lib/caricature/clr/expectation.rb in caricature-0.7.5 vs lib/caricature/clr/expectation.rb in caricature-0.7.6
- old
+ new
@@ -1,101 +1,101 @@
-module Caricature
- # Syntax for the expectation builder and expectation
- # to define an event on the expectation.
- module EventExpectationSyntax
- # tell the expectation it needs to raise an event when this method is called
- def raise_event(name, *ags, &b)
- collected.merge!(:event_name => name, :event_args => ags, :event_handler => b)
- self
- end
- # raises the events that has been registered on the object at runtime
- def raise_subscriptions
- collected[:raise_subscriptions] = true
- self
- end
- end
- # Adds event support to the expectation
- # this is only applicable to clr isolations and not
- # to ruby isolations
- class Expectation
- include EventExpectationSyntax
- # the block that will be used
- def event_name
- collected[:event_name]
- end
- # the arguments that will be used for the event
- def event_args
- evt_ags = collected[:event_args]
- evt_ags.nil? or evt_ags.empty? ? [nil, System::EventArgs.empty] : evt_ags
- end
- # the block that will be used# the block that will be used
- def event_handler
- collected[:event_handler] || lambda { |s,e| }
- end
- # the events attached to the context
- def events
- collected[:events] ||= {}
- end
- # Set the registered events for this expectation
- def events=(evts)
- collected[:events]=evts
- end
- # indicates whether this expectation has an event that needs to be raised
- def raises_event?
- !!collected[:event_name]
- end
- # indicates whether this expectation has an event handler to be called
- def has_event_handler?
- !!collected[:event_handler]
- end
- # indicates whether to raise the registered event handlers
- def raises_registered?
- !!collected[:raise_subscriptions]
- end
- def event_recorder(&b)
- @event_recorder = b
- end
- def to_s #:nodoc:
- "<Caricature::Expecation, method_name: #{method_name}, args: #{args}, error args: #{error_args}, event: #{event_name}>"
- end
- alias :inspect :to_s
- private
- def do_event_raise #:nodoc:
- return unless @event_recorder
- event_name, event_args, event_handler
- return unless raises_event?
- ags = event_args
- *ags if has_event_handler?
- return unless raises_registered? or not has_event_handler?
- events[event_name].each { |evt| call_handler evt, *ags }
- end
- def call_handler(evt, *ags)
- evt.respond_to?(:call) ?*ags) : evt.get_invocation_list.each{|ev| ev.invoke(*ags) }
- end
- end
- ExpectationBuilder.send :include, EventExpectationSyntax
+module Caricature
+ # Syntax for the expectation builder and expectation
+ # to define an event on the expectation.
+ module EventExpectationSyntax
+ # tell the expectation it needs to raise an event when this method is called
+ def raise_event(name, *ags, &b)
+ collected.merge!(:event_name => name, :event_args => ags, :event_handler => b)
+ self
+ end
+ # raises the events that has been registered on the object at runtime
+ def raise_subscriptions
+ collected[:raise_subscriptions] = true
+ self
+ end
+ end
+ # Adds event support to the expectation
+ # this is only applicable to clr isolations and not
+ # to ruby isolations
+ class Expectation
+ include EventExpectationSyntax
+ # the block that will be used
+ def event_name
+ collected[:event_name]
+ end
+ # the arguments that will be used for the event
+ def event_args
+ evt_ags = collected[:event_args]
+ evt_ags.nil? or evt_ags.empty? ? [nil, System::EventArgs.empty] : evt_ags
+ end
+ # the block that will be used# the block that will be used
+ def event_handler
+ collected[:event_handler] || lambda { |s,e| }
+ end
+ # the events attached to the context
+ def events
+ collected[:events] ||= {}
+ end
+ # Set the registered events for this expectation
+ def events=(evts)
+ collected[:events]=evts
+ end
+ # indicates whether this expectation has an event that needs to be raised
+ def raises_event?
+ !!collected[:event_name]
+ end
+ # indicates whether this expectation has an event handler to be called
+ def has_event_handler?
+ !!collected[:event_handler]
+ end
+ # indicates whether to raise the registered event handlers
+ def raises_registered?
+ !!collected[:raise_subscriptions]
+ end
+ def event_recorder(&b)
+ @event_recorder = b
+ end
+ def to_s #:nodoc:
+ "<Caricature::Expecation, method_name: #{method_name}, args: #{args}, error args: #{error_args}, event: #{event_name}>"
+ end
+ alias :inspect :to_s
+ private
+ def do_event_raise #:nodoc:
+ return unless @event_recorder
+ event_name, event_args, event_handler
+ return unless raises_event?
+ ags = event_args
+ *ags if has_event_handler?
+ return unless raises_registered? or not has_event_handler?
+ events[event_name].each { |evt| call_handler evt, *ags }
+ end
+ def call_handler(evt, *ags)
+ evt.respond_to?(:call) ?*ags) : evt.get_invocation_list.each{|ev| ev.invoke(*ags) }
+ end
+ end
+ ExpectationBuilder.send :include, EventExpectationSyntax
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