lib/ceml/casting_criterion.rb in ceml-0.3.1 vs lib/ceml/casting_criterion.rb in ceml-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -2,38 +2,84 @@
require "forwardable"
module CEML
class Candidate < :uid, :tags, :matchables, :lat, :lng
include Geokit::Mappable
+ attr_reader :criteria
+ def load(criteria)
+ @criteria ={ |c| c =~ self }
+ if @criteria.empty? then nil else self end
+ end
+ def criteria_for_location(star)
+{ |c| c.fits?(self, star) }
+ end
+ class CastingLocation < :script, :hash, :created
+ attr_accessor :added
+ def star; hash.values.flatten.first; end
+ def criteria
+ @criteria ||= script.awaited_criteria.sort_by{ |c| [-c.complexity, c.min_match] }
+ end
+ def push candidate
+ matching_criteria = candidate.criteria_for_location(star)
+ return if matching_criteria.empty?
+ matching_criteria.each{ |c| (hash[c] ||= []) << candidate }
+ @added = true
+ end
+ def self.create script, candidate
+ new(script, {}, true).tap{ |x| x.push candidate }
+ end
+ # this method will miss possible castings and does not handle ranges at all
+ def cast
+ {}.tap do |casting|
+ criteria.each do |c|
+ return nil unless folks = hash[c].dup
+ folks -= casting.keys
+ return nil unless folks.size >= c.min_match
+ c.role_counts.each do |role, minct|
+ folks.shift(minct).each{ |guy| casting[guy.uid] = role.to_sym }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
class CastingCriterion < :script, :plus_tags, :minus_tags, :grouped_by, :radius, :role_counts
- extend Forwardable
- def_delegators :script, :locations
def min_match; role_counts.values.reduce(:+); end
def complexity; plus_tags.size; end
def =~(candidate)
(plus_tags - candidate.tags).empty? and (minus_tags & candidate.tags).empty?
- def satisfied_by_group?(people, already_used)
- if (people - already_used).size >= min_match
- already_used.concat((people - already_used).first(min_match))
- true
- end
+ def fits?(candidate, star)
+ return true unless star
+ return unless grouped_by.all?{ |g| candidate.matchables[g] == star.matchables[g] }
+ p radius
+ !radius or candidate.distance_to(star, :meters) <= radius
- def list_candidate(candidate)
- locs = do |l|
- star = l.values.flatten.first
- next unless grouped_by.all?{ |g| candidate.matchables[g] == star.matchables[g] }
- !radius or candidate.distance_to(star, :meters) <= radius
- end
- if locs.empty?
- new_loc = {}
- [locations, locs].each{ |l| l << new_loc }
- end
- locs.each{ |l| (l[hash] ||= []) << candidate }
- end
+# def satisfied_by_group?(people, already_used)
+# if (people - already_used).size >= min_match
+# already_used.concat((people - already_used).first(min_match))
+# true
+# end
+# end
+# this method and the one below will miss possible
+# castings and do not handle ranges at all
+# def complete?(loc)
+# people_used = []
+# @criteria.all? do |c|
+# next unless folks = loc[c.hash]
+# c.satisfied_by_group?(folks, people_used)
+# end
+# end