vendor/cmock/vendor/unity/auto/unity_test_summary.rb in ceedling-0.29.1 vs vendor/cmock/vendor/unity/auto/unity_test_summary.rb in ceedling-0.30.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,135 +1,135 @@
-# ==========================================
-# Unity Project - A Test Framework for C
-# Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
-# [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
-# ==========================================
-# !/usr/bin/ruby
-# unity_test_summary.rb
-require 'fileutils'
-require 'set'
-class UnityTestSummary
- include FileUtils::Verbose
- attr_reader :report, :total_tests, :failures, :ignored
- attr_writer :targets, :root
- def initialize(_opts = {})
- @report = ''
- @total_tests = 0
- @failures = 0
- @ignored = 0
- end
- def run
- # Clean up result file names
- results = { |target|'\\', '/') }
- # Dig through each result file, looking for details on pass/fail:
- failure_output = []
- ignore_output = []
- results.each do |result_file|
- lines = File.readlines(result_file).map(&:chomp)
- raise "Empty test result file: #{result_file}" if lines.empty?
- output = get_details(result_file, lines)
- failure_output << output[:failures] unless output[:failures].empty?
- ignore_output << output[:ignores] unless output[:ignores].empty?
- tests, failures, ignored = parse_test_summary(lines)
- @total_tests += tests
- @failures += failures
- @ignored += ignored
- end
- if @ignored > 0
- @report += "\n"
- @report += "--------------------------\n"
- @report += "--------------------------\n"
- @report += ignore_output.flatten.join("\n")
- end
- if @failures > 0
- @report += "\n"
- @report += "--------------------------\n"
- @report += "--------------------------\n"
- @report += failure_output.flatten.join("\n")
- end
- @report += "\n"
- @report += "--------------------------\n"
- @report += "--------------------------\n"
- @report += "#{@total_tests} TOTAL TESTS #{@failures} TOTAL FAILURES #{@ignored} IGNORED\n"
- @report += "\n"
- end
- def usage(err_msg = nil)
- puts "\nERROR: "
- puts err_msg if err_msg
- puts "\nUsage: unity_test_summary.rb result_file_directory/ root_path/"
- puts ' result_file_directory - The location of your results files.'
- puts ' Defaults to current directory if not specified.'
- puts ' Should end in / if specified.'
- puts ' root_path - Helpful for producing more verbose output if using relative paths.'
- exit 1
- end
- protected
- def get_details(_result_file, lines)
- results = { failures: [], ignores: [], successes: [] }
- lines.each do |line|
- _src_file, _src_line, _test_name, status, _msg = line.split(/:/)
- line_out = (@root && (@root != 0) ? "#{@root}#{line}" : line).gsub(/\//, '\\')
- case status
- when 'IGNORE' then results[:ignores] << line_out
- when 'FAIL' then results[:failures] << line_out
- when 'PASS' then results[:successes] << line_out
- end
- end
- results
- end
- def parse_test_summary(summary)
- raise "Couldn't parse test results: #{summary}" unless summary.find { |v| v =~ /(\d+) Tests (\d+) Failures (\d+) Ignored/ }
- [Regexp.last_match(1).to_i, Regexp.last_match(2).to_i, Regexp.last_match(3).to_i]
- end
-if $0 == __FILE__
- # parse out the command options
- opts, args = ARGV.partition { |v| v =~ /^--\w+/ }
-! { |v| v[2..-1].to_sym }
- # create an instance to work with
- uts =
- begin
- # look in the specified or current directory for result files
- args[0] ||= './'
- targets = "#{ARGV[0].tr('\\', '/')}**/*.test*"
- results = Dir[targets]
- raise "No *.testpass, *.testfail, or *.testresults files found in '#{targets}'" if results.empty?
- uts.targets = results
- # set the root path
- args[1] ||= Dir.pwd + '/'
- uts.root = ARGV[1]
- # run the summarizer
- puts
- rescue StandardError => e
- uts.usage e.message
- end
+# ==========================================
+# Unity Project - A Test Framework for C
+# Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
+# [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
+# ==========================================
+# !/usr/bin/ruby
+# unity_test_summary.rb
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'set'
+class UnityTestSummary
+ include FileUtils::Verbose
+ attr_reader :report, :total_tests, :failures, :ignored
+ attr_writer :targets, :root
+ def initialize(_opts = {})
+ @report = ''
+ @total_tests = 0
+ @failures = 0
+ @ignored = 0
+ end
+ def run
+ # Clean up result file names
+ results = { |target|'\\', '/') }
+ # Dig through each result file, looking for details on pass/fail:
+ failure_output = []
+ ignore_output = []
+ results.each do |result_file|
+ lines = File.readlines(result_file).map(&:chomp)
+ raise "Empty test result file: #{result_file}" if lines.empty?
+ output = get_details(result_file, lines)
+ failure_output << output[:failures] unless output[:failures].empty?
+ ignore_output << output[:ignores] unless output[:ignores].empty?
+ tests, failures, ignored = parse_test_summary(lines)
+ @total_tests += tests
+ @failures += failures
+ @ignored += ignored
+ end
+ if @ignored > 0
+ @report += "\n"
+ @report += "--------------------------\n"
+ @report += "--------------------------\n"
+ @report += ignore_output.flatten.join("\n")
+ end
+ if @failures > 0
+ @report += "\n"
+ @report += "--------------------------\n"
+ @report += "--------------------------\n"
+ @report += failure_output.flatten.join("\n")
+ end
+ @report += "\n"
+ @report += "--------------------------\n"
+ @report += "--------------------------\n"
+ @report += "#{@total_tests} TOTAL TESTS #{@failures} TOTAL FAILURES #{@ignored} IGNORED\n"
+ @report += "\n"
+ end
+ def usage(err_msg = nil)
+ puts "\nERROR: "
+ puts err_msg if err_msg
+ puts "\nUsage: unity_test_summary.rb result_file_directory/ root_path/"
+ puts ' result_file_directory - The location of your results files.'
+ puts ' Defaults to current directory if not specified.'
+ puts ' Should end in / if specified.'
+ puts ' root_path - Helpful for producing more verbose output if using relative paths.'
+ exit 1
+ end
+ protected
+ def get_details(_result_file, lines)
+ results = { failures: [], ignores: [], successes: [] }
+ lines.each do |line|
+ _src_file, _src_line, _test_name, status, _msg = line.split(/:/)
+ line_out = (@root && (@root != 0) ? "#{@root}#{line}" : line).gsub(/\//, '\\')
+ case status
+ when 'IGNORE' then results[:ignores] << line_out
+ when 'FAIL' then results[:failures] << line_out
+ when 'PASS' then results[:successes] << line_out
+ end
+ end
+ results
+ end
+ def parse_test_summary(summary)
+ raise "Couldn't parse test results: #{summary}" unless summary.find { |v| v =~ /(\d+) Tests (\d+) Failures (\d+) Ignored/ }
+ [Regexp.last_match(1).to_i, Regexp.last_match(2).to_i, Regexp.last_match(3).to_i]
+ end
+if $0 == __FILE__
+ # parse out the command options
+ opts, args = ARGV.partition { |v| v =~ /^--\w+/ }
+! { |v| v[2..-1].to_sym }
+ # create an instance to work with
+ uts =
+ begin
+ # look in the specified or current directory for result files
+ args[0] ||= './'
+ targets = "#{ARGV[0].tr('\\', '/')}**/*.test*"
+ results = Dir[targets]
+ raise "No *.testpass, *.testfail, or *.testresults files found in '#{targets}'" if results.empty?
+ uts.targets = results
+ # set the root path
+ args[1] ||= Dir.pwd + '/'
+ uts.root = ARGV[1]
+ # run the summarizer
+ puts
+ rescue StandardError => e
+ uts.usage e.message
+ end