README.rst in capper-1.1.0 vs README.rst in capper-1.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -223,10 +223,16 @@
The ruby recipe provides basic support for Ruby applications. It will setup a
gemrc file and and variables for ``ruby_exec_prefix`` (such as bundler).
+The thin recipe provides integration with Thin. A script to manage the
+thin process is uploaded to ``#{bin_path}/thin``.
The unicorn recipe provides integration with Unicorn. A script to manage the
unicorn process is uploaded to ``#{bin_path}/unicorn``. Additionally this
@@ -264,9 +270,44 @@
The whenever recipe is a simplified version of whenevers native capistrano
integration. With one application per user account the whole crontab can be
used for whenever. Additionally this recipe take the ``ruby_exec_prefix``
setting into account.
+node deployment
+read about the
+the use case.
+The nave recipe sets up nave Virtual Environments for Node::
+ set :use_nave, true
+ set :nave_dir, '~/.nave'
+ set :node_version, '0.8.1'
+The npm recipe runs npm install after deploy:update_code. When used with the nave
+recipe npm install runs ``nave use <ver> npm install``.
+Not it is recommended to add npm-shrinkwrap.json into version control to manage npm
+ set :npm_cmd, "npm"
+The forever recipe starts your app as daemon in the background.
+When used with the nave recipe it runs ``nave use <ver> forever [action]``::
+ set :forever_cmd, "forever" # e.g. "./node_modules/.bin/forever"
+ set :node_env, "production" # the NODE_ENV environment variable used to start the script
+ set :main_js, "index.js" # e.g. "./build/main.js" the script you want to start
Contributing to capper
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented