lib/ceedling/tasks_base.rake in ceedling-0.28.3 vs lib/ceedling/tasks_base.rake in ceedling-0.29.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,112 +1,111 @@
-require 'ceedling/constants'
-require 'ceedling/file_path_utils'
-require 'ceedling/version'
-desc "Display build environment version info."
-task :version do
- puts " Ceedling:: #{Ceedling::Version::CEEDLING}"
- [
- [' Unity', File.join( CEEDLING_VENDOR, UNITY_ROOT_PATH)],
- ].each do |tool|
- name = tool[0]
- base_path = tool[1]
- version_string = begin
- @ceedling[:file_wrapper].read( File.join(base_path, 'release', '') ).strip
- rescue
- end
- build_string = begin
- @ceedling[:file_wrapper].read( File.join(base_path, 'release', '') ).strip
- rescue
- end
- puts "#{name}:: #{version_string.empty? ? '#.#.' : (version_string + '.')}#{build_string.empty? ? '?' : build_string}"
- end
-desc "Set verbose output (silent:[#{Verbosity::SILENT}] - obnoxious:[#{Verbosity::OBNOXIOUS}])."
-task :verbosity, :level do |t, args|
- verbosity_level = args.level.to_i
- # don't store verbosity level in setupinator's config hash, use a copy;
- # otherwise, the input configuration will change and trigger entire project rebuilds
- hash = @ceedling[:setupinator].config_hash[:cmock].clone
- hash[:verbosity] = verbosity_level
- @ceedling[:cmock_builder].manufacture( hash )
- end
- @ceedling[:configurator].project_verbosity = verbosity_level
- # control rake's verbosity with new setting
- verbose( ((verbosity_level >= Verbosity::OBNOXIOUS) ? true : false) )
-desc "Enable logging"
-task :logging do
- @ceedling[:configurator].project_logging = true
-# non advertised debug task
-task :debug do
- Rake::Task[:verbosity].invoke(Verbosity::DEBUG)
- Rake.application.options.trace = true
- @ceedling[:configurator].project_debug = true
-# non advertised sanity checking task
-task :sanity_checks, :level do |t, args|
- check_level = args.level.to_i
- @ceedling[:configurator].sanity_checks = check_level
-# list expanded environment variables
-if (not ENVIRONMENT.empty?)
-desc "List all configured environment variables."
-task :environment do
- env_list = []
- ENVIRONMENT.each do |env|
- env.each_key do |key|
- name = key.to_s.upcase
- env_list.push(" - #{name}: \"#{env[key]}\"")
- end
- end
- env_list.sort.each do |env_line|
- puts env_line
- end
-namespace :options do
- COLLECTION_PROJECT_OPTIONS.each do |option_path|
- option = File.basename(option_path, '.yml')
- desc "Merge #{option} project options."
- task option.downcase.to_sym do
- # @ceedling[:setupinator].reset_defaults( @ceedling[:setupinator].config_hash )
- hash = @ceedling[:project_config_manager].merge_options( @ceedling[:setupinator].config_hash, option_path )
- @ceedling[:setupinator].do_setup( hash )
- if @ceedling[:configurator].project_release_build
- load(File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'rules_release.rake'))
- end
- end
- end
-# do not present task if there's no plugins
-if (not PLUGINS_ENABLED.empty?)
-desc "Execute plugin result summaries (no build triggering)."
-task :summary do
- @ceedling[:plugin_manager].summary
- puts "\nNOTE: Summaries may be out of date with project sources.\n\n"
+require 'ceedling/constants'
+require 'ceedling/file_path_utils'
+require 'ceedling/version'
+desc "Display build environment version info."
+task :version do
+ puts " Ceedling:: #{Ceedling::Version::CEEDLING}"
+ [
+ [' Unity', File.join( CEEDLING_VENDOR, UNITY_ROOT_PATH)],
+ ].each do |tool|
+ name = tool[0]
+ base_path = tool[1]
+ version_string = begin
+ @ceedling[:file_wrapper].read( File.join(base_path, 'release', '') ).strip
+ rescue
+ end
+ build_string = begin
+ @ceedling[:file_wrapper].read( File.join(base_path, 'release', '') ).strip
+ rescue
+ end
+ puts "#{name}:: #{version_string.empty? ? '#.#.' : (version_string + '.')}#{build_string.empty? ? '?' : build_string}"
+ end
+desc "Set verbose output (silent:[#{Verbosity::SILENT}] - obnoxious:[#{Verbosity::OBNOXIOUS}])."
+task :verbosity, :level do |t, args|
+ verbosity_level = args.level.to_i
+ # don't store verbosity level in setupinator's config hash, use a copy;
+ # otherwise, the input configuration will change and trigger entire project rebuilds
+ hash = @ceedling[:setupinator].config_hash[:cmock].clone
+ hash[:verbosity] = verbosity_level
+ @ceedling[:cmock_builder].manufacture( hash )
+ end
+ @ceedling[:configurator].project_verbosity = verbosity_level
+ # control rake's verbosity with new setting
+ verbose( ((verbosity_level >= Verbosity::OBNOXIOUS) ? true : false) )
+desc "Enable logging"
+task :logging do
+ @ceedling[:configurator].project_logging = true
+# non advertised debug task
+task :debug do
+ Rake::Task[:verbosity].invoke(Verbosity::DEBUG)
+ Rake.application.options.trace = true
+ @ceedling[:configurator].project_debug = true
+# non advertised sanity checking task
+task :sanity_checks, :level do |t, args|
+ check_level = args.level.to_i
+ @ceedling[:configurator].sanity_checks = check_level
+# list expanded environment variables
+if (not ENVIRONMENT.empty?)
+desc "List all configured environment variables."
+task :environment do
+ env_list = []
+ ENVIRONMENT.each do |env|
+ env.each_key do |key|
+ name = key.to_s.upcase
+ env_list.push(" - #{name}: \"#{env[key]}\"")
+ end
+ end
+ env_list.sort.each do |env_line|
+ puts env_line
+ end
+namespace :options do
+ COLLECTION_PROJECT_OPTIONS.each do |option_path|
+ option = File.basename(option_path, '.yml')
+ desc "Merge #{option} project options."
+ task option.downcase.to_sym do
+ hash = @ceedling[:project_config_manager].merge_options( @ceedling[:setupinator].config_hash, option_path )
+ @ceedling[:setupinator].do_setup( hash )
+ if @ceedling[:configurator].project_release_build
+ load(File.join(CEEDLING_LIB, 'ceedling', 'rules_release.rake'))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# do not present task if there's no plugins
+if (not PLUGINS_ENABLED.empty?)
+desc "Execute plugin result summaries (no build triggering)."
+task :summary do
+ @ceedling[:plugin_manager].summary
+ puts "\nNOTE: Summaries may be out of date with project sources.\n\n"