spec/unit/cli_spec.rb in chef-dk-0.13.21 vs spec/unit/cli_spec.rb in chef-dk-0.14.25
- old
+ new
@@ -1,357 +1,357 @@
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Chef Software Inc.
-# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-require 'spec_helper'
-require 'stringio'
-require 'chef-dk/cli'
-require 'unit/fixtures/command/cli_test_command'
-describe ChefDK::CLI do
- let(:argv) { [] }
- # Setup a new commands map so we control what subcommands exist. Otherwise
- # we'd have to update this test for every new subcommand we add or code the
- # tests defensively.
- let(:commands_map) { ChefDK::CommandsMap.new }
- let(:stdout_io) { StringIO.new }
- let(:stderr_io) { StringIO.new }
- def stdout
- stdout_io.string
- end
- def stderr
- stderr_io.string
- end
- let(:base_help_message) do
- <<-E
- chef -h/--help
- chef -v/--version
- chef command [arguments...] [options...]
-Available Commands:
- verify Test the embedded ChefDK applications
- gem Runs the `gem` command in context of the embedded ruby
- example Example subcommand for testing
- end
- let(:version_message) { "Chef Development Kit Version: #{ChefDK::VERSION}\n" }
- def run_cli(expected_exit_code)
- expect(cli).to receive(:exit).with(expected_exit_code)
- expect(cli).to receive(:sanity_check!)
- cli.run
- end
- def run_cli_with_sanity_check(expected_exit_code)
- expect(cli).to receive(:exit).with(expected_exit_code)
- cli.run
- end
- def mock_shell_out(exitstatus, stdout, stderr)
- shell_out = double("mixlib_shell_out")
- allow(shell_out).to receive(:exitstatus).and_return(exitstatus)
- allow(shell_out).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout)
- allow(shell_out).to receive(:stderr).and_return(stderr)
- shell_out
- end
- subject(:cli) do
- ChefDK::CLI.new(argv).tap do |c|
- allow(c).to receive(:commands_map).and_return(commands_map)
- allow(c).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout_io)
- allow(c).to receive(:stderr).and_return(stderr_io)
- end
- end
- before do
- commands_map.builtin "verify", :Verify, desc: "Test the embedded ChefDK applications"
- commands_map.builtin "gem", :GemForwarder, require_path: "chef-dk/command/gem",
- desc: "Runs the `gem` command in context of the embedded ruby"
- commands_map.builtin "example", :TestCommand, require_path: "unit/fixtures/command/cli_test_command",
- desc: "Example subcommand for testing"
- end
- context "given no arguments or options" do
- it "prints the help output" do
- run_cli(0)
- expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
- end
- end
- context "given -h" do
- let(:argv) { %w[-h] }
- it "prints the help output" do
- run_cli(0)
- expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
- end
- end
- context "given -v" do
- let(:argv) { %w[-v] }
- let(:tools) {
- {
- "chef-client" => {
- "version_output" => "Chef: 12.0.3",
- "expected_version" => "12.0.3"
- },
- "berks" => {
- "version_output" => "3.2.3",
- "expected_version" => "3.2.3"
- },
- "kitchen" => {
- "version_output" => "Test Kitchen version 1.3.1",
- "expected_version" => "1.3.1"
- }
- }
- }
- it "does not print versions of tools with missing or errored tools" do
- full_version_message = version_message
- tools.each do |name, version|
- if name == "berks"
- expect(cli).to receive(:shell_out).with("#{name} --version").and_return(mock_shell_out(1, "#{version["version_output"]}", ''))
- full_version_message += "#{name} version: ERROR\n"
- else
- expect(cli).to receive(:shell_out).with("#{name} --version").and_return(mock_shell_out(0, "#{version["version_output"]}", ''))
- full_version_message += "#{name} version: #{version["expected_version"]}\n"
- end
- end
- run_cli(0)
- expect(stdout).to eq(full_version_message)
- end
- it "prints the version and versions of chef-dk tools" do
- full_version_message = version_message
- tools.each do |name, version|
- expect(cli).to receive(:shell_out).with("#{name} --version").and_return(mock_shell_out(0, "#{version["version_output"]}", ''))
- full_version_message += "#{name} version: #{version["expected_version"]}\n"
- end
- run_cli(0)
- expect(stdout).to eq(full_version_message)
- end
- end
- context "given an invalid option" do
- let(:argv) { %w[-nope] }
- it "prints an 'invalid option message and the help output, then exits non-zero" do
- run_cli(1)
- expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
- expect(stderr).to eq("invalid option: -nope\n")
- end
- end
- context "given an invalid/unknown subcommand" do
- let(:argv) { %w[ancient-aliens] }
- it "prints an 'unknown command' message and the help output" do
- expected_err = "Unknown command `ancient-aliens'.\n"
- run_cli(1)
- expect(stderr).to eq(expected_err)
- expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
- end
- end
- context "given a valid subcommand" do
- let(:argv) { %w[example with some args --and-an-option] }
- def test_result
- ChefDK::Command::TestCommand.test_result
- end
- before do
- ChefDK::Command::TestCommand.reset!
- end
- it "runs the subcommand" do
- run_cli(23)
- expect(test_result[:status]).to eq(:success)
- end
- it "exits with the return code given by the subcommand" do
- run_cli(23)
- end
- it "passes arguments and options to the subcommand" do
- params = %w[with some args --and-an-option]
- run_cli(23)
- expect(test_result[:params]).to eq(params)
- end
- end
- context "sanity_check!" do
- before do
- allow(Gem).to receive(:ruby).and_return(ruby_path)
- allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with(chefdk_embedded_path).and_return(true)
- allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_chefdk_location).and_return(chefdk_embedded_path)
- end
- context "when installed via omnibus" do
- context "on unix" do
- let(:ruby_path) { '/opt/chefdk/embedded/bin/ruby' }
- let(:chefdk_embedded_path) { '/opt/chefdk/embedded/apps/chef-dk' }
- before do
- stub_const("File::PATH_SEPARATOR", ':')
- allow(Chef::Util::PathHelper).to receive(:cleanpath) do |path|
- path
- end
- end
- it "complains if embedded is first" do
- allow(cli).to receive(:env).and_return({'PATH' => '/opt/chefdk/embedded/bin:/opt/chefdk/bin' })
- allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_embedded_bin_dir).and_return("/opt/chefdk/embedded/bin")
- allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_bin_dir).and_return("/opt/chefdk/bin")
- run_cli_with_sanity_check(0)
- expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
- expect(stderr).to include("please reverse that order")
- expect(stderr).to include("chef shell-init")
- end
- it "complains if only embedded is present" do
- allow(cli).to receive(:env).and_return({'PATH' => '/opt/chefdk/embedded/bin' })
- allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_embedded_bin_dir).and_return("/opt/chefdk/embedded/bin")
- allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_bin_dir).and_return("/opt/chefdk/bin")
- run_cli_with_sanity_check(0)
- expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
- expect(stderr).to include("you must add")
- expect(stderr).to include("chef shell-init")
- end
- it "passes when both are present in the correct order" do
- allow(cli).to receive(:env).and_return({'PATH' => '/opt/chefdk/bin:/opt/chefdk/embedded/bin' })
- allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_embedded_bin_dir).and_return("/opt/chefdk/embedded/bin")
- allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_bin_dir).and_return("/opt/chefdk/bin")
- run_cli_with_sanity_check(0)
- expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
- end
- it "passes when only the omnibus bin dir is present" do
- allow(cli).to receive(:env).and_return({'PATH' => '/opt/chefdk/bin' })
- allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_embedded_bin_dir).and_return("/opt/chefdk/embedded/bin")
- allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_bin_dir).and_return("/opt/chefdk/bin")
- run_cli_with_sanity_check(0)
- expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
- end
- end
- context "on windows" do
- let(:ruby_path) { "c:/opscode/chefdk/embedded/bin/ruby.exe" }
- let(:chefdk_embedded_path) { "c:/opscode/chefdk/embedded/apps/chef-dk" }
- before do
- # Would be preferable not to stub this, but `File.expand_path` does
- # weird things with windows paths on unix machines.
- #
- # I manually verified the behavior:
- #
- # $ /c/opscode/chefdk/embedded/bin/ruby -e 'p File.expand_path(File.join(Gem.ruby, "..", "..", ".."))'
- # "c:/opscode/chefdk"
- allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_chefdk_location).and_return(chefdk_embedded_path)
- allow(Chef::Platform).to receive(:windows?).and_return(true)
- stub_const("File::PATH_SEPARATOR", ';')
- allow(Chef::Util::PathHelper).to receive(:cleanpath) do |path|
- path.gsub "/", "\\"
- end
- end
- it "complains if embedded is first" do
- allow(cli).to receive(:env).and_return({'PATH' => 'C:\opscode\chefdk\embedded\bin;C:\opscode\chefdk\bin' })
- allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_embedded_bin_dir).and_return("c:/opscode/chefdk/embedded/bin")
- allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_bin_dir).and_return("c:/opscode/chefdk/bin")
- run_cli_with_sanity_check(0)
- expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
- expect(stderr).to include("please reverse that order")
- expect(stderr).to include("chef shell-init")
- end
- it "complains if only embedded is present" do
- allow(cli).to receive(:env).and_return({'PATH' => 'C:\opscode\chefdk\embedded\bin' })
- allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_embedded_bin_dir).and_return("c:/opscode/chefdk/embedded/bin")
- allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_bin_dir).and_return("c:/opscode/chefdk/bin")
- run_cli_with_sanity_check(0)
- expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
- expect(stderr).to include("you must add")
- expect(stderr).to include("chef shell-init")
- end
- it "passes when both are present in the correct order" do
- allow(cli).to receive(:env).and_return({'PATH' => 'C:\opscode\chefdk\bin;C:\opscode\chefdk\embedded\bin' })
- allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_embedded_bin_dir).and_return("c:/opscode/chefdk/embedded/bin")
- allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_bin_dir).and_return("c:/opscode/chefdk/bin")
- run_cli_with_sanity_check(0)
- expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
- end
- it "passes when only the omnibus bin dir is present" do
- allow(cli).to receive(:env).and_return({'PATH' => 'C:\opscode\chefdk\bin' })
- allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_embedded_bin_dir).and_return("c:/opscode/chefdk/embedded/bin")
- allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_bin_dir).and_return("c:/opscode/chefdk/bin")
- run_cli_with_sanity_check(0)
- expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
- end
- end
- end
- context "when not installed via omnibus" do
- let(:ruby_path) { '/Users/bog/.lots_o_rubies/2.1.2/bin/ruby' }
- let(:chefdk_embedded_path) { '/Users/bog/.lots_o_rubies/embedded/apps/chef-dk' }
- before do
- allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with(chefdk_embedded_path).and_return(false)
- [
- :omnibus_root,
- :omnibus_apps_dir,
- :omnibus_bin_dir,
- :omnibus_embedded_bin_dir
- ].each do |method_name|
- allow(cli).to receive(method_name).and_raise(ChefDK::OmnibusInstallNotFound.new)
- end
- end
- it "skips the sanity check without error" do
- run_cli_with_sanity_check(0)
- end
- end
- end
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Chef Software Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require 'spec_helper'
+require 'stringio'
+require 'chef-dk/cli'
+require 'unit/fixtures/command/cli_test_command'
+describe ChefDK::CLI do
+ let(:argv) { [] }
+ # Setup a new commands map so we control what subcommands exist. Otherwise
+ # we'd have to update this test for every new subcommand we add or code the
+ # tests defensively.
+ let(:commands_map) { ChefDK::CommandsMap.new }
+ let(:stdout_io) { StringIO.new }
+ let(:stderr_io) { StringIO.new }
+ def stdout
+ stdout_io.string
+ end
+ def stderr
+ stderr_io.string
+ end
+ let(:base_help_message) do
+ <<-E
+ chef -h/--help
+ chef -v/--version
+ chef command [arguments...] [options...]
+Available Commands:
+ verify Test the embedded ChefDK applications
+ gem Runs the `gem` command in context of the embedded ruby
+ example Example subcommand for testing
+ end
+ let(:version_message) { "Chef Development Kit Version: #{ChefDK::VERSION}\n" }
+ def run_cli(expected_exit_code)
+ expect(cli).to receive(:exit).with(expected_exit_code)
+ expect(cli).to receive(:sanity_check!)
+ cli.run
+ end
+ def run_cli_with_sanity_check(expected_exit_code)
+ expect(cli).to receive(:exit).with(expected_exit_code)
+ cli.run
+ end
+ def mock_shell_out(exitstatus, stdout, stderr)
+ shell_out = double("mixlib_shell_out")
+ allow(shell_out).to receive(:exitstatus).and_return(exitstatus)
+ allow(shell_out).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout)
+ allow(shell_out).to receive(:stderr).and_return(stderr)
+ shell_out
+ end
+ subject(:cli) do
+ ChefDK::CLI.new(argv).tap do |c|
+ allow(c).to receive(:commands_map).and_return(commands_map)
+ allow(c).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout_io)
+ allow(c).to receive(:stderr).and_return(stderr_io)
+ end
+ end
+ before do
+ commands_map.builtin "verify", :Verify, desc: "Test the embedded ChefDK applications"
+ commands_map.builtin "gem", :GemForwarder, require_path: "chef-dk/command/gem",
+ desc: "Runs the `gem` command in context of the embedded ruby"
+ commands_map.builtin "example", :TestCommand, require_path: "unit/fixtures/command/cli_test_command",
+ desc: "Example subcommand for testing"
+ end
+ context "given no arguments or options" do
+ it "prints the help output" do
+ run_cli(0)
+ expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
+ end
+ end
+ context "given -h" do
+ let(:argv) { %w[-h] }
+ it "prints the help output" do
+ run_cli(0)
+ expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
+ end
+ end
+ context "given -v" do
+ let(:argv) { %w[-v] }
+ let(:tools) {
+ {
+ "chef-client" => {
+ "version_output" => "Chef: 12.0.3",
+ "expected_version" => "12.0.3"
+ },
+ "berks" => {
+ "version_output" => "3.2.3",
+ "expected_version" => "3.2.3"
+ },
+ "kitchen" => {
+ "version_output" => "Test Kitchen version 1.3.1",
+ "expected_version" => "1.3.1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ it "does not print versions of tools with missing or errored tools" do
+ full_version_message = version_message
+ tools.each do |name, version|
+ if name == "berks"
+ expect(cli).to receive(:shell_out).with("#{name} --version").and_return(mock_shell_out(1, "#{version["version_output"]}", ''))
+ full_version_message += "#{name} version: ERROR\n"
+ else
+ expect(cli).to receive(:shell_out).with("#{name} --version").and_return(mock_shell_out(0, "#{version["version_output"]}", ''))
+ full_version_message += "#{name} version: #{version["expected_version"]}\n"
+ end
+ end
+ run_cli(0)
+ expect(stdout).to eq(full_version_message)
+ end
+ it "prints the version and versions of chef-dk tools" do
+ full_version_message = version_message
+ tools.each do |name, version|
+ expect(cli).to receive(:shell_out).with("#{name} --version").and_return(mock_shell_out(0, "#{version["version_output"]}", ''))
+ full_version_message += "#{name} version: #{version["expected_version"]}\n"
+ end
+ run_cli(0)
+ expect(stdout).to eq(full_version_message)
+ end
+ end
+ context "given an invalid option" do
+ let(:argv) { %w[-nope] }
+ it "prints an 'invalid option message and the help output, then exits non-zero" do
+ run_cli(1)
+ expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
+ expect(stderr).to eq("invalid option: -nope\n")
+ end
+ end
+ context "given an invalid/unknown subcommand" do
+ let(:argv) { %w[ancient-aliens] }
+ it "prints an 'unknown command' message and the help output" do
+ expected_err = "Unknown command `ancient-aliens'.\n"
+ run_cli(1)
+ expect(stderr).to eq(expected_err)
+ expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
+ end
+ end
+ context "given a valid subcommand" do
+ let(:argv) { %w[example with some args --and-an-option] }
+ def test_result
+ ChefDK::Command::TestCommand.test_result
+ end
+ before do
+ ChefDK::Command::TestCommand.reset!
+ end
+ it "runs the subcommand" do
+ run_cli(23)
+ expect(test_result[:status]).to eq(:success)
+ end
+ it "exits with the return code given by the subcommand" do
+ run_cli(23)
+ end
+ it "passes arguments and options to the subcommand" do
+ params = %w[with some args --and-an-option]
+ run_cli(23)
+ expect(test_result[:params]).to eq(params)
+ end
+ end
+ context "sanity_check!" do
+ before do
+ allow(Gem).to receive(:ruby).and_return(ruby_path)
+ allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with(chefdk_embedded_path).and_return(true)
+ allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_chefdk_location).and_return(chefdk_embedded_path)
+ end
+ context "when installed via omnibus" do
+ context "on unix" do
+ let(:ruby_path) { '/opt/chefdk/embedded/bin/ruby' }
+ let(:chefdk_embedded_path) { '/opt/chefdk/embedded/apps/chef-dk' }
+ before do
+ stub_const("File::PATH_SEPARATOR", ':')
+ allow(Chef::Util::PathHelper).to receive(:cleanpath) do |path|
+ path
+ end
+ end
+ it "complains if embedded is first" do
+ allow(cli).to receive(:env).and_return({'PATH' => '/opt/chefdk/embedded/bin:/opt/chefdk/bin' })
+ allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_embedded_bin_dir).and_return("/opt/chefdk/embedded/bin")
+ allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_bin_dir).and_return("/opt/chefdk/bin")
+ run_cli_with_sanity_check(0)
+ expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
+ expect(stderr).to include("please reverse that order")
+ expect(stderr).to include("chef shell-init")
+ end
+ it "complains if only embedded is present" do
+ allow(cli).to receive(:env).and_return({'PATH' => '/opt/chefdk/embedded/bin' })
+ allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_embedded_bin_dir).and_return("/opt/chefdk/embedded/bin")
+ allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_bin_dir).and_return("/opt/chefdk/bin")
+ run_cli_with_sanity_check(0)
+ expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
+ expect(stderr).to include("you must add")
+ expect(stderr).to include("chef shell-init")
+ end
+ it "passes when both are present in the correct order" do
+ allow(cli).to receive(:env).and_return({'PATH' => '/opt/chefdk/bin:/opt/chefdk/embedded/bin' })
+ allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_embedded_bin_dir).and_return("/opt/chefdk/embedded/bin")
+ allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_bin_dir).and_return("/opt/chefdk/bin")
+ run_cli_with_sanity_check(0)
+ expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
+ end
+ it "passes when only the omnibus bin dir is present" do
+ allow(cli).to receive(:env).and_return({'PATH' => '/opt/chefdk/bin' })
+ allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_embedded_bin_dir).and_return("/opt/chefdk/embedded/bin")
+ allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_bin_dir).and_return("/opt/chefdk/bin")
+ run_cli_with_sanity_check(0)
+ expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
+ end
+ end
+ context "on windows" do
+ let(:ruby_path) { "c:/opscode/chefdk/embedded/bin/ruby.exe" }
+ let(:chefdk_embedded_path) { "c:/opscode/chefdk/embedded/apps/chef-dk" }
+ before do
+ # Would be preferable not to stub this, but `File.expand_path` does
+ # weird things with windows paths on unix machines.
+ #
+ # I manually verified the behavior:
+ #
+ # $ /c/opscode/chefdk/embedded/bin/ruby -e 'p File.expand_path(File.join(Gem.ruby, "..", "..", ".."))'
+ # "c:/opscode/chefdk"
+ allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_chefdk_location).and_return(chefdk_embedded_path)
+ allow(Chef::Platform).to receive(:windows?).and_return(true)
+ stub_const("File::PATH_SEPARATOR", ';')
+ allow(Chef::Util::PathHelper).to receive(:cleanpath) do |path|
+ path.gsub "/", "\\"
+ end
+ end
+ it "complains if embedded is first" do
+ allow(cli).to receive(:env).and_return({'PATH' => 'C:\opscode\chefdk\embedded\bin;C:\opscode\chefdk\bin' })
+ allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_embedded_bin_dir).and_return("c:/opscode/chefdk/embedded/bin")
+ allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_bin_dir).and_return("c:/opscode/chefdk/bin")
+ run_cli_with_sanity_check(0)
+ expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
+ expect(stderr).to include("please reverse that order")
+ expect(stderr).to include("chef shell-init")
+ end
+ it "complains if only embedded is present" do
+ allow(cli).to receive(:env).and_return({'PATH' => 'C:\opscode\chefdk\embedded\bin' })
+ allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_embedded_bin_dir).and_return("c:/opscode/chefdk/embedded/bin")
+ allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_bin_dir).and_return("c:/opscode/chefdk/bin")
+ run_cli_with_sanity_check(0)
+ expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
+ expect(stderr).to include("you must add")
+ expect(stderr).to include("chef shell-init")
+ end
+ it "passes when both are present in the correct order" do
+ allow(cli).to receive(:env).and_return({'PATH' => 'C:\opscode\chefdk\bin;C:\opscode\chefdk\embedded\bin' })
+ allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_embedded_bin_dir).and_return("c:/opscode/chefdk/embedded/bin")
+ allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_bin_dir).and_return("c:/opscode/chefdk/bin")
+ run_cli_with_sanity_check(0)
+ expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
+ end
+ it "passes when only the omnibus bin dir is present" do
+ allow(cli).to receive(:env).and_return({'PATH' => 'C:\opscode\chefdk\bin' })
+ allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_embedded_bin_dir).and_return("c:/opscode/chefdk/embedded/bin")
+ allow(cli).to receive(:omnibus_bin_dir).and_return("c:/opscode/chefdk/bin")
+ run_cli_with_sanity_check(0)
+ expect(stdout).to eq(base_help_message)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when not installed via omnibus" do
+ let(:ruby_path) { '/Users/bog/.lots_o_rubies/2.1.2/bin/ruby' }
+ let(:chefdk_embedded_path) { '/Users/bog/.lots_o_rubies/embedded/apps/chef-dk' }
+ before do
+ allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with(chefdk_embedded_path).and_return(false)
+ [
+ :omnibus_root,
+ :omnibus_apps_dir,
+ :omnibus_bin_dir,
+ :omnibus_embedded_bin_dir
+ ].each do |method_name|
+ allow(cli).to receive(method_name).and_raise(ChefDK::OmnibusInstallNotFound.new)
+ end
+ end
+ it "skips the sanity check without error" do
+ run_cli_with_sanity_check(0)
+ end
+ end
+ end