lib/checkpoint/railtie.rb in checkpoint-0.2.2 vs lib/checkpoint/railtie.rb in checkpoint-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,84 +1,105 @@
-require 'rails'
+# frozen_string_literal: true
-class Checkpoint::Railtie < ::Rails::Railtie
- config.before_initialize do
- class ::ActionController::Base
- def self.authorise_controllers_blocks
- if @authorise_controllers_blocks.nil?
- @authorise_controllers_blocks = {}
- end
- @authorise_controllers_blocks
+module Checkpoint
+ # Railtie to hook Checkpoint into Rails applications.
+ #
+ # This does three things at present:
+ #
+ # 1. Loads our rake tasks, so you can run checkpoint:migrate from the app.
+ # 2. Pulls the Rails database information off of the ActiveRecord
+ # connection and puts it on Checkpoint::DB.config before any application
+ # initializers are run.
+ # 3. Sets up the Checkpoint database connection after application
+ # initializers have run, if it has not already been done and we are not
+ # running as a Rake task. This condition is key because when we are in
+ # rails server or console, we want to initialize!, but when we are in
+ # a rake task to update the database, we have to let it connect, but
+ # not initialize.
+ class Railtie < Rails::Railtie
+ railtie_name :checkpoint
+ class << self
+ # Register a callback to run before anything in 'config/initializers' runs.
+ # The block will get a reference to Checkpoint::DB.config as its only parameter.
+ def before_initializers(&block)
+ before_blocks << block
- def self.authorise(arg1, &block)
- if block.nil?
- block = lambda {|c| true}
- end
- to_regexp = lambda do |pattern|
- if arg1.class.to_s == 'Regexp'
- arg1
- else
-'\A' + pattern.to_s.gsub(/[^\*]/){|char| Regexp.quote(char)}.gsub(/\*/){|| ".*?"} + '\Z')
- end
- end
- patterns = []
- if arg1.class.to_s == 'Array'
- arg1.each {|pattern| patterns.push }
- else
- patterns.push
- end
- authorise_controllers_blocks = ::ApplicationController.authorise_controllers_blocks
- patterns.each do |pattern|
- if authorise_controllers_blocks [pattern].nil?
- authorise_controllers_blocks[pattern] = []
- end
- authorise_controllers_blocks[pattern].push(block)
- end
+ # Register a callback to run after anything in 'config/initializers' runs.
+ # The block will get a reference to Checkpoint::DB.config as its only parameter.
+ # Checkpoint::DB.initialize! will not have been automatically called at this
+ # point, so this is an opportunity to do so if an initializer has not.
+ def after_initializers(&block)
+ after_blocks << block
- #for our american friends
- def self.authorize(arg1, &block)
- authorise(arg1, &block)
+ # Register a callback to run when Checkpoint is ready and fully initialized.
+ # This will happen once in production, and on each request in development.
+ # If you need to do something once in development, you can choose between
+ # keeping a flag or using the after_initializers.
+ def when_checkpoint_is_ready(&block)
+ ready_blocks << block
- def authorised?
- action = "#{self.class.to_s}::#{params[:action]}"
- ::ApplicationController.authorise_controllers_blocks.each do |pattern, blocks|
- if action.match pattern
- blocks.each do |block|
- if instance_eval(&block)
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- false
+ def before_blocks
+ @before ||= []
- def access_denied
- "\n\n-----------------------------------------------"
- " (401) Access Denied!"
- " * see the above request for more info"
- "-----------------------------------------------\n\n"
- render :text => "Access Denied", :status => 401
+ def after_blocks
+ @after ||= []
- def check_authorized
- if !authorised?
- access_denied
- end
+ def ready_blocks
+ @ready ||= []
- before_filter do |controller|
- check_authorized
+ def under_rake!
+ @rake = true
+ def under_rake?
+ @rake ||= false
+ end
+ end
+ # This runs before anything in 'config/initializers' runs.
+ initializer "checkpoint.before_initializers", before: :load_config_initializers do
+ config = Checkpoint::DB.config
+ unless config.url
+ opts = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.instance_variable_get(:@config).dup
+ opts.delete(:flags)
+ config[:opts] = opts
+ end
+ Railtie.before_blocks.each do |block|
+ end
+ end
+ # This runs after everything in 'config/initializers' runs.
+ initializer "checkpoint.after_initializers", after: :load_config_initializers do
+ config = Checkpoint::DB.config
+ Railtie.after_blocks.each do |block|
+ end
+ end
+ # This runs before any block registered under a `config.to_prepare`, which
+ # could be in plugins or initializers that want to use a fully configured
+ # Checkpoint instance. The `to_prepare` hook is run once at the start of a
+ # production instance and for every request in development (unless caching
+ # is turned on so there is no reloading).
+ initializer "checkpoint.ready", after: :finisher_hook do
+ Checkpoint::DB.initialize! unless Railtie.under_rake?
+ Railtie.ready_blocks.each do |block|
+ end
+ end
+ rake_tasks do
+ Railtie.under_rake!
+ load "tasks/migrate.rake"