lib/services/configuration.rb in carioca-0.1 vs lib/services/configuration.rb in carioca-1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# $NAME configuration
+# $SERVICE Carioca::Services::Configuration
+# $RESOURCE configuration
+# $DESCRIPTION The Carioca Configuration Service
+# $INIT_OPTIONS config_file => ./.config
# Copyright Ultragreen (c) 2005
# Author : Romain GEORGES
# type : class definition Ruby
# obj : Generic config library
@@ -9,44 +16,169 @@
require 'rubygems'
require 'methodic'
require 'services'
+require 'yaml'
+# overwriting Hash class
+# @private
+class Hash
+ # recursively transform Hash keys form String to Symbols
+ # come from Rails code
+ # exist in Ruby 2.0
+ def deep_symbolize
+ target = dup
+ target.inject({}) do |memo, (key, value)|
+ value = value.deep_symbolize if value.is_a?(Hash)
+ memo[key.to_sym] = value
+ memo
+ end
+ end
+ # pretty accessor for hash record
+ # like ahash[:key] => ahash.key
+ # r/w accessor
+ def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
+ if name.to_s =~ /(.+)=$/
+ self[$1.to_sym] = args.first
+ else
+ self[name.to_sym]
+ end
+ end
module Carioca
module Services
- class Configuration
+ # settings Hash record utilities class
+ # @note please do not use Standalone ( dependancy of Configuration class )
+ # @private
+ class Settings < Hash
+ # the name of the config file in YAML format
+ attr_accessor :config_file
+ # constructor (pre-open the config file in YAML)
+ # @param [Hash] options the options records
+ # @option options [String] :config_file (REQUIRED) the name of the config file
+ # @option options [String] :context a context (root) name to bind in YAML Structure
+ def initialize(options = {})
+ @config_file = options[:config_file]
+ newsets = {}
+ if File::exist?(@config_file) then
+ newsets = YAML::load_file(@config_file).deep_symbolize
+ newsets = newsets[options[:context].to_sym] if options[:context] && newsets[options[:context].to_sym]
+ deep_merge!(self, newsets)
+ end
+ end
+ # save the Hash(self) in the file named by @config_file
+ # @return [TrueClass,FalseClass] true if save! successfull
+ def save!
+ res = false
+, "w") do |f|
+ res = true if f.write(self.to_yaml)
+ end
+ return res
+ end
- # constructor type could be a section name in <get_sections> result
- # override could be true of false and precise if the block of the application have
- # to override the main config hash result, default is true
- def initialize(_options)
+ # full recursive merger for hash
+ def deep_merge!(target, data)
+ merger = proc{|key, v1, v2|
+ Settings === v1 && Settings === v2 ? v1.merge(v2, &merger) : v2 }
+ target.merge! data, &merger
+ end
+ end
+ # Service Configuration of Carioca
+ class Configuration
+ # @example
+ # config = Carioca::Services::Configuration::new :config_file => 'afilename', :context => 'production'
+ # p config.config_file
+ # config_file = 'newfilename'
+ # @attr_reader [String] the filename of the YAML struct
+ attr_accessor :settings
+ # Configuration service constructor (open config)
+ # @param [Hash] _options the params
+ # @option _options [String] :config_file the filename of the config
+ def initialize(_options = {})
options = Methodic.get_options(_options)
- options.specify_classes_of :config_file => String
- options.validate!
+ options.specify_default_value :config_file => "./.config"
+ options.merge
+ @settings =
- def test(params)
- return 'toto'
+ # Proxy to!
+ # save the Hash(self) in the file named by @config_file
+ # @return [TrueClass,FalseClass] true if save! successfull
+ # @example usage
+ # config = Carioca::Services::Configuration::new :config_file => 'afilename', :context => 'production'
+ # config.config_file = 'newfile'
+ #!
+ def save!
+ # reading wrapper to @settings.config_file accessor
+ # @return [String] @config_file the file name
+ # @example usage
+ # config = Carioca::Services::Configuration::new :config_file => 'afilename', :context => 'production'
+ # p config.config_file
+ def config_file
+ @settings.config_file
+ end
+ # writting wrapper to @settings.config_file accessor
+ # @param [String] name the file name
+ # @example usage
+ # config = Carioca::Services::Configuration::new :config_file => 'afilename', :context => 'production'
+ # config.config_file = 'newfile'
+ def config_file=(name)
+ @settings.config_file = name
+ end
+ # garbage service hook
+ # @note close the logger
+ # @note call by Carioca::Services::Registry#close
+ def garbage
+ @settings = nil
+ return true
+ end
# interactive hacks
if $0 == __FILE__ then
+ conf =Carioca::Services::Configuration::new :config_file => 'spec/config/.config'
+ p conf
puts "#{File::basename(__FILE__)}:"
puts 'this is a RUBY library file'
puts "Copyright (c) Ultragreen"