spec/unit/command/verify_spec.rb in chef-dk-0.11.2 vs spec/unit/command/verify_spec.rb in chef-dk-0.12.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,325 +1,325 @@
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Chef Software Inc.
-# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-require 'spec_helper'
-require 'chef-dk/command/verify'
-module Gem
- # We stub Gem.ruby because `verify` uses it to locate the omnibus directory,
- # but we also use it in some of the "test commands" in these tests.
- class << self
- alias :real_ruby :ruby
- end
-describe ChefDK::Command::Verify do
- let(:command_instance) { ChefDK::Command::Verify.new() }
- let(:command_options) { [] }
- let(:components) { {} }
- let(:default_components) do
- [
- "berkshelf",
- "test-kitchen",
- "tk-policyfile-provisioner",
- "chef-client",
- "chef-dk",
- "chef-provisioning",
- "chefspec",
- "generated-cookbooks-pass-chefspec",
- "rubocop",
- "fauxhai",
- "knife-spork",
- "kitchen-vagrant",
- "package installation",
- "openssl",
- "inspec"
- ]
- end
- def run_command(expected_exit_code)
- expect(command_instance.run(command_options)).to eq(expected_exit_code)
- end
- it "defines berks, tk, chef and chef-dk components by default" do
- expect(command_instance.components).not_to be_empty
- expect(command_instance.components.map(&:name)).to match_array(default_components)
- end
- it "has a usage banner" do
- expect(command_instance.banner).to eq("Usage: chef verify [component, ...] [options]")
- end
- describe "when locating omnibus directory" do
- it "should find omnibus app directory from ruby path" do
- allow(Gem).to receive(:ruby).and_return(File.join(fixtures_path, "eg_omnibus_dir/valid/embedded/bin/ruby"))
- expect(command_instance.omnibus_apps_dir).to include("eg_omnibus_dir/valid/embedded")
- end
- it "should raise OmnibusInstallNotFound if directory is not looking like omnibus" do
- allow(Gem).to receive(:ruby).and_return(File.join(fixtures_path,".rbenv/versions/2.1.1/bin/ruby"))
- expect{command_instance.omnibus_apps_dir}.to raise_error(ChefDK::OmnibusInstallNotFound)
- end
- it "raises OmnibusInstallNotFound if omnibus directory doesn't exist" do
- allow(Gem).to receive(:ruby).and_return(File.join(fixtures_path,"eg_omnibus_dir/missing_apps/embedded/bin/ruby"))
- expect{command_instance.omnibus_apps_dir}.to raise_error(ChefDK::OmnibusInstallNotFound)
- end
- it "raises MissingComponentError when a component doesn't exist" do
- allow(Gem).to receive(:ruby).and_return(File.join(fixtures_path,"eg_omnibus_dir/missing_component/embedded/bin/ruby"))
- expect{command_instance.validate_components!}.to raise_error(ChefDK::MissingComponentError)
- end
- end
- describe "when running verify command" do
- let(:stdout_io) { StringIO.new }
- let(:ruby_path) { File.join(fixtures_path, "eg_omnibus_dir/valid/embedded/bin/ruby") }
- def run_unit_test
- # Set rubyopt to empty to prevent bundler from infecting the ruby
- # subcommands (and loading a bunch of extra gems).
- lambda { |_self| sh("#{Gem.real_ruby} verify_me", env: { "RUBYOPT" => ""}) }
- end
- def run_integration_test
- lambda { |_self| sh("#{Gem.real_ruby} integration_test", env: { "RUBYOPT" => ""}) }
- end
- let(:all_tests_ok) do
- ChefDK::ComponentTest.new("successful_comp").tap do |c|
- c.base_dir = "berkshelf"
- c.unit_test(&run_unit_test)
- c.integration_test(&run_integration_test)
- c.smoke_test { sh("exit 0") }
- end
- end
- let(:all_tests_ok_2) do
- ChefDK::ComponentTest.new("successful_comp_2").tap do |c|
- c.base_dir = "test-kitchen"
- c.unit_test(&run_unit_test)
- c.smoke_test { sh("exit 0") }
- end
- end
- let(:failing_unit_test) do
- ChefDK::ComponentTest.new("failing_comp").tap do |c|
- c.base_dir = "chef"
- c.unit_test(&run_unit_test)
- c.smoke_test { sh("exit 0") }
- end
- end
- let(:passing_smoke_test_only) do
- component = failing_unit_test.dup
- component.smoke_test { sh("exit 0") }
- component
- end
- let(:failing_smoke_test_only) do
- component = all_tests_ok.dup
- component.smoke_test { sh("exit 1") }
- component
- end
- let(:component_without_integration_tests) do
- ChefDK::ComponentTest.new("successful_comp").tap do |c|
- c.base_dir = "berkshelf"
- c.unit_test { sh("./verify_me") }
- c.smoke_test { sh("exit 0") }
- end
- end
- def stdout
- stdout_io.string
- end
- before do
- allow(Gem).to receive(:ruby).and_return(ruby_path)
- allow(command_instance).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout_io)
- allow(command_instance).to receive(:components).and_return(components)
- end
- context "when running smoke tests only" do
- describe "with single command with success" do
- let(:components) do
- [ passing_smoke_test_only ]
- end
- before do
- run_command(0)
- end
- it "should report the success of the command" do
- expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'failing_comp' succeeded.")
- end
- end
- describe "with single command with failure" do
- let(:components) do
- [ failing_smoke_test_only ]
- end
- before do
- run_command(1)
- end
- it "should report the failure of the command" do
- expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'successful_comp' failed.")
- end
- end
- end
- context "when running unit tests" do
- let(:command_options) { %w{--unit --verbose} }
- let(:components) do
- [ all_tests_ok ]
- end
- describe "with single command with success" do
- before do
- run_command(0)
- end
- it "should have embedded/bin on the PATH" do
- expect(stdout).to include(File.join(fixtures_path, "eg_omnibus_dir/valid/embedded/bin"))
- end
- it "should report the success of the command" do
- expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'successful_comp' succeeded.")
- end
- it "reports the component test output" do
- expect(stdout).to include("you are good to go...")
- end
- context "and --verbose is not enabled" do
- let(:command_options) { %w{--unit} }
- it "omits the component test output" do
- expect(stdout).to_not include("you are good to go...")
- end
- end
- context "and --integration flag is given" do
- let(:command_options) { %w{--integration --verbose} }
- it "should run the integration command also" do
- expect(stdout).to include("integration tests OK")
- end
- context "and no integration test command is specifed for the component" do
- let(:components) do
- [ component_without_integration_tests ]
- end
- it "skips the integration test and succeeds" do
- expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'successful_comp' succeeded.")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- describe "with single command with failure" do
- let(:components) do
- [ failing_unit_test ]
- end
- before do
- run_command(1)
- end
- it "should report the failure of the command" do
- expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'failing_comp' failed.")
- end
- it "reports the component test output" do
- expect(stdout).to include("i'm not feeling good today...")
- end
- end
- describe "with multiple commands with success" do
- let(:components) do
- [ all_tests_ok, all_tests_ok_2 ]
- end
- before do
- run_command(0)
- end
- it "should report the success of the command" do
- expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'successful_comp' succeeded.")
- expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'successful_comp_2' succeeded.")
- end
- it "reports the component test outputs" do
- expect(stdout).to include("you are good to go...")
- expect(stdout).to include("my friend everything is good...")
- end
- context "and components are filtered by CLI args" do
- let(:command_options) { [ "successful_comp_2" ] }
- it "verifies only the desired component" do
- expect(stdout).to_not include("Verification of component 'successful_comp_1' succeeded.")
- expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'successful_comp_2' succeeded.")
- end
- end
- end
- describe "with multiple commands with failures" do
- let(:components) do
- [ all_tests_ok, all_tests_ok_2, failing_unit_test ]
- end
- before do
- run_command(1)
- end
- it "should report the success and failure of the commands" do
- expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'successful_comp' succeeded.")
- expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'successful_comp_2' succeeded.")
- expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'failing_comp' failed.")
- end
- it "reports the component test outputs" do
- expect(stdout).to include("you are good to go...")
- expect(stdout).to include("my friend everything is good...")
- expect(stdout).to include("i'm not feeling good today...")
- end
- end
- end
- end
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Chef Software Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require 'spec_helper'
+require 'chef-dk/command/verify'
+module Gem
+ # We stub Gem.ruby because `verify` uses it to locate the omnibus directory,
+ # but we also use it in some of the "test commands" in these tests.
+ class << self
+ alias :real_ruby :ruby
+ end
+describe ChefDK::Command::Verify do
+ let(:command_instance) { ChefDK::Command::Verify.new() }
+ let(:command_options) { [] }
+ let(:components) { {} }
+ let(:default_components) do
+ [
+ "berkshelf",
+ "test-kitchen",
+ "tk-policyfile-provisioner",
+ "chef-client",
+ "chef-dk",
+ "chef-provisioning",
+ "chefspec",
+ "generated-cookbooks-pass-chefspec",
+ "rubocop",
+ "fauxhai",
+ "knife-spork",
+ "kitchen-vagrant",
+ "package installation",
+ "openssl",
+ "inspec"
+ ]
+ end
+ def run_command(expected_exit_code)
+ expect(command_instance.run(command_options)).to eq(expected_exit_code)
+ end
+ it "defines berks, tk, chef and chef-dk components by default" do
+ expect(command_instance.components).not_to be_empty
+ expect(command_instance.components.map(&:name)).to match_array(default_components)
+ end
+ it "has a usage banner" do
+ expect(command_instance.banner).to eq("Usage: chef verify [component, ...] [options]")
+ end
+ describe "when locating omnibus directory" do
+ it "should find omnibus app directory from ruby path" do
+ allow(Gem).to receive(:ruby).and_return(File.join(fixtures_path, "eg_omnibus_dir/valid/embedded/bin/ruby"))
+ expect(command_instance.omnibus_apps_dir).to include("eg_omnibus_dir/valid/embedded")
+ end
+ it "should raise OmnibusInstallNotFound if directory is not looking like omnibus" do
+ allow(Gem).to receive(:ruby).and_return(File.join(fixtures_path,".rbenv/versions/2.1.1/bin/ruby"))
+ expect{command_instance.omnibus_apps_dir}.to raise_error(ChefDK::OmnibusInstallNotFound)
+ end
+ it "raises OmnibusInstallNotFound if omnibus directory doesn't exist" do
+ allow(Gem).to receive(:ruby).and_return(File.join(fixtures_path,"eg_omnibus_dir/missing_apps/embedded/bin/ruby"))
+ expect{command_instance.omnibus_apps_dir}.to raise_error(ChefDK::OmnibusInstallNotFound)
+ end
+ it "raises MissingComponentError when a component doesn't exist" do
+ allow(Gem).to receive(:ruby).and_return(File.join(fixtures_path,"eg_omnibus_dir/missing_component/embedded/bin/ruby"))
+ expect{command_instance.validate_components!}.to raise_error(ChefDK::MissingComponentError)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when running verify command" do
+ let(:stdout_io) { StringIO.new }
+ let(:ruby_path) { File.join(fixtures_path, "eg_omnibus_dir/valid/embedded/bin/ruby") }
+ def run_unit_test
+ # Set rubyopt to empty to prevent bundler from infecting the ruby
+ # subcommands (and loading a bunch of extra gems).
+ lambda { |_self| sh("#{Gem.real_ruby} verify_me", env: { "RUBYOPT" => ""}) }
+ end
+ def run_integration_test
+ lambda { |_self| sh("#{Gem.real_ruby} integration_test", env: { "RUBYOPT" => ""}) }
+ end
+ let(:all_tests_ok) do
+ ChefDK::ComponentTest.new("successful_comp").tap do |c|
+ c.base_dir = "berkshelf"
+ c.unit_test(&run_unit_test)
+ c.integration_test(&run_integration_test)
+ c.smoke_test { sh("exit 0") }
+ end
+ end
+ let(:all_tests_ok_2) do
+ ChefDK::ComponentTest.new("successful_comp_2").tap do |c|
+ c.base_dir = "test-kitchen"
+ c.unit_test(&run_unit_test)
+ c.smoke_test { sh("exit 0") }
+ end
+ end
+ let(:failing_unit_test) do
+ ChefDK::ComponentTest.new("failing_comp").tap do |c|
+ c.base_dir = "chef"
+ c.unit_test(&run_unit_test)
+ c.smoke_test { sh("exit 0") }
+ end
+ end
+ let(:passing_smoke_test_only) do
+ component = failing_unit_test.dup
+ component.smoke_test { sh("exit 0") }
+ component
+ end
+ let(:failing_smoke_test_only) do
+ component = all_tests_ok.dup
+ component.smoke_test { sh("exit 1") }
+ component
+ end
+ let(:component_without_integration_tests) do
+ ChefDK::ComponentTest.new("successful_comp").tap do |c|
+ c.base_dir = "berkshelf"
+ c.unit_test { sh("./verify_me") }
+ c.smoke_test { sh("exit 0") }
+ end
+ end
+ def stdout
+ stdout_io.string
+ end
+ before do
+ allow(Gem).to receive(:ruby).and_return(ruby_path)
+ allow(command_instance).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout_io)
+ allow(command_instance).to receive(:components).and_return(components)
+ end
+ context "when running smoke tests only" do
+ describe "with single command with success" do
+ let(:components) do
+ [ passing_smoke_test_only ]
+ end
+ before do
+ run_command(0)
+ end
+ it "should report the success of the command" do
+ expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'failing_comp' succeeded.")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with single command with failure" do
+ let(:components) do
+ [ failing_smoke_test_only ]
+ end
+ before do
+ run_command(1)
+ end
+ it "should report the failure of the command" do
+ expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'successful_comp' failed.")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when running unit tests" do
+ let(:command_options) { %w{--unit --verbose} }
+ let(:components) do
+ [ all_tests_ok ]
+ end
+ describe "with single command with success" do
+ before do
+ run_command(0)
+ end
+ it "should have embedded/bin on the PATH" do
+ expect(stdout).to include(File.join(fixtures_path, "eg_omnibus_dir/valid/embedded/bin"))
+ end
+ it "should report the success of the command" do
+ expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'successful_comp' succeeded.")
+ end
+ it "reports the component test output" do
+ expect(stdout).to include("you are good to go...")
+ end
+ context "and --verbose is not enabled" do
+ let(:command_options) { %w{--unit} }
+ it "omits the component test output" do
+ expect(stdout).to_not include("you are good to go...")
+ end
+ end
+ context "and --integration flag is given" do
+ let(:command_options) { %w{--integration --verbose} }
+ it "should run the integration command also" do
+ expect(stdout).to include("integration tests OK")
+ end
+ context "and no integration test command is specifed for the component" do
+ let(:components) do
+ [ component_without_integration_tests ]
+ end
+ it "skips the integration test and succeeds" do
+ expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'successful_comp' succeeded.")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with single command with failure" do
+ let(:components) do
+ [ failing_unit_test ]
+ end
+ before do
+ run_command(1)
+ end
+ it "should report the failure of the command" do
+ expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'failing_comp' failed.")
+ end
+ it "reports the component test output" do
+ expect(stdout).to include("i'm not feeling good today...")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with multiple commands with success" do
+ let(:components) do
+ [ all_tests_ok, all_tests_ok_2 ]
+ end
+ before do
+ run_command(0)
+ end
+ it "should report the success of the command" do
+ expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'successful_comp' succeeded.")
+ expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'successful_comp_2' succeeded.")
+ end
+ it "reports the component test outputs" do
+ expect(stdout).to include("you are good to go...")
+ expect(stdout).to include("my friend everything is good...")
+ end
+ context "and components are filtered by CLI args" do
+ let(:command_options) { [ "successful_comp_2" ] }
+ it "verifies only the desired component" do
+ expect(stdout).to_not include("Verification of component 'successful_comp_1' succeeded.")
+ expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'successful_comp_2' succeeded.")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with multiple commands with failures" do
+ let(:components) do
+ [ all_tests_ok, all_tests_ok_2, failing_unit_test ]
+ end
+ before do
+ run_command(1)
+ end
+ it "should report the success and failure of the commands" do
+ expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'successful_comp' succeeded.")
+ expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'successful_comp_2' succeeded.")
+ expect(stdout).to include("Verification of component 'failing_comp' failed.")
+ end
+ it "reports the component test outputs" do
+ expect(stdout).to include("you are good to go...")
+ expect(stdout).to include("my friend everything is good...")
+ expect(stdout).to include("i'm not feeling good today...")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end