app/helpers/carload/dashboard_helper.rb in carload-0.3.0 vs app/helpers/carload/dashboard_helper.rb in carload-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,61 +1,47 @@
module Carload
module DashboardHelper
- def generate_input form, model_name, attribute_name, column
- if Dashboard::ModelSpec.foreign_key? attribute_name
+ def generate_input form, model_name, attribute_name, options = {}
+ if options[:polymorphic]
+ form.input attribute_name,
+ collection: @model_class.send(attribute_name.to_s.pluralize),
+ selected: options[:value],
+ input_html: { class: 'use-select2' }
+ elsif attribute_name =~ /_id$/
associated_model = attribute_name.gsub(/_id$/, '').to_sym
- options = Dashboard.model(model_name).associated_models[associated_model]
- label_attribute = options[:choose_by]
- if options[:polymorphic]
- forms = ''
- options[:available_models].each_with_index do |real_model, i|
- forms << form.input(attribute_name,
- label: t("activerecord.attributes.#{model_name}.#{real_model}.#{label_attribute}"),
- collection: real_model.camelize.constantize.all,
- label_method: label_attribute,
- value_method: :id,
- input_html: {
- class: 'use-select2',
- data: {
- placeholder: t('', thing: t("activerecord.attributes.#{real_model}.#{label_attribute}"))
- }
- },
- wrapper_html: {
- id: "#{real_model.camelize}-#{label_attribute}"
- }
- )
- end
- # Add JavaScript to select which real model to work on.
- forms << <<-EOT
- <script>
- $('.#{model_name}_#{associated_model}_id').hide()
- if ($('##{model_name}_#{associated_model}_type').val() != '') {
- $('#' + $('##{model_name}_#{associated_model}_type').val() + '-#{label_attribute}').show()
- }
- $('##{model_name}_#{associated_model}_type').change(function() {
- $('.#{model_name}_#{associated_model}_id').hide()
- $('#' + $(this).val() + '-#{label_attribute}').show()
- $('.package_packagable_id > .select2-container').css('width', '100%')
- })
- </script>
- raw forms.html_safe
- else
- form.association associated_model,
- label_method: label_attribute,
- label: t("activerecord.models.#{associated_model}"),
- input_html: {
- class: 'use-select2',
- data: {
- placeholder: t('', thing: t("activerecord.attributes.#{associated_model}.#{label_attribute}"))
- }
+ association_specs = Dashboard.model(model_name).associated_models[associated_model]
+ label_attribute = association_specs[:choose_by]
+ form.association associated_model,
+ label_method: label_attribute,
+ label: t("activerecord.models.#{associated_model}"),
+ input_html: {
+ class: 'use-select2',
+ data: {
+ placeholder: t('', thing: t("activerecord.attributes.#{associated_model}.#{label_attribute}"))
- end
+ }
+ elsif attribute_name =~ /_ids$/
+ # Mandle many-to-many association.
+ associated_model = attribute_name.gsub(/_ids$/, '').to_sym
+ association_specs = Dashboard.model(model_name).associated_models[associated_model]
+ label_attribute = association_specs[:choose_by]
+ form.input attribute_name,
+ label: t("activerecord.attributes.#{associated_model}.#{label_attribute}") + " (#{t("activerecord.models.#{associated_model}")})",
+ collection: associated_model.to_s.camelize.constantize.all,
+ label_method: label_attribute,
+ value_method: :id,
+ input_html: {
+ class: 'use-select2',
+ multiple: true,
+ data: {
+ placeholder: t('', thing: t("activerecord.attributes.#{associated_model}.#{label_attribute}"))
+ }
+ }
elsif attribute_name =~ /_type$/
associated_model = attribute_name.gsub(/_type$/, '').to_sym
- options = Dashboard.model(model_name).associated_models[associated_model]
- form.input attribute_name, collection: options[:available_models].map(&:camelize),
+ association_specs = Dashboard.model(model_name).associated_models[associated_model]
+ form.input attribute_name, collection: association_specs[:instance_models].map{ |x| x.to_s.camelize },
input_html: {
class: 'use-select2',
data: {
placeholder: t('', thing: t("activerecord.attributes.#{model_name}.#{attribute_name}"))
@@ -65,32 +51,54 @@
form.input attribute_name
- def generate_search_input form, model_name, attribute
- if attribute[:options]
- form.input "#{attribute[:name].to_s.gsub('.', '_')}_#{attribute[:term]}",
- required: false, label: false, collection: attribute[:options],
- input_html: {
- class: 'use-select2',
- data: {
- placeholder: t('', thing: t("activerecord.attributes.#{model_name}.#{attribute[:name]}"))
- }
- }
- else
- form.input "#{attribute[:name].to_s.gsub('.', '_')}_#{attribute[:term]}",
- placeholder: t("activerecord.attributes.#{@model_name}.#{attribute[:name]}"),
- required: false, label: false
+ def generate_show_title attribute
+ case attribute
+ when Symbol
+ begin
+ t("activerecord.attributes.#{@model_name}.#{attribute}", raise: true)
+ rescue
+ t("carload.activerecord.#{attribute}", raise: true)
+ end
+ when String
+ begin
+ t("activerecord.attributes.#{@model_name}.#{attribute}", raise: true)
+ rescue
+ "#{t("activerecord.attributes.#{attribute}", raise: true)} (#{t("activerecord.models.#{attribute.split('.').first.to_s.singularize}", raise: true)})"
+ end
+ when Array
+ if attribute.first == :pluck
+ raise"attribute #{attribute}") if attribute.size != 3
+ model_name = attribute[1].to_s.singularize
+ attribute_name = attribute[2]
+ "#{t("activerecord.attributes.#{model_name}.#{attribute_name}", raise: true)} (#{t("activerecord.models.#{model_name}", raise: true)})"
+ else
+ "#{t("activerecord.attributes.#{attribute.join('.')}", raise: true)} (#{t("activerecord.models.#{attribute[0].to_s.singularize}", raise: true)})"
+ end
def generate_show object, attribute
case attribute
when Symbol
object.send attribute
when String
- eval "object.#{attribute.gsub('.', '&.')}"
+ res = eval "object.#{attribute.gsub('.', '&.')}"
+ case res
+ when String
+ res
+ when Array
+ raw { |x| "<span class='label label-primary'>#{x}</span>" }.join(' ')
+ end
+ when Array
+ if attribute.first == :pluck
+ raise"attribute #{attribute}") if attribute.size != 3
+ generate_show object, "#{attribute[1].to_s.pluralize}.pluck(:#{attribute[2]})"
+ else
+ generate_show object, attribute.join('.')
+ end