in cel-0.1.2 vs in cel-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -69,17 +69,29 @@
### protobuf
If `google/protobuf` is available in the environment, `cel-ruby` will also be able to integrate with protobuf declarations in CEL expressions.
-# gem "google-protobuf" in your Gemfile
+require "google/protobuf"
require "cel"
env =
env.evaluate("google.protobuf.Duration{seconds: 123}.seconds == 123") #=> true
+### Custom functions
+`cel-ruby` allows you to define custom functions to be used insde CEL expressions. While we **strongly** recommend usage of `Cel::Function` for defining them (due to the ability of them being used for checking), the only requirement is that the function object responds to `.call`:
+env = environment(foo: Cel::Function(:int, :int, return_type: :int) { |a, b| a + b})
+env.evaluate("foo(2, 2)") #=> 4
+# this is also possible, just not as type-safe
+env2 = environment(foo: -> (a, b) { a + b})
+env2.evaluate("foo(2, 2)") #=> 4
## Supported Rubies
All Rubies greater or equal to 2.5, and always latest JRuby and Truffleruby.