flag [\#518]( ([poliva83]( + +## [v1.7.0]( (2016-04-06) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Use mixlib-install 1.0 [\#512]( ([jkeiser]( +- Allow newer inifile gem [\#509]( ([pburkholder]( + +## [v1.6.0]( (2016-02-03) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Implemented enhancements:** + +- Custom port forwards. [\#445]( ([causton81]( + +**Fixed bugs:** + +- Chef::Exceptions::ContentLengthMismatch Response body length XXXX does not match HTTP Content-Length header XXXX [\#446]( +- Updating to the latest release of net-ssh to consume net-ssh/net-ssh\#280 [\#485]( ([tyler-ball]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Fix Provisioning with Cheffish 1.x [\#496]( ([jkeiser]( +- Bump revision to 1.6.0 [\#493]( ([jkeiser]( +- Add "rake changelog" task [\#491]( ([jkeiser]( +- Stop using Chef::Provider::ChefNode directly \(cheffish 2.0 compat\) [\#490]( ([jkeiser]( +- Allow cheffish 2.0 as a dep [\#489]( ([jkeiser]( + +## [v1.5.1]( (2015-12-10) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Require ResourceBuilder file before monkeypatching to ensure it is already defined [\#478]( ([tyler-ball]( +- Ensure target directory exists when using write\_file with WinRM [\#471]( ([xenolinguist]( + +## [v1.5.0]( (2015-10-27) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Fixed bugs:** + +- :converge action should not re-install chef-client if the desired version is already installed [\#428]( +- SSH available timeout needs to be configurable [\#362]( +- Making available? timeout use provided ssh\_options, fixes \#362 [\#466]( ([tyler-ball]( +- Pinning to mixlib-install 0.7.0 until 1.0 is out [\#464]( ([tyler-ball]( +- Added bootstrap\_no\_proxy support [\#458]( ([jsmartt]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- The action "stop" on a Machine resource does not appear to work [\#463]( +- machine chef-client run output not logging to provisioner chef-client output [\#274]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Add gemspec files to allow bundler to run from the gem [\#461]( ([ksubrama]( +- Pin mixlib-install more strictly. [\#459]( ([sersut]( + +## [v1.4.1]( (2015-09-30) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Fixed bugs:** + +- ohai\_hints should be be created at c:\chef\ohai\hints when provisioning windows nodes [\#433]( +- Fix install\_sh\_arguments passing after the conversion to mixlib-install [\#452]( ([irvingpop]( +- Windows ohai hints, fixes \#433 [\#435]( ([hh]( + +## [v1.4.0]( (2015-09-16) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Implemented enhancements:** + +- Provisioning driver generator script [\#395]( +- Marking lxc and hanlon as seeking maintainers [\#440]( ([tyler-ball]( +- Adding additional resource attributes for load\_balancer and machine\_image [\#436]( ([tyler-ball]( +- Specify additional machine\_options from the resource attributes [\#424]( ([tyler-ball]( +- Adding ignore\_converge\_failure option, fixes \#393 [\#414]( ([tyler-ball]( +- Add a generic rspec module, and use and test it via the generator script. [\#408]( ([randomcamel]( + +**Fixed bugs:** + +- Provisioning fails with chef api error [\#394]( +- specifying an audit-mode in a machine's run\_list fails the provisioning run. [\#393]( +- machine\_file resource does not work properly using with\_machine\_options [\#390]( +- install\_sh.rb has an issue with bootstrap [\#380]( +- Metal command --help doesn't show or explain command arguments [\#71]( +- Added missing arguments to call of chef install shell script. [\#439]( ([tarak]( +- Add provides statements to providers to avoid chef-client warnings [\#416]( ([stevendanna]( +- Run our tests in a matrix of Chef client versions. [\#415]( ([randomcamel]( +- Upload the PS1 script and run directly [\#410]( ([thommay]( +- bump mixlib-install version [\#406]( ([thommay]( +- /etc/os-release support, yum support, package\_metadata option [\#315]( ([glennmatthews]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Converge fails when /tmp/ doesn't exist [\#423]( +- Error forwarding port: could not forward 8889 or 0 [\#392]( +- Chef Provisioning- Vagrant [\#372]( +- chef-provisioning bootstrap fails [\#359]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Remove dependency on chef gem [\#441]( ([ksubrama]( +- Adding a CONTRIBUTING document [\#437]( ([tyler-ball]( +- Major generator/spec/Travis improvements [\#426]( ([randomcamel]( +- Add gem version badges for core + drivers. [\#412]( ([randomcamel]( + +## [v1.3.0]( (2015-08-05) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Implemented enhancements:** + +- expose machine\_spec.from\_image to allocate\_machine [\#366]( ([mwrock]( + +**Fixed bugs:** + +- chef 12.4.0 and chef-provisioning have a problem when bootstrapping a node [\#377]( +- Add a version compatibility check to ChefDK's `chef verify` [\#355]( +- Unit tests and checkstyle? [\#180]( +- Hardware matching [\#135]( +- Data center abstraction [\#132]( +- Machine migration [\#130]( +- Chef environment on remote machines [\#88]( +- metal command seems to not use .chef/knife.rb. [\#70]( +- metal binary complains about private key [\#65]( +- Xen server VM provisioner [\#2]( +- docs for VMware vCloud Air [\#368]( ([hh]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- NoMethodError: undefined method `encoding' [\#405]( +- \[Feature Request\] Allow chef-provisioning to force a recipe to run, even if it doesn't think it needs to be run [\#399]( +- Set up minimal Travis build [\#397]( +- Chef Metal with 1.0 [\#396]( +- Non-Windows instances with a virtualization type of 'hvm' are currently not supported for this instance type [\#388]( +- machine resource fails if audit failures occur [\#387]( +- What does the error "missing required parameter name" mean [\#386]( +- Can't connect to EC2 instance in VPC with public IP [\#385]( +- Windows hosts are bootstrapped with the wrong url for chef-client [\#327]( +- chef\_version convergence option is ignored for windows machines [\#300]( +- Create opennebula plugin for chef-provisioning [\#264]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Remove warning about Hosted/Enterprise and clients in admins group [\#402]( ([jkeiser]( +- Add Travis badge to README. [\#400]( ([randomcamel]( +- Initial .travis.yml. [\#398]( ([randomcamel]( +- use mixlib-install to install from omnitruck [\#389]( ([thommay]( + +## [v1.2.1]( (2015-07-17) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Fixed bugs:** + +- Conflicting winrm gem causes knife to fail [\#370]( +- remove or update test/acceptance project [\#363]( +- Arity mismatch between MachineImage's :destroy and Driver\#destroy\_image [\#358]( +- manual hydrate needed with chef\_data\_bag on create [\#242]( +- ChefMetal::ConvergenceStrategy::PrecreateChefObjects does not support proxy settings [\#187]( +- Suppress key\_data in debug output [\#171]( +- host\_node being set to /organizations/NAME/nodes/ with no node name [\#141]( +- Authorized ssh key overwritten with metal\_default [\#131]( +- Deleting acceptance tests since they are super stale, fixes \#363 [\#379]( ([tyler-ball]( +- Fix chef\_group [\#346]( ([obazoud]( +- Add options\[:scp\_temp\_dir\] to set a SCP destination other than /tmp [\#339]( ([glennmatthews]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Lower the version of chef. [\#391]( +- Cannot bootstrap FreeBSD \(bash is not installed\) [\#381]( +- user\_data is not working in provisioning ec2 server [\#375]( +- Latest provisioning gem is incompatible with semi-recent Chef [\#374]( +- Chef Provisioning- Vagrant [\#373]( +- Chef Provisioning- Vagrant [\#367]( +- unusual behavior w/ chef-client -z and provisioning [\#357]( +- Merge Chef-maintained drivers into the chef-provisioning repo [\#354]( +- Update to the SDK V2 [\#353]( +- Add support for reserved instances [\#351]( +- OpenSSL issue with chef provisioning [\#343]( +- no implicit conversion of String into Integer [\#270]( +- The specified wait\_for timeout \(0.01 seconds\) was exceeded [\#269]( +- Chef::Config.private\_key\_paths does not include ~/.chef/keys by default [\#258]( +- chef-client -z can't find my ssh key when creating aws machine\_image [\#234]( +- Document which classes are part of the public interface [\#203]( +- machine\_batch failing on write file /etc/chef/client.pem [\#189]( +- with\_driver fails on second converge: Canonical driver ... has already been created! [\#184]( +- Output doesn't stream when run within non-login session. [\#176]( +- QUESTION: How can I use a custom Chef library with Metal? [\#173]( +- machine\_batch convergence cookbook synchronization very slow [\#172]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Tiny doc update to add clarity to vagrant provisioning example [\#369]( ([scotthain]( +- Fix \#358: Arity mismatch [\#364]( ([randomcamel]( +- change chef-provisioning-fog to chef-provisioning-aws in the AWS example [\#352]( ([metadave]( +- update readme with vsphere driver url [\#344]( ([mwrock]( + +## [v1.2.0]( (2015-05-27) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Fixed bugs:** + +- machine\_batch :destroy may be creating additional threads which result in NoMethodError [\#319]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- chef-dk 0.5.1 with chef-zero renders unusable chefzero://localhost:8889 URLs on nodes [\#336]( +- Updating chef-provisioning-aws breaks chef-client -z functionality with ChefDK 0.4.0 \(current version\). [\#322]( +- Converging 0 resources - Am I missing something? [\#320]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- with\_driver must be specified [\#345]( ([jtimberman]( +- Updating for newly introduced socketless mode [\#337]( ([tyler-ball]( +- bumping winrm dependency to 1.3.0 [\#332]( ([mwrock]( +- Adding documentation about the private key path [\#328]( ([b-slim]( +- Update chef gem to fix version conflict in ChefDK [\#314]( ([teknofire]( +- Update building\ [\#309]( ([jjasghar]( + +## [v1.1.1]( (2015-04-20) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v1.1.0]( (2015-04-16) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Net::HTTPServerException: 404 "Not Found" [\#323]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- fix machine\_batch :destroy \#319 [\#321]( ([wrightp]( +- Install chef-client using Proxy [\#317]( ([afiune]( +- Allow user to specify a custom stdout in Chef::Config\[:stdout\] [\#311]( ([jkeiser]( + +## [v1.0.1]( (2015-04-07) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Second run fails using Vagrant \(problem in InstallCached strategy\) [\#308]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Dependency cleanup [\#316]( ([tyler-ball]( +- Delete machine specs when machines are deleted [\#310]( ([jkeiser]( + +## [v1.0.0]( (2015-04-02) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v1.0.0.rc.2]( (2015-04-02) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.20.1]( (2015-04-02) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v1.0.0.rc.1]( (2015-04-01) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.20]( (2015-03-27) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Fixed bugs:** + +- action :delete & action :destroy [\#186]( +- support setting desired chef client version [\#148]( +- Attributes are erased at re-converge when set in 'machine' resource [\#137]( +- Machine\_batch converge action erases attributes created by recipes during the converge [\#116]( +- Can't use Chef::Node::ImmutableMash in "attributes" attribute in the machine resource [\#21]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Can not destroy load balancers [\#307]( +- machine\[\].create idempotency checks fails in freebsd [\#289]( +- load\_balancer errors on :destroy action [\#278]( +- machine\_execute seems not to have problems figuring out what driver to use? [\#201]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Use the actual `name` from the superclass, else we get caught in a loop [\#312]( ([jkeiser]( +- Jk/empty lb [\#299]( ([jkeiser]( +- Create generic "spec\_registry" which will allow drivers to [\#297]( ([jkeiser]( +- Make with\_driver do ... end work [\#296]( ([jkeiser]( + +## [v0.19]( (2015-02-26) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Fixed bugs:** + +- chef-metal is nuking 'normal' attributes on every converge. [\#209]( +- Initial chef-client run on workstation talking to hosted chef-server fails on creating client [\#59]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- machine\_batch does not inherit option from with\_machine\_options [\#277]( +- There doesn't seem to be a way to define provider specific settings for Vagrant [\#271]( +- with\_data\_center method does not work with chef-provisioning [\#265]( +- NoMethodError: undefined method `gsub' for nil:NilClass following net-ssh patch upgrade [\#263]( +- Stuck at ssh for centos aws machine [\#257]( +- Broken link and update in Documentation [\#252]( +- visibility for machine\_options issue [\#246]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Don't save after converge \(that destroys attributes created by the converge\) [\#294]( ([jkeiser]( +- Fix \#59: set node permissions correctly before converging [\#293]( ([jkeiser]( +- Remove some project noise files ;\) [\#291]( ([fnichol]( +- Pass \[\] instead of nil when there are no machine specs [\#286]( ([jkeiser]( +- Add chef\_version, prerelease and install\_sh\_arguments to InstallSh [\#284]( ([jkeiser]( +- Add machine.chef\_config attribute to change client.rb [\#279]( ([jkeiser]( +- Usability updates for my first time using chef-provisioning [\#275]( ([tyler-ball]( + +## [v0.18]( (2015-01-27) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Fixed bugs:** + +- Runlist...doesn't...? [\#249]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Cannot associate Elastic IP with EC2 driver to machine [\#253]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Fix forward\_port when using net-ssh 2.9.2. [\#267]( ([causton81]( +- Destroy action to the image provider. [\#251]( ([miguelcnf]( + +## [v0.17]( (2014-12-17) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Fixed bugs:** + +- Automatically create images data bag if needed [\#228]( +- Vagrant Example Fails with Checksum Mismatch [\#206]( +- Stuck waiting for Windows SSH access? [\#144]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- error running the example [\#231]( +- machine\_batch doesn't destroy [\#226]( +- README shows incorrect require for using fog\_key\_pair [\#225]( +- Error: Could not find a valid gem 'chef-provisioning-vagrant' [\#217]( +- signal to generate a key raises errors in converge output [\#213]( +- Machine destroy fails with "undefined local variable or method `iam\_endpoint'" [\#198]( +- FAQ link in readme leads to 404 [\#192]( +- Windows converge error: command 'mkdir -p /etc/chef' exited with code 127 [\#178]( +- Way to not need an /etc/chef for provisioning chef-client run? [\#177]( +- Error executing action 'destroy' on resource 'machine\_batch\[default\]' [\#152]( +- Setting up local mode when embedding chef-metal [\#85]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Remove pry [\#248]( ([jaym]( +- Update to ignore .idea directories. [\#247]( ([miguelcnf]( +- Change Metal to Provisioning [\#240]( ([twellspring]( +- In simple example, require chef/provisioning [\#239]( ([janeireton]( +- MEGA chef-provisioning-test-suite project dump [\#238]( ([wrightp]( +- Fix ssh driver url [\#233]( ([gravitystorm]( +- Flip logic on ssl peer validation [\#232]( ([andrewelizondo]( +- add chef-provisioning-crowbar to [\#230]( ([newgoliath]( +- Update vSphere driver link. [\#229]( ([cmluciano]( +- Make machine\_batch convergent [\#227]( ([jkeiser]( +- Work with Chef 12 [\#224]( ([jkeiser]( + +## [v0.16]( (2014-11-05) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.15.3]( (2014-11-05) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.15.2]( (2014-11-04) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- config validation [\#223]( +- create utility for generating chef-client command strings based on server, driver, platform, tests, etc [\#222]( +- configurable os platform/version and mapping [\#221]( +- chef-client error scanning [\#220]( +- add azure driver test [\#219]( +- Configure chef-provisioning-test-suite for Travis CI [\#218]( +- Doubt in Server Provisioning through Chef metal, Vagrant and VBox [\#215]( +- Where is chef-provisioning-fog? [\#214]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Rename Chef Metal to Chef Provisioning [\#216]( ([kanerogers]( + +## [v0.15.1]( (2014-10-30) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Rename to chef-provisioning [\#210]( + +## [v0.15]( (2014-10-29) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Fixed bugs:** + +- machine.tag does not add tag to AWS \(only the node\) [\#165]( +- with\_chef\_local\_server isn't working with metal 0.14.2 [\#159]( +- Remove default parallelism [\#124]( +- Server provesioning through Vagrant behind Corporate Firewall using Chef Metal. [\#121]( +- machine\_file connects as vagrant [\#120]( +- 'action :converge\_only' exception [\#90]( +- Unable to use Vagrant driver behind corporate http proxy [\#74]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- FFI\_Yajl::ParseError: parse error: premature EOF when using with\_chef\_server [\#204]( +- Azure Support [\#191]( +- QUESTION: Multiple machine tags [\#188]( +- ChecksumMismatch error running example with Vagrant provider [\#183]( +- Can I send user data to AWS when creating an instance from an AMI [\#182]( +- Net::HTTPServerException: 404 "Object Not Found" [\#181]( +- undefined method `\<\<' for \#\<Chef::EventDispatch::EventsOutputStream:0x00000005431890\> [\#179]( +- Can't connect to Windows machine running SSH [\#175]( +- custom bootstrap? [\#169]( +- Is the -j option working correctly with metal? [\#168]( +- Can I run more than one chef-client at once? [\#166]( +- with\_chef\_local\_server can't find vendored cookbook [\#163]( +- Not handling metadata.rb dependencies correctly? [\#161]( +- with\_chef\_local\_server can't find cookbook in cookbook\_path [\#160]( +- Converging after creating - undefined method 'split' for nil:NilClass [\#158]( +- Provisioning machines at a later time after creating [\#156]( +- Convergence error - Permission denied @ dir\_s\_mkdir [\#154]( +- Annoying SSL warning when creating new machine [\#150]( +- "SSH did not come up" timeout [\#146]( +- Proxy blocking installations. [\#145]( +- Chef-metal-fog with digital ocean doesn't seem to like large ssh keys [\#140]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Chef provisioning [\#211]( ([jkeiser]( +- Require data bag resources [\#208]( ([raskchanky]( +- Support for resources that are backed by data bags [\#205]( ([johnewart]( +- Add a Gitter chat badge to [\#199]( ([gitter-badger]( +- Load balancer and data center support work [\#196]( ([johnewart]( +- Makes it so that a user who has sudo permissions can download a file that their user wouldn't have permission to access normally. [\#195]( ([johnewart]( +- Winrm bump [\#194]( ([mwrock]( +- YARDoc updates [\#193]( ([johnewart]( +- do not verify ssl because we only use http [\#164]( ([hh]( +- Added proxy support for metadata download [\#162]( ([ndobson]( + +## [v0.14.2]( (2014-09-04) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Fixed bugs:** + +- Some node names don't seem to work \(car and sun\) [\#129]( +- NoMethodError - machine\[central-server-1\] \(centralized\_repository::default line 63\) had an error: NoMethodError: undefined method `name' for \["BootstrapHost", "myhostname"\]:Array [\#114]( +- Error on machine\_batch if running chef as different user [\#111]( +- Chef 11.12.8 incompatible with cheffish 0.7 [\#106]( +- with\_machine\_options does not honor :key\_name [\#91]( +- nil machine object raise expection in dry-run [\#54]( +- After creating the node/client ec2 attributes are not available [\#34]( +- 'with\_chef\_server' bootstrap permissions for client.pem and client.rb [\#32]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Possible to use different ports for parallel chef-zero runs? [\#155]( +- SCP did not finish successfully \(1\) [\#151]( +- cannot load such file -- chef\_metal/driver\_init/fog [\#149]( +- Chef::Exceptions::ContentLengthMismatch: Response body length 65536 does not match HTTP Content-Length header 88744. [\#139]( +- Dependency solver overloaded [\#112]( +- 0.13 issue: Unable to resolve dependencies: cheffish requires chef-zero \(~\> 2.2\) [\#105]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- pass timeout from execution\_options to winrm set\_timeout [\#153]( ([mwrock]( +- Remove Chef 11.14 alpha note in readme [\#136]( ([viglesiasce]( +- Handle Host Down and Network Unreachable [\#127]( ([viglesiasce]( + +## [v0.14.1]( (2014-08-19) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- perform convergence talking to chef-zero on the node \(ala test-kitchen\) [\#122]( + +## [v0.14]( (2014-08-18) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Creating clusters in Vagrant with chef-metal yields a Net::SSH::Exception [\#123]( +- Error running Vagrant example on Windows 7 [\#118]( +- Make an image factory [\#109]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Get machine images working with multiple machines [\#119]( ([johnewart]( +- add VPC related comments to docs for AWS provider [\#117]( ([andrewgoktepe]( +- Machine image fixes [\#113]( ([johnewart]( +- Machine image [\#110]( ([jkeiser]( + +## [v0.13]( (2014-07-15) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.7.1]( (2014-07-15) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Fixed bugs:** + +- Are there plans to make the fog gem an "opt in"? [\#63]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- undefined method `parallel\_do' [\#101]( +- Bootstrapping Windows against chef-zero [\#96]( +- Changing the runlist of a machine [\#95]( +- Allow for indirect connectivity to nodes in driver interface [\#93]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- add docs for providers [\#104]( ([MrMMorris]( +- Add workaround for Hosted Chef servers to README [\#103]( ([MrMMorris]( +- include bootstrap\_proxy key into convergence\_options [\#102]( ([SIGUSR2]( +- winrm fixes [\#100]( ([mwrock]( +- Badge [\#92]( ([waffle-iron]( + +## [v0.6.1]( (2014-06-18) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.12.1]( (2014-06-18) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Failure with action :setup and machine\_batch [\#83]( + +## [v0.12]( (2014-06-18) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Less SSH Trash output [\#87]( +- 403 error when registering the new node as a client [\#80]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Fix incorrect timeline/blog post date in [\#86]( ([mikedillion]( + +## [v0.5.4]( (2014-06-10) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Typo fix in README [\#84]( ([jalessio]( +- fixing ssl verify mode value from none to verify\_none [\#82]( ([mwrock]( +- Fix machine\_file and machine\_execute which depend on connect\_to\_machine ... [\#81]( ([irvingpop]( + +## [v0.5.3]( (2014-06-05) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.11.2]( (2014-06-04) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.5.2]( (2014-06-04) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Fixed bugs:** + +- Non-Ubuntu AWS SSH Does not work [\#69]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- with\_chef\_local\_server :port gets you two listening chef-zero instances [\#79]( + +## [v0.11.1]( (2014-06-04) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- ERROR: undefined method `config\_for\_url' for ChefMetal:Module [\#73]( + +## [v0.5.1]( (2014-06-04) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.11]( (2014-06-04) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Add '--config-file-jail .' to the example given where you first spin up a box. [\#77]( +- dependency chef-metal-vagrant [\#76]( +- provisioner\_options not valid anymore? [\#75]( + +## [v0.11.beta.11]( (2014-06-03) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.5.beta.6]( (2014-06-03) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.11.beta.10]( (2014-06-03) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.5.beta.5]( (2014-06-03) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.11.beta.9]( (2014-06-03) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.11.beta.8]( (2014-06-03) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.5.beta.4]( (2014-06-03) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Documentation of Using Chef Profiles: bug or feature? [\#72]( +- chefspec tests see machines as machine\_batch [\#66]( +- Machines are converging twice [\#62]( +- How can i use 'secret\_file' from workstation knife config [\#33]( +- Question: Is there an example for 'with\_chef\_server' [\#13]( +- Consider using the newer lxc-download template [\#12]( +- Any reasons this is packaged as a gem and not HWRPs? [\#9]( +- Does chef-metal currently support Openstack? [\#5]( +- provisioner\_option directive overwrites defaults [\#3]( + +## [v0.11.beta.7]( (2014-05-31) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.5.beta.3]( (2014-05-31) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Problems with with\_chef\_server [\#67]( + +## [v0.11.beta.6]( (2014-05-29) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- The run list from machine resource is not saved on node. [\#35]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Add options argument to SSH gateway [\#60]( ([marcusn]( + +## [v0.11.beta.5]( (2014-05-28) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.11.beta.4]( (2014-05-28) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.5.beta.2]( (2014-05-28) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.11.beta.3]( (2014-05-28) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- typo editing [\#58]( ([bdupras]( +- vmware typos [\#57]( ([bdupras]( + +## [v0.11.beta.2]( (2014-05-24) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.11.beta]( (2014-05-23) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.5.beta]( (2014-05-23) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- SoftLayer provisioning options? [\#56]( +- Error executing action `converge` on resource 'machine\_batch\[default\]' : Name Required [\#52]( +- New nodes don't have permissions to update themselves [\#11]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Grant Transport support for ssh\_gateway used with jump hosts [\#53]( ([JonathanSerafini]( + +## [v0.10.2]( (2014-05-02) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.10.1]( (2014-05-02) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Error executing action `converge` on resource 'machine\_batch\[default\]' [\#51]( + +## [v0.10]( (2014-05-01) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Update gem dependencies to use refactored chef\_metal\_fog [\#50]( ([mikesplain]( +- re-raise Net::SCP error when fails to download [\#49]( ([carltonstedman]( + +## [v0.9.4]( (2014-04-24) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.9.3]( (2014-04-14) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.9.2]( (2014-04-13) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.9.1]( (2014-04-12) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- machine converge action fails with chef-zero [\#47]( + +## [v0.9]( (2014-04-11) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Support for already-provisioned machines - enhancement request [\#41]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Apply the same fix from machine\_file to machine\_execute [\#48]( ([irvingpop]( + +## [v0.8.2]( (2014-04-09) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.8.1]( (2014-04-09) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- show machine chef-client run output - enhancement request [\#40]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- New ohai hints feature allowing the creation hints. [\#38]( ([ligature]( + +## [v0.8]( (2014-04-08) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- machine\_file enhancement\(s\) request [\#39]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Add a SUPER SIMPLE machine\_execute resource [\#46]( ([irvingpop]( + +## [v0.7]( (2014-04-06) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- cookbooks should have their name in metadata [\#45]( ([jtimberman]( + +## [v0.6]( (2014-04-04) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Grant the node's client read+update permissions [\#44]( ([dafyddcrosby]( + +## [v0.5]( (2014-04-04) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- machine\_file :download fails because provider is undefined [\#42]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Add owner, group and mode attributes to machine\_file [\#43]( ([irvingpop]( +- Dt/driver surgery [\#36]( ([jkeiser]( +- Ec2 fixes [\#27]( ([ligature]( + +## [v0.4]( (2014-03-29) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Minimum fog version suggestion \('ubuntu' user hardcoded in AWS SSH\) [\#28]( +- fog\_provisioner hardcoded to public\_ip\_address [\#20]( +- ec2 availability\_zone ignored [\#19]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Show how to use with\_chef\_server using chef-client -z [\#37]( ([dafyddcrosby]( +- Fix typo 'pey-pair-name' -\> 'key-pair-name' [\#30]( ([dafyddcrosby]( +- Remove unused variable provisioner\_options [\#26]( ([dafyddcrosby]( +- Update to show how to add per-machine provisioner options [\#25]( ([dafyddcrosby]( +- Added new private\_ip compute\_options attribute. [\#23]( ([ligature]( +- double double escape escape to fix RHEL/CentOS platform\_version detection [\#22]( ([irvingpop]( +- Initial Openstack support [\#15]( ([cstewart87]( + +## [v0.3.1]( (2014-03-18) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- undefined method `synchronize' for nil:NilClass [\#18]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- initialize right mutex. use ssl if required [\#17]( ([ranjib]( +- Fix to\_sym error parsing bootstrap\_options [\#16]( ([RoboticCheese]( + +## [v0.3]( (2014-03-18) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Syntax for specifying flavor/image? [\#10]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Fix copypaste typo from vagrant to ec2 [\#14]( ([dafyddcrosby]( + +## [v0.2.1]( (2014-03-07) +[Full Changelog]( + +## [v0.2]( (2014-03-04) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Update URLs of GH repo [\#8]( ([StephenKing]( +- Typo in [\#7]( ([StephenKing]( +- support for lxc [\#6]( ([ranjib]( +- Requirements [\#4]( ([jkeiser]( + +## [v0.1]( (2013-12-21) + + \* *This Change Log was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](* \ No newline at end of file