lib/cfer/core/stack.rb in cfer-0.3.0 vs lib/cfer/core/stack.rb in cfer-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -11,34 +11,49 @@
# The fully resolved parameters, including defaults and parameters fetched from an existing stack during an update
attr_reader :parameters
attr_reader :options
- def converge!
- if @options[:client]
- @options[:client].converge self
- end
+ attr_reader :git_version
+ def client
+ @options[:client] || raise('No client set on this stack')
- def tail!(&block)
- if @options[:client]
- @options[:client].tail self, &block
- end
+ def converge!(options = {})
+ client.converge self, options
+ def tail!(options = {}, &block)
+ client.tail self, options, &block
+ end
def initialize(options = {})
self[:AWSTemplateFormatVersion] = '2010-09-09'
self[:Description] = ''
@options = options
+ self[:Metadata] = {
+ :Cfer => {
+ :Version => Cfer::SEMANTIC_VERSION.to_h.delete_if { |k, v| v === nil }
+ }
+ }
self[:Parameters] = {}
self[:Mappings] = {}
self[:Conditions] = {}
self[:Resources] = {}
self[:Outputs] = {}
+ if options[:client] && git = options[:client].git && @git_version = (git.object('HEAD^').sha rescue nil)
+ self[:Metadata][:Cfer][:Git] = {
+ Rev: @git_version,
+ Clean: git.status.changed.empty?
+ }
+ end
@parameters =
@input_parameters =
if options[:client]
@@ -82,10 +97,12 @@
# ```Malformed input-Parameter MyParameter must only contain upper and lower case letters and numbers```
def parameter(name, options = {})
param = {}
options.each do |key, v|
+ next if v === nil
k = key.to_s.camelize.to_sym
param[k] =
case k
when :AllowedPattern
if v.class == Regexp
@@ -117,13 +134,11 @@
# @param type [String] The type of CloudFormation resource to create.
# @param options [Hash] Additional attributes to add to the resource block (such as the `UpdatePolicy` for an `AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup`)
def resource(name, type, options = {}, &block)
Preconditions.check_argument(/[[:alnum:]]+/ =~ name, "Resource name must be alphanumeric")
- clazz = "CferExt::#{type}".split('::').inject(Object) { |o, c| o.const_get c if o && o.const_defined?(c) } || Cfer::Cfn::Resource
- Preconditions.check_argument clazz <= Cfer::Cfn::Resource, "#{type} is not a valid resource type because CferExt::#{type} does not inherit from `Cfer::Cfn::Resource`"
+ clazz = Cfer::Core::Resource.resource_class(type)
rc =, type, options, &block)
self[:Resources][name] = rc
@@ -148,20 +163,76 @@
# Includes template code from one or more files, and evals it in the context of this stack.
# Filenames are relative to the file containing the invocation of this method.
def include_template(*files)
- calling_file = caller.first.split(/:\d/,2).first
- dirname = File.dirname(calling_file)
+ include_base = options[:include_base] || File.dirname(caller.first.split(/:\d/,2).first)
files.each do |file|
- path = File.join(dirname, file)
+ path = File.join(include_base, file)
instance_eval(, path)
def lookup_output(stack, out)
client = @options[:client] || raise(Cfer::Util::CferError, "Can not fetch stack outputs without a client")
client.fetch_output(stack, out)
+ end
+ def lookup_outputs(stack)
+ client = @options[:client] || raise(Cfer::Util::CferError, "Can not fetch stack outputs without a client")
+ client.fetch_outputs(stack)
+ end
+ private
+ def post_block
+ begin
+ validate_stack!(self)
+ rescue Cfer::Util::CferValidationError => e
+ Cfer::LOGGER.error "Cfer detected #{e.errors.size > 1 ? 'errors' : 'an error'} when generating the stack:"
+ e.errors.each do |err|
+ Cfer::LOGGER.error "* #{err[:error]} in Stack#{validation_contextualize(err[:context])}"
+ end
+ raise e
+ end
+ end
+ def validate_stack!(hash)
+ errors = []
+ context = []
+ _inner_validate_stack!(hash, errors, context)
+ raise Cfer::Util::CferValidationError, errors unless errors.empty?
+ end
+ def _inner_validate_stack!(hash, errors = [], context = [])
+ case hash
+ when Hash
+ hash.each do |k, v|
+ _inner_validate_stack!(v, errors, context + [k])
+ end
+ when Array
+ hash.each_index do |i|
+ _inner_validate_stack!(hash[i], errors, context + [i])
+ end
+ when nil
+ errors << {
+ error: "CloudFormation does not allow nulls in templates",
+ context: context
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def validation_contextualize(err_ctx)
+ err_ctx.inject("") do |err_str, ctx|
+ err_str <<
+ case ctx
+ when String
+ ".#{ctx}"
+ when Numeric
+ "[#{ctx}]"
+ end
+ end