spec/server/api/sample_spec.rb in cellect-server-0.1.3 vs spec/server/api/sample_spec.rb in cellect-server-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
require 'spec_helper'
module Cellect::Server
describe API do
include_context 'API'
{ 'Ungrouped' => nil, 'Grouped' => 'grouped' }.each_pair do |grouping_type, grouping|
SET_TYPES.shuffle.each do |set_type|
context "#{ grouping_type } #{ set_type }" do
let(:workflow_type){ [grouping, set_type].compact.join '_' }
let(:workflow){ Workflow[workflow_type] }
let(:user){ workflow.user 123 }
before(:each){ pass_until workflow, is: :ready }
it 'should sample without a user, limit, or group' do
expect(workflow).to receive(:sample).with(limit: 5, user_id: nil, group_id: nil).and_call_original
get "/workflows/#{ workflow_type }"
expect(last_response.status).to eq 200
expect(json).to be_a Array
shoulda = grouping ? 'limit, group, and user' : 'limit and user'
it "should sample with a #{ shoulda }" do
group_id = grouping ? 1 : nil
expect(workflow).to receive(:sample).with(limit: 3, user_id: 123, group_id: group_id).and_call_original
get "/workflows/#{ workflow_type }?limit=3&user_id=123#{ grouping ? '&group_id=1' : '' }"