lib/recipes/memcached.rb in capitate-0.2.11 vs lib/recipes/memcached.rb in capitate-0.2.13
- old
+ new
@@ -19,32 +19,7 @@
desc "Symlink memcached configuration after deploy."
task :update_code, :roles => :app do
run "ln -nfs #{shared_path}/config/memcached.yml #{release_path}/config/memcached.yml"
- namespace :monit do
- desc <<-DESC
- Generate and install memcached monitrc.
- *memcached_pid_path*: Path to memcached pid file. _Defaults to /var/run/memcached.pid_\n
- @set :memcached_pid_path, "/var/run/"@\n
- *memcached_port*: Memcached port. _Defaults to 11211_\n
- @set :memcached_port, 11211@\n
- *monit_conf_dir*: Destination for monitrc. _Defaults to "/etc/monit"_\n
- @set :monit_conf_dir, "/etc/monit"@\n
- task :install do
- # Settings
- fetch_or_default(:memcached_pid_path, "/var/run/")
- fetch_or_default(:memcached_port, 11211)
- fetch_or_default(:monit_conf_dir, "/etc/monit")
- put template.load("memcached/memcached.monitrc.erb"), "/tmp/memcached.monitrc"
- run_via "install -o root /tmp/memcached.monitrc #{monit_conf_dir}/memcached.monitrc"
- end
- end
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