lib/capybara/node/finders.rb in capybara-2.2.1 vs lib/capybara/node/finders.rb in capybara-2.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -114,20 +114,41 @@
# options. It's possible to select elements by their text or visibility:
# page.all('a', :text => 'Home')
# page.all('#menu li', :visible => true)
+ # By default if no elements are found, an empty array is returned;
+ # however, expectations can be set on the number of elements to be
+ # found using:
+ #
+ # page.assert_selector('p#foo', :count => 4)
+ # page.assert_selector('p#foo', :maximum => 10)
+ # page.assert_selector('p#foo', :minimum => 1)
+ # page.assert_selector('p#foo', :between => 1..10)
+ #
+ # See {Capybara::Helpers#matches_count?} for additional information about
+ # count matching.
+ #
# @overload all([kind], locator, options)
# @param [:css, :xpath] kind The type of selector
# @param [String] locator The selector
# @option options [String, Regexp] text Only find elements which contain this text or match this regexp
# @option options [Boolean] visible Only find elements that are visible on the page. Setting this to false
# finds invisible _and_ visible elements.
+ # @option options [Integer] count Exact number of matches that are expected to be found
+ # @option options [Integer] maximum Maximum number of matches that are expected to be found
+ # @option options [Integer] minimum Minimum number of matches that are expected to be found
+ # @option options [Range] between Number of matches found must be within the given range
# @option options [Boolean] exact Control whether `is` expressions in the given XPath match exactly or partially
# @return [Capybara::Result] A collection of found elements
def all(*args)
- resolve_query(*args))
+ query =*args)
+ synchronize(query.wait) do
+ result = resolve_query(query)
+ raise(Capybara::ExpectationNotMet, result.failure_message) unless result.matches_count?
+ result
+ end
# Find the first element on the page matching the given selector