lib/carrierwave/orm/sequel.rb in carrierwave-0.3.1 vs lib/carrierwave/orm/sequel.rb in carrierwave-0.3.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,32 +1,57 @@
-require 'sequel'
+# encoding: utf-8
+require 'sequel'
module CarrierWave
module Sequel
include CarrierWave::Mount
def mount_uploader(column, uploader)
alias_method :read_uploader, :[]
alias_method :write_uploader, :[]=
- after_save "store_#{column}!"
- before_save "write_#{column}_identifier"
- before_destroy "remove_#{column}!"
+ if CarrierWave::Sequel.new_sequel?
+ include CarrierWave::Sequel::Hooks
+ include CarrierWave::Sequel::Validations
+ else
+ after_save "store_#{column}!"
+ before_save "write_#{column}_identifier"
+ before_destroy "remove_#{column}!"
+ end
# Determine if we're using Sequel > 2.12
# ==== Returns
# Bool:: True if Sequel 2.12 or higher False otherwise
def self.new_sequel?
end # Sequel
end # CarrierWave
+# Instance hook methods for the Sequel 3.x
+module CarrierWave::Sequel::Hooks
+ def after_save
+ return false if super == false
+ self.class.uploaders.each_key {|column| self.send("store_#{column}!") }
+ end
-# Sequel 3.x.x removed class hook methods and moved them to the plugin
-Sequel::Model.plugin(:hook_class_methods) if CarrierWave::Sequel.new_sequel?
+ def before_save
+ return false if super == false
+ self.class.uploaders.each_key {|column| self.send("write_#{column}_identifier") }
+ end
+ def before_destroy
+ return false if super == false
+ self.class.uploaders.each_key {|column| self.send("remove_#{column}!") }
+ end
+# Instance validation methods for the Sequel 3.x
+module CarrierWave::Sequel::Validations
Sequel::Model.send(:extend, CarrierWave::Sequel)